By Woonie_thepooh

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Twisted Wonderland x male reader ━━━━━━━━━━━ "𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 �... More

𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙! [hurry!]


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By Woonie_thepooh

Welcome to the Villains' World


"Unlike a certain raccoon..."Ace added, making the creature widen it's eyes. Your eyes narrowed at his remark, glaring at him in annoyance, as you watched the student beginning to laugh hysterically.

"Funa ~ ?!"

"Haha! I can't bear it anymore! HAHAAHAH!! Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony?" He asked as you let him continue to laugh. Like he was offering to be punched in the groin.

Ace was the definition of annoyance lemme tell you that.

"You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic," He laughed at you and turned to Grim as well laughing, "And then you, a monster, weren't called but still trespassed~!"

The creature's expression turned immediately sour just like yours. Your heterochromia eyes blankly looked at Ace yet it was burning in rage.

"HAHA..! Yeah~! It took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony..." Ace smirked at the both you who calmly stood silent. Your fist fidgeted slightly.

"What!? You're a rude one..!" Well maybe just you as Grim stepped in, getting pissed at the tall student before the two of you. But still, you want to wipe that irksome smirk on his face.

"And? Now you aren't allowed in and got regulated to be a janitor? Haha, how lame." Ace continued to taunt.

A soft sigh left your lips as you picked up the broom that fell from your hand before and continued on cleaning. Ignoring him for the better or consequences might occur.

"Nyanyooooooo..." Grim grumbled.

"Grim, don't let him get to you... Just ignore him."

"And on top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven... How ignorant can you guys be? I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming in to Night Raven College." Ace stated with arms his crossed together on his chest, slightly upset.

A soft scoff left you, wiping one of the seven statues with a cloth furiously; almost cracking it. You found this pathetic, this argument that is. I mean you are from a another world but even he doesn't know about it but goodness, you were resisting yelling at his face like a madman whilst explaining your current situation.

It was the first time in your life, wanting to punch someone disrespectfully.

"Pfft... Gunnuuhuhuhu~" Grumbles left Grim and obviously you've heard it at how upset he was and of course, it was no good. At how his button nose twitch and his paws curled up together tightly, he was mad.

"At this rate, they might end up fighting at each other..." You mumbled with a sigh, you furrowed your brows. Continuing to observe.

"I thought I'd just mess with two a bit... But you really blew my expectations away!" Ace blabbered with the big, useless mouth of his.

You scoffed in your thoughts. Oh charmed... Please go away before I can tear your face from here...

Ace's red hues made contact with yours glaring at him and he smirked, liking the expression on your face. "Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend... Keep this school so squeaky clean, you two~"

With that, he walked away which made you let out a sigh of relief. Slumping down on the grass leaning your back on the statue, panting. Trying your best for holding your anger in.

It might be a solution, so thankfully it was over.

"That jerk...! He's just gonna say that and leave?! I'm ticked off!!"

You jolted lightly from the grassy ground, hurrying to him and checked Grim who was doing not so good. His flames were spreading little by little from his mouth and knowing what he'll might do, results punishment.

So without thinking and hesitation, you quickly rushed to the angered creature before firing his fireballs to stop it or a consequence might occur. From the headmaster, of course.


You extended out your right hand to shut his mouth. But, it was too late so instead it impacted half of your hand, on the palm area. The burn, stinging sensation went through your nerves causing you to let out a disgruntled grunt.

"Gah!" You yelped. "Shit... My hand!"

You stumbled on your knee and clutched your burned hand with your uninjured hand closely to you. Your eyes followed your apprentice in worry, who are now in a fight with Ace.

"Grim! Stop it this once! It's useless!" You yelled.

"That's what he get for making fun of us! I'm going burn up that fire-head of his!" He replied and went back on fighting Ace, firing once again a fireball.

"Fire-head, huh? You've really got all guts picking up a fight with me. I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle!!" And in a matter of seconds, Ace managed to avoid the flame when he used his wind magic.

You stared in amazement, but it felt so wrong despite the fight was still happening in-front your eyes. "Wow, there's even magic to control wind..." Suddenly you winced, now staring at your injured hand. That's right, you still have to stop this.

Standing up straight, you yelled. "Hey, you two! You'll just get yourselves in trouble if...!"

Stopping midway of your sentence, eyes widening as Ace managed to avoid the flames but somehow controlled the flaming wind in a very wrong turn. Impacting the Queen of Hearts statue, charring it. And that made it stop their fight.

"Crap! The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!!" A shocked yell left Ace's mouth and Grim stood behind him with a lot of sweat dripping on their foreheads. While you stood from far behind them, shockingly paled.

"My, are you alright, child?"

A soft voice spoke by an another unfamiliar person. You slowly turned yourself around and saw a yet another tall man, a handsome man wearing red. Pirate clothes to be exact. He has curly black locks, sharp brown eyes and he has a very tall height.

"Huh? Hello?"

You snapped out of your thoughts, cheeks flushing in pink in embarrassment for staring too much, and nodded your head furiously. The man stared with worry by how slightly furrowed his brows are.

"Enough!!! Just what is going on here!"

The three of you; especially Grim and Ace flinched hearing the Headmaster's booming voice as he himself entered the scene rather mad. You stared at him wide eyed, completely forgetting the man in red behind and rushed near them.

"Guh! Headmaster...!"

"He's going to tie us up with 'lash of love'! Let's get outta here!"

Before they even so, they were both choked by something or by someone, gripping at the back of their collars making them stumble on the ground harshly and coughed.

A shiver suddenly crept their spines when they can feel a menacing presence radiating behind their backs. Just to see who it is, Grim and Ace looked up and began to sweat while they smiled nervously at your gaze.

