Sweet Dreams // Creepypasta x...

By killerkaiden

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Family Murder
Chapter 3: Waking From The Dead
Chapter 4: The Portal
Chapter 5: The Fight
Chapter 7: Your Change
Chapter 8
New Story?
Chapter 9: The Perfect Accident
Chapter 10: As One
Chapter 11 - Wolfblood

Chapter 6: Meeting the Creepypastas and Your Injury

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By killerkaiden

You walked into the mansion to see something that made you gasp. Unlike the rest of the house, the inside was nicely furnished and new looking. It has a crimson red couch in the middle of the room, pure white carpet, a flat screen T.V., and a glass table in front of the couch. EJ took your hand, making you blush a little, and led you to the stairs. You both climbed them, along with Jeff, and walked through the hallway.

You all stopped in front of a grey door. It had nothing on it except a red circle with an 'X' in the middle. ¨Is that like a clan symbol or something?¨ you asked, looking at EJ. He looked at you and shook his head silently. You shrugged it off and asked,¨Aren't we gonna go in or...¨ He nodded and knocked on the door. You heard something fall and a deep voice say,¨Come in, children.¨ EJ opened the door and you all walked in.

¨What's up, Slendy?¨ Jeff asked smugly. He flopped down on a black leather chair and put his feet on the desk. He put his hands behind his head and smiled. ¨Child, get your feet off of my desk. Now.¨ Slender said calmly, staring at Jeff. You could tell he was staring even though he had no eyes. Jeff took his feet off of the desk, crossed his arms, and slumped back into the seat. You heard him cuss under his breath, but everyone just ignored him.

He stood up from his black revolver chair and leaned on the desk. You could see him fully now. He wore a black suit with a red tie and was pure white; as white as the carpet on the floor. He had no facial features like eyes, a mouth, a nose, or ears. His face was just... blank. You shivered from his face. It wasn't from fear- it was from the static.

The moment you looked at him and he looked at you, you got a shiver down your spine. You thought it was from being nervous so you just shook it off. The more you looked at him, the more intense your shivering and headache got. You rubbed your temples as he spoke. ¨Ow! What the hell brain?!¨ you thought, closing your eyes in pain. ¨Child, is everything alright?¨ Slender asked, sitting back down in his chair. ¨Y-yeah, just a small headache.¨ you replied, the pain getting stronger. ¨Are you sure?¨ he said, getting up and walking toward you.

You grunted as the pain got worse, if that was even possible, and dropped to the ground. You screamed in pain and held your head. Jeff and EJ stared at you while Slender rushed to your aid. EJ got up from his chair and walked toward you he kneeled down by you and took your hand. You still closed your eyes from the pain and when EJ took your hand, you jumped in shock. Slender was by your side, putting his hand on your shoulder.

EJ stood up and lightly pushed Slender back. The pain in your head subsided a little and you cracked your eyelids open. EJ nodded and you said through grunts,¨Can you... push him back... a little... more?¨ He did as he was told and they were now in front of the grey wall. The pain went down a lot and you stood up. You still felt dizzy but pushed the feeling aside.

¨What was that about?¨ Jeff said, smiling. ¨I¨ you started, but almost fell over so you leaned on Slender's desk; ¨have no idea.¨ Slender chuckled and sat back down in his chair. EJ sat down in his chair, too. You were the only one standing and when EJ saw, he stood up and gestured to the chair. ¨Oh, no thanks, EJ.¨ you said. He walked over to you, grabbed you by the shoulders, and plopped you in the chair. You blushed a little and said,¨Thanks, but you didn't have to do that.¨ He just nodded and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

¨Quit with the love story, guys. Slendy's tryin' to talk¨ Jeff said, making two thumbs down. You glared at him and looked back at Slender. ¨So, (Y/N)? Do you have a Creepypasta name?¨ Slender asked, his hands folded in front of him on the desk. ¨What's a Creepypasta?¨ you asked, intrigued. ¨A Creepypasta is a person who has gone insane or has died unfairly, like yourself. I pick people to be Creepypastas based on their skills and their past. I bring them back to life or find them. Like you, for example. You died an unfair death and you have extremely good skills in karate and reflects. That's why you're here. Jeff? EJ? Can you please step outside so I can talk to (Y/N) in private?¨ he said. EJ and Jeff got up and walked into the hallway.

