Till Death Do Us Apart ✔️

By The_dreamygirltales

158K 8.7K 1.5K

Divya Sharma, A sweet silent and a calm girl fighting with her own fears from her past. Her small family with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 5

3.1K 180 74
By The_dreamygirltales


I so badly wanted to drop her home.. on my bike.. with me..

I know she wasn't that comfortable or convinced with it even with Anu's words..

And Aarav came, and these two again started there glaring sessions. I looked at Aarav pleasing him with my eyes and he rolled his eyes but I know he accepted to go with Anu.

And Anu, she's sweet as hell.. I requested her silently and although she was annoyed she finally agreed to go with Aarav.

Finally, Divya sat on my bike.. and that feeling for something new to me..

I wanted to start a conversation but din't know what to talk at the moment.

"So you have a brother?", I asked

So she have an elder brother.. careful Arjun, Indian brothers are dangerous..

"Oh I'm a single child", I said

"Okay.. but I never asked", she said

"Yeah, but I wanted you to know", I smiled sheepishly

On the way I saw a panipuri shop and stopped thinking she would like it.. but yeah, now point to be notes she isn't a Pani Puri girl..

I dropped her home and waited till she go inside.. and smiling thinking of today's incident I went home back..

And now it's been two months to that incident..!!

I couldn't see her other than a few small glimpses now and then.. firstly it's coz she's in a different building and secondly coz we had our internals last week so got a little busy with that as well.

And these two months, one this is clear.. my feelings for her is beyond liking, beyond attraction..

I waited to figure out my feelings not wanting to jump into conclusions.. but now I'm crystal clear of it..

I Love Her..!!

I Love Divya..!!

My Divya..!!

Yes, she's mine and I love her more than I thought..

She's completely occupied in my heart and mind these two months.. whatever I do, wherever I go, I see her.. I feel her..

Although it's just three to four times we actually met.. it had a lot of impact on me.. it's indeed love at first sight for me..

So now it's time to proceed further.. for that I first need to talk to Anu.. yeah Anu, coz I see she was trying to help me when I wanted to take her on the bike.. and so I wanna tell her what I feel for my Divi.

I quickly went to there department building and went near there class, while I saw both of them coming out..

Anu saw me and I signalled her to come.. she seems confused but nodded in positive way.

She said something to Divya and came towards me..

"What happened?", She asked confused

"Um.. I wanna tell you something, it's fine right?", I asked looking at Divya

"Ahh yes, but what is it that you wanna tell me?", She asked

"I'm in love", I finally said

"Oh my god, dint you say the other day that you have feelings for Divi then what it's today?", She asked furiously

"Gosh Anu, can you let me complete?", I asked seeing her assumption levels

"Ok ok tell", she pouted

"So I'm in love with Divya.. I love her, madly and deeply", I blushed

Did I actually blush? Seem such..

"Oh my god Arjun, are you serious? You really love her? Like the true soulmate love?", She asked excited

"Yeah Anu, I love Divya.. like the true soulmate love.. rather love at first sight and I want her forever", I said thinking of her

"You are blushing Arjun", Anu said surprised

I smiled blushing hard at her statement..

"But you wouldn't leave her right?", She asked suddenly changing the atmosphere around

"What? Why do you think such?", I asked confused

"Frankly Arjun, Divi isn't someone who falls in love easily.. you need to put lot of efforts for that.. she's introvert, doesn't talk to many and doesn't feel comfortable with anyone very easily, she takes her own time.. she's very simple and a conservative girl unlike you..", she explained

"Hm that I observed, I know she doesn't get comfortable with everyone that quick.. and I know if I have to enter her comfort zone to be her friend atleast then it shall take time.. but I'm ready for it Anu, I can do anything for her to be with me", I smiled at the last

"And one more thing, she had a little issues in her life which I can't tell you.. it would be her place to tell you anything regarding her life, but remember that she's sensitive and she fears a lot for certain things.. so whatever you do make sure that doesn't hurt her in any way..", she said

Had some issues? What could it be that Anu can't tell me? Anyways, I'll make sure I'll take care of her in any situation..

"You love her a lot right?", I asked her smiling

"Yeah we have been together since around six years now.. she's really very close to me that I can't express.. honestly if it was someone else in your place I would have beaten and made sure to stay away from Divi but..", she stopped

"But?", I asked curiously

"You know whenever you look at her, it's not some desire or lust or something wrong I see.. I see something genuine, some kind of spark in you.. but still I'm protective for her.. so I personally went and asked some of your friends and a few people who knows about you.. and look I got a positive report", she smiled sheepishly

"Oh my detective you are", I covered my mouth surprised

"I had to be.. as I said I dint want anyone to hurt her again.. she deserves love Arjun, but since she's too reserved and conservative guys usually doesn't approach her even though they like her.. but you did, so I din't want to let that go", she confessed

Hurt her again? Again?

