The Devil & The Angel

By ashtraykale

74.8K 1.4K 223

When the simple quiet girl Daisy Miller accidentally trips over a stack of books in her room and gets caught... More

Aesthetics & Playlist
Chapter One - A New Arrival
Chapter Two - At First Glance
Chapter Three - That Night
Chapter Four - A New Side
Chapter Five - Pool
Chapter Six - Revelations
Chapter Seven - Drifting
Chapter Eight - In Absentia
Chapter Nine - A Spark
Chapter Ten - Deeper Insight
Chapter Eleven - Jealousy, Jealousy
Chapter Twelve - Confrontation
Chapter Thirteen - Tension
Chapter Fifteen - A Quiet Moment
Chapter Sixteen - Traitor
Chapter Seventeen - A Fighter
Chapter Eighteen - An Escort
Chapter Nineteen - Gone
Chapter Twenty - Healing
Chapter Twenty One - Bye Bitch
Chapter Twenty Two - A Bloody Sight
Chapter Twenty Three - A New Layer
Chapter Twenty Four - Hell Week
Chapter Twenty Five - Heaven & Hell
Chapter Twenty Six - Christmas
Chapter Twenty Seven - New Year's Eve
Chapter Twenty Eight - A Relief
Chapter Twenty Nine - Graduation
Final Chapter - A Start of a New Beginning

Chapter Fourteen - Undeniable Passion

2.1K 41 9
By ashtraykale

Chapter Song - What Makes You a Man by The Ninth Wave

"Daisy, get out of the car," Leo says annoyed, pulling on my arm to get me out of the back seat of his car. 

"I don't want to go to school, Leo," I whine from my position in the back seat and pouting my lips, which earns me an eye roll from Miles.

"Daisy, no one here wants to go to school, but we have too," Miles argues from beside Leo with his arms crossed.

"Fine," I say in defeat, letting out a dramatic sigh.

I take another breath, before grabbing my bag and standing up from the seat, closing Leo's door and trudging grumpily behind Leo and Miles.

Leo, Miles and I walk inside school, walking to our lockers, which are near each other, only separated by a few lockers. 

"Maybe you were right Dee Dee, I don't want to be here," Leo says now agreeing to my previous stubbornness of not wanting to go to school this morning, a look of worry showing on his face.

"Oh, now you agree with me," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

If you're slightly confused as to why us three aren't particularly joyful at being at school this fine morning, it's because us three have Government, with satan's spawn; Mr Williams. And not only do we just have a lesson with satan's spawn, we have to do a presentation. Thankfully it's a group task, but still.

"Agreed, Mr Williams is probably going to continuously interrupt us during our presentation," Miles states, shutting his locker slightly harder than usual. I'd say from the mix of anger and nervousness for our first lesson.

"Most definitely," I agree, shutting my locker and leaning on it, holding my books to my chest.

"You know, maybe he'll just play candy crush on his iPhone 6, which has most definitely seen better days," Leo says optimistically. I applaud him for his optimism but we all know thats not how Mr Williams rolls, especially when it comes to us three.

The bell rings shortly after our conversation at the lockers, so us three make the brave journey to room 203; Government.

Us three walk into class and Mr Williams immediately looks over at us, a hint of amusement in his eye, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What is this psycho up to?

"Uh oh," Leo states, when us three take our usual seats beside the large window, showing a view of the schools football field.

"What?" Miles and I question at the same time.

"Look," Leo says, a horrified look on his face, his arm raised and finger pointing in the direction of the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

"Oh fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"That motherfucker," Miles says, but quietly so that only Leo and I can hear.

"He did not list us first to present, are you kidding me?!" Leo says irritated.

"He did that to spite us, thats a fact," I say annoyed, slumping back into the uncomfortable school chair.

