A Dreamcatcher GroupChat | an...

By IHaveBigSoul

12.6K 480 195

Just some regular Dreamcatcher chaos for y'all. Warning ⚠️ Swearing! (lol) Innuendos and other sexual referen... More

Chat 1 - Another One?
Chat 2 - Horror Experience
Chat 3: Simping
Chat 5: Top Energy?
Chat 6: Suayeon
Chat 7: Nightmare Fuel
Chat 8: Demon Doll
Chat 9: Chaos & Paranormal Activity
Chat 10: Fire (lol)
Chat 11: Cheating
Chat 12: SuSiJi
-Not a chat but-
Chat 13: Lonely~
Chat 14: Stealing
Chat 15: KARD?!
Dreamcatcher as Students
Chat 17: Stalker
Chat 18: Blackmail
Chat 19: Losers

Chat 16: Spanish...?

409 20 2
By IHaveBigSoul

~ 12:18 pm ~

- 'Leaderminji' has changed their name to 'Bunny' -

Yoohdipshit: aw cute~

dongie: lol yooh just change ur username at this point

Yoohdipshit: nah

Yoohdipshit: i'm cool with it

Yoohdipshit: its cool

Yoohdipshit: 😎


dami: ...not as cool as my neW BEST FRIENDS HAHA 😼

Singnie: yeah!

Singnie: and guess what

Singnie: meeting kard, who are like huuge in south america, inspired me to learn spanish!


dongie: really?

Singnie: yeah... what's the problem

Bunny: well... are u sure u aren't gonna drop it after like 2 days

Singnie: wut?

👑Sua: yeah sugar u get excited and then overwhelmed and by the next day u leave it 😄

Singnie: not this time baby! >:D

- 'Gahyeon' has changed their name to 'gahyeonie' -

gahyeonie: well then i want to learn french!

dongie: pfft yeah

dongie: and i wanna go to the moon

gahyeonie: 😐

👑Sua: well spanish is so romantic

👑Sua: and so is french

👑Sua: so i wanna learn italian 💕

dami: yeah sure

dami: u can try 🤡

👑Sua: oh stfu

👑Sua: baby~ speak to me in spanish

dami: pfft

dami: as if she actually learned anything

Singnie: i did!

Singnie: hold on-

dongie: 🙄

Singnie: te amo con todo mi corazon, hermosa~ 💜

👑Sua: 😱

👑Sua: 😍

Bunny: bruh do u even know what that means

👑Sua: no but it doesn't matter damnit!

gahyeonie: lol she probably pronounced it wrong too

👑Sua: i don't need to know what it means to know its fucking hot

Yoohdipshit: what if she actually said something like 'you are a short little midget' 🤷‍♀️

👑Sua: 😡

Singnie: oh hey yoohyeon i have one for u

Singnie: eres un pato gordo con pelo de cilantro go fuck urself 😌


dami: i just put that first part in google translate and what the fuck-


Bunny: i should just give up on trying to stop u guys from swearing right?

gahyeonie: yup

dongie: literally no point in still trying

Bunny: ugh fine

gahyeonie: wait really?

Bunny: yup -_-

gahyeonie: OMG

gahyeonie: BEST

gahyeonie: DAY

gahyeonie: EVER



Bunny: 😵‍💫

👑Sua: lmao jiu what have u done

Singnie: she gave us glorious liberties

👑Sua: indeed

Yoohdipshit: welp

Yoohdipshit: it was only a matter of time before she gave up!

dongie: yup

dami: ✨you tried✨ leader-nim


- 'Bunny' is off the app -

Yoohdipshit: aw we scared her away

- 'Yoohdipshit' is off the app -

👑Sua: pfft

👑Sua: ok then


Singnie: eh don't bother yelling at her

Singnie: instead, let's go make out on her bed 😏

👑Sua: ohh~

👑Sua: i like the way you think 😏

- '👑Sua' is off the app -

- 'Singnie' is off the app -

gahyeonie: soo we're not gonna stop them right?

dami: nah

dami: yooh had it coming

dongie: and its not my bed so i don't care :D

- everyone is off the app -

Lol sorry i've been gone for a while. I was on vacation and came home to a leaking and broken ceiling and i am just dandy! Anyways got it fixed and thank god the house didn't flood~
Some spanish lessons for u guys:

"Te amo con todo me corazon, hermosa" - I love you with all my heart, beautiful (in this context it's either beautiful or gorgeous)

"Eres un pato gordo con pelo de cilantro" - You're a fat duck with cilantro for hair (idk either)

Also here to expose myself a bit but like The Owl House is sooooo good like how come no one told me?!?!?!?! I've been obsessed for months now 😍

And that's where i got the whole spanish thing inspo. I am hispanic here! Also yesssss get that representation 🏳️‍🌈😁
We love to see it :D

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