The Water Test

By writtenbytee

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"Are we really perfect or have we just never been tested?" Nico Waters & Eden Rowe have been together for fi... More

Chapter 1: Size Seven
Chapter 2: A Good Review
Chapter 4: Cheque Books
Chapter 5: The Proposal
Chapter 6: Game On

Chapter 3: Helping Hand

1.2K 114 244
By writtenbytee

N I C O| waters

@ 4theloveofindia:

10/10 on the recommendation, we blew a bag on food. It was so good that we couldn't just stop at one meal and ended up with half the menu at our table.
However, I'm left with an extra two pounds that I need off asap lol
I know you've got a gym membership, mind if I come as your plus one?

"What time is it?"

Locking my phone, I placed it back onto my nightstand and stretched before turning over to face Eden's perfectly sculpted back. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her gently into my chest and kissed her exposed shoulder. "7 am."

"I wish I had the ability to sleep in." She yawned.

"Early bird gets the first worm."

"Early bird is also always tired as hell!" With that statement she finally turned around to face me, placing her palm against my cheek, she stroked it with her thumb meanwhile keeping her eyes closed.

"What's on the agenda for you?" I took the time to examine how beautiful this woman was. The calmness she exuded, the way her chest rose ever so slightly with every breath she drew in, the shape of her lips and the way they parted before she spoke, her wispy lashes and the beauty marks that were scattered perfectly against her clear skin. I was blessed to know that she was mine.

"I have to upload the last match making video, today is the finale for Carlos and Tabitha. Then I have to start editing my weekly vlog, I have a sponsorship so I have to send that in for approval. Afterwards, I have to take content pictures for boohoo. I also have to get on instagram live for thirty minutes to talk about this new skincare line." She yawned again, "They're actually pretty good, I must say. I just can't pronounce their name." 

"Sounds like a busy day..."

"I feel like I'm forgetting something though, I have to get up and check my phone."

"My mom's brunch for Marco and Michaela."

Eden's eyes flew open and she halted from stroking my cheek. "How the hell did I forget?"

"It was booked last minute so I'm not surprised."

"I'm going to have to try and move things around now." Eden wasted no time with getting up and out of the bed. I watched her waltz across the room naked, she grabbed the robe and tossed it over her shoulder before heading into the living room.

"Babe, she'll have to understand if you can't. I hope you know that." I sat up, resting against the headboard while picking up my phone again. Shaking my head, I closed the unread message and opted for my usual timeline scrolling.

Eden rushed back in with her agenda in hand along with her matching pink pen between her lips. Plopping onto the bed, she sat up next to me and ran her finger along the noted plans she had set. Just as today, most of the boxes for the remainder of the week were just as full. It was clear that she was not playing about being booked and busy this summer.

Here I was with a "real" career and still my agenda looked nothing like that, even on my worst day.

While she skimmed through and mumbled to herself, I noticed her phone lighting up from the nightstand on her side. The flashing camera light indicating that she was getting a phone call.

"Who could be calling you at 7 in the morning?" I chuckled.

"Probably Daniella with tea from last night." She assumed without looking.

"Tea from last night?" My brow raised with interest, "I'd like to hear that."

I leaned over her to take her phone but unfortunately the call ended before I could hit accept. Together we looked down at the screen and to my surprise, it was her father's contact ID. Eden was quick to grab the phone out of my hand and place it back onto the night table.

Without an indication in her demeanour, she returned to her agenda as if nothing had just happened.

"Are we going to talk about that or...?"

"What's there to talk about?" She asked, jotting down something on the side of her already packed page.

"Your father?"

"What about him?"

"Are you guys on talking terms now or?"

"If we were, I would've answered."

"The fact that he's talking you through." My brows lowered, "kinda odd if you ask me."

"Nothing odd about it Nico, he's my dad."

"The same dad that was using yo-."

"Do you think your mom will be mad if we arrive an hour late? I know she's big on punctuality but if I move my editing to later on tonight after getting on live. I'll take the pictures now then I can squeeze the brunch in."

