Naruto:The new soccer star

By Hakeemj

14.7K 203 61

Naruto is a football prodigy that dreams of making it pro like his father, watch him as his story unfolds.(th... More

A star is made chapter 1
Realization chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 6 part 1
CHAPTER 6 part 2
Im sorry
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

397 11 5
By Hakeemj

Another Chapter, another night spent writing. Hope you guys enjoy it and please do vote.
Thanks for the support you guys give this story. I honestly didn't think people would like this but y'all proved me wrong. Thank you.

Also can't believe Messi is a PSG player, wow. Never though he would leave, especially under the circumstances. I wonder how Barca will bounce back from this.

Now, onto the story.

"Come on, one more."

Currently pushing back the weights, Naruto sighed in relief. The team arrived back in Madrid the day before and the team were ready to bounce back from the painful defeat.

It was no surprise to the staff when most of the players arrived early at the gym, with Ronaldo having texted the whole squad the night before that they should do some work if they could make it.

Unsurprisingly, they had accepted the invitation, most using the defeat as motivation to get better.

"Nice one Ruto," Ronaldo said as he helped lift the weight for Naruto, spotting for him.

"On to the next one?" The Portuguese native asked as Naruto just nodded his head, his face focused as he went to the opposite machine, the leg press.

Ronaldo helped him set the weight that won't be more than he could handle. With a grunt, he started his reps. Each push took a lot of effort but he needed to keep focus. He needed to strengthen his body and with Ronaldo to guide him it still wasn't an easy task.

"Argh." Naruto hissed as he did another rep, his muscles were starting to complain as he was into a few hours of strenuous exercise.

Fighting through the pain, he managed to complete the set.

"Nice one," Ronaldo said. Offering his hand to the blonde, helping him up.

"Thanks," he said accepting the hand.

He immediately felt pain as he had to fall back on the bench.

"What's wrong?"

Naruto had to stop himself from clutching his ankle as he did his best to ignore the pain.

"N-Nothing. Just a cramp," He said waving it off.

His teammate, on the other hand, wasn't so sure but he couldn't force the blonde so he just shrugged it off.

"I think we should call it a day," Ronaldo said stretching his hand to the youngster.

"An ice bath doesn't sound so bad right now," Naruto joked as he was helped off the bench.

"You don't need need to tell me twice," They laughed as they went to the Cryotherapy room to relieve their aching muscles.




Done with gym work and a round of cryotherapy, Naruto arrived at his front door exhausted. Thoughts of his bed filled his mind, he swore he could imagine every corner of the furniture in great detail.

All he cared about was getting on that mattress and drifting off into blissful darkness.

He opened the door and was assaulted by voices in his home, voices he wasn't familiar with.

It didn't take long as he walked past the living room, the voices getting louder as he listened. Laughter was heard, the source coming from Karin's room.

A strange smell entered his nostrils causing him to frown, he didn't like it one bit. The voices became audible as he got closer.

"And he said that for real?" A male voice said.

"Yup, keep in mind he took me to some sketchy food truck that had some fire Takoyaki by the way," Naruto recognized the voice as Karin's.

"He then decides to pick a fight with some random guy he supposedly knows... I doubt he did by the way" She chuckled, "But we were both drunk so yeah."

"Did he win?" A new voice asked, female by the sounds of it he reasoned.

"Hell no!" She burst out laughing, "I had to apologize to the dude and nurse his stupid ass from the beating he received."

"And while I'm taking care of him he turns to me and says.

"I look sexy don't I?"

They all burst out laughing as Naruto made his way to the door. He looked into the room to see Karin with two other people he didn't know.

To her left was a man in his mid-twenties by the looks of it, brown hair and wore glasses and, wore a beanie.

To her right was a woman who looked to be Karin's age. She had a similar-looking beanie with the man, most likely couples, She had blonde hair and the most noticeable features were her green lips and black eyeliner.

"And the funniest part was that the Takoyaki were bad. I had explosive diarrhoea the next morning." Karin burst out laughing along with her friends.

Naruto watched the scene unfold as he decided to make his presence known.

*Cough* *Cough*

All heads turned to the door to see Naruto standing there with a plain look on his face.

"Hey Kiddo, didn't think you'd be back this early." Naruto's eyes narrowed as he saw what was in his cousin's hand.


