Kaylor: The Timeline

By kaylorfanfiction

2.7M 41.9K 103K

My own interpretation of the realistic Kaylor timeline, written to be as realistic and descriptive as possibl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 15
Chapter One :: The Return
Chapter Two :: Busy Schedules

Chapter 19

51.5K 755 2K
By kaylorfanfiction

May 4, 2014

Taylor wakes up in Karlie's arms, the model holding onto her as tightly as Taylor is to her. She comes to the realization that she hasn't slept peacefully in weeks without Karlie. The model doesn't have to worry about waking up for work, and Taylor can enjoy sleeping in with her on this Sunday morning.

They had only held each other last night, Taylor restrained herself from doing anything more. They held each other tightly, being the only two in the world who fully understands what each other are going through, but despite being so closely against each other there was a distance between them that they couldn't even attempt to close. It was more unbearable than any physical distance they have dealt with before, somehow larger than the distance they have endured being on opposite coasts. The distance wasn't one that either girl could begin to explain using words, it was only a feeling, but it was a feeling they somehow could be absolutely sure the other felt as well by the way they held each other as if holding on for dear life.

Taylor takes the time before the model wakes up to just enjoy her presence, something she hasn't been able to do in far too long. She has already memorized every curve of the model's body, everywhere she is soft or firm, the steady rhythm of her breathing and heartbeat, the slight sigh she occasionally releases as she peacefully sleeps, and the smell of her hair, but Taylor relishes in familiarizing herself with everything once again. It has been a long three weeks not being able to appreciate the model in this way.

Last night had been a different night for them. Karlie has always been the one to worry over Taylor and nurture her, and Taylor has happily accepted that comfort from her. She often needed that comfort, but because of that she was able to somehow forget that Karlie may need comfort too. She realized that when Karlie had her outburst, their last night they spent together. How had Taylor not even realized the pressure Karlie had been dealing with? And then she heard news of the model skipping a week's worth of work that same week, acting completely unlike herself. She clearly has been struggling with everything going on, Taylor being the center of her problem. Last night was Taylor's turn to comfort Karlie, in the way the younger girl has done so many times before for Taylor. Taylor had held her tight, told her none of this was her fault, told her she shouldn't feel guilty. She had told her she would always be there for her and that she never has to deal with all of this alone.

Taylor had covered the younger girl in delicate kisses everywhere but on her lips. Karlie didn't protest against it, so Taylor took that as a green light to go ahead and continue comforting her in this way. No, it wasn't how friends behaved, but last night they weren't friends. On technicality alone, Karlie hadn't truly been unfaithful to Josh last night, right? Soon Karlie's ragged breaths had turned to slow and peaceful ones as she fell asleep with the help of Taylor's adoration, and Taylor followed not far behind.  


Taylor must have fallen back asleep, because soon she is awakened by the model shifting her position in the bed.

"Good morning," Taylor says, her voice hoarse with sleep.

"Hello," Karlie says, her voice sounding much the same.

They lie comfortably entangled together for a few silent moments. This morning doesn't feel like a resolution to their conflict at all, it isn't a reunion that brings either of them joy, it doesn't change anything. Rather, there is a feeling of hopelessness tainting this morning, as each girl becomes aware that they can't control the need they have for each other, the dependence upon one another. Both of their lives would be critically less complicated if this need didn't exist, but here they are now, in bed beside each other more out of necessity than choice. Or so it feels.

"I have to go. I sort of blew Josh off last night," Karlie says, breaking the silence, however she makes no move to untangle herself from the singer and get out of bed.

Taylor gives her a final kiss right above her collar bone, before being the one to move away. She already made Karlie's night difficult, she doesn't need to make her morning difficult as well. "You're definitely going to the Met Gala, right?" Taylor asks, hoping to ease whatever dismay she may feel as their night truly and officially comes to an end.

"Shit, yeah, I almost forgot that was this week," Karlie says, sounding surprisingly less than thrilled about the highly anticipated event.

"Don't be negative! It is going to be so fun! I want you to meet Selena, Emma, and Lena," Taylor says. "So many people are going to be there." Taylor sees the model slightly perk up at the mention of being introduced to more of Taylor's friends. "Do you want to get ready together?" Taylor asks.

"Taylor, I'm going to have to bring Josh," Karlie says, looking away from the singer and getting out of the bed.

"Well if he takes hours to get ready too he can join us. I thought he didn't go to stuff like this?" Taylor replies.

"He goes to this. A lot of CEOs do," Karlie replies. "Can I borrow more clothes?"

"Yeah, help yourself. Well, I don't know why we can't get ready together just because you're bringing him. It will be so fun! Like prom or something!" Taylor says, sounding extra enthusiastic for the model's benefit, seeing as she seems to be in a bit of a somber mood this morning.

Karlie is smiling at the singer, clearly amused by her excitement. "Like prom?" Karlie asks, as she walks out of view to get dressed.

