Through Memory Lane {One Shot}

By scarelle

2.7K 71 26

Stiles went missing 6 months. What nobody knew was that he traveled to six different dimensions. In those 6 m... More

Through Memory Lane

2.7K 71 26
By scarelle

I don't own the right to the characters or videos in this, all the rights go to their owners. Isaac, Jackson, Kira, and Ethan had come back to help look for Stiles. Isaac lives with the McCalls again. Scott gets bit in freshman year and everything else happens, Stiles goes missing senior year. The whole town knows about the supernaturals.

Stiles's day started at 3 in the morning after waking up after his nightmares. He has been back for a month and barely sleeps because he wakes up screaming after having to relive all the times he had to let the people he cared for go and couldn't do anything about it no matter how hard he tried. The first few days Scott, Isaac, and Liam stayed with Stiles and the Sheriff to make sure he was alright only to be woking up to Stiles screaming at the top of his lungs yelling different names everything eventually the three teens had to go back home. Well at the moment Stiles is at his locker getting his books for class, he has been yawning through all his classes. He walks into his last class and goes to the back of the room away from the pack, this is the only class he has with the whole pack including Liam and Mason. The pack were the lasts to walk into the room only to see Stiles in the back again looking like he was about to fall asleep, Lydia was about to go to get him to stay awake but Scott, Isaac, and Liam stopped her. The Sheriff and them three were the only ones to know that Stiles barely gets sleep at night. The coach started to say that today they were going to do something different when Stiles fell asleep with his head on the table.

"So I borrowed something from a friend of mine. We are going to use a machine that can go through your memories" Coach says really excited to try it out

"So who wants to go first?" but nobody raises their hand, that when he looks at the back of the room to see Stiles fast asleep.

"We are going to use Stilinski since he thinks that sleeping in my class is better than paying attention" and went to the back of the room and put it on Stiles's head

The pack was about to stop him but was curious about what happened to him in the 6 months he was missing and see if they could help him with whatever he is dealing with. So they let the Coach put the machine on Stiles. Scott made sure to have the Sheriff's phone number ready just in case. The memories started to show immediately

Everyone in the class was laughing at how sarcastic Stiles can be. The pack was also laughing but also remembering Allison and others that have passed

"Why is he always being sarcastic at all times?" someone in the class said in between laughs

"You heard him it's his only defense" Liam answers also in between laughs, the next memory starts

"You guys gave him a GUN!?" Scott practicality yelled as the memory ended

"No, not after he dropped it" Malia responds immediately trying to make it better

Everyone just looked at each other not knowing what to say. They just looked at the screen blinking now and then. The pack couldn't believe that Stiles never really said anything to anyone.

"He is always protecting us even if he is human," Liam says out loud but no one said anything

"He never said anything" Scott and Lydia say at the same time

"Wow, you guys are terrible friends then if you didn't realize what he was going through" Coach speaks for the first time since it began. The pack all look at Stiles with worry in their eyes

"What is a nogitsune?" Someone in the class asks

"It's a thousand-year fox spirit that possessed Stiles for a while" Kira was the one to answer

"Okay I am just going to say it but he looks hot" Ethan says only to get slapped in the back of the head by Jackson

"But you are not wrong" A random girl in class states, just as Stiles starts to move in this sleep

Lydia and Malia were both red as tomatoes and didn't know what to say. The whole class looked at both Lydia and Malia but the rest of the pack well those who knew Cora were thinking back to when she was around.

"Who is the other girl?" Jackson asks what everyone else is questioning

"That is Cora, she is Maila's cousin" Scott answers looking at Malia

"She is my what?" She yells out

"She is Derek's younger sister, we met her before you" Isaac answers "And apparently Stiles has a thing for cousins" Isaac whispers to himself but the Scott and Liam heard him and chuckle, Malia looked like she was processing the new information

"Aubrey" was all that came out of Stiles's mouth and everyone was confused

"Who is she?" Lydia asks looking mad and it terrified everyone in the room even Coach

"Maybe she the Aubrey chick that Stiles said" Kira answers being care

"I don't think that we should of watched him with her" Scott says out loud getting nods in agreement

"Why did he say his name is Dave?" Liam asks

"I don't know but he kinda still acts like himself" Isaac responds

"They met in a dark alley?" Isaac asks finding it weird

"It looks like it but they look so cute together" Some girl in class states, fuelling Lydia's anger but not knowing

"Who knew he could be so sappy." Scott wonders out loud "It looks good on him for some good reason"

" Okay, now his name is Stuart?" Liam questioned only to get Scott shrugging his shoulders

"Why does he keep changing his name?" Scott asks out loud but nobody answers

"Boy, did he look like had fun?" Coach says while he chuckles, meanwhile Lydia looked like she was ready to kill someone especially Stiles

"He looks good in glasses and a beanie" someone pointed out only to get nods in agreement