Now he knew where that smell was from. He quickly brought his shirt over his abdomen over his nose.

"These are my friends," she said pointing to the two, "Naruto meet Gabriel and Jade, guys meet my cousin." She introduced.

"Nice to meet you," The now named Gabriel said waving, with Jade doing the same.

"... Y-Yeah. Karin could you come with me for a sec." He said hurriedly.

"Uh come on... Can't it wait?" She protested, but the look Naruto gave told her it couldn't.

"Fine... Make it quick," She sighed getting up from her position on the floor.


"What do you want?" She said with annoyance.

Making sure there was ample space between them he spoke in his mother tongue.

"Karin what the fuck?!"

A mix of shock and anger appeared on her face, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this!" He said pointing at the blunt in-between her fingers. "I can't have that around me, I could lose my job Karin!" He said.

"Well I didn't know, jeez," She said, snuffing the cannabis out.

"Listen," he said massaging his temples, "I've got no problem with you living with me but you have to understand, I could lose my place in the team if that gets in my system." He sighed.

"Just promise me you won't get high at home," He pleaded.

"Ok, I promise," She nodded.

"Thank you." He sighed, "Now if you'll excuse me I'll be unconscious for a few hours," He said going to his room.

Karin just sighed as she went back to her friends.

"You alright?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, he's just cranky," She chuckled, "You mind passing me one?"

She asked as Jade opened her purse and gave her a newly rolled blunt.

"Thanks," She said gratefully as Gabriel helped her light it. She took a long drag before exhaling.

"So where were we?" She smiled.





"You wanted to see me, coach?" Naruto peeked behind the door as he looked at one of Madrid's first-team coaches.

"Yes, I'd like us to have a little chat."

Naruto was a little worried but obeyed nonetheless. He sat down as he waited for the man to speak.

"You've been really good for us this season, you've been working hard on and off the pitch too. You were really something in yesterday's win against Sevilla, your involvement with the goal didn't go unnoticed. The manager wants me to pass on his thanks. The gaffer's taken note."

Naruto couldn't help but feel proud at the praise he was getting.

"Thanks coach, anything for the team." He smiled.

"I'm happy you've said that because you're going to be in the stands for the cup tie against Malaga," He said.

"What?" He was shocked.

"Cup games are hectic. It's all blood and thunder and the manager is going for experience to get a good start. Understood?" The coach said.

"Yes," Naruto said dejectedly.

"Don't look sad kid, think of it as you being rested. Since Karim is out for the season the manager has decided that you'll start against Barcelona."

"Wait... You mean I'm gonna start in the El Clásico?" Naruto could barely contain his excitement.


He simply smiled as he saw the elated look on the young man's face. Naruto did a little fist bump into the air but on the inside, he was over the moon.

"Yes! Thank you so much, you won't regret it, I promise." He exclaimed.

"Don't get over-excited yet, you need to perform well to keep your spot. But if you do well you could potentially be on the first team for the remainder of the season." He finished.

"I've been working hard on my game this past week and I'm ready to show everyone my worth." He said.

"Good, now get out of my office, I've got work to do,"

Naruto chuckled "Got it coach,"




"Who's a good boy? Oh, who's a good boy?"

Naruto cooed as he rubbed the fur of his pet fox, said fox was in a state of pure bliss as its owner started rubbing its belly.

Even though he didn't play in the cup, Naruto enjoyed spending time at home, with the team grabbing the win.

Sounds of Kurama yipping in satisfaction echoed through the living room, drowning out the sound of the TV.

Karin just watched her cousin play with the fox cub, she could barely hold back her amusement as Naruto continued to make baby faces as he played with the fox.

She snickered, "Do I need to leave you two alone?" She joked.

Looking at his cousin unamused, Naruto just rolled his eyes as he continued playing with his fox.

"Don't worry Kura-chan, someone's just jealous. Isn't that right?" He said as the fox just got even more excited at the attention it got from its owner.



Naruto looked at his phone and saw he got a text notification. Picking his phone up he saw who it was from.

"Woah, who got you smiling like that?"

She said with a knowing smirk as her cousin get flustered.

"N-No one important," He quickly dismissed.

"Oh not with that smile lover boy," She said getting off the couch.

