Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion

2.4K 87 7
By Animalover9

'Ello guys, gals, and everything in between! I've got another chapter here for you~! 

To the side is a picture I drew. I think you're all smart enough to figure it out~ :3 ((Update:7-28-14: Wowie, that's super old, and yet I still love it! So no redraw there, we'll keep that as splendid as is!))

Well, I have not eaten in the last five minutes and I require nourshiment! ...Meaning a nice bowl of ramen :D  

...I'm going to eat all the ramen >:D

Now then, in the meantime, you all read!! 


***Akisha's POV***

 I was walking around town holding a small bag full of my gambling wins; it had been another three days since Naruto and my talk containing Shikamaru. The conversation always managed to sneak into my mind, I haven't even summoning Keio, or any others for that matter. Gambling, however, was a nice way to take my mind off of my own pestering thoughts. I didn't flinch as night air brushed against my face lightly, as I had decided to wear one of my dark blue, long, kimonos that kept me warm. I stopped by a small stand, quickly paying for a snack, I headed on to the training grounds. 

...Knowing Naruto he'll still be there hungry as ever.

As I neared the training grounds I couldn't see Naruto trying to destroy the trees with Rasengan like normal. I looked around, my eyes opened at the orange blob that was sprawled out on the ground without movement. I ran over to him dropping the treat, yet still having a tight hold on to my money. Falling down on my knees by his side, I raised my head to his chest, praying to hear something. 

"...Bum-Bum... Bum-bum... Bum-bum..."

I sighed with relief and raised my head, staring at his face full of scratches and dried blood. "You idiot. You're worse than Kiba is." I turned away and preform hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" With a puff of smoke and hardly any of my chakra, Keio appeared. "Kitten! It's been awhile, and I see you're getting better at summoning.'' Keio observed with his voice smooth as ever. "Thanks, but as of right now you have your first mission from me."  Keio looked up with interest. "Oh do I? Pray tell what it is."  I nodded to him. "Right. I need you find Shizune, a young woman with short black hair, she's kind of timid and Tsunade, a woman who's-" "I know who Tsunade is, after all how do you not know one of the legendary ninja?" 

"Okay good. Tell them it's urgent and to come here, Naruto is need of medical attention." Keio looked up surprised at me, still hints of devious in his eyes. "You know, despite your friend being in trouble, you happen to be remaining calm.... That's a good quality, Kitten."  I crossed my arms, beginning to feel impatient. "Thanks, I appreciate it, but I really need you to hurry up for Naruto."  Keio nodded. "Yes, yes Kitten." He turned and sprinted towards the town. Heh... A good quality?... And here I thought I had none.

***Keio's POV***

The first place I ran too was the nearest gambling site where Tsunade is often said to be found. I focused chakra to my eyes and examined the room. Not surprisingly she wasn't here, but there did happen to be a yellow scent wafting in the air. I trotted to it tripping several men along the way. Most of them threw down their playing cards and glared at me. "GET THAT DAMN CAT OUT OF HERE-" I looked up with a twitch of my tail. "Gentlemen please. I happen to be on a mission here which is more than you men can say for your entire lives. Honestly, some people." 

They stared at me shocked as I continued my way to the scent doing my best to ignore the fifthly scents of these drunken men. I stood right before the scent and sniffed.

Sake and perfume.

From what I remember that's definitely Tsunade's scent. I darted out of the room following the scent which also not surprisingly led me to a smaller and crowded bar. I wrinkled my nose as the stench of sweat, something I'd rather not say, and puke hit me. A sly chuckle was released from my lips. Humans... Once they're drunk everything's just a game to them. So amusing these creatures are... So full of emotion.. At that thought, the memory of a silver haired boy popped up, but I ignored it, keeping my personal endeavors away.

My feet raced me through the rooms, dodging legs and chairs. With a pesty sigh I finally stopped seeing Tsunade with Jiraiya, and I assume the Shizune woman. Jiraiya was passed out as Shizune whispered in a hushed and frighten tone to Tsunade. "Tsunade! Y-you can't really be considering the deal that Oroch-" "Keio of the Nekos. It's been a while since I've seen a feline summoning..." Tsunade interrupted while going to turn to me. I saved her the trouble of moving and hopped up onto the table. "Kitten needs your help with the Naruto boy. He's overworked himself... Oh, and Kitten being Akisha." Tsunade's brows furrowed upward. "How do you know Akisha?" I licked my paw, ridding it of the stickiness from the bar floor. "She's my summoner. She does happen to be a Syerki just like your and Jiraiya's friend from way back. I do believe you were friends with Hiroh who is now her father, correct?"