¨Do you understand now, (Y/N)?¨ he added. You nodded and said,¨Yes, sir.¨ He chuckled and said,¨Call me Slender, child.¨ You nodded again. ¨So, here's my question: would you like to become a Creepypasta?¨ he said calmly. You sat there, thinking about his sudden question. ¨You can think about it but make sure to give me your answer before 6 o'clock tonight or I will take that as a no.¨ Slender said. You snapped out of your thoughts and smiled at Slender. ¨Thank you, Slender.¨ you said happily. ¨You can leave now if you want.¨ he said, folding his hands in front of him on the desk again. You nodded, got up, and walked back into the hallway.

Jeff and EJ had left, so you decided to explore a little. You looked at the pictures on the white walls. ¨Hmm. Wonder what that means.¨ you said, looking at an old piece of paper that said,¨Always watches; no eyes.¨ You shrugged it off and kept walking.

You saw many pictures like the first one you saw, but they had different words and drawings on them. When you got back to the stairs, you climbed down them and went into the living room. There was 3 people in there that you'd never seen before.

There was an elf wearing a green shirt, green pants, and a long, green hat. ¨He must really love the color green.¨ you thought. He had blonde hair and pointed ears. You couldn't see his face because he was turned toward the T.V. playing Majora's Mask on a green DS.

The other two were eating something. You peeked to see what it was and it was cheesecake. ¨I could go for some cheesecake.¨ you thought hungrily. One of them was wearing an orange jacket, dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. He was wearing a black mask with a red stitched in frown and had red eyes.
The other one was wearing a yellow jacket, black pants, had brown hair, and was wearing a white mask with black eyes and smile painted on it. ¨Does everyone wear masks around here?¨ you thought. You slipped past them and went into the kitchen.

¨Finally, somewhere where I'm alone.¨ you said as you closed your eyes and panted. ¨Y-you sure about t-that?¨ a voice said. You opened one eye to see a man with brown hair wearing orange goggles, a grey mouthpiece, a brown jacket with dark brown stripes on the sleeves, black pants, and black and white converse. He also had a belt holding 2 hatchets and black leather gloves.

¨W-who are you?¨ you asked, standing against the wall. He took a hatchet out of his belt, tossed it in the air, caught it, and said,¨Y-you trying t-to m-mock me?¨ He started walking toward you, which frightened you, and you shook your head. He pushed you up against the wall, pinned your wrists with his hands, and said,¨Y-you'd better g-get out of h-here before people s-start w-wanting to k-kill you.¨ He chuckled and caressed your cheek with his hatchet's blade. For the first time in your life, you sweated from fear. Sweat trickled down your forehead as you waited for him to kill you. He chuckled again and said,¨D-don't worry. I-I won't k-kill y-you.¨ You let out a sigh of relief and said,¨Okay, that's taken care of. Can you let me go now?¨ ¨O-oh yeah. S-sorry.¨ he said as he let your hands go and rubbed the back of his head nervously. ¨Thanks.¨ you said, rubbing your reddened wrists.

¨S-so, who are y-you?¨ he said, sitting down on a chair and gesturing to the one beside him. You cautiously walked over to the chair and sat down. ¨I might be a new Creepypasta. I just got out of Slenderman's office. He told me to tell him whether or not I want to be a Creepypasta by 6.¨ you said. He nodded and said,¨G-good luck. W-what's y-your name?¨ ¨(Y/N) but my Creepypasta name is Halloween.¨ you said. He smiled and said,¨N-nice name. I-I like b-both o-of them. M-my name's T-Toby. ¨ You blushed, turned away, and said,"I like your name, Toby."

¨H-hey, want a w-waffle?¨ he said, picking up a waffle from his plate and handing it out to you. ¨Uh, sure.¨ you said, raising your hand and taking it. He gave you two thumbs up and said,¨I l-love w-waffles! They're m-my favorite f-food? D-do y-you like w-waffles?¨ You smiled and said,¨Heck yeah! I love waffles! I used to eat them everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They're so good.¨ Toby smiled and said playfully,¨If y-you l-love waffles, I l-love y-you!"