"Thanks", I said

"No, I should thank you.. never leave her ok? It will be hard but I want you to stick to her genuinely life long", she asked

"Obviously I would Anu, I assure you from now I'll make sure she's always happy and I shall stay with her, by her till I leave this world", I said genuinely thinking about Divya

"I love you", she said hugging me

"Oops sorry Ms. Anusha, you are beautiful but you see my heart is already taken.. you shall get a good guy too", I said dramatically hugging her back

"Drama king", she said smacking on my arm

We both ended up laughing at our own acts.


I was walking in the library waiting for Anu to join. I was looking for one book which I want so I was going through the correct edition I want..

I picked a book from the shelf and saw Arjun standing the other side of it looking at me. I quickly kept the book back at its place shocked to see him here.

Damn, it's been like two months I saw him so I thought he wouldn't come again..

I slowly picked the book again and this time I sighed in relief not finding him there.. but the moment I turned back I saw him standing right in from of me.

I got startled for a moment such that the book in my hand fell down.

"Careful Divi", he said softly

"Divya", I corrected him

"Ok Divya, but look one day you yourself will ask me to call Divi..", he said confidently

"What are you doing here?", I asked

"Why will someone come to library? Obviously for books right?", He said casually

"You sure? I never knew you would get business related books here", I glared

"Oh may be I got into the wrong library.. would be show me the correct one?", He smiled

"I need to go", I said moving ahead

"Shall I accompany you?", He asked

"No thanks, I can go alone", I said

"But what if I want to come?", He asked

"Would you still come if I say no?", I asked back

"No, but I'll convince you and come along", he smiled sheepishly

"And I'm ain't gonna get convinced", I said

"See Divya I'm really stubborn, I wouldn't let you go from here unless you accept me to come along and I wouldn't come if you say no also..", he said

"You are impossible", I said annoyed

"Thanks You", he blushed

He's blushing? Oh my god..!

I walked away not answering him while he came behind me walking along with me.

"I take your silence as the acceptance", he smiled

"By the way where are you going?", He asked after a while

"Class", I said

"You have class now?", He asked

"Not really, that sir is absent itseems", I said

I don't know why I'm answering him, but I don't think all these harm unless it's anything personal..

"Then what are you gonna do? Why don't we go out?", He asked

"And why do you think I'll come?", I glared

"Not just me Divya, we both along with Anu and Aarav also", I said

"Still I don't wanna come", I said

"But why?", He asked

"Why should I? We are not even friends, it's just that we met a couple of times before that's it.. and why do you think I would come out with you for that?", I asked annoyed totally

"Ok ok calm down baby, I just thought we could enjoy.. it's ok if you ar'nt comfortable, may he next time", he smiled

This guy is always smiling.. he can, but it's irritating when he's smiling while I'm annoyed..

"Don't baby me, I have a name", I said sternly

He again smiled at me.. damn it!!

His phone rang, and excusing himself he went aside.. I think I should just go away now before he comes back..

"Hi Divya", I heard someone's voice

He's Rohan from a different section, I don't know anything about him other than his name.. we never spoke and I wonder why he's here now..

"Hi", I replied slowly

"Uhh I actually wanna tell you something from a really long time..", he said while I nodded asking him to continue

"I love you Divya", Rohan said

Why me? What should I do now? Should I just walk away?

"Ahh I.. I'm not interested Rohan", I said

"Um okay, but can't we just give it a try? I mean why not we date for a few days and even then if you feel it's not working then we can split ways", he said

"No, please..", I said

"Who are you?", I heard Arjun

"And who are you?", Rohan asked back

Arjun looked at me and his eyes soften while I saw some different emotion in him.. I realized my eyes where moist and it was kinda clear that my tears may flow any moment.

"I'm sorry Divya, but can you please think of it again.. we can date a few days and then decide right?", Rohan asked again

"Did you just propose her?", Arjun asked angrily

"Yes, and why do you have a problem?", Rohan asked

"Divya answer me.. is he your friend?", Arjun asked

I nodded my head negatively..

"Do you like him?", He asked

"No", I said

"Do you wanna date him?", He asked

"No, not at all", I said controlling my tears

"Then it's clear Mr.. she doesn't like you so please leave", Arjun said politely

"Divya just one chance please", Rohan asked taking my hand in his

I tried taking my hand away while he seems to not leave at all.. suddenly I saw Rohan taking a step back and I found Arjun who just punched Rohan's nose.

"Arjun stop please", I requested

"Get this straight into your head that you have no right to touch her if she doesn't like", Arjun shouted angrily

He looked at me with his blood shot eyes and I shivered for a moment.

He just held my wrist and took me away from the place and made me sit in a corner while he sat next to me.

I saw him offering his handkerchief and I realized that my tears poured down my cheek.

Without a word I took it from his hand and wiped my tears while all the time I felt his gaze on me..


Hola guys..!!

How was the chapter? So finally our lover boy Arjun realised his love for Divya and gladly got Anu's support for the same..
So what do you think will happen next?
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