"Good morning class, as you know today we will be presenting and I have already taken it upon myself to list the order of which groups are presenting. So if you could all take 5 minutes to prepare and get organised, before we start with Daisy's group," Mr Williams says, turning his gaze over to us three an evil smirk on his face. That asshole. I hope he spills his boiling hot coffee on his pants.

"Guys, we're organised so theres nothing to worry about and our presentation is great, lets just show him what we got and make him look like an idiot," Leo says encouragingly, Miles and I nodding hesitantly in agreement to his optimism. 

"Okay class quiten down, Daisy Leo and Miles, are you ready to present?" Mr Williams says eyeing us with a frown, but I see the hint of evil in his eyes.

"Yep," I say popping the 'p'

Us three stand from our desks, each grabbing our folders which holds our scripts and other information we have for our presentation.

We all stand at the front of the classroom in a line in front of the whiteboard, Mr Williams desk right next to us. His black office swivel chair facing us and his deep angered stare aimed right towards us three. 

"For this assignment we were to choose a memorable moment in American history and how it affected the American people and the future of America. Us three decided to choose the Columbine Massacre," Miles introduces, his voice clear and confident.

"The Columbine massacre and attempted bombing occurred on April 20th 1999, at Columbine High school, in Columbine, Colorado," Leo says in the same tone as Miles, yet his hand on his hip and foot outwards. No clue why he stands so sassily, but it has resulted in people tripping over his foot in the hallway. 

"The perpetrators of this massacre were twelfth grade students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who in total murdered 12 students, one teacher and injured 24; 21 one of which were injured by gunfire. From this massacre there were a total of 15 deaths," I say, reading from the script in my opened purple folder and looking up making quick eye contact with my classmates in front of me. Which are either looking at me, out of the window or their desks; which are covered in small scribbles and dents. Some paying a bit of interest while others daydreaming off into another world. 


"Thankyou for listening," Miles ends, all of us closing our folders and heading back to our desks, while the class claps lightly. 

"Well thank you, Daisy Leo and Miles, that was an excellent start to our presentations," Mr Williams chokes out the word 'excellent' obviously hating the word on his tongue. 

"Now for Greg's group, are you ready?" Mr Williams hastily wraps up and calls for the next group who walk to the front of there class.

"Told you we'd do well," Leo whispers in my ear and I just nod with a smile on my face. Ha! Suck on that Mr Williams.


"That looks poisonous," Leo says quite loud from beside me in the food line. 

Its currently lunch, finally because I was starting to get hangry. But todays special certainly looks special, its channeling 'the blob' from that old movie; The Blob.

"I'm not eating that," Miles says from the other side of me, a look of disgust evident on his face.

"Well its better than nothing, so either eat it or beat it," The lunch lady across from me says angrily, her brows furrowed in frustration. She doesn't really like kids all that much, no clue why she chose to be a lunch lady.

"Sorry," I mutter, grabbing a muffin and fruit salade before scrambling down the long line, with Leo and Miles behind me. 

"Geez, what was in her cereal this morning? It's like someone slapped her in the face and then stepped on her cat," Leo mutters from behind me as we continue walking through the busy cafeteria.

We walk over to our table, Jack already sitting their munching on a granola bar, evidently hyper focused on typing rather quickly on his black laptop.

"Hey Jack," Miles says as we all sit down. But he doesn't look up from his laptop being to engrossed in whatever he's doing.

"Jack?" Leo questions, poking the side of his face, which snaps him out of his little 'trance'.

"Oh, hey guys," Jack says a smile engulfing his face.

"What are you doing?" Leo questions, looking over to his laptop, which Jack slams shut when Leo tries looking. Also causing me to jump a little in my seat, evidently almost dropping the water bottle in my hand.

"Not for your eyes, thats what," Jack says seriously.

"Why?" Leo questions, confused and shocked.

"It's illegal and if you look you'll be considered a witness, well thats if I was caught, which I never am," Jack says proudly but quietly with a smirk on his face.

"Ohh, it's work stuff," I say in realisation, no wonder he was so serious.