"You know my mom would have a fit even if it were thirty, so if that's what you gotta do then let's do it."

"Ugh as if I'm not already on her bad side."

"You aren't."

"Let's not be naive to the fact that your mother does not like me, after five years she has chosen to tolerate me."

"I don't think so. I know she likes you, she's just a judgemental Lucian mother." He shrugged, "the usual."

"And the fact that I have 0.0% of Lucian in my blood, the fact that I can't cook a single cultural dish, the fact that i'm not an aspiring anything is enough for me to not be on her favourites list." She shook her head. "It's actually crazy to me because she judges me, but your dad isn't Lucian either."

"Trust me, when it comes to hypocrites; my mom is first in line. I love her to bits but she does have her shortcomings." I sighed, resting my head back against the wall. "And those are things she's just going to have to live to deal with. You're the one I've chosen to be with and I have no plans on ever changing that so; it is what it is."

"I'd rather not add insult upon injury." She smirked, "so I'll just post later tonight that way I'm able to be at her brunch on time."

"Isn't that going to look bad on the brand?"

Eden shrugged, "they'll get over it. I'll blame it on internet issues or something."

"I'm not going to allow you to add any dents into your career path for the sake of my mother Eden." With a scoff, I shook my head. "Whether you're late, early or not even there; she'll find something to say and it's not just you but me as well. My mom just likes to talk about people." I laughed. "So, you might as well get what you have to get done and if you make it; then you make it."

Eden stared at me as if she were searching for reassurance. Placing my finger under he chin, I leaned in to peck her soft pink lips nearly getting lost in the moment. Biting on them gently,  "You're good. I promise." I whispered against them before pulling away.

"Fine... these are some pretty important tasks now that I think about it."

"Exactly." I gave her wink then leaned back against the headboard, returning my interest back to my timeline. A good majority of it was filled with pictures from last night's outing, some of which I was tagged in; thankfully, they got my good side in each. "Don't think I forgot about that dad conversation that we were having."

"I know you haven't. But I don't want to talk about it. So," closing her agenda, she reached over and patted my thigh. "Let's leave it where it is before it ruins our day." She gave me a quick kiss then climbed out of the bed. "I gotta get on top of this work and you gotta get to the gym!"

"Are you making coffee or should I?"

"I can make the coffee this morning, only if you walk Cane."

"That!" I pointed, "sounds like a good trade off."

    Swinging my legs off the bed, Eden commanded Alexa to play our routined morning slow jams meanwhile I made the bed. Out in the living room I could hear her letting Cane out of his crate and within seconds he was racing into the room to play with me.

After roughhousing for a bit, I brushed my teeth, put on a pair of joggers that I had left over here, a random old band tee and a hat then gestured for Cane to follow me outside. I was grateful that Cane was well mannered and trained beyond belief, but the stigma around pit-bulls in general were the reason why he had to be leashed every time we went out.

The morning greetings from the neighbours came to me as no surprise; I knew a majority of them were directed towards Cane but I basked in his popular presence every once in a while.

Although it was a short walk to the dog park, it was just the right amount of distance to get my morning stretch in. Once we got through the gates of the secluded area, filled with dogs running freely; I let Cane off of his and found my way over to one of the benches.

I made sure to angle myself in a way where I'd be comfortable while still keeping a good eye on Cane as he ran out into the field where most of the dogs his size were.

The instagram notification caught my attention, my eyes wandered down to the screen there the message sat.

@ 4theloveofindia:
Seen? Wow... that hurts.
Jk, it's rude of me to be messaging you this early anyways.
When you get a chance though hmu; I really wanna get a workout in. Help a sista out!

@ nicoslife:
My bad, I didn't mean to. I wasn't fully awake yet.
I normally hit the gym at 9.
Are you down?

@ 4theloveofindia:
I'm definitely down. Drop the addy and I'm there.

I did exactly that then headed over to my contacts to make a quick call to Marco.

"It's seven in the morning..."

"We're going to the gym at nine."

"Are you asking or telling me?"

