The Doctor (SCP-049 x reader)

By TalionMacLeod

217 3 1

You are a newly hired doctor at the SCP Foundation and since you have several degrees in the medical field an... More

The Foundation
The Pestilence
*gus has no clue what to name chapter*


1 1 0
By TalionMacLeod

I watched as the Doc punched straight through the mindless zombie's skull killing it instantly, rage evident in his posture. Before throwing the body to the door in a slight tantrum. I lean over and press the comm button, the Doc's head perking as my voice rang through his containment cell.

"Hey Doc? Want me to send in Domhnull to dispose of the body? I can come in and look at your notes too."

I look and see the SCP nod slightly and back far away from the door. I wave my hand and signal for the MTF to go take the body to disposal, and gather up my notebooks. A few pens and pencils and wait for Domhnull to drag the body away before entering, not bothering to wait for the redheaded male to return.

"You seem distracted Doc is something the matter?" I ask, fiddling with part of my skirt as I stand awkwardly near the door.

The SCP looks up at me and walks over, an unreadable expression behind his eyes. When he was within arms length he places his hand on the top of my head and the tension leaves his body instantly.

"Doc?" I say as I stare in to his unnaturally blue eyes. His normal calm and playful demeanor gone.

"I do not like that guard of yours." His eyes close and he pulls me ever so closer by my head. "The look in his eyes when they meet your form is disgusting to me."

I am taken aback by his statement. I shiver as his hand slowly trails down my head and spine settling on the small of my back as he leads me over to the table with his notes.

His hand lingers as his voice speaks again. "My sincerest apologies for my outburst moments ago, it must have been frightening for you, yes?" His hand then travels to my hip, almost as if he was unaware of his own actions.

My thoughts are momentarily clouded by the searing hot gloved hand on my side that I almost forget to answer. "I- uhm, it didn't scare me per-say, I was mainly concerned what brought such an outburst out of you." I try to ignore the way his hand tightened slightly at my words and set my notebooks down and look through the looping handwriting of his notes.

"I saw something I disliked is all, nothing to worry your pretty self over Y/n."

Perplexed I look up to the being beside me, "What language is this, could you translate it for me, I'm afraid I've never seen anything like it." I chose not to address his compliment of me.

The smile is evident in his eyes as he scoots closer to me, practically pulling me into his side in a possessive manner as he begins to translate his words. I diligently copy down what he is saying while trying to ignore the sheer warmth radiating from his touch on me.

I faintly hear the door to my office being opened and closing, most likely Domhnull returning to let me know its clear to enter the room now that he can watch me. I step out of the grasp of the Doc knowing that the MTF will soon flip the switch to activate the window.

"Sounds like Domhnull is back , he would have a conniption if he saw you holding me." I say looking back up at the strangely touchy SCP to find his gaze darken at the mention of the MTF.

"I wouldn't hurt you," the creature says making a move to wrap his arm around my waist again.

"I know that, he on the other hand firmly believes you are trying to trick me into a false state of comfort so you can experiment on me." I sidestep once more. "I'd rather not have a repeat of earlier, and knowing him, he'd march in here and drag me out."

I gently pat the scp's arm and turn back to the notes. "Did you make any charts this time?" I say in attempt to get the Doc's attention off of my guard and back on his work.

"Ahh, indeed," he flips the page and a chart of the way the mans organs were arranged met my eyes.

"This is vastly different from your normal approach. Are you feeling well yourself Doc?" I chuckle at my own joke.

"I feel fine." the Docs tone was curt, he was upset about something, but I chose not to pry as to not upset him further, having heard the logs of his previous outbursts.

As I stand there copying down the chart, Domhnull's voice comes offer the coms, "Y/n they want you over at site 17 tomorrow to go talk to 073, to back up any new information on it."

I raise a thumb into the air to signal that I understood and continued to write in my notes.

Soon after a long buzzer sounded signaling the end of my shift, I raise a hand and signal to Domh that he can go ahead and leave. "Go on ahead Domh I'd like to finish copying these notes."

