Pacific rim (gipsy avenger) x...

By AWACS_Solitary

55K 565 727

So hi guys this is my first story i have ever made so please dont hate on me any at the title says this is a... More

Chapter 1 arrival
Chapter 2 go big or go extinct
Chapter 3:introductions
Carrier vs jeagers chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 ironblood
Kaiju chapter 7
Pissed off obsidian fury / headache for the jeager cuz of queen elizabeth/8
Rescue chapter 9
Should i add more jeager?
Ashes chapter 10
New yeager and main weapons
A legend's return / ghost vs super battleships chapter 11
Rewrite of couple of chapters
Chapter 12
Alt enterprise chapter 13
A song before battle/chapter 14
Rather long chapter
Thx for the 1K read's
Chpater 15
I deleted chapter 14 to improve chapter 16 which is now chapter 15
Chapter 16 the orochi / a fucking rest finnaly for the boys
Chapter 17 celebration / yandere
Fury's date
Time to make a change on my writing style
Striker lost
New yeager (final yeager i will add)
The three arm ninja
Thunder cloud formation! / lemon (fury and eugen)
Striker doesn't like karens
Change on the story icon
A non lethal new threat
The white flag users aka pasta empire
Half yeager half ship chapter 25
New yeager (made up)
Chapter 26 / you should not have done that
An unexpected sister / chapter 27
Azure infinite

Im sorry about this

273 2 3
By AWACS_Solitary

Im sorry for not saying this sooner but i have a school coming to august i dont exactly know when but i know it august forgive me when there is less chapters update but there is nothing i can do

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