Destiny (Loki×Mobius)

By lokismidgardianbxtch

785 46 13

Alabama, 2050. That's when Loki was finally going to to prove himself. It was him who found out that this inf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

114 6 2
By lokismidgardianbxtch

The portal opened and two hunters stepped out. Mobius and Loki looked at each other again. Both were confused, they didn't do anything. The hunters looked suprised at the fact that everything seemed to be okay. "What happened?" One of them asked and both pointed their prune sticks at Loki. "I just wanted to ask you the same, nothing happened" Mobius stated still confused "Why?" he added. "You caused a nexus event, Mobius" the hunter replied. Now both, Loki and Mobius, were even more confused, but actually knew what might have caused it.


"I knew leaving the Variant alone outside the tva was a mistake" Ravonna said. "He wasn't alone" Mobius stated a little offended. "You said it wouldn't cause any trouble" "I don't know how that happened" Mobius raised his arms to his shoulders to a defensive pose. "A nexus event isn't caused by nothing, Mobius. Tell me exactly what happened" She sat down at her desk and Mobius sat down on the couch as he started talking "We got into my apartment, he started to heal, we had a drink, the hunters interrupted us" Ravonna raised her eyebrow, obviously, sort of disoriented "You had a drink?" Mobius shrugged "Yeah" She gave him this judgmental look he didn't like. "What?" he questioned. Was it forbidden to have a drink with someone you work with now?

"You" she took a pause and wrote something down "are starting to like him" she continued and gave him a serious look. "That's far-fetched" he said, trying to play it off. "Of course you do, that's why it was so important to you to save his life" Mobius didn't realize how obvious he had made it. Him and Ravonna were friends so of course she saw through him rather than others but what if they saw it too? "He found the variant and he didn't betray me like you said he would" "And he lost the variant" Ravonna remarked and made Mobius stay silent. She leaned forward "How do you think she escaped? He caught her to make you believe you can trust him and he made it look like he didn't want her to escape. Wake up, Mobius! He is manipulating you! Or did you forget who you're dealing with?"

Mobius sighed. She was right, partly. But he didn't believe Loki would manipulate him and he would always defend him until Loki proves him wrong. "He is not manipulating me. He had so many chances to escape or kill me and if he wouldn't be the variant would've gotten to the timekeepers. He is trying to help, Ravonna. He is changing" he tried to convince her. But she didn't look so thrilled.

"I don't believe in that, but I hope you know what you're doing" she stated and earned a nod "We're gonna find her again" "I hope so for you. You know that you can't grow too close to him?" she questioned, trying to sound as  sympathetic as possible. She knew that he was starting to like Loki in a way he wasn't allowed to, in a romantic way. And she wouldn't let him break the rules, but they were friends after all. Mobius let out a poor "Yeah" as he stood up and was ready to make his way out of her office. "Keep that in mind" she called out before he shut the door behind him. It was pointless. He knew it was too late for that, they both did.

Loki was waiting outside the office with the two hunters, who were seemingly annoyed by him. The man had too much energy sometimes, Mobius thought. But that's what made him so likeable. And drives one crazy. Both hunters glanced at Mobius as he walked up to them. Loki noticed that Mobius was avoiding eye contact when their eyes met for a split of a second and Mobius looked away faster than Thor ran when he saw a green snake coming out of nowhere.

He waited for the two hunters to leave before he spoke "And?"

"Nothing to worry about, we have to find the variant"

Mobius reported and walked torwards the elevator. Loki for sure wasn't satisfied with that answer. They had just caused a nexus event without physical variation, how was that 'nothing to worry about'? There was something between them and Loki knew that Mobius must have felt it too, or at least something similar to what he felt. But he wasn't brave enough to say something about it. What did he expect? Not everyone got what they wanted and especially not him. So why even try? He would just cause Mobius more trouble and that's the least he wanted to do.

He needed to think realistic and pick up his plan to overthrow the timekeepers again. If he didn't stop the other Loki but let her go on and stab her in the back afterwards it could've been done already. Big mistake from his side. The two were in a rush and stayed silent until they arrived in the elevator and it started to become awkward.

"How are we going to find her? She could hide in any apocalypse"

"I have no idea, but we figured it last time so we're going to figure it again"

Mobius responded and didn't dare to look at Loki, who only nodded in response. Loki had changed his mind, they needed to talk about what happened to get rid of the tension. "So, since we're already here and don't have anything else to talk about..." now he started to get kinda nervous and think about why even started to speak.

"We're both aware of what caused the nexus event" he stated and wouldn't look at the other as well. Now he didn't know how to continue. He didn't even know if his statement was a statement or a question. He should've just stayed silent like he used to when something bothered him. It was annoying how much his feelings affected him and his actions.

"I don't have time for this now" "You don't have time for what?" Loki teased. They faced each other simultaneously.  "Loki, I need to focus" Mobius turned back and still felt Loki staring at him. He wished it would be easier than this. Loki took a breath and lowered his gaze after a moment. He understood why Mobius acted this way, but it hurt. It hurt more than he wanted it to hurt. It hurt so much.


A/N: Hehe, I'm back.

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