Naruto held his phone behind his back protectively as he watched Karin slowly approach him.

"Stay back-"

She pounced.

Before he could react, she got on top of him as Kurama scurried out of the way. Disabling his legs and arms from moving, she looked at him dead in the eye.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose."

Seeing his options were very limited, he could only sigh, "Okay, Okay. Let me go then I'll show you."

Karin smiled victoriously, "Hmph, That's what you get for trying to hide something from a black belt in judo," She said pointing a thumb at herself.

Naruto sweat dropped, "That doesn't make sense,"

"Show me your phone before I change my mind," She said as her serious expression came back.



"So it's Kim huh, figured," She smirked as she read the message.

"Y-Yeah," Naruto said shyly.

"Awe~ you look so cute when you blush," She pinched his cheek as he quickly swatted her finger away.

"Can we get this over with," He grumbled.

"Hmph, your no fun," She brought her attention back to the text, "So she and some of her friends want to head out to the beach, ouu it's at night, interesting. And she's inviting you."

"Yeah me. Not both of us," He said trying to grab his phone back from her.

Keeping it out of reach from him, Karin just rolled her eyes, "Do you like this girl or not?"

His cheeks reddened as he thought about Kim. He didn't know how to define his feelings, all he knew is that he felt a special way with her, and if he could feel like that when spending time with her he wouldn't mind that, not in the slightest.

"Y-Yeah," He said softly.

"Well, what do you like about her?" Karin said seriously.

Naruto took a thoughtful look, "Well... She's amazing really," He chuckled.

"Like we just vibe y'know... She's cool, she is into football, loves animals... She has this nerdy side of her that I find kinda cute," Naruto's mind was on autopilot as he continued listing off qualities he liked about her as Karin watched on curiously.

"She's just an all round person... Like she's --You okay?" He asked seeing his cousin gazed at him intently.

"Oh my God, I thought you just had a crush." She said grabbing his shoulders.

"You're in love whiskers, and you have it bad,"

She laughed as the realisation hit him. "Hey don't be scared, it's a completely good and natural thing." She said reassuringly.

"You'll be alright," She patted his shoulder.

Naruto shocked face slowly morphed into a little smile.

"So what time are we leaving?" She said.





"Can't believe you came," Naruto huffed as Karin took a selfie in the cab they shared.

"Don't be a sour puss. You're gonna need all the help you can get tonight." She smiled, taking another picture.

"Fine," he sighed as he looked out the car's window, observing the city's night Scape. It's one of the things he loved about the city, the lights added beauty that captured anyone's attention.

"We're here," The cab driver said.

"Thank you friend," Naruto said as he and Karin left the taxi, not without paying for their ride.

Walking across the sand, the pair saw a familiar person waving at them from a distance.

"Hey guys over here," Kim Shouted.

Karin waved back, "Hey!"

"Try not to stare at her," She said pointing out the fact that Kim was in her bathing suit, causing Naruto to blush.

"Girls hate that and she'll probably make you out as a creep," She stated.

"Gee thanks captain obvious," His voice dripped in sarcasm.

"I live to serve," She said smirking as Naruto rolled his eyes.

They made it to Kim who was excited to see them as she went to Karin for a hug.

"It's good to see you too," Karin smiled, taken back a little at the gesture.

She released the hug, "Naruto didn't tell me you were coming." She said turning her attention to said blonde who looked embarrassed at her gaze

"In my defence, she invited herself," He said glaring at Karin who ignored the blonde.

Kim giggled, "It's alright," She waved off, "Come on, the others want to meet you," She said walking away with the pair right behind her.


"Hey guys, look who I found,"

Kim said as Naruto and Karin saw the group. Naruto recognized them all as it was the same group he met when he first went out with Kim. They surrounded a small campfire as they turned their attention to them.

Naruto smiled as Ricky and Dede came to meet him, both wearing just swimming trunks.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Ricky said shaking hands with Naruto.

"Good man," He said as Dede came in for a hug.

"How could you just leave us like that without checking in on us," He said playfully as he lifted the blonde off the ground. Dede was quickly nudged in the back by Ricky.

"Put him down palm-tree hair," Ricky said as Naruto was dropped.

"Haha sorry mate, I've been really busy. But I made up for it by coming, right?" He said.

