Don't leave me, my Love // Em...

By ElinaShak

30.1K 545 24

You've been working for the BAU for couple years and was sent undercover on a dangerous mission. As you came... More

Author's note
Famous Emily Prentiss
Fight or fly
I like you
Never have I ever
The one who ran away
In this room
Missed call
Know who you're playing with
I'm fine
I'm drowning
Something bad is brewing
Can I see your badge?
Please, don't leave me
Not special
Why am I famous?
Author's note

A house is not a home

789 13 0
By ElinaShak

Reminder: Italics are thoughts!!!
TW: some case stuff, drugs


I opened the door. For the first time for God knows how long I came back to my apartment. I needed to find something good to wear tonight. I finally had a reason to dress up fancy even if it was only some drinks with the team.

My phone buzzed.

Em: Picking you up at 8. Be ready.

I looked at the time. I had an hour to find something.

Y/N: Ok. See you :)

I went to shower. How smart of me was to wash my head this morning or I would spend extra time which I didn't have.

I wrapped a towel around me and opened the closet.

"Well," I whispered.

Too fancy, too open, too close, damn it...

After almost all of my clothes were on my bed I finally found what I wanted to wear.

It was a long slim skirt that perfectly fitted my body, crop-top, and heels. Total black. I liked it. I added some accessories and when I was about to put on some makeup I heard knocking.

I looked at my phone. 8:02. Shit

"Hey," I said opening the door, "I'm almost ready, I swear!!!"

"Ok," Emily said coming in, "everyone's used to us being late anyway."

I ran to the bedroom and she followed me.

"Wow," she looked at my bed that now became like a closet.

"I didn't know what I wanted to wear," I mumbled putting red lipstick on.

"Well, you look fantastic even in your pajamas."

I felt her arms wrapping around my waist from behind and her head on my left shoulder.

"I look fantastic even without clothes," I said in a sarcastic voice and winked, "okay, I think I'm ready."

"Good, let's go then."

When we arrived at the bar and went inside I saw that no one was there yet.

"That's weird," I said holding Emily's hand.

"They can give us a medal for coming earlier than them," she giggled and we headed to our favorite table.

Soon everyone gathered and we started to drink.

"I still can't believe that you two came first," Morgan said.

"Me neither," I replied and drank a shot.

"So how are you doing, Y/N?" Rossi asked.

"Great," I saw doubt in his face, "I swear, Rossi."

"I believe you."

"Good to know," I replied obviously in a sarcastic tone.

It was really good to know that they believed me. And in me. While being home everyone from the team visited me. Garcia made a list of who and when should check on me. Every one of them never gave up on me. And I was sometimes so selfish towards them. It's incredible how healthy relationships work. I was still getting used to it. All my life I knew only toxic people. But now everything had changed. So I was getting better and improving myself for them.

"... so it literally can kill you," Reid stated.

While thinking I realized that I miss a big part of the conversation.

"Thank you, Reid, I couldn't imagine my life without this information. You saved me," Morgan put his arm on Spence's shoulder.

"I knew it," he smiled and everyone laughed.

"Can you take me home?" I leaned to Emily.

"Sure," she said, "We're gonna go, guys."

"Yeah, thank you, it was good to see y'all."

"It's good to have you back," Penelope said and hugged me.

Emily drove a car, she didn't drink tonight knowing that I would.

"Hey, my house is that way," I pointed to the right when she missed the road bend.

"Yeah, about that," she was nervous, "I wanted to talk to you about something."


She stopped the car.

"I so got used to you being always in my house that I can't imagine it without you anymore. So maybe you would like to move in with me?"

"Em... I...," I didn't know what to say.

"I know that it's my house and it may not feel like ours, but-."

"A house is not a home," I interrupted her and she looked at me with some hope, "I would like to move in with you, famous Emily Prentiss."

I smiled and I saw the relief on her face. She took my hand and kissed it.

"Then let's go home," she said starting driving again.

"Let's go home," I repeated.

I entered her apartment like I was here for the first time. It felt different knowing that from now on it was not hers, it was ours.

"Hey, you okay?"

I realized that I was standing in the doorway.

"Yep," I replied and went in.

I had a shower first and Emily after me. But I didn't remember when she finished, I was already asleep.

We both woke up from a call on my phone.

"Agent Y/L/N," I said without opening my eyes.

"Morning, we have a case," Hotch said in a cheerful voice, "I want you and Emily here in 30."


I took a look at the time. 6:08 am.

"Did you hear what he said?" I asked.

"How? He called you and you didn't put him on speaker," she laughed at me knowing I was still half asleep.

"We need to be at the BAU in 30," I mumbled.

"Damn it," she jumped out of bed and woke me up, "come on, we can't be late, you know it. If he's calling so early it's urgent."