Tsunade looked down hearing my words, an uninterested look upon her face. "I only assisted in one mission with him, I doubt he remembers me. He was a great ninja till he gave it all up." She laughed with an almost bitter tone. "I knew her eyes looked familiar." I shrugged my shoulders, letting my black fur roll. "Well her eyes really are the only thing that stand out, after all everything else about her is rather plain." I cleared my throat. "Though in the mean time, may we please move on to the Naruto boy?" Tsunade suddenly stood up, wobbling in a tipsy daze. "Right, I forgot!" Her voice was slightly slurred. Shizune stood up, less sudden than Tsunade. "What happened to him anyway?" I leaped down from the table. "If you ladies follow me, you may find out." 


I raced back to Kitten with Shizune by my side. "Naruto!" Shizune gasped while Tsunade stood there examining him and Kitten. Kitten was still in the same spot, but she held his hand, staring at it. I jumped on top of the boy. "Why are you looking at his hand?" Kitten put down his hand and glared at me with a tiny vein popping out on her forehead. "Keio... Do you know what you're doing wrong right now?"  I groaned lightly and jumped off the dull blonde. "No fun Kitten, no fun." She rolled her eyes at me. "I was looking at his hands because the jutsu seems to have damaged them." Shizune bent down next to Naruto opposite side of Kitten. "I guess I'll carry him back-" "Actually wait, I have an Idea.." Kitten's face looked apprehensive of her next motions. She stood, and performed hand signs. 

Judging by the amount of chakra she was using up, she was no doubt going to summon Joka. I grinned deviously... He isn't going to like this idea... And adding myself into the mix? Hehe, should be interesting.

In a puff of smoke the sleek panther appeared. "Hmpf? Human, why the-Ah-Akisha.. I meant Akisha... Why the hell am I here!?" Joka stuttered trying to regain his cool composure, but failing. Kitten sweat dropped and nervously backed off. "Uh, I kinda need you to do a favor for me?..." She orders me to a 'mission' but then tells Joka she needs a favor? Quite rude.

 Joka glanced at Tsunade and Shizune.Who are they?" He asked baring his teeth at them. Tsunade stared at Kitten and Joka, amused with slight surprise. Shizune smiled worriedly and scooted away from him. Before Kitten could speak I jumped in front of them, deciding to now make my appearance well known. "Joka, dear boy! It's been a little while, have you missed me? Oh don't answer, I already know you're madly in love with the sight of me! Moving on to answer your question though; they are not important right now to you." Judging by the look in his dark eyes, Joka wanted nothing more than to murder me, luckily for myself, I am his elder and he'll have to deal with listening to my words.

"Thank you for responding." He said the words through his closed teeth. I chuckled, the amount of hate radiating from his body towards me was pleasant. It's probably because I always dented his pride. Joka  turned to Kitten. "What is it you want, human?" Kitten face palmed at the word 'human' before pointing to Naruto. "I need to carry him back to the inn, please?" She smiled nervously probably not sure how Joka will take an order- if you'd called that an order. I looked up at Tsunade. She only stood there examining Kitten same as Shizune, although poor Shizune seemed a lot more nervous. Joka scoffed. "Carrying this small human is no challenge for me!" He smirked as he simply nudged under Naruto and placed him onto his back. 

Kitten ran over to stable Naruto, a sigh of relief leaving her lips. "Thanks, Joka." Joka nodded firmly. I jumped up onto Kitten's shoulder making her jump. "Keio!? What the hell, man!?" I chuckled at her surprise. "What? I get no thanks for all my hard work?" Kitten patted me on the head awkwardly. "Er, right, thank you." I purred and jumped down flicking my tail as I passed Joka, making his eye twitch. "Well, so long. It was nice seeing you again after all these years Tsunade... Then again I hardly remembered you... I was such a small kitten back then." I purred softly to Tsunade and vanished back into my own home.