"What did it sound like?"

"I'm confused. Is this you, trying to tell me I'm fat or something. Because I know I've put on a couple pounds of happy weight but it's rude for you to assume that it's not intentional."

I rolled my eyes, "Marco. India hit me up saying she wants to come work out. I told her it was good, so I need you to come with me."

"India?!" He exclaimed. "India hit you up?"


"You gave her your number last night?"

"No... I gave her my instagram."

"Oh. I was about to say, she moves quick because Jules told me he got the number."

"Did he now?" I smirked.

"Is that jealousy in your tone?"

"Why would I be jealous?"

"I'm just asking!"

"Yeah, well it was a bit of dumb question to ask, don't you think?"

"It's either you didn't get some last night or you're just as jealous as I assume because the hostility in your voice!"

"Marco. We're not going to do this... just be ready for nine."

"What is it that we're not going to do? Talk about your ex-misses showing up?"

"She isn't my ex."

"Tomato, tomatoe!"

"Okay, I'm finished with this conversation. 9 am, yeah?"

"I don't understand why you need a chaperone!"

"I'm n-." I sucked my teeth, "you know what? Never mind."

"I'm just trying to process this all."

"I'm asking you to come, that's all. Are you down or not?"

"Oh, so now you're asking."

"This guy!" I groaned and without another word, I hung up. I knew that this conversation was going no where but in circles; Marco was known to be difficult and it was far too early for the back and forth. Especially since I hadn't had a drop of coffee in my system as yet.

"Chaperone?" I scoffed, "hell I look like needing a damn chaperone." I rose from my seat and whistled for Cane to return. Normally, I'd stay out longer but that conversation really did the trick when it came to getting under my skin. It felt as if everyone had so much doubt when it came to my loyalty, it felt as if they were all gunning for us not to work out.

Cane returned to where I was, and I clipped his leash back on. "Let's go for a jog bud." I patted his side, before we took off. I needed a bit of time alone to clear my head from all of this new pressure I was facing.

E D E N| rowe

    Scrolling through Tabitha and Carlos' memory lane nearly had me in tears. Seeing where they came from at their blind date to their four month update was the sweetest thing. The initial attraction was undeniably strong, the chemistry was so natural between the two; I had been in the game for a while now and I just knew when something had the potential to last.

I wasn't a hopeless romantic or anything, so I knew the reality by which not everything that starts out good will hold out for the long run. However, I knew that with enough effort on both parts that it had a good fighting chance. I was here to lay the foundation, now it was up to them to keep building the house on their own. Without any bias of course, I had faith in Tabitha and Carlos.

I took a sip of my hazelnut flavoured cold brew, then clicked away at my screen to make some minor last edits. As perfect as it was, you could never go wrong with another round of last minute changes.

    My phone began to ring again from the bedroom and in the corner of my iMac I could see that the call was coming from my dad again. One time was normal but twice? Was very much so out of the ordinary.

I got up from my seat without hesitation, this time catching the call before it rang out. Taking in a deep preparation inhale, "Hey dad." I answered and said.

"Eden, I'm sorry for calling you so early."

"It's fine, is everything alright?"

"Not really. It pains me to call you about this... it really does."

"What is the matter dad?"

"I got evicted from my apartment this morning." His words caused my heart to drop to my stomach. "I had paid them half the rent, told them I had to get back to them with the other half. I assumed all was good but I arrived from work this morning and the door was bolted shut with this pink slip on the door."

I shut my eyes, fighting away the tears that I felt like I couldn't control. Something about the need in my father's voice always did something to me. "Do you want me to send you money, dad?"

"I... I don't want to say yes and you assume that I'm using you. I'd rather a place to lay my head until I can get enough to pay them the remaining balance."

"I can just come down there and pay them dad. It's not a big deal."

"Honestly Eden, I don't want to take your money. I just wanted somewhere to rest before tonight's shift. Even if it's in a $40 motel, I'll be alright."

"Where you now?"

"I just got down to the mall, they usually keep the doors open for people to enter the subway. So I'm going to see if I can grab a cheap bite to eat then walk around until later."