"Yeah, it will be fun. I am renting a hotel room right beside the carpet so I can just get my hair and makeup done there. Why can't you just come and get ready with me? Josh doesn't do the carpet anyway," Taylor says, greedy to spend as much time with the model as possible now that she has finally been able to after what felt like so long.

"Okay, fine," Karlie says, stepping back into view. "A lot of my friends will be there too for you to meet."

"See? It is going to be fun!" Taylor exclaims.

"It sort of sounds like it could also be disastrous, like a complete merging of the worlds," Karlie says, thinking of all their friends surrounding her and Taylor, completely oblivious to what has been going on. And there will also be Josh.

"Well, maybe I should take it easy on the champagne," Taylor says, thinking about it now herself.

Karlie laughs and sarcastically asks, "Maybe?" Taylor smiles as her friend laughs, happy she gets to hear the sound this morning. "Okay, but I really have to go. I have shit I need to deal with," Karlie says as her laughter dies down.

"Now, Karlie, I am obviously not his biggest fan either but we shouldn't call Josh 'shit,'" Taylor replies, smiling sweetly.

Karlie lets out a surprised and exasperated laugh as she walks back to the bed to hug Taylor goodbye. "Aren't you in a mood this morning," Karlie comments as she hugs her friend. "Try not to hate him too much? He really is nice," Karlie says as she pulls away, feeling badly that she has managed to essentially pin Josh and Taylor against each other, without Josh's knowledge.

"I don't hate him, I'm just jealous that he has what I want," Taylor replies. Although Karlie blushes, Taylor sees signs of worry claim her features as well. The singer can't let the model leave like that and so spontaneously decides to say, "I'm going to throw a party tomorrow. After the gala. You invite all of your friends and I will invite all of mine, I want us to all have fun together."

"Do you even have time to get all of that together?" Karlie asks incredulously.

"Why can't I just order pizza? I have speakers to play music and I can finish setting the pool table up. I haven't had a big party since moving in, I want to. So text your friends soon because it is so last minute," Taylor says.

"How are you not going to be worried or stressed about this?" Karlie says, surprised that Taylor of all people is going to attempt to do something like this without much planning. Even Karlie would be stressed about this.

Taylor just shrugs and replies, "I actually have no idea."

Karlie shakes her head in disbelief and laughs, "Twenty four hours ago I was on the phone with you stressing out over what to wear to an unknown party. And now you aren't worried about deciding to host a party in a day?"

"I'm not going to question it, Karlie, just roll with it," Taylor says.

When Karlie finally says her goodbyes for a second time, Taylor lays in bed a bit longer, even though she now has so much to do. She really is surprised that she is so at ease at having to plan a party so quickly. She then realizes just how much one night with Karlie can do for her entire psyche. As if she needed anymore reasons to want to spend every night with the girl.


May 5, 2014 -- Met Gala http://tswiftdaily.com/tagged/met-gala-2014

"Do you mind if I just slip this off to make some adjustments?" Karlie's stylist asks.

Taylor intensely stares at herself in the mirror across from her makeup chair, doing her best not to look at Karlie undress behind her in the reflection. She can't help herself, it is too easy to stare because of the reflection. She watches the stylist help Karlie pull the dress off over her head and then reach for her robe to put on. Unexpectedly, Karlie looks over at Taylor as she pushes her arms through the sleeves and their eyes meet in the mirror. Taylor quickly averts her eyes, feeling badly that she was so blatantly staring but even more embarrassed that she was caught.

Getting ready together may not have been Taylor's greatest idea. She somehow forgot how often one switches from being in a robe to wearing a gown. Then again, maybe she didn't forget about that at all.

Karlie's makeup has long since been finished but Taylor is still in the makeup chair as her hair has yet to be perfectly curled for the evening. Karlie walks over to the chair, bringing a glass of champagne for Taylor along with her. She hands it to her and smiles, not hinting that she so obviously caught Taylor staring.

"I'm glad we did this. You're right, it does feel a little like prom," Karlie says, leaning against the makeup table watching Taylor get her hair done. "But with different music."

"I think we are the only ones who appreciate Motown to this level. We must defend it at all costs," Taylor says deadly serious, causing Karlie to laugh as she takes a sip from her own glass of champagne.

"You are such a dork," Karlie says smiling.

"You're a nerd. You and your numbers," Taylor counters.

"My numbers? You mean coding?" Karlie asks laughing.


"Dork," Karlie says, laughing as Taylor is slightly reprimanded for moving her head so much as the woman tries styling her hair. Karlie is then called back over by her stylist to try the dress on once more. As Karlie passes by Taylor she pokes Taylor in the cheek and murmurs under her breath, "No peeking."

Taylor is thankful that the model doesn't see the shade of crimson her face becomes as she goes to the other side of the room.

"Is this too hot for you, honey? Let me know," The stylist asks as she shakes the curling iron and hair dryer she is holding in her hands.