***Akisha's POV***

I sighed staring down at the blonde, soundly back in his bed at the inn. Shizune walked over to Tsunade with worry. "Tsunade-Sama! His right hand is burnt really bad from the chakra... At this rate he won't wake up till the day after tomorrow..." Tsunade's eyes never met Shizunes, rather looked down to the floor. "Jiraiya was right, for me to make such a stupid bet.." Tsunade stared at Naruto before walking towards the door. Shizune jumped up. "TSUNADE-SAMA! YOU CAN'T GO!" Shizune looked down. "If you're going... Even if it costs my life I will stop you!"

At this time I had made myself scarce against the wall by Naruto's head. I didn't say anything nor move quickly for fear of the attention on me. Instead I studied their faces intently, attempting to grasp the situation. What's Shizune so worried about that she'd fight to the death, anyway? Tsunade glared at her student. "Who do you think you're talking too, Shizune?" In a flash she appeared by Shizune and Shizune fell down to the floor. I slightly gasped. I-I didn't even see what she did to her... 

Tsunade stared at me as I stared right back her. "I.. I hope for your sake....Whatever it is you're going to do is worth the price.." I spoke softly, tiptoeing around the testy Tsunade. Her eyes narrowed before she twisted around walked at a fast pace out the room. The second she left I raced down to Shizune's side. "Hey! Shizune! " I called shaking her. I groaned... It was useless, Shizune was out like a light and I had no medical training at all... Unless you count poisons, but I would need to know what poison Tsunade used... I banged my head against Naruto's bed right behind me. I don't even know if Tsunade used a poison!... Ah, where's Jiraiya when you need him.

Sudden memories of Tsunade offering Jiraiya a drink last night sprung up. 

Oh no...

I picked myself up and ran out the door. What bar did they- "Hey girl. You know you should keep your nose out of others business." I turned around face to face with Tsunade. "What? Hey have you been there the whole time!?"  Tsunade nodded. "I wanted to see what you'd do... Since you have plans to either follow me or find Jiraiya...  I can't let you do that.." I stepped back, trying to figure out a way to say what came next lightly. "Tsunade... Shizune told me about your brother and-" Tsunade's face flashed with anger and sadness. "When you awake, do not follow me." Tsunade grabbed by my shoulder and I froze.  I couldn't move, even if I had tried my hardest. I slumped down to the ground and barely saw Tsunade walking away with her face full of determination.


...Why am I always like this?


 "Hey!! Kish!" 

"Naruto, I'm telling you to leave her! We have to hurry and find Tsunade-Sama!!"

"Hey! I didn't leave you... SO I'M NOT LEAVING KISH!"

I dragged myself up with wide eyes. "WHAT!? WHERE!-" Shizune was the first person in my sight. She placed her hands on my shoulders. "Akisha, calm down! It's okay." I stared at her my eyes slowly going back to the normal size. "S-shizune... What day is it!?" Naruto walked over scratching his head. "It's Monday... What's up with you two asking that?" "Listen Tsunade-Sama has already left, we need to go catch up with her!" Shizune got ready to jump out the window when a kunai whizzed right by her. "Wait. Shizune." Came a heavy and tired voice that no doubt belonged to Jiraiya. We all proceeded to jump out on to the roof to see where Jiraiya was.

I sucked in air seeing Jiraiya who was leaning against the wall and huffing for air. "Damn Tsunade... Put drugs in my drink... I don't think I can even release any chakra and my whole body stings.."  "I know this poison, but sadly there is no cure. It's only meant to disorient your opponent and make it so that they leave an opening... It lasts for while and it's hard to get a hold of." Shizune stared at me. "How did you know that?" "I'm a mediocre puppeteer, however, sadly I have a feeling I might not be a puppeteer anymore.." I said thinking of the felines and their style of battle... It's not like I'm going to totally give up puppeteering when it's something I enjoy, but this new fight style Keio spoke of has me interested and my full attention.

Naruto scoffed. "Lame ass." Jiraiya ignored his comment, gazing at Shizune with intense eyes. "Shizune I think it's about time you told us what Orochimaru and Tsunade talked about.." Shizune looked down guilty. "I wanted to believe in her... But it seems things have left to another path. Follow me, I'll explain on the way!" Shizune jumped up and Naruto also hopped up. I dragged myself up as well, and it seems I was the only one to remember to help Jiraiya up. "Thanks kid.." I nodded. "Yep... This could be on the verge of life and death danger, couldn't it?... Are you sure you're going to be okay with the poison?" 