"Alright, I'll come and meet you there."

"I'd appreciate that."

"Is your phone charged up?"

"Uh..." he went distant for a moment, "10%. I think I can find a place to charge it in here?"

"Just meet me in the food court."

"Alright, I'll stay around the McDonalds."

"Okay, see you soon."

"See you darling."

He hung up and I tossed my phone onto the bed, letting out the exhale I had been holding in so deeply. I placed my hand against my chest and allowed a couple of tears to fall before I finally was able to bring myself together.

    I took a quick little shower, threw my hair in somewhat of a bun and decided I would opt for one of Nico's t-shirts. Being as he didn't have much space in my wardrobe, the small drawer I was able to clear for him was loaded with options. I took out one of my favourites, threw it on the bed and before I could shut the drawer I noticed his pants from last night.

"Imagine all these germs mixing with his new clothes." I turned my face up, "How many times do I have to tell this guy that?" I took the pants up, starting emptying the pockets as I headed over to throw it into my laundry basket.

The left pocket was clear but once I got to the right one, I stopped in my tracks. My eyes widened and slowly, I took the velvet box out from his pocket. Lavigne's logo imprinted on the top, I tried my best to fight the urge but I just couldn't help it.

I dropped the pants at my feet and opened up the box to see the most gorgeous diamond ring I had ever seen in my entire life. I nearly blinded myself with the amount of sparkle in one ring. I was in such awe and amazement to the point where I didn't even hear the front door open but I did however, hear it shut along with Cane's footsteps charging for the room.

I scurried, trying to shut the box; I forced it back into the pocket before running over and throwing the pants back into the drawer. I shut it as if on cue, because Nico ended up walking into the bedroom just as I had done so.

"This one's for me, right?" He asked.

I gazed up, out of breath to see him holding up a coffee mug. My heart was racing and the fact that I was struggling to breathe made me answer with a simple nod of the head.

"Appreciate it." He said before taking a big gulp. "Heading out?" He pointed towards the clothes on the bed.

"Yeah, I have to go pick up a package from the post office." I lied, knowing that it was best to keep my father's name out of our conversations in order to keep the peace.

"I'm going to the gym. I can just pick it up for you then."

"That is a good idea, but I need apart of it for my content pictures today."

"Oh! Your new lighting came in?"

"I believe so. I just got a notification saying something was waiting for me. So, fingers crossed."

I threw his shirt over my head and stepped into the shorts meanwhile he did the opposite and undressed to take a shower. "I, most likely won't be here when you get home. So, enjoy your work day. I'm going to head back to my spot to get changed for the brunch so if you can't make it; just text me with a heads up."

"Sounds good babe." I jokingly ran into his arms and gave his lips a goodbye kiss.

"See you at brunch, if not later tonight? After all that work a late night date is needed."

"I probably won't be done everything until later in the night." I pouted. "Most places will be closed."

"We can get ice cream and park up at the airport, watch the planes? It isn't anything crazy but we still can get that quality time in."

It was then that it hit me, here I was trying to push back what could good and well, be where it was going to happen. At last, he was going to promise and I had a good feeling it was going to be; tonight! "You're right. Let's do that then."

"Alright babe." With a love tap on my booty, he released me from his hold; biting his lip as I walked off backwards.

"Like what you see, huh?"

"Join me in the shower and I'll show you how much?"

"Tempting, very tempting." I waved my finger at him, "but I have places to be, people to see and money to be made. So all of that, is going to have to wait for tonight."

I did a little twirl and a grabbed my things before strutting as dramatically as I could out of the room, and eventually out of the house.

    Practically sprinting into my car, I started the engine and wasted no time when it came to calling Daniella. The moment I heard rustling on the other end, I screamed. "What the hell is going on?" Her voice was groggy, evident that I had woken her up.

"He has a ring!" I exclaimed while backing out of the driveway.

"He does?!" Unlike before, her voice tone was now bright and ecstatic. "How the hell do you know that?! Isn't it meant to be a surprise, what the hell?"