"No, no, they're fine," Taylor says. She is sure that if she seeks out Karlie's reflection now she would find the model laughing.

An hour later, both girls are completely red carpet ready, and they follow Taylor's publicist and security guards out to the Lincoln. Once in the backseat, Taylor realizes she forgot to ask Karlie about how everything went with Josh.

"Did you and Josh work everything out?" Taylor asks, genuinely concerned because she knew how upset Karlie had been over it.

"Oh.. Right. Well I sort of just said sorry and moved past it," Karlie answers, looking away from Taylor.

"Wait you said sorry?" Taylor says, feeling as though she heard her wrong.

"Yeah, I mean I kind of flipped out," Karlie replies.

"You were really insulted by what he said though," Taylor says, suddenly very confused.

"Well, he said sorry too. We both just said sorry and put it to rest," Karlie says, beginning to sound a bit annoyed with Taylor's questions.

"I think you probably should have talked about it. You were really upset, Karlie," Taylor says, her voice becoming soft at the end.

"Well, what am I supposed to do Taylor? I don't want to be starting that up with him after everything I have been doing behind his back," Karlie replies, definitely sounding annoyed now.

"Karlie, that definitely isn't healthy either. They're two completely different issues," Taylor says.

"I don't have any right to be mad at him with the way I have been sneaking around. Can we not talk about this now?" Karlie snaps.

"Okay, fine. But it isn't healthy," Taylor says, stubbornly adding the last part in.

The pair sits in the backseat in tense silence, as the Lincoln is stuck in the long line of cars of other celebrities arriving to the carpet.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just looking out for you," Taylor says first, reaching out to grab Karlie's hand.

"I know," Karlie sighs, giving Taylor's hand a squeeze.

"Don't worry about it tonight," Taylor adds, as their car pulls up to the carpet now.

They release hands and exit the car to be met with hundreds of camera flashes. Tree rushes around the pair, straightening their gowns before continuing up the carpet.

"Wait for me at the end?" Taylor asks, before parting ways with the model as they each plan to greet fans on opposite sides of the carpet.

"Of course," Karlie smiles, turning to begin her travels up the carpet.

They are separated for minutes, each traveling up opposite sides of the carpet, posing for hundreds of photographers flooding the incredibly large carpet. Celebrities flood the unusually large carpet, and the set up of the carpet gives the photographers no chance for a break. Taylor can't even be sure when they are yelling for her or if there happens to be a star directly behind her. Taylor makes her way up the carpet, quicker than usual, eager to reunite with Karlie.

They each reach the staircase signaling the end of the carpet at the same time, all smiles now from the rush of the carpet. They walk up the rest of the stairs together, heading towards the venue.

Once inside, Taylor stops in her tracks at the sight of Josh in a tuxedo waiting for his girlfriend.

"Taylor," Karlie says softly, slightly slowing her walk until Taylor once more starts forward.

"I'm fine," Taylor assures her.

They greet Josh, who seems incredibly out of place. Taylor quickly looks away when he leans in to kiss Karlie, not being able to stand the sight of it. She knew the best acting skills she could summon would be required for tonight. When she is sure that the pair still couldn't possibly be embracing Taylor looks back, and leans in to offer Josh a hug of her own.

"I'm so glad to be able to spend some real time with you tonight," Taylor says as she embraces the tall entrepreneur. When she pulls away hearing Josh say similar sentiments she sees that Karlie is studying her face. Taylor offers her an encouraging smile, and Karlie returns it with a smaller smile of her own.

The trio begin to go through the motions of conversation with awkward small talk, however Taylor feels it as much the shy young man's fault that the conversation seems forced as it is Taylor's. Taylor has never really had the chance to talk to him all that much before now, since when they met at Karlie's apartment Taylor wanted nothing more than to leave, and the singer is finding him to be as shy as Karlie describes.

"Taylor, we are going to have to take our seats," Tree says, interrupting the conversation. Taylor is grateful to be ushered away from the floundering conversation, but is sad when reminded her and Karlie wouldn't be sitting at the same table at first.

"I will find you after dinner," Karlie says, as she follows Josh parting ways.


Karlie is doing her best to keep a smile on her face while sitting beside Josh at the gala. She finds herself to be the youngest at the table by at least twenty five years, besides Josh of course. Josh has managed to get themselves placed at a table with some of the most highly esteemed businessmen in attendance, and of course only business is being spoken about. Karlie has very little to offer on the subject, and so has been sitting quietly beside her boyfriend. Taylor's table isn't far from hers, and she was doing her best not to rudely turn around to take looks at it, but she didn't really need to do that to know what was going on. Her table was no doubt the loudest in the hall, and last time Karlie had checked it was occupied by Taylor, Selena Gomez, Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, Lena Dunham, Jack Antonoff, Zooey Deschanel and Cara Delevingne.