Jiraiya grinned. "Of course! I am the great toad sag-" I sighed loudly interrupting his rant. "Never mind, you'll live." And with that I jumped over to Shizune and started following her, Jiraiya behind all us, sweat dropping at my sudden abandonment.


We ran with Shizune leading us. "Everyone stop! We're close enough to teleport!" Shizune called out now preforming hand signs. In a split second we all reappeared at some battle field. I turned around seeing Tsunade on her knees shocked. In front of us was a strange looking man who's eyes eerily reminded me of a deadly snake, and I think that gray haired boy from the Chunin Exams? What was his name again?

"K-KABUTO!?" Naruto yelled as if it had to be an illusion. 'Kabuto'..Oh right.. That's his name...  Kabuto smirked. "Naruto." Jiraiya stared into the eyes of that strange man. "That wild look in your eyes is still there I see.."  Tsunade growled and ran ahead pushing Jiraiya and I out of her way. "NO! MOVE IT! THEY'RE MINE!" Jiraiya fell over to his side as Tsunade ran towards Kabuto. Kabuto smirked and raised his kunai. Shizune gasped and stepped foward. It's only a kunai?? Why the worry?

Kabuto, to my surprise and hopefully someone else's, slit open his own wrist and let his blood fall over on Tsunade making her freeze. Tsunade started shaking bringing her hands up to her face. Kabuto laughed as he kicked back her helpless body. Shizune caught her teacher and stumbled back. "Tsunade-Sama!?" Worry and fear was clear in her voice. I glanced from Jiraiya who was back on his feet to the men in front of us. "Wait... What's going on exactly?" Jiraiya stared at a sadistic looking Kabuto. "Well the boy in front of us-" I cut him off. "Yeah, I got that! He was pretending to be good at Chunin Exams for whatever reason, but in reality he's working for that guy, not hard to figure out. All I need to know is who is that guy!?" My voice raised up as I pointed to the man I was talking about.

"Wait! Kabuto... I don't understand.." Naruto said barley loud enough to understand. Kabuto chuckled. "Are you that stupid Naruto? Your friend over there basically explained it all. I'm a sound village spy." Naruto stepped back. "You're lying..." I looked in between the two. What happened during Chunin Exams that made Naruto so connected to Kabuto? Kabuto lifted his head to an angle making his glasses shine and hide his eyes. "Naruto... I have concluded something from your data. You will NEVER become a true talented ninja unlike Sasuke." I could see Kabuto's words cut deep into Naruto.

Naruto glared at Kabuto. "Hehe. Naruto even with that scary face you are nothing to my eyes. You were always relying on that monster sealed within you. You are a scared little puppy to me and if you try anything. I'll kill you." Kabuto smiled at Naruto tauntingly. I stepped back from Naruto with some shock. A familliar fear coursed through me.


"Mon-monster.. Within you? Like... Gaara..." Naruto looked up at me with some pain in his eyes. "What!? No! I'm not a monster-" Kabuto laughed. "Of course he is! He relies on it's power and when he let's it all out one day he'll destroy and kill everything in his path!" I could feel the trembling occur through my body again as much as I didn't want it to happen. 

Naruto is like Gaara...


I saw Naruto's fist tighten. "Damn you." He shook with anger making me even more unsure of him now. I flinched as I felt a hand cover my shoulder. I looked up seeing Jiraiya. "Don't let your fear control you. That boy may have something dark within him, but he'll always be the Naruto you know." 

...Right.. Don't let my fear control me.. I can do that..

Naruto ran ahead at Kabuto making my fear of him turn into a fear for him. "Naruto! Wait stop!!" He didn't listen and made three shadow clones. Calmly Kabuto blinded him with his blood that still dripped and defeated the three clones. With a swift kick the real Naruto flew back. I jumped ahead taking out three poisoned needles and throwing them at Kabuto before I caught Naruto and flew back with him. Kabuto went to dodge before realizing his mistake, the needles were aimed for when he dodged. He grimaced flinging his head down blocking the needles with his head band. Naruto sat next to me rubbing his shoulder where he was kicked. I looked at him with guilt. "Naruto I'm sorry for that second of stupid cowardliness..."