"I was emptying his pockets to throw his pants into the laundry bin, when I saw the box."

"Are you sure it isn't earrings again?!"

"I'm positive. I opened it to be sure, and DANIELLA! THAT RING!"

"It's gorgeous?!"

"Beyond!" I dragged each letter, letting her know exactly how nice it was.

"Jules made it, didn't he?"

"That he did!"

"Gosh, that man is fine and sooo talented. He could make anything for me, any day!"

"I should put in a good word for you, he mentioned wanting to work with me for his new collection. I meant to tell you last night but it's all been a blur."

"No worries, I understand. I knocked out when I got home as well. I would so be down for that though. I don't know if I'm much of his type."

"Girl. Why wouldn't you be? You're breathtakingly beautiful!"

"From what I saw last night, I think he has the eyes for you. Not like that's anything new."

"He does not! He was admiring his work that I just so happened to be wearing. Nothing more, nothing less. I also don't know what that last comment was supposed to mean but, let me remind you of the fact that I said; NICOLAS WATERS... has a ring. Jules clearly knows about it, so I doubt he saw me in that light."

"If you say so!" She sang. "I beg to differ,  but that's neither here nor there."

"Go ahead, just don't be surprised when you get a message titled; Maybe: Jules Lavigne."

"I won't hold my breath."

"Anyways, Negative Nancy. i'm off to the mall, i'm going to go meet up with my dad."

"Oh wow... is he alright?"

"Not really, but it isn't anything crazy."

"He needs money?"


"And Nico I-."

"Doesn't have to know."

"Hmm... I don't know about that one. Especially with marriage on the table, don't you think you guys are going to have to get over this hurdle?"

"Eventually, yes. Today, no. I have no time to argue and I don't think Nico is ready to put their differences aside as yet. It personally took me a while, so I can't rush him."

"Of course, because you felt hurt and betrayed. I know Nico felt the repercussions of that but he's gotta build somewhat of a bond. Your dad made have messed up, but at the end of the day he is still your dad. I'm going to assume this means he didn't ask for his blessing either?"

"Daniella, can we not ruin this moment right now with my dad's barrage of drama?"

"As your best friend, it's my job to make sure you see all aspects before zeroing in on only the part you're interested in. We made a pact remember?"

"Ugh, and what do you suggest? I let Nico know that I saw the ring? And that he better not propose without having asked my dad?"

"No! But I would suggest you guys actually communicate about what happened. It's time you stopped sweeping it under the carpet. What happened, happened. You've forgiven, he needs to learn how to do the same."

"The crazy part is that we're amazing when it comes to communicating. Super transparent, but when it comes to my dad... the tension is so thick."

"Well he did cost you guys to lose the house that you worked hard for, I would've been pissed as well."

"Yeah. But it's so materialistic. Yes, we lost the house. Yes, we had to build back our credit to the place it is at now and of course, I was pissed at my dad for what he did. But at the end of the day, I see us as super blessed. We were able to bounce back and for that, there's no reason to hold onto all that negative energy."

"Which is what you need to tell him when you have that conversation. His feelings are valid but, enough truly is enough."

"Yeah, I agree." I pulled up to a red light and tapped my thumb against the steering wheel. "I called thinking you'd be on the same level of energy as I'm on and here you are, making me think deep."

"I'm ecstatic! Don't get me wrong. So, so happy for you. I feel like it's been a long time coming. I just like to be the voice of reason. Once it happens, officially. You already know, I'm getting you wasted!"

"As you should! I've suffered for 5 years, I deserve to shake my ass on a yacht!"



The both of us giggled as I continued driving, inching closer towards the mall's parking lot. "I love you E, and I want nothing but great things to come your way."

"As do I. Great things, great people... Jules Lavigne." I coughed.

"Stop getting my hopes up!" She whined.

"I just have a good feeling about this. I am a match maker after all! And don't you believe in all that manifestation stuff. If you see what you like, why don't you get to it?"