"Yep," He says popping the 'p' and taking another bite of his granola bar.

"Where's Damien?" Miles questions, nudging my leg with his, in which I nudge his leg harder back, earning me a quick glare from Miles.

"He's just outside, had to take a business call," Jack says casually. 

"Okay," I say casually. I'm assuming one of his men or something. I'm really not to sure what exactly he does, but it seems scary and I don't do scary.

Us four all fall into a conversation of random topics, we bring up about our presentation in government, Miles rambles on and on about the new socks he got. I know super interesting. We all continue talking, until I feel a large warm presence sit down in the seat next to me. Damien.

"Hey," He whispers in my year.

"Hi," I say with a small smile turning slightly to face him. His face inevitably closer to mine, close enough that if one of of us moved our lips would brush together. 

"Why hello?! You do know there are other people at this table, right?" Leo says waving a hand in front of Damien and I's faces.

"I know, doesn't mean I care," Damien retorts back with a blank face.

"You're lucky you have a pretty face," Leo says narrowing his eyes at Damien while stabbing into his fruit salade.

"Also Damien we're in and there systems down," Jack says seriously and Damien nods in response.

"Make sure it stays down until 5pm, okay?" Damien says seriously and Jack nods. 

"Uh, can you guys not talk about work stuff at lunch, I'd rather not go to jail thanks," Miles says sarcastically.

"You won't go to jail," Damien says assuring Miles.

"Says the person who runs a mafia!" Miles says leaning over me, scream whispering.

"Yes and my men know what they're doing, so we won't get caught meaning you won't and you haven't even done anything so it wouldn't matter anyway," Damien says leaning over me, scream whispering into Miles face.

"Whatever, but if I have to wear one of those ugly orange jumpsuits, I'll murder you," Miles says leaning back into his chair, narrowing his eyes at Damien.

"Noted." Damien retorts back, leaning back into his chair. 

"Hey, where's that other friend of yours? Elijah? Elio?" Leo says looking between Damien and Jacks curiously.

"Eli, you mean and he is here today, he just hates people, so he tends to hangout around the back of the school somewhere and have a smoke," Jack replies to Leo's question.

"Eli's also one of my top men, so he's out on jobs a lot as well," Damien adds, taking a grape from my fruit salade and plopping it into his mouth, in which I slap his arm in response. 

"So why is he in school?" Miles questions.

"He still needs to finish school, which - before you ask - he catches up on the school work he misses at home," Damien answers Miles question.

"Makes sense, he seems very closed off, even more than you Damien," Leo says sarcastically, tilting his head to the side and giving in a tight lipped smile.

"Funny," Damien says dryly. Taking another piece of fruit from my salade, a piece of pineapple this time.

"Do you just want the whole thing?" I ask sarcastically, pushing my cup of fruit salade in front of him.

"Nah, I like sharing with you," He replies with a smirk, winking at me before eating another grape, from my fruit salade.

After we finish our food. Well for me, my muffin and two pieces of fruit from my fruit salade, because Damien ate the rest of it. The bell goes and all of us pack up and head to our classes. For me thats english, with Damien, who is currently carrying my bag; again. 

"Why do you carry my bag all the time?" I ask curiously. I mean theres no reason to and its quite heavy. Well for me, maybe not for him. But still.

"Because I can tell you find it heavy and it's hurting your back and I'd rather you not be in pain," Damien says and I blush. 

Well, I am not complaining, it is heavy. That may be because of the books, but theres no way i'm getting rid of those.

"Well, thank you," I say looking up to him, giving him a smile and he just gives me a small smile back.

Damien and I arrive in english, taking our seats at the back. Mrs Campbell instructing us to read  5 chapters of the book we're currently reading; The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.

The class quietens down and begins reading, I pull out my book from my bag and begin reading. Even though I love reading this isn't the type of book I would voluntarily read but I guess I am more of a romance type reader. 