I made a loud groan and got out of bed.

We got ready pretty fast, took go-bags and coffee, and headed to the car.

I wore black pants and a black shirt. And of course, put on sunglasses. I had a hungover.

"Who died?" Morgan asked as soon as we left the elevator. He was loud. Probably on purpose.

"You will if don't stop yelling," I replied not even looking at him.

"Someone's not in the mood," he giggled and left me alone.

"How the hell you're not sleepy guys?" I asked when almost everyone was in the conference room.

"You drank more than we did," Rossi said.

"Garcia, start, please," Hotch entered the room.

"3 women found in New York, dead, cause of death - overdose," she stated and showed us pictures.

"So why do they need us if it's an overdose?" JJ asked.

"Because, my lovely JJ, none of them were addicts. The first victim, Kate Briss, was a lawyer, the second Liah Tobb worked as a school principal, and Christina Vehn had her own business company. The killings happened within 2 days."

"That's why we need to get there and fast. Wheels up in 20," Hotch commanded.

"Wow," that was all I said and I went to get myself another cup of coffee.

"I bet your body is 90% coffee already," Penelope said when I was about to take a sip.

"Like you're one to talk," I replied with a smile.

"Yeah, true," she laughed and came closer to me, "Be safe please."

"I will, P, I promise," I said and raise a hand, "no more basements."

"Good," she hugged me tightly, "and watch over him," she pointed towards Morgan, "he loves to be in danger. Well, I guess that you two have in common."

"Okay," I said and headed to the car.

"Did they find any prints?" Emily asked as we were flying.

"Yes but they're not in the database," Hotch responded.

I looked again at the photos, the victims had lots of bruises but one of them had a stab to the chest, Kate who was the first victim, "Looks like he didn't just drug her. That doesn't make sense."

"Do you think there may be some sort of connection between her and a killer?" Morgan asked.

"I'm more than sure."

"Than we need to work from her murder. Y/N, Rossi, check the dump sides, Morgan, Emily, go the morgue, Reid, I, and JJ will go straight to the NYPD. Garcia, I need you to find everything you can on Kate Briss."

"On it," she said and hung up.

"Look," Rossi said when we were looking at the second dump side.

"Is it...?"

"Yep, a knife."

"How hasn't the police noticed?" I asked.

"I don't think it was here when the body was found."

"He is revisiting the dump sides."

He dialed someone's number immediately after.

"Hey Morgan," Rossi said, "Was Kate killed by overdose?"

"She would die because of it but no, cause of death a stab to the chest," Morgan stated and Rossi hung up.

"That means it's the crime scene," I said.

"That means you were right about some personal connections. Let's go back to the office."

When we arrived Rossi gave the knife to look for the fingerprints. Hotch was on the phone with Garcia.

"So, she recently broke up with her boyfriend," she was reading Kate's boyfriend's files.

"Anything about their relationships?" I joined the conversation.

"Nothing specific but she did have lots of visits to the hospital with what looks like results of the domestic abuse. She denied everything though."

"I think he killed her and felt the need to do it more but he couldn't murder her twice so he started to find women alike her," I said.

"But they're nothing alike," Morgan entered the room.

"Maybe not externally, but the attitude, they all were strong, independent women," Emily joined.

"Garcia, give us his address," Hotch commanded.

"Already sent to your phones, my loves."

"One hell of an easy case," Morgan said driving the SUV.

My phone buzzed. Hotch.

"Agent Y/L/N," I said.

"He lives on the second floor. Morgan, Y/N, and Emily, you'll go through the door. JJ, Reid, Rossi, I need you to check the windows in case he'd want to run away."


As soon as we reached our destination we ran inside. Morgan started to countdown to break down the door. Suddenly we heard someone crying.

"No... please... stop..."

"Tom Buff, FBI," Emily yelled and Morgan kicked the door.

The unsub stood over a tied woman who had been here for a pretty long time. She looked like hell. He was holding a needle in his hand.

"No need to do that, Tom, she is not Kate," I said putting the gun down. As soon as he heard Kate's name he started to doubt if he wanted to do it.

"You know it's not her right?" I continued, "Just put down the needle."

"No," he yelled through his tears and gave her a large dose of some drug. I heard gunshots. He fell to the floor.

"I need a medic," Morgan said.

The woman was sent to a hospital, so was he. Emily was able to shot him without killing him.

We were sitting in the jet when Rossi said, "Honestly, I hate the cases when the local PD could do it without us. We were here less than 24 hours."

"At least we saved her," JJ said.


We landed and ran to our homes to sleep.


The chapter turned out long. But whatever
It's almost the end of the story, the next will be the last but I'm starting to work on a new story :)

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