"Relationships are stressful. As much as I want a man. I have an unpopular opinion; I don't feel like I need one. I enjoy travelling, eating out with my girls, going to parties, trying out new adventures, so on and so forth. Not to mention my relationship PTSD from dare I say it..." she gagged.


"I'm going to be sick!"

"Was it just me or did I see him with a wedding band on last night?"

"I didn't even look in his direction. Hearing his voice was enough to probably set off my PH Balance!"

"I cannot stand you!" I cracked up. "I feel you on that one. He's such a sleazy guy... I just cannot."

"You and me both babe. Sucks that I thought I could change him."

"You live and you learn, I guess."

"You live and you learn!" She emphasized.

"Anyways, I'm at the mall now. I'll hit you up later!"

"Alright talk to you later baby girl! Te amo!"

"I love you more!" I blew a bunch of kisses then ended the call so that I could focus on finding a parking spot. Thankfully, with the mall still not being fully opened as yet; I was able to back into a spot nearest to the food court entrance.

    I hopped out, making sure that I had my card so that I could withdraw money at one of the ATMs inside. I also wanted to make sure my father was in good shape so I could better evaluate whether I should give him the money or pay the rental office myself. An action that would cut into my busy schedule, but for my father; I believe it was worth it.

"Thank you." I said to the security who held the door open for me to get in. I ignored his very intense stare down along with his mumbled compliment simply because I was used to it, and I didn't care for it all too much. At first those things would bother me, but I had gotten so used to it living in this city; that it was almost second nature. Better to ignore than to engage, I always coached myself.

    I had made it down the lengthy hallway, finding my way into the foodcourt where my father sat right where he had said he would be. His fingers locked around a cup of coffee and what looked to be a bagel sitting in front of him.

It broke my heart to see his matted hair alongside his scruffy beard that was turning a gradient from the white to grey streaks. My father wasn't all that old; he had had me in his teens but unfortunately with the amount of stress over the years he was aging faster than ever.

He looked up from his cup and once he saw me, the smile he wore on his face quickly mended that broken feeling. The excitement in his eyes, the way he jumped up from his seat to make sure I saw him waving me over. It all made being mad at him, so hard. Which is why after everything we had gone through; I had to forgive him.

"Hey baby girl!" He greeted with a hug me once I finally got to his side.

"Hey dad."

"How are you? I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I wiped away the tears that streamed down his face with the pads of my thumb.

"That wasn't meant to happen. I'm just so happy to see you."

"As am I, to see you." I kissed his cheek. "What are you having?"

"Just a bagel and some coffee. I was able to scrump up some change from my pocket."

"Want something bigger? I can get it for you?"

"Oh no thank you, this kind man that works here offered to buy me something actually. He's in line right now." Turning around my father searched the long line at Bennied-Eggs, a little breakfast shop towards the end of the foodcourt. "He's a well dressed brother... he's actually... right there." He pointed, "in the black dress shirt. Coming our way."

I followed the direction of where he was pointing to and coming our way was the same face that had saved the day last night. Once, Jules saw me we shared a soft, friendly smile between each other. In his hand he help two containers of food along with a tray of two drinks.

"Here we go sir!" He announced as he approached the table. Placing the containers and tray down, he handed one to my dad then handed him one of the cups of orange juice also.

"I appreciate this son. It means a lot."

"It does." I nodded.

"Would you like me to get you something?" He asked.

"No thank you," I took my wallet out, "how much was it? I can pay you back."

"No need." Jules pulled up a seat and to my surprise, sat down and began to open up his box of food. "Derrick and I were actually chatting it up. I figured I'd grab breakfast to make the conversation more enjoyable. i'm assuming you're his daughter."

"That she is!" My dad answered before I could, "beautiful, isn't she?"

"Don't answer that." I held my hand up once I noticed his lips part. My father sat down as well and gestured for me to take a seat next to Jules. "I'm good, I have to run soon anyways."

"Oh come on, a few minutes with your old man won't hurt." Nearly kicking out the chair, he pointed. "Sit down Eden."