Karlie is excited to see waiters begin to come in holding platters of food. Karlie had been hungry since this afternoon when her and Taylor first began getting ready for the event. At events like these, usually two or three options are available to be ordered and Karlie had learned not to expect a wholly vegetarian option, making it difficult for her. However, she was harboring high hopes for the side salad that was being served with all of the meaty meals.

She is disappointed when her meal is set in front of her and the salad is much smaller than she had hoped. She eats it much quicker than usual, as she has no one to talk to at her table. She then eats around the steak on her plate, eating the small serving of green beans and potatoes it has been served with. When she has finished, she somehow feels hungrier than before. She isn't sure that the food will be able to hold her over until Taylor's party tonight, but she doesn't have any other options.

Reminding herself to sit up straight despite her boredom and slight disappointment at the meal is difficult, especially when hearing sounds of explosive laughter that can only be coming from one table. Suddenly she realizes the table she is at has become quiet, with many eyes in her direction. She turns to Josh, confused and wondering if she has missed something, however he seems to be confused at losing the attention of the CEO he was speaking to beside him. Josh turns and looks in Karlie's direction along with the rest of the adults at the table and says, "Oh."

"What—" Karlie begins, before a salad is placed in front of her by someone behind her. Karlie looks up and see Taylor above her.

"Hi everybody!" Taylor says, awkwardly waving at the group of people who have been staring at her at she walked up behind Karlie. "Karlie's a vegetarian so I just thought..well..anyway," Taylor trails off, seeing that she isn't getting much of a reaction from the group.

Before Karlie can even begin to tell Taylor that she doesn't need her salad the singer is gone, heading back to her own table. Karlie can't help but smile, delighted that Taylor had been so thoughtful, obviously thinking of her back at her own table when the meals had been served.

"Oh, sorry Karlie would you have wanted my salad? I always forget," Josh asks looking sheepish, probably feeling as though Taylor has made him look bad in front of the table.

"No, it is fine, I don't even know why she brought this over," Karlie assures her boyfriend. He offers a final apologetic smile before turning back to the older man he has been speaking to since they first sat down.

Karlie returns back to silence, no one paying attention to her anymore as there isn't a global superstar approaching just behind her. She gratefully eats the salad that has been delivered to her with a smile on her face.


Karlie can't even bother to keep a false smile plastered onto her face at this point. Dessert was served half an hour ago and long since finished, yet Josh was still chatting away about things Karlie had no clue about. Josh had assured her they would mingle with the other guests after dinner, and then he had changed that promise to after dessert, and now Karlie was just waiting. She didn't even mind being rude now, as she twisted in her chair every five minutes or so to glance at Taylor's table. Each time she turned there were people rapidly waving for her to come and join them, and she was especially surprised when they included people she hadn't even met yet such as Selena and Emma. 

She decides to spin in her chair once more surprised to find her own best friend Derek Blasberg and Taylor with their arms around each other, waving at Karlie to come over.

"What?!" Karlie mouths to them with a huge smile on her face, shocked to find the pair together before Karlie has even introduced them. Derek changes his expression to one of pure impatience, tapping on his wrist mimicking a watch, while Taylor begins hopping up and down waving at the model with both hands to join them. Karlie shakes her head and turns back to her table, biting her lip so as not to laugh.

She now wants to join them more than ever, and she blatantly stares at the side of Josh's head, hoping he will feel her stare burning a hole. Karlie can't be rude and interrupt the various business conversations going on around her, she is sure she needs to wait for Josh for both of them to be excused. She is sure she has been staring for ten minutes, when she is tapped on the shoulder by a waiter.

"Hi, Ms. Kloss, Ms. Delevingne ordered these for you," the waiter says, placing a tray of five shot glasses filled with vodka in front of her.

"What?!" Karlie exclaims, spinning back to look at the table behind her to find everyone looking at her laughing.

The table of venture capitalists has gone deathly silent once more due to instances surrounding Karlie, and when Karlie looks up at Josh his face is etched with annoyance. She is sure he must be embarrassed by the scene.

"You can go over there if you want, I will be there soon," Josh says, sounding much more like an order than an offer.

"Okay, sorry about that," Karlie says, quickly pecking his cheek before escaping from quite possibly the most boring collection of dinner guests Karlie has ever had experience with.

As she leaves, she can hear Josh begin to explain, "Sorry, they're all in their early twenties over there..."

Karlie practically sprints over to the table she has been dying to be at all night, and she immediately heads to Cara.

"What the hell, Cara?!" Karlie says, doing her best to keep a smile from her face as she slaps at the girl. Everyone at the table is laughing, breaking Karlie's resolve as she begins to laugh herself.

"I tried ordering you a dozen but they said that wasn't allowed," Cara says laughing.

"What would you do that for?! I felt ridiculous!"

"I could tell you needed them really bad, babe," Cara replies laughing.

"I told her not to!" Taylor interjects, but obviously doing her best not to laugh as well.