He got up out of his chair and picked you up from the stomach. You laughed and said,¨Put me down, Toby!¨ He chuckled and said,¨F-fine, (Y/N).¨ He put you down on the ground and said,¨I-I got to g-go. S-see you around 8 w-when m-my killing s-spree is o-over.¨ He walked out of the kitchen and you heard the front door slam. ¨Killing spree?? Okay, I knew these people were a little weird, but a killing spree?!¨ you thought as you walked into the living room.

Everyone was gone from the living room except the green guy. He paused his game and looked at you. You stood there, afraid and curious at the same time. ¨Who the heck are you?¨ he said, slowly placing his DS on the couch and getting up. ¨I'm a new Creepypasta. Well, might be. Slenderman asked if I wanted to be one and to tell him my answer by 6.¨ you said, still frozen.¨Well you'd better go to Slender's office. Like, right now. It's 5:55.¨ he said, sitting back down and unpausing his DS. ¨Oh crap! Thanks!¨ you yelled as you ran up the stairs. You flew down the hallway with inhuman speed and, when you reached Slender's door, put you hands on your knees and heaved in breaths. You slowly raised your hand and knocked on his door.

¨Is that you, (Y/N)?¨ Slender asked. ¨Y-yeah.¨ you said, standing up and putting your hands over your head. ¨Oh! Come in, come in!¨ he said. You opened the door and sat down in the black leather chair. ¨So, child,¨ Slender started, folding his hands in front of him as he always did. ¨Did you think about the question?¨ You nodded. ¨Well, what is your answer?¨ You looked around nervously and swallowed hard. ¨What is my answer?¨ you thought, realizing you had no time to think about it.

¨I think I'm gonna... be a Creepypasta.¨ you said, smiling happily as the words left your mouth. Slender ¨smiled¨ and said,¨Oh good! Go talk with EJ and ask him for the serum.¨ You swallowed hard again and said,¨S-serum?¨ He chuckled and said,¨Yes, child. This injection will help make you a full Creepypasta.¨ You nodded, thanked him, and headed toward EJ's room.

When you reached him room, you knocked and heard metal hit the floor. A few moments later, you were in his room, laying on a doctor-like chair. As you sat and waited, he was getting things out of drawers and and placing them on a metal table in front of the doctor chair.

¨Uh, EJ? Whatcha doin'?¨ you asked, swinging your legs back and forth. He said nothing and kept working. When he was finished, he walked over to you, put liquid in the needle, numbed your arm, and nodded. You hesitated, then said,¨W-will this hurt?¨ He hesitated, too, and then nodded. You swallowed hard and closed your eyes, ready for the pain.

When the 4 shots were injected, it stung your arm so bad. ¨Why bother putting numbing on my arm? It doesn't help.¨ you thought as you hopped down from the chair, rubbing your arm. EJ walked back over to the white counter, got something, and walked back to you.

¨What's that?¨ you said as he came closer. He stopped in front of you and held it out. You giggled and took it from him. You put it in your mouth and sucked on it. ¨Cherry! My favorite flavor! Thanks, EJ.¨ you said as you hugged him. He was shocked for a second, but lightly hugged you back. You took the sucker out of your mouth and threw the stick away when you were leaving. ¨Thanks again, EJ!¨ you said as you walked out. EJ waved to you and blushed under his mask.

Later that night, about 8:30, Toby was home and Slender had called a meeting. As everyone sat down, you stood in the corner, not wanting to sit. Once Toby saw you, he smiled and gestured for you to come to him. You slowly walked toward him and said,¨Yeah?¨ ¨S-sit down, (Y-Y/N).¨ he said, patting the spot beside him. ¨No thanks. I'm good.¨ you said, walking away. Before you realized it, you felt two hands pick you up and plop you down on the couch. You laughed and playfully punched Toby in the arm. He rubbed it and said,¨W-what was t-that f-for?¨ You shrugged and said,¨I don't know, for you being a big dork?¨ He chuckled and poked your side.

As you and him talked along with Jeff, Slender walked up to the front of the room and hit a spoon against a glass cup, making everyone stop talking. ¨So, as you may have realized, we have a new Creepypasta!¨ he said, placing the cup and spoon on the glass table. Everyone muttered words and nodded, making you feel a little awkward. ¨Child, will you please come up here so you can meet everyone?¨ he said, looking at you. You nodded and slowly got up and made your way to Slender's side.

