Entangled Knot

By _manan__

52.7K 4.9K 765

They say that being grown-up means you have survived at least three disasters and one apocalypse. Quite often... More

Author's Note
Characters sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

1.9K 252 43
By _manan__

*This part is unedited*

Manik's PoV

I got the address of Abhi and Nandini's house from Ragini aunty and drove towards that. I found their house and parked my car in front of it.

It was not a big villa but a small modern house. I wanted to go in but I didn't. I just sat in my car and started thinking about the reason for this. I couldn't believe what I heard a few minutes back. Ragini aunty told me that Nandini and Abhi live alone. They both lived here even before our marriage. Previously Nandini's behaviour towards her parents looked kind of weird. But I didn't mind that because I thought nandini was angry with her parents because of the marriage thing but No that is not the real reason. Something has definitely happened before. Even I was angry with my family for the sudden marriage decisions but that didn't long last. It took me not more than a month to overcome that. But because of her anger, she is living alone now. Not only nandini, but Abhi is also with her. From my point of view, their family looks like broken or separated. No one in my family knows about this.

Whenever Nandini said she was going to her home, She came here. But Abhi was in Dubai at that time. Then there will be no one at this house. But why did she come here every weekend? This one thing makes me confused. I lost my mood to go inside because I know if I go inside I couldn't control myself from asking those questions. And I guess they would be uncomfortable to answer. Because I was with them for more than two weeks at the hospital and even at the time they returned home. If they wanted to mention it to me they would have told me about that. But they didn't so I left from there and I didn't want to invade their privacy.

I went to my office early and started my work as it will be the only way to distract myself before going deeper into this topic. I snapped at my employees for no reason and made a lot of mess. Even I fired an employee for a silly reason. It was so hard to control my temper. Before I could mess up more in the office I went out to meet a foreign client.

After the meeting, I went to have my lunch with him. We got into a restaurant and ordered our food. While having a conversation with my client I saw Abhi at the restaurant with one person. I could see Abhi but I couldn't see who the other person was. When I moved a bit closer to look at the person I found out he was the same one I have seen at the Pune meeting.

But I was confused to see him with Abhi. Then it came to my memory I have already seen that strange person. I have seen him at the hospital on the day Nandini's accident happened. He was there at the hospital till Abhi came. But after Abhi came, he left. Everything seems more confusing. After some time I saw Abhi walking out of the restaurant furiously. The strange person also went out after Abhi left. I completed my lunch and went to my office.

I directly went to my cabin. I felt like my mind would explode anytime. I sat on the chair and closed my eyes. A few minutes later somebody knocked on the door and entered the room, at first I thought that it would be my P.A but it was Cabir bhai. "Heyy man. What's up? I heard you fired one today. Did anything happen?"

I didn't want to tell him about that so I said, "Yeah I was a bit tired s o-"

He stopped me and said, "Cut the crap and directly come to the point."

I sighed at his reply and said, "Nandini and Abhi live alone."

"oh...okay. So??" he asked in a cool tone.

"Are you-" I was interrupted by a knock.

Then Aman came and said, "Sir, the event client wants to reschedule their appointment to later this week. Is that okay with you?"

"Okay but ask them not to continue this every time." he nodded and went out.

Then I asked cabir bhai, "Are you not getting me? They live alone and something is definitely odd with their family."

"They live alone. Cool!! There is nothing wrong with that. Don't tell me you're stressed because of this." he asked me.

"Of course I am. No one knows about this. And today I went to Ram uncle's house and I got to know about this."

" What if I say I already know about this?" this one shocked me.

"WHAT?? How do you about this? You already know about this. But you didn't tell me anything." I asked him.

"Bro I think you're overreacting in this. You are reacting as if they have done a murder it's just they live alone. And I didn't intend to hide this from you. I got to know about this two weeks back. You remember on the day of Nandini's accident we three stayed at the hospital. The next day you went alone to our home while I went to drop Abhi. On that day I found out they live alone." and silence prevailed after his explanation.