"Yeah, sit down Eden." Jules patted the empty seat and I rolled my eyes before giving in and sitting on the edge of it.

"You sure you don't want anything?" Jules asked and my father on sat across from us, dug into his plate immediately.

"I'm positive, thank you."

Your father told me that you are unspoken for?" Jules bit down on his lip before exposing his perfect teeth once more.

"Well we both know that isn't true." I gave my father the side eye. "Dad. Jules is Nico's friend. A close one at that."

"Who is Nico?" My dad asked, between chewing. Jules immediately busted out laughing meanwhile I shook my head. "Maybe you can jog my memory."

"Nico is my boyfriend, dad."

"Here I was thinking you got rid of him. I didn't even bother to remember his name."

"He's a pretty cool dude." Jules added.

"Maybe to you." My dad scoffed, "as far as I'm concerned; he kept my baby girl away from me, i've tried to reach out to him many times so we could speak man to man. He knew she was all I had left on this earth and still."

"Okay dad, let's just leave that off the table for now..."

"Whatever, but I said what I said. As far as I'm concerned; I don't know no Nico. Once, I get my feet on the ground and start building something for myself; you won't either. i'll be sure of that."

"Alright dad..."

"You could do so much better, I'm just saying." With the shake of his head he looked over at Jules. "Do you have that little YouTube app on your phone? You should search her up. She's got a bunch of followers and comments and stuff. She uploads every Tuesday and Thursday. Then she's got this matchmaking thing that she upload on Monday's of every week. Quality stuff, I must say."

"I should, it's been a while since I sat down on enjoyed some quality YouTube videos." He replied.

"I hope you know, you don't have to. Honestly, my demographic is mainly females anyways."

"Nah, I wanna check it out and make that decision for myself. Especially since you've got that many followers? It must mean you're doing something right."

"She is!" My dad exclaimed, drawing attention from how loud he said it. "My bad."

"No worried, I hope to be this excited for my future children as well."

"See Eden, he wants kids!" My dad continued to egg him on. "And so do you."

"No, I don't." I smirked, feeling embarrassed from the topic at hand. "Dad can you just hurry up and eat so we can go?"

"My apologies, that one was me crossing the line. I know how you feel about the subject."

Next to me I could feel Jules' eyes burning burr holes in the side of my head. I looked down at my phone to distract myself. Eventually, he took the hint and carried on with his conversation with my dad. Together the both of them chatted as if they had known one another for years. They went from talking about sports, to talking about work, back to sports, then a little bit about each other's backgrounds.

The moment I heard Jules mention that he was Congolese, I knew exactly what was coming next. My father's volume immediately increased as he began to spew out full blown French sentences. Jules, shocked me the most when he responded in the same national tongue.

I wasn't very fluent but from what I could make it out, they were just asking each other which part of Congo they came from. Bonding over that fact, it was clear that the conversation had just gotten started.

    The two finished their food, we cleared the table and together we walked with Jules towards his store. Being as they were mid conversation, it wasn't as if I had much of a choice. Not to mention the fact that it was nice seeing my father gain a little pep in his step. I had been forever but I was so used to him being so down and out that seeing his confident side was nostalgic. The way he spoke with so much pride to this man reminded me so much of the dad I remembered while growing up.

Once we got to the store the two of them exchanged contacts, my father told Jules he should do the same with me and was even more happy when he found out that we already had. I let him have it because I knew there was no talking him out of his fantasy, eventually he would get the news and being the loving man I knew he was; he would accept it. Nico was my forever and he was the only person I had eyes for.

"Let me just take this call!" My dad said, stepping away to go speak in the corner. If I hadn't heard his phone actually ring I would've though tit was a tactic to leave both Jules and I alone again.

Not that anything was wrong with it. Jules was a cool guy, far cooler than he was at dinner last night and far cooler than I had imagined him from the outside looking in. So far I could tell he was down to earth, extremely funny and surprisingly caring.