¨So, I know you have met Toby, EJ, and Jeff, am I correct?¨ Slender said. You nodded and started playing with your thumbs, something you always did when you were nervous. ¨Do not be shy, child. We are all family here. We will not bite...most of the time.¨ Slender said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You cringed for a moment, your arm still hurting from the 4 shots. ¨I am sorry. Did I hurt you?¨ You shook your head and got used to the burning feeling in your arm. Slender let go of your arm and said,¨Let's start from the left, shall we?¨

¨This is BEN.¨ he said, gesturing to the guy you saw earlier. ¨He's from the game Majora's Mask. He is suppose to be Link from the game, but he's an evil version of him. His way of killing people is that he can hack and crawl through any electronic device. Lastly, his catch phrase is 'You shouldn't have done that.¨ BEN stood up and bowed. Everyone laughed and BEN sat down smiling. The one thing you never noticed about him was that his eyes dripped... blood... His eyes were also pitch black with a red pupil. You shivered at his eyes as Slender moved along.

¨This is Sally.¨ Slender said, pointing to a girl in a pink night gown and pink slippers. She had long, brown hair that went to the middle of her back and the brightest, most beautiful olive green eyes you've ever seen. Her clothes were stained with blood and dirt, like she'd never washed them. The most abnormal thing about her was that there was blood coming from her forehead that came together at her eyebrows. She giggled and waved. ¨This little girl was... playing a 'game'... as her uncle said and-¨ Slender started, but was cut off by Sally's crying. Toby, who sat next to her, hugged her and calmed her down. ¨I'm sorry, Slender.¨ she said in a sweet little voice, wiping the tears from her face. ¨Well, hopefully you get it, child. Can not go into too much detail. Anyways, her catchphrase is 'Will you play with me?'¨ ¨Will you play dollies with me later? I've always wanted a big sister!¨ Sally said as she giggled, ran up to you, and hugged you. ¨Sure thing, cutie.¨ you said as you kneeled down and hugged her back. She skipped back to the couch and sat on Toby's lap, still smiling.

¨This is Masky.¨ he said, pointing to the guy next to Toby. He had a yellow jacket, dark blue jeans, black combat boots, brown hair, and a white mask with black eyes and a mouth painted on it. You smiled and waved at him, but he just sat there. After a few seconds, he perked up, looked around, and waved at you. ¨No one knows his backstory because he will not tell us, and neither will Hoodie. His catchphrase is' He is a Liar'. Let's carry on.¨

¨This is Hoodie.¨ he said, gesturing to a guy in an orange hoodie, dark blue jeans, black combat boots, and a black mask with red eyes and mouth stitched into it. The mouth was stitched in as a frown. He did nothing but give a small wave. ¨We do not know Masky's backstory, either, because he does not talk much; but that is okay. He does not have a catchphrase, just like Masky.¨ Slender leaned toward you and whispered in your ear,¨He and Masky are best friends, but act like brothers. If you see them apart, it will be a very, very rare sight.¨ You nodded and Slender stood upright again.

¨This is Jeff, EJ, and Toby, as you know already.¨ Slender said as the three waved. Toby waved more excitedly than the others and smiled even bigger than Jeff, which was almost impossible. Jeff gave a little wave and went back to playing with his knife. EJ waved a little more enthusiastically than Jeff, but way less than Toby. ¨Just to inform you, their Creepypasta names are Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless Jack. Jeff's catchphrase is 'Go to Sleep' and he uses a knife, EJ's catchphrase is 'Just Empty Black Sockets' and he uses a scalpel since he is a doctor, and Toby's catchphrase is 'You Won't Hurt Me' and he uses hatchets. Alright, child. You have met everyone. Now.. who would like to share a room with (Y/N)?¨

As soon as the words left his non-existing mouth, there was a roar out shouts and yells, all of them saying,¨Me! Me! Pick me!¨ ¨Alright, alright, children. Settle down.¨ Slender said calmly, but the shouting was so loud that it drowned out Slender's voice. ¨ENOUGH!¨ Slender's voice boomed through the room making all shouting stop. Everyone sat back down and you backed away from their hungry looking faces.

Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for my choice. ¨Uh...¨ you stuttered, too afraid to answer. One of Slender's tentacles shout out from his back and pat you on the head. ¨Now, now, child. I will make the decision, not you. Do not worry.¨ he said, trying to comfort you. You faked a smile and rubbed your arm nervously. ¨Hmm. Whoever wants (Y/N) as their roommate raise your hand.¨ Slender asked as 5 hands shot up in the air. The only ones who didn't raise their hand were Jeff and EJ, who were distracted. EJ was playing with his scalpel and Jeff was slouched back on the couch, crouching his arms and trying to frown. You giggled at the sight of him trying to frown.

¨Jeff? EJ? Would one of you like (Y/N)?¨ Slender said making everyone look at them. EJ still played with his scalpel and Jeff, surprisingly, stood and and said,¨No way, Slender! Don't put me with this...this...human!¨ He clenched his fists to his side and scowled at me. ¨Well, Jeffery, since you do not want her, you can have her.¨ Slender said calmly, folding his hands in front of himself. Jeff groaned, plopped down on the couch and everyone left.

As you started to leave, you were pulled to the side by someone. It was BEN. ¨Hey, (Y/N). Be careful with Jeff. Don't piss him off. He'll kill you in your sleep. It's happened before. So, just tell me you'll be safe.¨ BEN said, holding the sides of your arms worridley. You nodded, grabbed and pulled his arms down, and said,¨I'll be fine, BEN. Why are you so worried?¨ ¨I-I just don't want you getting hurt. I've had to spy on you for Slender a couple of months ago. I know I don't know you very well, but... you're special. I can tell. You're gonna influence this whole mansion! Just... promise me you'll be safe and watch out for Jeff?¨ BEN said, looking at you worriedly. You just stood there, too shocked to do anything. Did he really just say that to you? You slowly nodded and said,¨T-thank you, BEN. That was so sweet.¨ You hugged him and, to your surprise, he hugged you without an hesitation. He let go and walked away, waving back at you. You stood there for a while, soaking in what just happened. After about 5 minutes, you snapped out of your thoughts and went upstairs to Jeff's room.

When you finished getting dressed and showered, you headed back to Jeff's room. He was on the bed, playing with his knife. When you shut the door, he turned his head toward you and scowled. ¨That's not a nice way to greet your guests.¨ you said, smirking. ¨Guests are usually wanted. You're not a guest of mine.¨ Jeff said, going back to playing with his knife. ¨Geeze, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed- or coffin- whatever you sleep in.¨ you said, snickering. Jeff faked a laugh and threw his knife at you. It hit the wall and only missed your head by inches. You glared at him and he did the same.

¨Look, I know we hate each other, well sorta but I don't know, but can't we get through the night without you trying to kill me?¨ you said as you sat on a black revolver chair piled with Jeff's clothes. ¨Hey, get off of those!¨ he yelled, glaring and pointing at you. You stood up, picked up the pile of clothes, and threw them on the floor. You sat back down and waited for Jeff to yell but, oddly, he didn't. He just muttered under his breath and started carving something into his wooden bedpost.

When you both heard the grandfather clock in the hallway strike 12, you and Jeff looked at each other. ¨Wanna call it a night?¨ you asked, putting your sketch pad and pencil down and stretching. ¨What, too baby to stay up?¨ Jeff said, smirking. You scoffed and said,¨You wish! I bet I could stay up way longer than you!¨ you said, standing up and pointing at him, furring your eyebrows. Jeff threw his knife at the wall, making it get stuck, stood up, and smuggily said,¨Bring it.¨

As the time turned at 1 A.M., you could barely keep your eyes open. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Jeff was tired, too. You both sat on the bed, struggling to stay away. ¨I'm so gonna beat you.¨ you said, yawning. ¨No way.¨ Jeff said between yawns.

Jeff went back to carving to keep himself awake and you started drawing. You sat back down on the black chair, held your sketchpad up with your knees, and drew. When it was 2:30, you were still drawing while Jeff tried to pull his knife out of the wall. He pulled so hard that his face turned red and he started sweating a bit. He slipped and fell from his ¨butter hands¨ ( that's what you called them ) and landed with a thud on the ground. He growled as you burst out laughing.

¨Shut up!¨ Jeff said as he stood up and glared daggers at you. You wiped the tears of joy from your eyes and, while laughing, accidentally dropped your drawing.