Naruto grinned. "It's fine! If you use to live in Suna with Gaara I could understand... But after I fought him-" I fell back. "Y-you fought Gaara!? How are you alive!!?" Naruto smiled and picked himself up, helping me up as well. "Because... I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Future Hokage!" Kabuto jumped back next to the man who I still don't know. "That was a nice little speech Naruto. Too bad it's worthless.." Kabuto popped out a pill and chewed it quickly. Shizune's eyes narrowed. "Blood stopping pill. He's a medical ninja like me."

Jiraiya stepped forward. "Shizune you can handle glasses. I'll take care of Orochimaru..." I gulped, the man was Orochimaru? The one who killed the Third... Mixed feelings arrived within me. Anger, fear, sadness being the main feelings. "Kisha, how long do you think the poison will last?" I shrugged towards him, feeling pressure from the entire situation, yet still answering calmly. "A few more hours at most." 

"Whoa! Hey! What about me!?" Naruto yelled taking out a kunai. Jiraiya waved to at the unmoving Tsunade "Protect Tsunade and her pig." A question mark appeared on top of my head as Naruto continued pleading to fight. Pig? Next to Tsunade sat the pig on some little jacket/vest. "Oh.." I rubbed my neck. How the hell did I never see that pig? Jiraiya stepped up biting his thumb. Kabuto scratched Orochimaru and at the same time they used their blood and performed summoning jutsu. In Orochimaru's spot; two giant snakes arose. In Jiraiya's spot; a tiny frog appeared. "Yo!"  I nearly fell over at the sight of the little toad. "We're doomed." Naruto slammed his hand down. "NOT YET! SUMMONING JUTSU!" Before Naruto was a small little frog looking chubbier than the other one. 

Naruto proceeded to face palm... And Jiraiya... And me...

 The frogs saw each other and proceeded in having a nice little conversation making Naruto and Jiraiya yell at them. "Kukuku... Looks like we'll have the first strike then Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked his gray haired assistant. As fast as possible I preformed hand signs and Joka appeared. "Bah! Human what am I doing-" "Never mind that, Joka! Get Tsunade to safety!" I pointed to Tsunade and just as Joka jumped over to her grabbing her collar with his jaws and jumping away, one of the snakes slammed down into the ground making pieces of rocks go flying.

I darted to the right hopping on some of the rock pieces to keep me going away from the snake. "OINK! OINK!" I glanced back seeing the poor pig freaking out. I groaned and hopped back to the pig, grabbing it.  I couldn't see anyone in the dust that arose, but I could hear Orochimaru shout a jutsu; "SWAMP OF THE UNDER WORLD!" I looked around me seeing nothing change.

I sighed in relief. For once I'm not straight in the trouble. "GAH!" I think.. Shizune, shouted making me twist around and run right into Kabuto kicking Shizune to the side. Joka was to the side standing over Tsunade's body. I wasn't sure if she was passed out of just tramatized. "NINJA ARTS: POISON GAS!" Shizune shouted releasing some purple gas from her mouth to Kabuto. I jumped back to Shizune's side accidentally dropping the pig who scrambled behind Tsunade. 

Kabuto no longer stood in front of us. "Where did he- ACK!" Shizune was pulled down to the ground by Kabuto who seemed underground. My eyes narrowed and I took out needles and stabbed both his hands. "Ah!" Kabuto popped up from the ground and jumped to the side. Shizune laid out cradling her legs as Kabuto cradled his hands in his arms. "What did you do?" He snarled. I smirked. The poison in those two needles is a fast acting paralysis, sadly it doesn't work for long and only affects the area it was stabbed in, but it was the first needles I grabbed. 

I have few different poisons on different needles, each are organized by a little colored line at the tip of the needle I have on to explain which poison it is... Shikamaru helped me put that together. Kabuto glared at me for my lack of an answer. I simply shrugged his glare away and helped Shizune. "Shizune are you alright?" Shizune was staring at her legs. "The strength in my legs are gone..." Now it was time for Kabuto to smirk.

