MYCT Parent au!!

By LenKagamine793

815 10 2

This was all done bc I'm a piss goblin and I have no sleeping schedule. also I have three other fanfics, you... More

Part one: Hello
Flower crowns
still alive
Time to choose
Rude awakening


92 1 1
By LenKagamine793

I was going to make a part where we meet the dadza fam but now, I'm making a part two to my last one. (I'm going to post them at the same time. Lol)

SWEAR WARNING! Also slight smut warning. (if your uncomfortable with swearing please stop reading this. There will be swearing throughout the rest of the fic.)

Sapnap pov
Knock knock* Must be Skeppy. I open the door and see Skeppy. "Hey.." he said seeing that I was giving him a stink eye. "....." I just walked away without saying anything, why would I? 'hey, I know your only here to see my dad but, how are you?' I should have just stomped on the bitch.

Skeppy pov
..Bad has one scary ass 'mini me' haha..where is he anyways? I walk around for little but I don't see him any where. Hmm, his room? I walk over to his room and see the door cracked open. So I just pushed it open. "Bad are you in here?" I asked walking in. "AHH!" he screamed in a high pitched/girly tone. "Pft- you scream like a girl." I said walking in and shutting the door, I still couldn't see him.

"W-WAIT! IM CHANGING!!" He shouted. "And..? Nothing I haven't seen before." I said as I turned the corner and saw bad with only boxers on. "Hey." I said looking up at him. "Why are you so short?" He asked. "I'm fun-sized babes." I said winking at him. "Well, you left your necklace last time anyways. It's on my bed."





"Bad, I'm too short, help." I said trying to climb up the bed. "Sorry, here." He picked me up and set me on the bed. I grabbed the necklace and put it on. I waited a few seconds and then felt it kick in and I grew. "That feels so much better." I said. "Oh, does it now?" Bad asked as he finished putting his shirt on. "..." I looked at his closet with stars in my eyes. "Shirt.." I said looking at Bad with my pleading face. "You know it won't fit you, right?" He asked. "That's the whole fucking point." I answered. "Language!" He said. He grabbed a shirt from his closet and handed it to me. I took my sweatshirt off and then my shirt.

I slipped his shirt on and then stood up. I took my pants and boxers off and set them to the side. "Skeppy, what are you doing?" Bad asked. "Wearing a shirt." I answered. "You know what? Nevermind! Do what you want." He said. "What If I wanna do you?" I asked. "Well I just said do whatev- wait what?"

Sapnap pov
Whelp. I'm hungry as shit, imma get food. I walk out of my room and go to the living room. Is that- it better not be. I start walking slower and when I get to the kitchen door I open it fast and the sight I see scars me.

Skeppy was on the wall and dad that my dad's shirt..? I feel my face heat up, not with embarrassment but with anger. I feel myself erupt in flames as I stare into Skeppys soul. "YOU SHORT MOTHER FUCKER!! I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE CURVE STOMPED YOUR ASS BEFORE YOU EVEN ENTERED THIS HOUSE." I shouted as I ran twords him. "SAPNAP!" dad shouted as he stopped what they where 'doing'. "FUCK!" Skeppy shouted as he started running. I chased him out if the house, went around dreams house, Philza's place, Past a lake, and then all the way to his house. I started pounding on his door.

"OPEN UP YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH! I JUST WANNA BEAT YOUR ASS!!" I screamed. "SAPNAP!! STOP IT!" I heard dad yell. "NO!" I yell at him. Dad comes over to me and picked me up by the waist. (if your wondering 'why is he not getting burned?' It's bc in my au Sapnap gets his fire from bad so it doesn't hurt him.) "LET GO OF ME!" I shout still trying to kick Skeppys sorry ass. Skeppy opened his window and stuck his tongue out at me. That only made the flames that where around me grow bigger. "SICK BA-" Dad cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. "HMHMHPMHM!! HMHWHM!" I shouted, but it was muffled. "Sapnap! Control yourself!" Dad yelled at me.

After he dragged me all the way back to the house he got me inside and I calmed down a little. "Sapnap, what got into you back there?!" Dad asked. "More like WHY WHERE YOU IN SKEPPY!?!" I shouted at him. "Hey hey, i-im an adult! I can do...'that'." he said. "ON THE FUCKING WALL!?!?" I screamed at him. "AND WITH THAT DUMB BITCH SKEPPY!?!" I shouted again. "LANGUAGE! But, your right. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea when there was someone else in the house." He said.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." I said as I got up and started walking to my room. "Hey," he said. "Yes?" "I love you." "Love you to, dad." I said rolling my eyes and smiling.


Sapnap pov
I opened my eyes and rubbed them before getting up to start another day. Knock knock* I get up and open my door. "Hey Napy, Good morning!" Dad says. "Hey, dad." I said still tired. "I made you some *insert food name bc I'm lazy*" he said as he walked off. I was just walking around the house doing nothing when I heard a knock. Knock knock* I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey Sap!" Karl said as he hugged me. "Hola!" Quackity said as he walked in. "Hey guys, what are you here for?" I asked.

"Well, last night we heard someone screaming, do you know what happened?" Karl asked. "Yes, I do know. That-" I looked over to see dad walking over to us. "that son of a bitch Skeppy GOT FUCKED BY MY DAD ON THE WALL!" I yelled looking my dad in the eyes. "Sapnap.. language." He said. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Your joking, right?" Quackity said looking at my dad with wide eyes. "Wish I was." I replied. "That's crazy." Karl said. "Well, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"Wanna hang with dream?" Quackity asked. "I don't mind if you guys are up for it." I said. "Sure!" Karl answered. "Let's go!" Quackity said grabbing mine and Karl's hands.

At dreams place~

Quackity walked up to the door and knocked. Dream answered, "Hey guys, what did you need?" He asked. "Wanna hang?" Karl asked. "Why not?" Dream answered as he grabbed his mask and put it on. "I gotta show you something." Dream said as he started running into the woods. We all started running after him. After some time he stopped and started calling for someone or something. "GEORGE! HELLO?!" He screamed. "DREAM! HAHA!" This guy said as he ran up to dream and hugged him. "Guys, this is George. George this is Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity!" He said as he pointed at each of us as he said our names. "Hi.." he said. "Heyo!" "Hey" "hello!" We each said.

We had a great time while hanging out with George and Dream. We all said bye to George and that was that, Dream went home and the three of us went to my house.

End of 'Skeppy' I hope you liked it, I spent a long time on it😅

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