Lucky Roll - Tokyo Revengers...

By al_fluffy1209

42.4K 2.2K 614

Machiko, a member of the Armed Detective Agency, is sent to Shibuya for her suspension punishment due to a sl... More

About Machiko


7.3K 294 84
By al_fluffy1209

"Huuuuuh?! What do ya mean I gotta leave Yokohama?!" a brown haired teenager shouted out in shock from what she heard from her boss. "Are you sending me away because of my slip-up?!"

"You're going to Shibuya Tokyo to be exact," the president of the Armed Detective Agency, Fukuzawa Yukichi, clarified in a calming manner. "I had come to the conclusion of making you spend your suspension outside the city so you're less likely to gamble and pick fights with the Port Mafia during a job. This is your punishment for getting uninvolved parties injured because of your actions, Machiko."

[Fukuzawa Yukichi]

Ability : All Men are Equal

"B-But Boss!" The 18 year old known as Machiko stood up from her seat, still surprised by her punishment. "You're really sending me away? What if an attack happens on the city or agency? I know I screwed up, but I think this is too much! You could just put me on house arrest or something."

"The agency will be fine if something were to happen," Fukuzawa replied, looking into her yellow eyes. "Pack your bags by this afternoon, you'll be leaving as soon as possible."

She grit her teeth, fists clenched as she nodded. "Understood Boss."

She bowed down to him before leaving his office, stomping off into the reception area where everyone else was residing. Noticing her unusually bad mood and the displeasure on her face, the other members of the agency looked at one another before looking back at the teen.

"Um... Machiko-san, is something wrong?" Nakajima Atsushi, her fellow 18 year old, asked with a concerned expression on his face.

[Nakajima Atsushi]

Ability : Beast Beneath the Moonlight

"Atsushi-kun..." She ruffled her brown hair, huffing as a frown appeared on her. "Because of my suspencion Boss decided to send me to Shibuya as a punishment."

"S-Shibuya?!" Atsushi shouted, gaining the attention of the other members in the room. "W-Why?"

"He thinks that if I spend time outside of the city I won't gamble and pick fights with the Port Mafia," Machiko explained, sighing as her anger started to cool. "It's because of the slip-up I made that got me in trouble, so I guess I should take this punishment without complaining. It's not too bad."

Atsushi tried to cheer up his coworker. "Try and think of it as a vacation. You won't have to do any paperwork while you're there!"

"No, he's making me bring my unfinished paperwork there too." She clicked her tongue. "Damn. I have such bad luck."

"That's really ironic coming from you, Machiko-san."

"Shibuya, huh?" Edogawa Ranpo repeated, shoving a chip into his mouth. "There's been some gang violence there in the last few years... But there's nothing to be worried about since Machiko-chan is very capable!" He smiled, continuing to eat his snacks.

[Edogawa Ranpo]

Ability : Super Deduction

She let out a chuckle. "Thanks for the ego-booster Ranpo-san. Compliment me some more, why don't ya?"

His lips puckered up in a comical way. "If I do that then you'll get big headed. Buzz buzz! No way."

"Che..." She pouted when he turned away. "I guess a certain someone isn't going to get souvenirs from me."

"Ehhh? Machiko-chan!"

"Wow! I want to go to Shibuya too! Can you bring me some souvenirs Machiko-san?!" Miyazawa Kenji asked the girl, sparkled surrounding his small figure.

[Miyazawa Kenji]

Ability : Undefeated by the Rain

The brunette smiled, reaching over to ruffle his blond hair. "Just for you Kenji-kun. I'll bring you all the best souvenirs."

"Yay!" He beamed. "I'm really gonna miss ya!"

The girl sniffled, wiping a fake tear from her eye. "Kenji-kun, you're too pure for this sickening world."

He tilted his head, confused, but still smiled. "Thanks!"

Suddenly the office door slammed open, making Atsushi flinch while the others looked at the commotion.

"Dazaiiiii! I swear your suicide tendecines have increases lately and because of that you keep messing up my schedule!" Kunikida Doppo yelled as he entered the reception area. Dragging a person behind him by his foot was a brown haired male, drenched. "Just give me a break for once. Stop trying to commit suicide on the job and causing trouble for everyone!"

[Kunikida Doppo]

Ability : The Matchless Poet

"I was so close to dying this time! Why did you stop me Kunikida-kun?" Dazai Osamu whined as he got dragged along the floor. He blinked, looking at Atsushi and Machiko before he started his ranting. "Atsushi-kun, Machi-chan! Can't you believe Kunikida-kun? I wish he was like you two more. Just when I was about to die from my submersion he just had to butt-in and stop me."

[Dazai Osamu]

Ability : No Longer Human

Machiko gasped, holding a hand to her heart while the other covered her mouth. "Osamu-kun I can't believe you. To think that you would try and commit suicide without me. Oh, how you wounded my heart."

"No no no! Machi-chan I'd never die without you and hurt your feelings! I was only joking! Come, we can commit a double suicide together-"

"Shut up about suicide and get to work, Dazai!!" Kunikida shouted, interrupting him as he dropped the ex-mafia member onto the floor. He then turned and glared at Machiko. "And Machiko! Stop encouraging this idiot and get to work as well!"

Machiko put her hands up, shrugging her shoulders. "Can't. I have to go pack my stuff."

The two blinked. "What do you mean pack your stuff? Are you going somewhere?" Dazai asked, getting off the floor.

"Boss is sending me to Shibuya and I have to leave by this afternoon."

"What?! Boss is making you leave the city for your suspencion?!" Dazai said in shock. He dramatically clinged onto the teenager, rubbing his cheek against her head. "Nooo! You can't leave me Machi-chan! Who else will I do a double suicide with?!"

"Geh. Osamu-kun you're getting me all wet! Kunikida-san help me! I can't breathe Osamu-kun-!"

Without hesitation, Kunikida grabbed Dazai by the scruff of his collar and pulled him off of her. The moment he was off of her, Machiko grabbed her chest and took deep breaths. Atsushi deadpanned at the scene while Ranpo and Kenji just laughed, amused.

"By the way... Did he ever say how long you will be staying there?" Atsushi asked and everyone turned towards the brunette.

She awkwardly stood there for a moment, rubbing her cheek with her finger. "Well Boss never told me for how long I'm suspended, so I don't know. All I know is that he rented me an apartment to stay in while I'm there."

Kunikida sighed, putting a hand to his head. "Enough about that. Go start packing your stuff. We don't want you to be late for your train."

"It's a shame that Naomi-chan and Junichiro-kun are out today and Yosano-san is doing a check-up on Kyoka-chan. I won't be able to say goodbye to them in person," Machiko mumbled as she and Dazai stood at the station waiting for the train to appear. "So give them my regards in my stead."

The suicidal maniac smiled. "Of course."

It was silent between the two as they waited for her train to arrive. Soon, the train arrived, the train screeching on the tracks as it came to a stop. The doors opened and Machiko picked up her suitcases.

Machiko began to walk forward, stopping at the train doors. She looked over her shoulder at the brunette. "I'll see you later, Osamu-kun."

Dazai waved with his usual smile. "Mhm. See you, Machi-chan."

He watched as the doors closed and the train departed. Stuffing his hands into his coat pockets, he walked off.

'Try to not cause too much trouble in Shibuya, okay?'


Ability : ???

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