"We should buy him some after all this is over, " Scott says to Lydia trying to distract her from her anger

Everyone in the room was laughing harder than before, and Lydia's anger disappeared

"Well at least it looks like he had fun" Ethan pointed out laughing at Stiles dancing

"Wait do you guys think that these are the people he was with when he went missing for those 6 months?" Jackson questions out of nowhere but that hadn't crossed anyone's mind just yet till now

"But he looks like he was safe the whole time, so why leave out of nowhere and not call anyone to tell us he was safe?" Isaac wonders

"You want to tell me that he just up and left out of nowhere while we were still together and dated some else?" Lydia questions a little angry again

"Maybe" Scott answers a little weary. But looks at Isaac and Liam and see that they are questioning the same thing as him 'why was he having bad nightmares if that is what he went through?' not knowing what was next

"I am so sorry" Stiles mumbles in his sleep "It's was my fault" everyone look over to Stiles with questioning faces

To say the class was speechless was an understatement and as the memory was ending the Sheriff and Derek walk-in looking confused after Scott texted the Sheriff and Isaac texted Derek. The Coach didn't say anything just told them to sit down knowing that they needed to see this.

"First Dave then Stuart and now Thomas?" Liam questions "And what is a greenie?"Derek and the Sheriff look at Liam even more confused

"He was using GUNS!?" Scott yells after getting over the shock of what he saw making everyone jump

Lydia was crying because at the end they saw how Stiles watched people die

"What are you guy on about?" Derek asks only to get blank faces and then a new memory starts

"Is that what my son was doing while he was missing?" The Sheriff asks wide-eyed and Derek looks shocked

"It looks like it," Jackson and Ethan say at the same time

"There he went the name Thomas" Scott states the Sheriff and Derek look over to Stiles in the back of the room and then to Scott

"What do you mean 'there' what other were there?" Derek asks and that when Scott looks at Liam

"There was the name Dave and the name Stuart" Liam states and then adds "In his life as Dave we saw things we probably shouldn't have seen" getting nods in agreement

"Shut up Liam don't remind Lydia about that she was pretty mad," Isaac said while looking over to Lydia where she was looking at Stiles

They all just looked at the screen horrified just he went through all of that especially the three adults in the room

"He is always trying to save everyone, "Scott says breaking the silence

"They were just kids and they went through all of that" The Sheriff says out loud but then jump a bit just like everyone else when Lydia yelled

"Who the hell is Teresa?" and just like Stiles was answering her questions a memory plays

"She is another girl Stiles fell in love with only to watch her die in front of him," Kira says out loud with tears in her eyes just like every other girl in the room, while Lydia felt guilty for getting mad

"Wow his friends don't seem to like Teresa very much," Jackson says

"HE WAS SHOT!?" The Sheriff, Scott, and Lydia yell making everyone jump and the supernaturals cover their ears

"Well it looks like she did something unforgivable," Isaac says and then adds "But it looks like the fought for each other either way, hell she saved him and died in the process" The Sheriff felt grateful to this Teresa girl for saving his son

"Look inside" Stiles starts to mumbles "Look inside"

"IS HE CRAZY?" The Sheriff yells

"I think we already knew that he comes up with these crazy plans" Malia spoke for the first time in a while

"Who told him it is a good idea to fight with someone on a crane" Derek questions out loud to the shocked people in the room

"Why does he look so much older here?" Lydia asks only getting shrugs

"It's crazy to believe that Stile the son of the Sheriff would do all these things" Derek speaks again only to gets nods in agreement including the Sheriff himself

"That was BADASS!" Mason exclaims only to get glares from everyone

"The lady wasn't wrong he is a sexy son of bitch" some random girl speaks up

"Now he had the name Heinrich Treadway?" Liam asks only to not get an answer

"He died and they kept his body, then how is he alive right now" Scott questions but what they all didn't notice was that Stiles had woken up

"Because that was in a different dimension, another world, in another universe" Stiles states, and everyone's head all snap to the back of the room "I guess you all know about it now" Scott opens his mouth

"But how?"

"It's just happened one month here is a whole life in the other worlds and I lived 6 different lives, all with happiness, pain, and heartbreak. But every time I had a new life with a different name the didn't remember my previous life until a certain age when it all came back every life and then I would try to get back only to get sucked in another" Stiles explains their confusion

"What about Aubrey and Teresa did you really love them?" Lydia questions because maybe he still is in love with them and maybe that is the reason he broke up with her the moment they saw each other again but then regretted it seeing the pained faces he got as a tear came down he faces "Sorry you don't have to answer" only to get a nod from Stiles. He decided to let them watch his two last lives so they can understand them

"Oh my god," Kira says with tears in her eyes again just like everyone else including Derek. But Stiles had so many tears coming down his face. So Liam and Kira got up and walked to the back of the room and sat down next to Stiles and hugged him, when they were done they two stayed next to Stiles for the rest it