"Okay, very funny," Karlie says, but smiling despite herself.

"Karlie! This is Selena, Emma, Andrew, Lena, Jack, and Zooey," Taylor rattles off quickly, pointing at each person around the table.

"Oh boy," Karlie says, overwhelmed by the amount of people she was so quickly introduced to. Many of them get up to greet her with hugs, still laughing about the scene Cara has caused.

"Hello, girl," Derek says behind Karlie, as he grabs her waist.

Karlie spins around and sees that he is here as well. "Okay, what the heck, you guys met without me?" Karlie says to Derek and Taylor standing side by side.

"Yeah, well, I was going to wait but I saw him walk by and I just grabbed him because I recognized him!" Taylor explains.

"I have to say, I was honestly jealous feeling like I was being replaced by her but now I totally understand and support you replacing her as your best friend," Derek says, putting an arm around Taylor.

"No! Don't say that!" Taylor says laughing.

"Why have I managed to spend more time with Taylor in a single night than I have spent with that guy over there in the past two years?" Derek says, pointing a thumb back in the direction of Josh's table.

"He's shy!" Taylor exclaims, and Karlie is surprised to hear her friend defend Josh.

"You're also a really overwhelming person," Karlie adds, doing her best to laugh but not appreciating the strange comparison Derek has made to Josh and Taylor.

"What! I'm not overwhelming, do you think I'm overwhelming, Taylor?" Derek asks, looking to Taylor for support.

"Not at all," Taylor says, sounding serious.

"Yes you are!" Selena yells from the table she is sitting down at again, listening to their conversation.

"Come sit down, you're excluding us!" Lena adds.

Soon Taylor, Karlie and Derek sit side by side at the empty chairs of the table. Karlie is soon quick to realize why their table has been so loud, as it seems there isn't a single person sitting here who isn't hilarious. Everyone is bouncing their different sense of humor off of each other and Karlie is doing her best to keep up as she laughs along with everybody else.

"I can't believe you are going to Rihanna's party and not Taylor's, Cara," Selena says to the funny model.

"I know, why would you even think for a single second that Rihanna's party could rival the one I'm having in coolness. What are you even thinking?" Taylor adds, mixing her own dry humor into the conversation.

"Is everyone here going to Taylor's?" Cara asks, looking around the table as the entire group nods their heads. "Oh, damn," Cara says. "Maybe I can do both."

"I don't even know what Rihanna could have that Taylor's doesn't," Emma says, having a dry sense of humor as well.

"I think, if anything, Rihanna is missing out because we are going to have Meredith as well as pizza," Lena says.

"You can't underestimate Meredith's ability to get a party started," Taylor agrees.

Soon drinks are being ordered by everyone left and right, and with a couple of drinks in her system Karlie finds the table she is sitting at to be even more entertaining than before, something she didn't think would be possible.

"I'm going to the bathroom with Selena, do you want to come?" Taylor asks, Karlie surprised to feel her breath on her neck not realizing how close Taylor had leaned in.

Karlie nods her head and stands up, following the pair of friends.

"I'm so glad I got to finally meet you," Selena says, linking her arm with Karlie's as they walk.

"Me too, Taylor always talks about you," Karlie says smiling.

"This is so beautiful," Taylor says, pretending to wipe a tear away under her eye as she watches her two best friends talk.

They reach the bathroom and are surprised to find it empty as Selena races to a stall. Karlie angsback by the sinks, not having to use the bathroom at all but being buzzed had merely wanted to follow Taylor wherever she went. She watches Taylor touch up her lipstick in the bathroom mirror. For a moment, Karlie is floored by the girl's beauty tonight, finally getting the chance to fully admire it. Taylor's hair is perfectly curled, her blue eyes being especially piercing against her porcelain white skin and dark eye makeup and red lip, wearing an Oscar de la Renta gown fit for royalty. The back of the dress is deeply cut out, and Karlie reaches out and lightly rubs her fingers up and down the singer's bare back as she leans close to the mirror examining her lipstick.

At Karlie's touch, Taylor stands back from the mirror and looks at Karlie smiling.

"What?" Taylor asks, as Karlie continues to gently drags the tips of her fingers along Taylor's spine.

The bathroom door is quickly pushed open, and slams against the wall by the force, as Cara runs into the bathroom and quickly into a stall. At the sign of someone entering the bathroom Karlie had quickly pulled her hand from Taylor's back, sure that it would be revealing. She breathes a sigh of relief as Taylor quickly goes back to examining her makeup, doing her best to look busy, both thinking they have avoided a close call.

Only seconds after closing the stall door, Cara slightly reopens it, her face appearing from the small gap wearing a quizzical expression with a single eyebrow raised, staring at Taylor and Karlie.

"What?" Karlie asks, playing dumb.

"I don't know, never mind I have to pee!" Cara says, slamming the stall door once more.

Taylor has time to flash Karlie a look of warning before Selena has returned to the sinks.