I'm in the middle of chapter 7 when a piece of paper falls onto my desk, between me and the book. I look up and see Damien wink at me before walking out of class, I grab the folded up piece of paper, unfolding it to see a note.

Meet me in the hallway -Damien

Okay? Odd. 

Also isn't that a Harry Styles song? Is he quoting Harry Styles, probably not, he doesn't seem like he knows who Harry Styles is. But I could be wrong, for all I know he's secretly obsessed with Harry Styles, that would be amazing.

I get up anyway, walking towards Mrs Campbells desk and asking if I can use the bathroom. To my surprise she lets me go and hardly bats an eye. Shockingly, normally she gives me a small scowl before letting me go.

I walk out into the empty hallway and thats all it is - empty. No Damien in sight. 

I  continue to walk further down the hallway, looking behind me every few seconds in case he jumps out to scare me. Which isn't something he would likely do, but still, you never know.

I continue walking down the hallway, confused, until i'm pulled into a dark space. Before I can even react, a dim light is turned on and I realise i'm in the janitors closet, but not alone. 

With Damien. 

I come face to face with his chest, as he towers over me. We're also very close, and I mean very close. It also doesn't help thats he gigantic and takes up majority of the space, making the space in this very compact janitors closet even smaller. 

"Um," Is all I can whisper out, looking upwards into Damiens eyes. The air becoming thick, as if i'm slowly suffocating in it.

"Hey," He whispers with a smirk, some of his pearly whites showing. The feel of his warm breath surrounding me, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Hi? What are we doing in the janitors closet?" I whisper trying to stay composed, as my heart beats faster and faster, his body becoming closer to mine until I feel his firm torso against me. His eyes boring into mine, a mixture of happiness and...lust in them. 

"Needed somewhere private," Is all he says, flicking his eye contact from my eyes down to my mouth, licking his lips slightly.

"To do what?" I question breathlessly, sucking in a breath, my chest moving up and down frantically. My heart beating as if it's going to explode, the room becoming minuscule by the minute, as if it's slowly shrinking. 

"This," Is all he says breathlessly before he crashes his lips onto mine. It feels as if a billion fireworks went off. A explosion of every emotion i've felt consuming my body all at once, the feelings of love lust and need hit me all at once; yet he's still so gentle.

His hand comes up to cup my jaw, pulling me closer inwards towards his lips. At first I don't do anything, slightly shocked that his lips are on mine; that he's kissing me. But I respond soon after, kissing him back leaning into him. His lips are soft, but the kiss is firm and eager, his hand cupping my jaw, lightly pulling me as close as possible. 

I break apart from him first, for air. 

I stare deep into his icy blue eyes, mixtures of lust and happiness swirling through them like a hurricane. We stare at each other, our eye contact flicking down to each others lips, multiple times, both of us taking in the moment that just happened. The air around us still thick, now swirling around us with lust and undeniable passion basically consuming us. 

"I've been waiting so long to do that, and it was fucking worth it," He says breathlessly, his chest moving up and down as if he just ran a bunch of laps around the track. It's silent, both of us starring at one another, no words spoken; but it's not needed.

"I-," Is all I can say before he kisses me again, this time I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down closer to me.  

His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him, the heat from his firm chest radiating off him. His tongue swipes over my bottom lip for permission, in which I respond to, parting my lips. His tongue entering my mouth grazing my own, the then faint taste of pineapple and other fruits, now strong. I copy the movements he does with his tongue around my mouth; stifling a moan in the process, which fails and only makes him groan, deepening the kiss, pulling me tighter by the grip he has on my waist. My hands move upwards from his neck and move into his thick soft black hair, slightly tugging at it, causing him to moan lightly into my mouth. 

We break apart again, yet his grip still firm on my waist and our mouths only inches apart. The air stills, time stopping for a moment, both of us consumed by nothing but each other. 

"We should get back," I whisper, looking up into his eyes, my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Yeah," He whispers back breathlessly, his hair slightly messy from when my hands ran though it.