Then he suddenly asked, "May I know why are stressed regarding this?.......... And if you want to see Nandini, don't think about anything just go there and see her." I was stunned at his words.

"No- umm- it's not like that, " I told him.

" Manik, just go there and see her." he again told me. I nodded my head and again started my work. By eight I completed my work. Then I remembered Cabir bhai's words. Should I really go there? But what if they feel uncomfortable with my visit? Then a lot of questions came into my mind. But I managed to get the answers. I put my negative thoughts aside and decided to go there. I left the office and drove towards their house.

On the way to their home, I bought some flowers because I saw Abhi bringing new flowers to Nandini every day when she was at the hospital. Buying flowers was not my thing. But I just did it. I reached there and parked my car outside their home. I went in and rang the doorbell. Then Abhi came and invited me inside. I thought he would be surprised by my visit. But no he was not.

He said, "I was expecting you in the morning. Mama told you went there to see Nandini so I guessed you will come today. But you are late."

"I had some work to complete." I lied to him. Then no one spoke anything. It became awkward to stand there.

"Manik you sit here I will get something for you," told Abhi. Then he went in. I sat on the couch and looked around. Their house held a warm and peaceful vibe.

I could see an elegant living room with which is attached a rather stylish and 'chic' family dining space. It was simple but classic. The house was really beautiful mainly because it was neither too big nor too small where all of its furniture seemed to have fitted just perfectly. Another distinct but equally elegant feature of the house was that it could receive enough air from virtually all directions. Besides, I also noticed that the entire lighting system of the house was very much in harmony with the paintings of the house interior.

Then my eyes saw a big portrait of something. I stood up and went near that. It was a painting of a girl amidst the butterflies.

It wasn't professional but it was perfect. It also had so many other paintings too. Then I turned right to saw a huge photo of Abhi and Nandini hanging on the wall.

I saw their pictures. It was different. Nandini looked kind of different in those photos. She held a carefree smile and her dressing was totally different. I have seen her like this in the past but not now. Now she looks completely opposite to this picture. My thoughts were interrupted by Abhi's voice. "That was nandu's paintings." this one amused me because those paintings were perfect.

"Wow, they are really awesome. I thought it was drawn by some professional." I told him.

"Yeah, they are. She was not professional but she had the skill naturally." Abhi said. I am finding out different things about her each day. She was different from what I was thinking about her.

"You came here to meet Nandu ?" asked Abhi in a questioning tone.

"Umm yes. How is she now?" I asked him.

"She is fine now. She felt better after coming here. For the past two days, she didn't get any nightmares." told Abhi.

"Can I meet her now?" I inquired him.

"Yes you can but She is sleeping," said Abhi.

"Ohh okay. I will see her next time." Then we both sat there and talked for few minutes. We mostly talked about the business things and his life in Dubai. By 10 I left from there and returned to my home.

When I entered I saw Tarak and mom sitting in the living areas. They were seriously talking about something. "Mom it's just a three-day trip."

I interrupted them and asked, " May I know what are you guys talking about in this late night?"

"Ohh manik you came. It's nothing unusual. The same useless trips of him." replied mom. I laughed at her answer.

"Mom this is not fair. You're literally taking revenge because of that prank. It was just a prank." whined Tarak. Mom rolled her eyes at his reply.

"Bro you played your silly pranks again. What prank have you done this time?" I couldn't control my laugh as I remembered his hilarious prank.

"It was nothing bhai-" told tarak.

Mom stopped him and said, "you're saying nothing Tarak. Unbelievable!!! You know what Manik, he poured face powder in my hairdryer. When I used it, the powder fell all over my face and hair. And the most important thing is that I was getting ready to go along with Navya as Nandini couldn't accompany her to the NGO for a function. Because of his stupid prank, I couldn't go there." I was laughing hard when mom was narrating the story but once I heard Nandini's name I became confused. Why would she accompany Navya bhabhi to the NGO function? As long as I remember she never interacted with anyone other than Mukthi, Tarak and Mom. Then why should she go along with bhabhi?