He opened up the doors of his store, turned on the light then signalled for me to come on in. I had always seen this place from the outside, as I mentioned before. But the fact that I was going in, was a whole experience in itself. I looked around like a kid in a candy store, trying my best not to get too carried away with where I looked. I loved diamonds and his work was definitely one of a kind.

"I want to help your dad out." Jules blurted out, immediately pulling me away from my window shopping.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to help him... he mentioned some financial issues earlier which is what sparked the original conversation between us."

"Oh... he's okay. I got him."

"I'm sure you do, but I still want to help him. He reminds me a lot of my father back home and I believe we met this morning for a purpose."

"I appreciate the thought, but I am going to make sure he's good and settled."

"I own an apartment building. It's one of my many investments. I realized the housing crisis in todays climate so I decided to make it affordable living for all. The place is upgraded, extremely nice; I stay there from time to time as well. The superintendent recently moved out, he was able to save enough to buy a house for his family. Meaning not only is his apartment now vacant but so is that role as superintendent."

My father walked in right on time, "what did I miss?"

"I was just telling Eden about the building I owned." Jules caught my father up to speed, by in French. "I wanted to know if you were interested." He said the last bit so that I could hear.

"How much would the rent be?" I asked.

"Superintendent only pays for utilities. So whatever that bill is for the month, is whatever he'll have to pay, apart from that it's completely free."

"And what will his duties be?"

"Upkeep of the building mainly. I come in every first of the month to collect the rent and utilities so he won't have to worry about that. Your father mentioned having a degree in plumbing."

"Yup, I do."

"Which would come in quite handy," Jules added. "I do have maintenance staff just a call away but for quick fixes; if you can handle it Derrick, then the service fee would be all yours."

"This is amazing..." my dad's face lit up and I watched his eyes well with tears yet again, he turned to me and placed his arm around my shoulder. "What do you think princess?"

"It sounds amazing." I agreed, "I would love to have a look at it as soon as possible. Then, we can figure out a way for me to make his utility payments on a monthly basis."

"I can handle that." My father chimed in.

"You can keep your pay and use it for food and stuff you'll need around the house."

"I get off work at 9 pm today." Jules let out.

"My schedule is a bit tight tonight." I opened up my phone to get to my calendar.

"You can see the virtual tour on your phone. I can set your dad up for tonight, if you come and check it out tomorrow and realize you don't like it then it's alright. You don't have to take it." He said.

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Because I know what it's like to be evicted." His words were serious and cold, once they escaped his lips he snatched away his eye contact from me. "Meet me here at 9pm Derrick? Then we can head on over there to check it out."

"Sounds good to me." My dad reached out to shake Jules' hand, but instead of the usual shake he ended up retreating for a hug. As he held onto him I could hear the muffled sounds of him crying. "Thank you so much..." he sobbed.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, playing with the zipper of my wallet to keep my emotions grounded. Once he had let him go, I rested my hand against my father's back giving it a rub. "Let's go get you some necessities for tonight then."

"Are you sure? I can stay here until 9. I know you're busy." My dad wiped at his red eyes.

"I'm positive." I gazed up at Jules. "Thank you for this. I'll be sure to have him back here in time."

"Just text me if anything should change."

"I will."

"And I know you're going to get him so things, don't worry about the haircut though. I'll be sure to get him nice."

"You cut hair?"

"What do I not do?" Jules teased. "Now get out of here, I gotta set up for my clients."

    I waved goodbye and my father said a few last words before we left out of the store. "Where are we off to now?" He finally asked, holding onto me as if his life depended on it.

"Target. You're going to need a blow up mattress for now, tooth brush, tooth paste, soap... some new clothes... all the works."

"Man... I can't remember the last time I slept on a mattress." Another statement, leaving me broken as if there were pieces left to break. "Nonetheless, any time that I get to spend with my daughter is time I appreciate." He rested his head against mine then kissed the side of my head. "I love you Princess."

"I love you too, dad."

"And we can blog! Right?"

"It's vlog dad!" I giggled. "Definitely vlog."


"... I can't believe I'm saying this but what if Deangelo is right? Can I really trust Eden?"

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