Yet neither of us go to move. Silence engulfing us. The thick lustful air consuming every inch of the closet. 

I unwrap my hands around from his neck, him slowly; hesitantly taking his hands off my waist. His torso still up against my body, icy blue eyes starring down into my green ones. 

"Daisy," He whispers.

"Yes?" I question in a whispered tone. 

He leans down, his lips brushing the top of my ear, before he begins to talk in a much hushed and raspy tone of voice. 

"I plan to continue on kissing you like that for as long as possible, and do much more," He says and I freeze, my heart stops and I suck in another breath. His hand coming up and tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Before I can even fathom up an answer, he begins talking again.

"Would you like that Daisy?" He questions leaning into me his face now level with mine, a smirk evident on his face.

I stare into his blue almost grey eyes, the light shade of icy blue, that just casts them as 'blue eyes'. I look back down to his lips, noticing a bit of my tinted pink lip gloss smudged on his upper lip. I bring my hand up to his face, wiping off the smudged lip gloss of with my thumb.

"Yeah," I answer, with a smile. 

"Good," He answers, giving my lips one final peck, before opening the janitors closet door and leading me back out into the silent empty hallway, his large hand engulfed in my smaller one. 

Leo and Miles might actually have heart attacks when I tell them this. Hopefully not, I don't think so. Wouldn't be surprised though.

"We can't go back into class at the same time," I whisper as I halt in my step, Damiens hand still wrapped around mine. 

"Right, I'll go in first, then you come in like 2 minutes later," He says and I nod.

"Are you going to go in?" I ask as he takes no initiative to let go of my hand and walk back into class.

"I will, as long as you to agree to go on a date with me," He says with a big smirk on his face. my face flushes red, from the unexpected questions.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you. Now get your butt into class," I say with a smile, lightly pushing him down to the door to our classroom.

"Yes my dear Dais'," He says, with a wink before walking into class.


"Hey Dee Dee, do you need a ride home?" Leo asks when I reach his car, parked in the school parking lot.

"Yep, is Miles coming?" I ask. I need to tell them about the kiss and date. 

"Yep, there he is," Leo says looking upwards over my head, where I turn around to meet Miles.

"Hey, ready to go? Because I sure am," Miles says grumpily, already in the process of opening Leo's passenger seat door and getting in the car.

"Well guess we are now," Leo says sarcastically and I roll my eyes at Miles dramatic persona.

Leo and I hop into the car, Leo turning on the engine and beginning to pull out of his parking spot.

"Damien and I kissed," I blurt out. Leo breaks suddenly, causing the three of us to jolt forward slightly.

"What?" Leo asks shocked. His hands still firmly on the steering wheel, not moving a muscle, Miles frozen still in his seat.

"Um, you know like when two lips touc-" I begin, before Leo cuts me off.

"Yes I know what kissing is Dee Dee! YOU AND DAMIEN KISSED!" Leo yells turning around in his seat to face me, his eyes widened and mouth agape.

"Yep," I say with a small smile on my face.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God," Miles says turning around to face me now, his facial expression the same as Leo's. Both of them now starring adamantly at me, there eyes widened and mouths agaped.

"And he asked me on a date," I add quickly and they continue to stare at me, like I turned into a gremlin.

"Story. NOW!" Miles orders like an army sergeant. Leo and Miles both unbuckling there seat belts so they can turn fully and face me properly.

Well, I guess we're not moving from here anytime soon.

"Well it was in english and I was reading the book for our assignment. Then a piece of crumpled paper falls in front of me and I look up and see Damien, who winks at me before walking out the door, so I open the note and it says 'meet me in the hallway'. So I get up and go out into the hallway, but he's not there. So I continue walking until he pulls me into the janitors closet and then um we kissed, kinda more than that, I guess. So yeah," I finish awkwardly, waiting for any other reaction from Miles and Leo. My eyes darting between their both astonished faces.