"I am so sorry son, you watched your fiancé die in front of you." The Sheriff states only to get nods in agreement

"Everyone I care for either dies in front of me or I let them go" Stiles replied

"Wait but why do you have all the scars and well-built body here if this all happened somewhere else," Lydia asks

"In my other life's when to would remember things would be through dreams and it would obviously be of what went through in my other life's and I would wake up with every scar, gunshot wound, stab wound, so by the time in my last life I had every memory and everything from my other life's" Stiles answers and then add "I even got to keep somethings but I don't know-how," He says pulling out the wooden figure that belonged to Chuck, the cure Teresa gave him, Newts necklace with the letter inside, he had the ring he gave Katrina still with the green string, and last a matchbox from The Compound from when he and Evelyn had gone.

Stiles smiled at the items he put on the table, just as the next memory plays

Everyone looked at Stiles in shock and disbelief, Coach would open and close his mouth because he couldn't find the words to say but Scott broke the silence

"YOU KILLED PEOPLE!? and don't think I didn't notice that you also KILLED in your life as Thomas" Scott looks at Stiles with distant eyes, meanwhile everyone but Stiles jumped at the words

"In my life as Thomas it was kill or be killed and I wasn't the only person I was looking out for I was their leader and they trusted me to keep them alive even if most didn't make it and I don't regret it" Stiles shot back immediately and the Sheriff, Derek, And the Coach all looked proud of Stiles for trying his best to keep his friends safe no matter the cost. Stiles then continues talking "And as my life as Mitch, I went in a downward spiral and wanted revenge so I trained hard that put me on the CIA's radar, and then I worked for them fighting and stopping terrorists" Scott seems to look at the brother with respect even if killing isn't the answers Stiles still tried his hardest to do what they do in Beacon Hills and that is keep people save

Before anyone said anything a new memory plays

 "You look BADASS!" Mason yells out loud at the same time Liam says

"That was COOL!" Stiles just looks at them with a small smile 

The boys in the class were all in awe of how Stiles could fight. Lydia, Maila, and Kira broke the silence at the same time asking the same question

"Who is the girl with you?"

"That was Annika. Both of us were the best agents of the CIA" Stiles smiles remembering her

"She shot herself?" Isaac asks "Why?"

"That is what we were told to do if we get captured and she knew I would let the terrorist get away if it meant she lives, but she also wanted to see her family again" Stile answers

"But why would she kill herself if she wanted to see her family?" Liam asks always the clueless puppy

"Her whole family was dead" 

"You fell for her?" Lydia questions 

"Yes I did" Stiles replied, he knows that it's all hurting Lydia but he couldn't do anything about it

Everyone looked at Stiles for an explanation, all the girls are crying and the guys have tears in their eyes, while Stiles was crying

"Her name was Evelyn and she was from 1919 and I was from 2019 and I accidentally time-traveled to 1919 after my brother and I were fixing up an old house the very same one she lived in back in 1919" Stiles explains

"Time traveling is real?" Coach yells

"Yeah it is, well in that world I don't know about here" Stiles replies

"I tried and did everything for us to be together but when we were about to go back to 2019 together, a ceiling beam fell and it caught my leg under it." Stiles took a deep breath before continuing "I wanted her to have the best future so I tried convincing her to go to the future but she slipped and the water started. The last thing I said to her was 'I love you' and let her go. I lived the rest of my life in the past missing her and she lived in the future." when Stiles was done explaining he was full-on crying and so were the girls. Everyone in the room felt sorry for Stiles, he had found love so many times only to lose them

"I am so sorry son" The Sheriff got up and went to hug his son tightly "You didn't deserve to go through all of that time after time"

"It's alright dad. I will just have to live with all of this for the rest of my life" a crying Stiles states while taking the machine off his head. Scott runs to Stiles and hugs just as tight as the Sheriff

"Is all of this why you wake up screaming at night?" Isaac asks

Stiles just nods his head. But everyone else looked at him wide-eyed that had not crossed their minds and now the felt really sorry for him, but then he spoke up

"Everyone in here, please promise not to tell anyone about this"

And that's what everyone did, they didn't tell a soul. At times they would give worried glances at Stiles. When they graduated high school Stiles decided to stay in Beacon Hills and work for his dad. The rest of the pack also stayed in town after coming back from college. It took years but Stiles finally let Lydia back in, They got married, and had four kids two boys and two girls both were sets of twins. The boys were named Charles Newton and Jake Minho Stilinski and the girls were named Evelyn Teresa and Aubrey Katrina Stilinski. Lydia and Stiles would tell their kids the stories of the adventures they went through and Stiles would tell them about the important people they were named after.

A/N:  I do not own the rights to the characters or videos, all rights go to their rightful owners. I really hope you like it. Sorry in advance if it doesn't make sense or if it's ass.           I love you all.

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