In the middle of Jeff's yelling, he saw the paper and picked it up. ¨Well what is this?¨ he said, turning it right side up. You jumped up and tackled him to the ground. ¨Give...it...back!¨ you yelled as you tried to grab it from him. ¨Nev-! Hey! Give it here!¨ Jeff said as you snatched it away and bolted toward the living room, clutching it to your chest for dear life.

You jumped down all flights of stairs with your ¨Creepypasta Super Jump¨ and landed at the bottom. Jeff was right on your tail and, you tried to run, but you were 1 second too late. You got tackled to the ground by Jeff and he pinned your wrists to the floor with his hands. He sat on your waist, pinning your legs and waist with his. ¨Get off!¨ you yelled as you kicked you knee up, hitting him where the sun don't shine. He crumbled over and held it, cursing all the words in the dictionary.

As you stood up and tried to run, you felt two hands wrap around your ankles, making you trip. You hit your face on the floor, hard, and tasted blood in your mouth but you didn't care because, let's face it, you loved the taste of blood. You licked the blood off of your lips and looked back at smiling Jeff. ¨Get off! You can't have it!¨ you said, releasing his grip of your right ankle as you kicked him in the face. Of course, with your luck, he got not damage from it. He stood up and laughed menacingly. ¨YOU CAN'T RUN, (Y/N)!¨ he yelled, getting closer. ¨OH YEAH?! WHAT AM I DOING RIGHT NOW IDIOT!?¨ you yelled back at him. You heard him growl as he sped up.

After a while of running and chasing, you began to get faster. Jeff growled again and started throwing knives at you. As you turned the corner, Jeff threw a knife at where you were about to go. You stopped, feeling something cold in your stomach. You looked down to see Jeff's knife in you. Your eyes widened as you fell to the ground, falling to your knees first. You instantly got knocked out cold. Jeff ran up to you, ready to fight, when he saw you.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Please wake up!" Jeff yelled, trying to shake you awake. He slid to his knees, turned you over, and slapped your face, making it red. "Oh crap!" he yelled, picking you up and carrying you bridal style.

When he got to EJ's room, you could hear his snoring all around the mansion. Jeff knocked hard and, when there was no answer, kicked the door open with his foot. Your limp body laid in Jeff's arms as he placed you down softly on the ground and went over to EJ. "EJ! WAKE UP!" Jeff yelled, slapping him across his unmasked face. EJ mumbled and slowly woke up. He groaned groggily, putting on his mask and glaring. He sat up, still glaring. "It's (Y/N)! She got pierced through the stomach with a knife and she's dying! Fix her!" EJ nodded and ran over to your body. You groaned in pain, barely clinging on to life for the second time.

EJ gestured at Jeff to go away. Jeff said,"No! I'm not letting her die! She's.. special!" Jeff said, moving toward your body. He walked up the the doctor chair EJ had put you on and touched your arm. "Cold as ice." he said, pulling his hand away."Hurry up!" Jeff yelled, pacing nervously. "Hold on! EJ yelled back, examining the wound.

After stitches and medicine, you were good as new. Except for the extreme blood loss, of corse. Five days after the accident, you were still in shock. All of the Creepypastas always came in to check on you, especially Jeff, Toby, EJ, and BEN. They were the ones that visited the most. EJ seemed to only come because he wanted you to leave, but that's not what you heard.

"(Y/N)! Please wake up!" Jeff yelled angrily, shaking you, tears, for once, coming to his eyes. EJ walked over to Jeff and calmly placed his hand on Jeff's shoulder. "What?!" Jeff screamed, turning towards EJ, his eyes glowing red in anger. EJ nodded and Jeff calmed down. "You need to leave, Jeff. She'll wake up sooner or later." EJ said, leading Jeff to the door. "No, EJ! I need her now! I know I just met her and and she thinks j hate her but... I love her! I need her!" Jeff said, tears staining his white face. "I know, Jeff. She's changed all of us, but you need to go. If she dies, let her die in peace. I'm not saying I want her to die, but if she does, I don't want her to die without peace, okay?" EJ said in his calm, reassuring voice. Jeff sniffled and said,"Fine." and left.

As soon as Jeff had left, EJ ran over to you and said,"I will never let anyone take you away from me,(Y/N). I love you." And with that, he lifted his mask and lightly kissed your forehead.

I know it's superrrr long, but it's a sorry gift for not updating c: Hope you like this chapter!Comment who you think you should be with. Peace!✌️

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