"Oh, Karlie, Josh is looking for you," Cara calls out from the stall.

"Oh, shoot, where is he?" Karlie asks, picking up her purse from the sink top.

"I don't know wandering around looking like a sad, awkward, lost puppy," Cara calls back.

"I'll be right back," Karlie says to Taylor and Selena, giving Taylor an especially apologetic look.

Karlie rushes out of the bathroom, feeling guilty because she had all but forgotten Josh was even at the gala tonight. It isn't long before she finds her tuxedo-clad boyfriend looking just as Cara had described.

"Hey," Karlie says, grabbing Josh's arm from behind.

"Oh! Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere. I didn't know what to do when my table left," Josh replies.

"Why didn't you just go to the table I was at before?" Karlie asks, leading Josh in that direction.

"I don't know, I didn't know any of them," Josh says, his shy side coming out. Karlie always finds it amazing how he can so confidently speak business with men who are decades older than him, because it is a playing field he feels sure of himself in, but the second talk turns away from business he can revert back to the equivalent of a shy kid.

"Isn't Derek there?" Karlie asks.

"Yeah, but I don't know him that much either," Josh answers, still allowing himself to be guided by his girlfriend.

"Well, whose fault is that?" Karlie asks lightly, however it is something she probably wouldn't have said if alcohol wasn't in her system.

"I know, I'm sorry. I told you I'm going to be different," Josh answers, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"I didn't mean anything by it, it is fine!" Karlie says, having too fun of a night to get annoyed by anything.

They have arrived at the table now and Karlie introduces Josh to the collection of new and old friends she has seated at the table. They sit down beside Derek, who begins animatedly speaking with Josh. Although Karlie got slightly annoyed with Derek earlier, she knows he genuinely wants to get to know Josh more, Josh just hadn't given him many opportunities to do so. She is thankful Derek is so enthused to speak to him, because she is positive once this table gets going again Josh would greatly be out of his league with so many strong voices surrounding him.

Karlie is brought into a conversation involving Emma, Andrew, and Lena which distracts her from Derek and Josh finally having some time to talk.

"You stole my seat," a voice says close to Karlie's ear. Karlie doesn't even have to turn to know it is Taylor. She is embarrassed to feel her skin break out into goosebumps as Taylor's warm breath had been such an unexpected sensation upon her flesh.

"Sorry," Karlie turns, smiling at Taylor, waiting to see what she will do. "You can sit," Karlie says, gesturing to her lap.

"I don't think you can handle my ruffle," Taylor says, grabbing at the fabric behind her.

"It is just an over glorified bow," Karlie replies.

"Ha. Nice. Well I think we should leave anyway now, right?" Taylor asks, raising her voice to address the whole table.

Everyone seems to be in agreement, and soon the entire group is heading towards the exit together.


Back at Taylor's apartment, Karlie can't get over how funny it is to see everyone eating pizza and playing pool in such expensive gowns and tuxedos, but the party has been a success so far. Taylor didn't have to do much to have a great party besides inviting the right people, as everyone there was so friendly and funny in their own way. Everyone was so welcoming of each other, even when just meeting for the first time tonight. Taylor knew how to choose her friends.

A couple hours into the party, Cara had arrived from Rihanna's bringing many of Karlie's friends from the modeling world with her. Karlie had enjoyed being able to introduce Taylor to some of her friends as well now. Soon, many of Taylor's friends were inviting others over, and before she knew it Karlie was in the midst of a real house party. Just like high school, but with much more expensive clothing.

Karlie hasn't seen Taylor or Josh for about an hour now, as she has been drunkenly bonding with Selena.

"Seriously, I feel like I need to thank you, Karlie. I feel like Taylor has been so happy since she met you, you have no idea how hard it has been. I felt completely useless for a year, she has been going through so much shit. Then she meets you and BAM! She is back to being who she was. I was actually really happy when I heard she was going to be moving to New York even though I knew I would see her less. I figured she would be happy here with you," Selena says staring intensely at Karlie.

"Oh, I don't know how much I have had to do with it, but I know she went through shit she didn't deserve to deal with. I guess she has been happier lately, I don't know if I have really been noticing the change because I talk to her so often," Karlie says, but also thinking how lately when her and Taylor have been together they are often on the verge of emotional breakdowns.

"No, I swear she is incredibly happier every single time I talk to her or see her. The only solution I can come up with is you, you're the only difference in her life that it could be," Selena says.

Before Karlie can reply, a familiar arm wraps around her shoulders. She turns from Selena to look at Josh with a smile.

"What's up?" Karlie asks, hoping Selena doesn't drift away so they can continue getting to know each other.

"When do you want to get out of here?" Josh asks. The more this has turned into something similar to a high school party, the more Josh has looked out of place.

"Um... Well, I mean, Cara and those girls just got here really. And I think more people are still coming. I don't know if I want to leave just yet," Karlie says, thinking there really was no way she would be leaving the party so early even though she was sure Josh was hinting that they should leave now.