"What did I tell you? From day one, I told you that man had a thing for you, but noooooo you didn't believe me. Well look who's right, again," Leo says sarcastically, leaning back into his car seat with a dramatic sigh.

"We did tell you," Miles says nodding at me in a 'I told you so manner', before he continues talking "And what do you mean by 'again' Leo?" Miles questions.

"I'm always right and you guys are wrong," Leo says in a 'matter of fact' tone.

Miles and I glance at each other with a mix of pure confusion and astounded facial expressions. No way is Leo always right. He's the type of person who quite literally told me that my french essay was in fact not in french but Spanish, which first of all aren't even similar and second the most french Leo knows is 'Bonjour'.  Yet still tried to convince me that the French was Spanish. 

"Leo I- never mind," Miles begins, but gives up on trying to reason with Leo, shaking his head and putting his hand up in an act of disbelief.


After the quick drive to my house and the countless amount of questions thrown at me by Leo and miles on the way to my home. We finally arrive at my place, while I grab my bag and jump out of Leos car. 

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow," I say with a smile, then waving goodbye and making my way up to my door.

Once I get inside, I head upstairs and throw my bag on the floor. Whilst simultaneously kicking off my white converse and changing out of my jeans and into sweatpants.

I then plop onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about todays events. One question running through my mind - what are we now?....

"Whats got you so cheerful?" Jack questions worriedly when I get through the door.

"Nothing," I say smirking to myself.

Why wouldn't I be fucking happy after kissing her delicious lips? 

"No there is definitely something, because your always grumpy, unless you're with Dai- Wait- did something happen between you to?!" Jack questions, his eyes widening as we both walk into the kitchen.

"Fuck yeah," I say opening the fridge, with a massive fucking grin on my face.

"You kissed her didn't you?" Jack asks with a smirk.

I don't answer, my grinch like grin already giving him the answer he wants.

"When?!" He asks excitedly.

"Today. In english. In the janitors closet," I say with a smirk, the memory of my lips melting perfectly into hers replaying in my head.

"Holy shit, you finally kissed her. Thank goodness, because the tension was killing me," Jack exclaims.

"Well i'm sorry for your inconvenience," I say, rolling my eyes. My face still showing that stupid grin. My smile will not go away. I think it may be permanently stuck, which I do not want.

"So what are you going to do now?" Jack asks curiously, leaning his chin on top of his fisted hand. His elbow leaning on the edge of the island bench.

"Well I also asked her out," I add and his face contorting into a smirk.

"Who knew the Damien D'Angelo, feared by everyone would actually ask a girl out. Glad to be witnessing a historical moment," He says sarcastically.

"I've gone on a date before Jack," I say rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"Uh when?" He says, genuinely confused.

I've been on a date. I think.

Jack sees notices the wires turning in my brain trying to recount when if I've gone on a date and opens his stupid mouth interrupting my thinking.

"You know hookups are dates right," Jack says.

"You make it sound like i've hooked up with half the population, only three and that was like a year ago," I say.

"So where are you planning on taking her?" He asks. Shit. I don't fucking know.

"Uh, a place located on earth," I say sarcastically and Jack just gives me a blank look.

"No shit Sherlock. You really have no clue what you're doing do you?" Jack more states than asks.

Okay, I've never gone on a date before, or ever been romantic with someone. Thats because everyone annoys me, still do. That was before her happy go lucky soul came skipping into my life and now I want to do every piece of couple sappy shit known to man. Only with her.

"No," I grit out.

"Okay, well is there any place that you two have gone to, that was special or she enjoyed?" Jack asks trying to come up with ideas.

"Yeah, actually," I say in realisation.

Crystal Creek Village.

"Crystal Creek Village," I say.

"Well then looks like your date is sorted, well kind of. You have to book for a restaurant and what are you guys gonna do?" Jack says quickly.

"Nah I got it sorted now," I say getting up from my stool and walking into my office.

I know exactly what to do...

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