"AHH! DAMMIT!" I sharply turned to head away. "That sounded like Naruto.." As I turned back Kabuto flashed stepped in front of me. "Never take your eyes off of an enemy." In a second he punched me back. How did he even move his hands? He must have had chakra charged within it judging by the way I flew back. An aching pain spread throughout my chest where I was hit, making reluctant tears spring from my eyes.

I winced as blood dripped from my mouth. I'm lucky he didn't hit my heart directly or I could be dead right now... Okay this fight is incredibly more serious than I originally thought. Kabuto walked over and dragged me back to Shizune. "Now since you've pissed off by trying that little poison trick which, by the way, obviously didn't work do to the fact that my chakra had been charged up therefore preventing any poison you might have used. I think I'll kill you first." Kabuto smiled at the end of his long explanation.


***Joka's POV***

I snarled at the gray haired human. "THE HELL YOU WILL, LITTLE BOY!" All eyes landed on me. My sleek frame became covered in blue flaming chakra. "You DARE touch her again or anyone and I'll rip your throat out." I growled out, my intense hate for him fueling my adrenaline. How dare he think he can touch and act like that to my summoner!? 

The boy sighed and let go of Akisha, letting her fall down to the ground. "So be it.." The boy spoke, making the chakra in his hands appear again. I jumped at him first, slashing at his legs. He jumped back thinking he could dodge when the chakra around my claws grew and burnt his leg. He hissed in pain as he continued jumping back. A frown caressed his face. "I see Taijutsu is not an option for you." I growled placing myself in front of the women here. The boy pushed up his glasses. "But I should be fine.." He smiled and got into a fighting stance. I growled and ran towards him before I had even gotten close to him he jumped to me making me skid to the side.

He quickly threw two senbon needles at my hind legs where the chakra was barley surrounding. I yelped feeling the sharp pain but glared at him. As I growled once again and I could feel saliva and foam drip from my mouth. That's not normal... I could hear Akisha curse as I wobbled around trying to stay up but eventually tumbling over. The boy continued walking by me to Tsunade now.

I can't move.

 Son of a bitch.

***Akisha's POV***

The fight Joka put up was amazing, even if it lasted so short. It appeared to be that Kabuto stole some needles out of my pack. I groaned. If only I had my puppet scrolls with... Kabuto walked by me with a grin. "Thanks for the needles by the way.." I glared at him before glancing at Joka unconscious body. I'm just glad he was hit with a lighter, less harmful poison. Kabuto stepped forward bringing his fist right to Tsunade's face. He laughed at the impact, and pulled back to do so again when in the way Naruto appeared, glaring and now blood trickling down his forehead making me release a small sigh of relief. Anymore hits and Tsunade wasn't going to do well.

"You hurt Shizune, Granny Tsunade, Akisha, and even that panther. I'm going to put an end to this. NOW." 

Naruto punched him back and preformed Rasengan, a legitimate, chakra filled Rasengan. Naruto ran at Kabuto with force, but he manged to dodge and hit Naruto's leg. Naruto yelped, landing down on his stomach. The most quiet seconds of my life as Naruto laid there, when the blonde moved, barely standing back up to his feet again. "I put a crack in your right femur bone. And even after that you're still moving?" Kabuto chuckled. "Do you feel like running away, hm?" Kabuto then went on about how Naruto could never become Hokage, feeling it was necessary to not only harm his victims, but torment them too.

I glared at his back, standing as quiet as possible before running at Kabuto with some needles. Kabuto turned around just in time to grab my wrist and stop the attack. "And even now, you can't help a friend." Kabuto twisted my arm back making me suck in air from the pain. He jabbed my back twice making me fall to my knees with a small cry. Kabuto dropped me and walked over to Naruto. "So run or die?" 

I could hear Naruto's voice. "Sorry to break this to you, but I said I'd end this... I don't go back on my word, That's my ninja way!"

Naruto. He never ceases to amaze me.



Does this count as a cliffhanger~? X3 Meh.

So you guys like the chapter!?

How do you think Akisha is gonna act around Shikamaru now that she realized her feelings? Is Joka not freaking awesome?  How much is Kabuto an asshole? 

The answer to that last question is, 'OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!' :D

No, but fo' realsies, Kabuto is a dick ._. 


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