"Definitely," Dede said as he nudged Ricky back in the ribs, which resulted in a friendly brawl.

"Cut it out you two!"

Naruto turned to see Zoey who was also wearing a swimsuit, call out to her friends who stopped immediately at her order.

"Zoey, lovely to see you again," Naruto said as the two embraced.

"Likewise Naruto," She said. Naruto turned to see the youngest member of the group, Natalia, eating a s'more

"Hey Natalia," Naruto greeted.

A muffled reply from a smiling Natalia was heard as she was in the process of eating her snack.

"So changing stations are over there," Zoey said as the pair were clad in casual wear, "we'll be here waiting when you are done."

"Oh thanks," Naruto smiled as he and Karin went to change. The changing stations were two different buildings, one for males and one for females.

Done with changing, Naruto and Karin made their way back to the group.

Naruto was spotting a loose fitted Nike trunk as he left his upper body bare to the world showing his defined muscles, which had increased slightly as the result of his training but still retaining his lanky build.

While Karin came out wearing a bikini but you wouldn't know as it was hidden by a beach cover-up dress.

The two rejoined the group as they were talking.

"Great you guys are back. We're about to play some volleyball and we need teams," Kim said.

"That's cool and all but there are only 7 of us, the teams won't be even," Ricky said.

"He's right," Naruto said, "What do we do?"

"I'll sit out," Karin said.

"Oh no," Kim said, "That's not fair to you,"

"Nah it's alright, I wasn't supposed to come here anyway. And besides, the game needs a referee," She said.

"Wow thanks, Karin," Zoey said.

"Wait that means we can have a rematch," Natalia chipped in, "Boys versus the girls, what do you say?"

"Not bad,"


"Alright let's do it."

With everyone's approval, the team's got into their positions as the two team captains met at the net.

"Ready to lose Whiskers?" Kim smirked.

"Nope, but I'll think I'll take the win instead," Naruto said confidently.

"Oh you guys are going down," She said.

"Alright ladies and gents," Karin called out from her lawn chair, "I want a clean match, blah, blah, blah, let's play," She said hurriedly.

"Wait who's gonna serve?" Dede asked.

"Never heard of ladies first," Karin said raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, the ref is being biased, not fair!" Naruto called out.

"Anything is fair as long as I declare it," Karin said.

'I knew she would side with the girls,' Naruto sweatdropped.

The game was going well with both sides evenly matched for points. It was the guys turn to serve. The girls were working together as a unit throughout the game making it hard for the less organized guys but were able to draw level with the power behind their strikes.

"Come on guys, let's go for the sweep," Naruto cheered.

"As if, come on girls we got this!" Zoey rallied her teammates together as they prepared themselves for what would be the match-winning point.

Naruto struck the serve with power as Zoey prepared to receive it. She was able to parry it towards the direction of Kim who jumped to strike it.

The ball flew towards the guy's court as Ricky desperately tried to reach it but thankfully was bailed out by Dede who touched it moments before it hit the sand.

"Naruto it's on you!" He shouted.

Naruto was ready to strike the ball that floated in front of him. He hit it with precision but was shocked at the girls got in the air too and deflected the ball back into the boy's side, striking the sand.


The girls cheered as they had gotten their revenge on the guys. Even Karin was celebrating with them,

"Alright Calm down," Naruto said as he walked over to the net.

"Got something to say whiskers?" Kim asked cockily as the girl's celebration eased a little.

"Yeah," He said extending his arm, "Good game. You guys were amazing," His signature grin took place as Kim accepted the handshake.

"Thanks," Kim smiled.


"So it's 2-2, right, and it's a penalty to win it. And I never miss penalties."

With the game ending, Naruto and Kim sat right at the shore talking, the two leaving the group alone. The waves slowly came into the shore, wetting their feet as the two conversed.

Naruto listened with rapt attention, as Kim told her story.

"This one flies straight over the bar, right into row two!"

She said as they both laughed.

"I swear the ball moved right on the spot, just as I hit it." She laughed.

"Yeah, it happens to the best of us," He said.

There was a long pause between them as they both just watched the waves roll into the shore, before gently returning to the sea.

"It's been hard... Coming to a new country, school, football..." She said looking out to sea, as she tucked her knees into her chest.