You were smiling but it didn't reach your eyes since it was digging daggers while the grin on your mouth twitch ever so slightly. It was terrifyingly livid.

"Oh? Where are you to going??" With gritted teeth, the grin on your lips twitched again as you let them go. Both getting whipped by the mad Headmaster. You winced again, feeling the hand throbbing when you grabbed Ace's collar.

Which the man in red notices.


"Fgyaaa! Hurts just as much the second day in a row!"

"This is my Lash of Love~! It'll be another hundred years before you all can outrun me! I told you just yesterday to not cause any trouble, didn't I? Then you go and char the statues of the Great Seven! I very much would like to see you expelled..." Crowley threatened with crossed arms as he stared down at them whipped together.

"Wait! Not that!" Ace exclaimed.

Crowley then turned to you. "And [m.name], this isn't how to supervise Grim." He said coldly and suddenly his expression switched to shock when he saw the man in red step in.

"Wait a minute, Crowley. Can't you see he's injured?" The man in red said, softly picking up your hand and showed it to the headmaster calmly. Seeing the nasty burnt mark on your palm. "Seeing this, it's obvious he tried to stop them."

"Goodness! Not only that you both charred one of the Great seven statues, you two also hurt someone!" Crowley said in irritation, turning to Ace. "You there, what's your grade and name?"

"Ace Trappola, first year..." The ginger mumbled.

"Then Trappola and Grim, as for punishment, I order the two of you to wash 100 windows around campus!! And as for [m.name], he will then again supervise. Both of you!" He declared.

"Eh!? Me too? And what he'll supervise!?" Ace asked with shock written on his face.

"Most definitely! [m.name] was injured because of you two so after school, meet in the cafeteria. Understood?"

"But it was this-! Tch, Fine..."

"Nothing but misery since yesterday!"



"Ouch... That really hurts..."

"Of course it do. Now stay still... And done."

The man in red smiled satisfied and stood up from the stool he was sitting, placing the medic kit back from the cabinets while you sat, on a white bed. Holding your bandaged hand carefully, starring at it at how neatly wrapped it was.

Earlier at the Main Street, you've left Grim there by himself to scrub the charred statue and Ace for classes. The man in red offered to treat your hand. Luckily it wasn't so serious.

"Thank you so much for wrapping up my hand Mister..? Oh, I still haven't gotten your name..."

"Well aren't you a polite one? How rare. No trouble, I am Dr. Hook. The school doctor. Now you are [m.name] [last name] I presume?" The doctor chuckled, ruffling your hair as he saw the surprised look on your face.

So he was the person that Crowley mentioned. "Uhm... Yes I am! But how did you...?"

"Crowley told me... Other than that, there has been rumors inside the campus. About someone magicless got sent here by the Ebony Carriage."

You nodded, quite unsettled at the fact that the people here were still talking about your arrival. Now the doctor noticed the disturbed silence coming from you which he clearly and respectfully understood. Helping to ease you, he placed his hand on your head causing you to look up at him.

"It's alright... It's alright to be scared. I'm sure that Crowley might find a way to send you back." He reassured while you nodded with a smile and looked up to him. The doctor then lets go and sat on the stool in-front of you.

"Can I still clean with my hand, Doctor?" You asked, eyeing your bandaged hand.

"Of course, but don't do all the work much. It's better to let your hand rest. Let the other two handle later alright?"

"I understand..." You mumbled and stood up to leave. "I'll be leaving now. Thank you so much for the aid. It's better if I keep my eyes on that creature to avoid trouble."

Dr. Hook chuckled, "Your welcome. But do remember to see me here to change the bandages and please apply this from time to time." He then gave you a small ointment bottle and painkillers. "If you need some help you can always come by in the clinic anytime."

"Will do! Thank you very much!" Bowing, you gave him one last grin and left the clinic. Closing the door behind you.

"This child appreciates too much. I'm just doing my job as the doctor." The doctor sighed, shaking his head and went back to work. With a smile on his lips.


"I'm already beat from cleaning all day.. Now we have to wash a hundred windows too." Grim sighed and slumped tiredly on the cafeteria bench with you sitting beside him.

You hummed, "I wonder who's fault is that? We've got no choice Grim. No choice."

"Tch! It's the damn guy's fault for pissing me off! Who does he think he is?!" Grim replied, calming down and glanced at your bandaged hand. He grumbled.

He softly spoke, "Hey, how's your hand?" Even though it was a pouty mumble, it was still soft. A smile made it's way to your face and reached your uninjured hand to his cheek. Pinching it softly.

"It still hurts. But it already begins to fade, so I guess it's alright. Why? Are you worried perhaps?" You smirked when the mammal turned to you with a pout.

"Who said I'm worried?! You're lucky that you aren't to clean whole 100 windows y'know!" He exclaimed angrily, a chuckle escaped you. Fiddling with a familiar object on your neck.

"That guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm so ticked off!" Grim said, looking around the cafeteria and so did you.

Both waiting for someone with noticeable ginger hair, and a red heart patch on the face.





You both waited and waited minute by minute until time passes fast and faster. Then what's it felt like an eternity, Grim stood up angrily and clenched his fluffy paws.

"I don't care what happened, there is no way he's this late! Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right??!" He then turned to you, the one supposed to supervise the two of them until they would finish cleaning the windows.

You nodded, "That damn bastard... I really want to rip that hair of his until he turns bald."

Grim laughed at that comment "HAHA! Just imagine seeing it makes me laugh!" His own booming laughter erupted the both of you.

"Let's go Grim. Let's pay him a visit..."


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