"Ah, alright," Josh says, clearly sounding uncomfortable. He makes no move to leave her and Selena alone once again, so Karlie just turns back to the girl to continue their conversation once more. However, Josh's presence has changed the dynamic of the conversation and soon Selena excuses herself to go mingle with the others at the party.

Karlie is left with Josh, who doesn't seem to want to make conversation with anyone here. The model never wanted to be the girl who stands in a corner of a party with her boyfriend clinging to her side. Although it isn't right for her to wish that Josh was different, she does feel a little jealous seeing Emma and Andrew on complete opposite sides of the apartment laughing with others on their own. It wasn't Josh's fault that he was shy, but maybe if he had joined Karlie to more events he would at least know the friends of hers that were present, such as Derek.

Speaking of Derek, Karlie spots him by the pool table with Taylor. The two seem to be playing pool as a team with two others who Karlie hasn't been introduced to. She can't believe they have hit it off so well, but she isn't sure why she is surprised. They are two of the friendliest people she knows. It is an amazing feeling to see one's best friends getting along so well together.

"Karlie? Ah.. I know we just had that fight or whatever and I hate to ask this.. But do you care if I go home?" Josh asks, leaning close to Karlie's ear to be heard over the music playing.

"Yeah, no it is okay. Do you want to come say bye to Taylor and Derek though?" Karlie asks, but grabbing his hand and leading him over before he can give an answer.

Taylor shrieks when realizing Karlie has arrived beside her and crushes her in a hug. Her earlier idea of staying clear of the champagne obviously didn't pan out tonight. Karlie laughs at the singer's reaction.

"Josh just wanted to say bye guys," Karlie says, bringing the attention to her boyfriend.

"Aw, so soon, man? We need to hang out again," Derek says, offering his hand for a shake. Once seeing a smile on Taylor's face at Josh's announcement Karlie steps on the singer's foot as the men speak, so as to keep her expression clear. Taylor gets the point, and soon hugs Josh goodbye, making similar plans as Derek. The difference is, Karlie is sure Taylor has no intention of keeping them.

She is proud of Taylor for being able to be so civil around Josh. She is sure the singer does it mostly for Karlie's benefit, she can't even imagine how Taylor must feel sometimes at the thought of Josh. Karlie knows she wouldn't be able to handle it if there was a man in Taylor's life. Karlie had been lost in thought and didn't even notice Josh was leaning in for a kiss goodbye until his lips were on hers. The model's mind is blurry with alcohol, so it takes her a moment to realize she is kissing Josh mere inches away from Taylor. She pulls away the moment she remembers this, but Josh doesn't seem to notice that she has ended the kiss prematurely.

"I will see you tomorrow?" Josh asks.

"Mhm," Karlie hums, hoping it sounds noncommittal to Taylor. She is scared to look at her friend beside her, terrified that she will look hurt.

"Okay, have fun tonight. Be safe," Josh says, as he makes his way towards the exit.

"Taylor, your turn," Derek says, quickly getting back into their game of pool with people Karlie doesn't recognize.

As Taylor lines her stick up with the white ball, Karlie chances taking a look at Taylor. Her face is clearly flushed, most likely not from the alcohol alone. Karlie realizes just how well she knows her friend, since she can judge Taylor's mood based on the stiffness of her posture. And right now she was not in a good mood.

Once taking her shot, a particularly bad one at that, Taylor says "I have to go to the bathroom. Play for me," handing the stick off to Karlie. She rushes by the model away from the pool table.

Shit. Karlie thinks. She is impatiently waiting for someone she knows well enough to dump the pool stick on to go chasing after Taylor, without making it obvious there is something wrong. After what feels like too long of a time, Cara is passing by, obviously more drunk than Karlie is.

"Cara! Just who I wanted! Here you go," Karlie says, handing Cara the pool stick as though it is a great gift. Karlie races by Cara before she can even protest, hearing Derek yell his complaints as she leaves.

Karlie walks up the hall and realizes Taylor probably went to the bathroom in her master bedroom, so she doubles back to head in that direction instead. Once in Taylor's bedroom, she heads to the bathroom and opens the door without knocking.

"This is take— Oh," Taylor says, seeing it is Karlie and not someone else.

"I didn't mean to do that," Karlie says, pulling Taylor in for a hug.

"I know, it isn't your fault. I can't help getting a little freaked out, I'm fine," Taylor says.

"You don't sound fine," Karlie replies, holding her against her, rubbing her bare back lightly as she had done in the bathroom at the gala.

"Yeah, well I am fine," Taylor says, pulling away from the hug. "Are you having fun?"

"Of course I am," Karlie answers, surprised that this isn't as much of a scene as she thought it would be. "You look really beautiful tonight," Karlie says softly, both because there is alcohol flooding her system and thinking Taylor may appreciate the compliment right now.