"Just feels like it never ends huh..."

She turned to see Naruto who looked at the now setting sun. She could swear at that moment the sun rays made him glow as he spoke.

"The expectations, the doubts, It's suffocating. It just feels like every hurdle I jump, there are two waiting for me." He finished.

"Yeah," She muttered.

Naruto slapped his forehead, "I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you," He apologized.

"N-No it's alright," She waved it off. "You needed someone to hear you out, same with me, it's fine." She smiled. "In fact. If you ever need someone to talk to, you have my number, I'll be there to listen." She said extending her hand, with her little finger out.

"That's a pinky promise." She smiled

He stared at her hand for a few seconds before chuckling.

"Sure," He said interlocking his little finger with her's.

"And if you need someone to listen to you, I'm there." He said.

"It's a promise."

They resolved as they both spent the remainder of their time looking at the sunset in comfortable silence.



Ricky echoed as Naruto showed the group pictures of the club's facilities and players that were on his phone. Being the massive football fans that they were, Ricky, Zoey, Natalia and Dede, who he later found out his real name was André with Dede being his nickname, were excited seeing the inner workings of a football club, even though they were just pictures.

"Bro that's really cool," André said as the group sat around the campfire.

"Yeah man, you guys should have seen the team's private jet, it was amazing," Naruto said.

"Man Real Madrid should sign me, I'd be perfect for the left-back position." André sighed.

"As if Dede, you'd be lucky to be a ball boy talkless of a player," Ricky said to his best friend as he dodged a water bottle from him.

"Come on guys behave," Zoey said as Naruto was starting to see her as the mother of the group. Being able to calm the guys down with great effect.

Naruto laughed out loud as he saw André sneak glares at Ricky as he grew quiet at Zoey's 'look of disappointment' as he had dubbed it.

"Y'know what?"

He said out loud, gaining the attention of the group.

"I've got some extra tickets for this weekend's game, it's yours if you guys are interested." He said as he got surprised looks from them.

"Wait, you mean the El Clásico? Bro are you for real?" Ricky asked.

"Yup," Naruto said.

"Man tickets are crazy expensive for the game, Naruto are you sure you want to give us?" It was Natalia who asked as she looked unsure.

"Hell yes," Naruto smiled. "You guys are my friends, it would mean a lot if you guys watched me play."

"Thank you so much!" André said as he got up and caught Naruto in a bear hug to the blonde's discomfort.

"No problem buddy, but let's leave the bone-crushing hugs to once a meeting." He wheezed out to the laughter of everyone.



"Thanks again for coming," Kim said as she walked alongside Naruto. The group had decided to call it a day since it was already late.

So She decided to walk with the blonde, towards the road where Karin was standing, waiting for their cab to arrive.

"It's nothing," He said.

"Well, I mean it. I wasn't really feeling myself this past few days, I'm glad I've got a friend like you, so thank you." She said.

Naruto couldn't conceal his blush as he heard her words.

"T-Thanks," He said sheepishly.

"Cabs hear!!!"

He heard Karin shout. "Guess I better go..." He said awkwardly.

"Yeah. See you later, I guess." Kim waved as he got into the cab.




"You did a good thing inviting them to the game," Karin said as they both sat in the back seat of the car on their way home.

"Oh, thanks." He said.

"And nice work on not blowing it with Kim," She smirked as Naruto looked at her dryly.

"That's all you got to say?" He sweatdropped.

"Hmph. That and she likes you,"

Her smirk widened as she saw the look on her cousin's face.

"She does?!"

"Calm down Juliet," she said, "I mean she doesn't hate you. I saw the way you two talked, there's definitely chemistry between you two." She finished.

"Just don't mess it up," She added.

Naruto reclined back into the seat.
He didn't know what to say, he'd never been in a situation like this.

He still didn't know what she meant by not messing it up. It sounded stupid asking that but could he really be blamed? These were uncharted waters for him and he didn't know which direction to sail towards.

His mind was running through hundred of scenarios, more than he could process in his current emotional state.

"Feelings are complicated," He sighed.

"Amen to that."

Sorry it was short, been really busy getting ready for uni. Thanks for reading 💕 It really does a lot to motivate me to write.

Again, it's been fun.

Yours sincerely,


Peace out.

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