The coms chime again; "Don't stay too long in there with it I'll be making my way." I roll my eyes at his obviousness at referring to the Doc as an 'it' before I hear the faint sounds of the door opening and closing

I shift from foot too foot and grab the Docs notebook as well as mine and bringing it to a nearby chair. I set both notebooks on my thighs and continue my sketching of his diagram.

I hear the shuffle of fabric and see the Doc's robes come in to my line of vision, I glance up at the tall scp and my jaw drops. A head of thick black hair falls from the Doc's head pulled back into a low ponytail that falls into his robes.

Curiosity got the best of me and I ask, "How long is your hair?"

A deep chuckle reverberates through the room and the creature lifts a hand pulling the ponytail from under his robes, the hair falling to roughly his mid back. My eyes widen and I immediately have the urge to touch it.

"Do you like it?" Doc chuckles once again.

I smile brightly, "Yes I do, its so long." I keep looking at it, "So you can remove your clothing, it doesn't just grow out of your skin like we thought?"

"No my dear, they can come off." another deep chuckle reverberates through the room as the strange scp looks down at me.

"And the mask does too?" I say setting my notes aside and standing up, letting my hand drift up towards the beaked mask.

A gloved hand catches mine mid air and pulls me closer, "Curiosity killed the cat dear, do you wish to see my face that badly?"

"Knowledge brought it back, and you cant blame me for being curious as to what you look like." I fake pout, in attempt to subdue the heat rising to my face. The feeling of a gloved hand roaming my back ever present in my thoughts.

"You are rather touchy today Doc, are you sure youre okay?" I ask as i am pulled into the chest of the scp.

Im met with only a hum as a response as the Doc keeps me firmly against his chest.

"Doc I need to finish my notes," I start.

"Ahh yes forgive me my dear," he grabs my hand and leads me back to the chair i once sat in and takes a seat in an adjacent chair.

I feel his eyes on me as I continue copying his notes. "Is something the matter Doc?"

"As I said earlier, it is nothing to worry your pretty self over." I look over to see his eyes crinkling under his mask, in an almost smile.

"Alright then, eh, could you translate this paragraph for me?"

"Of course," the SCP scoots his chair closer to mine and proceeds to give a translation of the notebook pausing to give me time to copy his words.

"Well that looks to be all of it, shifts over so I'll see you tomorrow after my visit to 073." I stand and offer a smile returning the notebook to the Doc.

"Must you leave so soon?" The deep voice of the scp pipes up.

"I suppose I can stay a bit longer, is there something you wish to talk about Doc?" I smile again, sitting back in my seat.

"I saw that guard of yours pin you to your desk. He should really keep his hands to himself."

I stare wide eyed at the man before me, a deep flush crossing my face.

"I-" i begin but am cut off by Doc.

"I'm not finished my dear," he moves to stand in front of me. "I understand that I am an anomaly to humans, I have lived many years, and seen many things. I can do things that you cannot. But I am still a man underneath these robes and this mask. And you, beautiful precious you, have caught my eye in a way no mortal has. I do not like the fact that he freely touched what is mine." the scps eyes narrow at me and he brings his hand to the back of my head.

"Doc..." my thoughts die as he grips the hair at my nape, iliciting a gasp from me.

"Shhh, I'm still talking." he says keeping a firm grip on my hair. "That was a lovely noise you made for the guard earlier I'd like to hear it again." he pulls my head to the side causing me to let out a soft moan.

"Mmm yes that one. Its even more alluring when not muffled by glass and that damn guards mouth." His hand releases its hold on my hair and snakes to hold my chin making me look into his eyes.

"Dont let him use you my dear assistant." his thumb brushes over my bottom lip and i feel my mind go blank, i can only dumbly nod to his request.

"Good girl." he coos. "Now i believe you should get out of my cell before someone comes looking for you." Once again his eyes crinkle due to what I can only guess is a smile, before he releases my chin and goes to the chair he previously occupied.

I blink hard a few times in order to clear the mind fog and gather my things.

"Goodnight doc, I'll most likely be in my office." my words are slow as i speak

"Goodnight mon ami." he says with too much confidence

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