"Yeah, well, it is Victoria's Secret," Taylor says, gesturing to her chest.

"I didn't mean that!" Karlie exclaims. "I mean, like, everything. You look like a princess." Taylor smiles up at the model, her blush showing despite the makeup she is wearing. "Well, I guess also because of that," Karlie laughs, now staring at her chest.

"Don't make it so obvious," Taylor laughs, crossing her arms over her chest now that Karlie is staring so blatantly.

"You were the one looking at me in the mirror today," Karlie says, leaning in close to Taylor.

"Nuhuh," Taylor denies, but her smile giving her away.

"You so were," Karlie smiles. "Come on, let's go back downstairs before Derek kills me," Karlie says, realizing they were beginning to cross territory she couldn't be crossing. She had just kissed her boyfriend goodbye, after all.

Taylor grabs Karlie's hand and intertwines their fingers together as they return to the party.

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" Taylor asks.

"I guess so," Karlie replies. Sleeping over Taylor's a couple of nights ago had just reminded her amazing it was to sleep with Taylor in her arms. She was addicted.


Only an hour away from sunrise, Taylor's apartment is finally cleared out of all the party goers.

"Stressed out yet?" Karlie asks her friend, glancing around at all the empty cups, bottles, cans scattered around the apartment. Not to mention the empty pizza boxes, paper plates, and other standard messes that went along with a party.

"Nope," Taylor says happily, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's neck.

"You want to go to bed?" Karlie asks, exhaustion finally hitting her. Taylor had nodded at the suggestion and they make their way to Taylor's bedroom. "Taylor, how on earth are you still wearing your heels?"

"I don't know my feet really hurt," Taylor says. "How do we even take these things off?" Taylor asks once getting into her bedroom, grabbing at the train of her dress. "Can I just sleep in it?" Taylor asks, and just before she is about to collapse onto her bed Karlie grabs her.

"You do not sleep in Oscar de la Renta," Karlie says, being surprisingly serious, a rarity for the twenty one year old.

"I'm so tired. I'm so drunk. My feet hurt. I want sleep," Taylor whines.

"It will only take two seconds," Karlie says, reaching down to grab the bottom of Taylor's dress. She lifts it up Taylor's legs higher, before unzipping the back of the dress. She waits for Taylor to tell her to stop, but when she doesn't Karlie continues to lift the dress over her head. Karlie's heart is beating so hard she feels as though it is in her throat. She doesn't look down at Taylor when she finally has the gown over her head. Karlie turns away from Taylor, saying, "Get pajamas," as she gently carries the gown to Taylor's closet to hang up. Karlie takes her own gown off in the closet and hangs that up as well, and borrows even more of Taylor's clothes for the night.

She has never felt more excited for sleep once entering Taylor's bedroom once more, both because of the crippling exhaustion she feels and being able to spend the night with Taylor. She shuts the bedroom light off and feels her way towards the bed, and once climbing into the bed she is surprised to feel Taylor's flesh when she wraps an arm around Taylor's abdomen.

"Taylor!" Karlie hisses, pulling her hand away realizing the singer got into her bed wearing only her bra and panties.

"Tired," Taylor mumbles, as she reaches to pull Karlie closer.

Karlie is tense, not knowing what to do. Her entire body is pulsing, realizing how much of Taylor is exposed to her now. But this can't be right, is this breaking some technicality?

"We didn't cry tonight," Taylor says softly laughing, her heading squished between the pillow they are sharing and Karlie's head and neck.

"Slow and steady improvements," Karlie comments, still not sure how sleep with Taylor tonight.

"It is just because we didn't have time to think about everything. Isn't it sad that we have to be distracted just so that we don't cry?" Taylor says.

"Well don't start now, we are doing so good," Karlie says, realizing the singer is right.

"Tonight was so easy, all of our friends together. I wish that we—"

"Taylor, don't start. Seriously," Karlie says, knowing that they have a poor track record when it comes to talking about their feelings in combination with their alcohol.


"Shhh," Karlie says, finally wrapping her arms around Taylor, her skin feeling hotter than it should against Karlie's hands. The second Karlie finally contacts Taylor's flesh, she is greedy, and rubs her hands up and down her back, as Taylor has her own arms around the model tightly. Taylor lets out a soft sigh, perhaps one of pleasure, as she allows herself to be silenced. Soon her lips are softly against Karlie's neck, much like they were two nights ago. Karlie doesn't move, telling herself that there technically isn't anything wrong here. Taylor doesn't linger nearly as long as Karlie would like however, as she truly is exhausted. She rolls over in the model's arms, allowing herself to be cradled by Karlie's longer form. Taylor curls her body to mirror Karlie's, as the model's hands now greedily explore Taylor's front.

"Karlie, I really really like you," Taylor whispers, sounding seconds away from sleep.

"I do too," Karlie replies, kissing Taylor's bare shoulder as the singer falls asleep.

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