I became clueless at this and asked Mom, "Mom I have a doubt. Why should Nandini go along with Navya bhabhi to the NGO?"

"Nandini is also a trustee in that NGO. As she couldn't go there today, she asked me to go instead of her. But I couldn't go because of this irritating idiot." replied Mom.

What the heck?? A trustee?? It was one of the biggest NGOs in Mumbai. She works there that too as a trustee. She lives alone. She works as a trustee and much more information in a single day. Yesterday I saw her from a different angle. But today she looks completely different in my point of view. She is not a gold digger like I thought. I thought she will be the same as Mishka but no she was not. She was a different and difficult person to understand. Then I had my dinner and went to my room.

I started doing my pending works. Usually, I won't do that at home but today I skipped all the work as I was not in a mood to do that. So I am doing it now. The project which I am currently doing was my dream. It was a small company which was started by me, not with the help of dad. That company supports talented singers from all levels. I wished to be a singer but I didn't do it. All I did as work was continuing my dad's business. When dad's business was at loss, He needed my help at that time. So I helped him.

But I never thought there will come a situation in which I have to choose one. Either my dream or supporting my family. I left my dreams to support dad. But I will never regret what I choose. In the initial stages, I continued singing. I would sing for my happiness and my family. But as my work got increased I stopped it. After that, I never felt like singing not even for myself. When I saw people with singing abilities but couldn't get a proper stage to show their talent, I got an interest to support them. So I started that company from the savings I kept for pursuing my dreams. I felt happy seeing them singing on the stage. Those people became close to me. They were like a family to me. No one there knows who I am and what I am doing or what my family does. But they accepted me the way I am. The main thing is even my family don't know about them. They know I am supporting some people but they don't know what they are related to. If they found out they were related to singing then I am sure my dad would feel guilty. So I never said anything about that to them. Then I completed my work and drifted off to sleep.

In the next morning, I thought of visiting Nandini before going to the office. I got ready and went down. I saw Cabir bhai standing near the door looking tensed. I went near him and asked, "Bhai is everything okay? You don't look good."

"No Manik. Kiara is having fever. Last night she was normal. But now she has a high fever. So I called the doctor. I am waiting for him." said Cabir bhai.

"Bhai she will be fine. Don't worry." I assured him.

"Manik I need a favour from you. Today Can you manage my work too ?" asked bhai.

"Is that a favour to ask? You needn't ask that favour. I will take care of your work. You stay with Kiara. Take care of my baby girl." I told him.

When I was leaving Mom called me, "Manik are you going to visit Nandini today?" I nodded.

"Then do one thing. When you go there make a call to me. I wanted to talk with her. I thought of visiting her today but as Kiara is not well. I can't go. So make a call." told Mom.

"Okay Mom," I told her and left from there. I

reached Nandini's house and went in. An unfamiliar old person came and opened the door. "Who are you?" he asked. But before could answer he again asked, "you are Manik right?"

"Ummm yeah I am manik. You?" I told him.

"I am keechu. I am working here. Abhi beta said you will come. Come in." told that person.

"Umm...uncle where is Abhi?" I asked him.

"Abhi beta went for work," he said.

"Nandini?" Then I asked him about her.

"Nandini beti is taking rest in her room. You can go and meet her," he said and guided me to her room. He left me at the doorstep and went. I knocked at her door and heard a faint come in. When I entered she looked surprised. I know she wouldn't have expected me. "Hey." I greeted her. She greeted me and asked me to sit on a chair. "Ummm..how are you now?" I asked her.

"Fine. Everything is fine. Bhai said you came last night." she told.

"Yes. I came." Then I don't know what to ask. We both sat there in silence.

Then I remembered Mom's words and asked her, "Mom wanted to visit you today but she couldn't come as Kiara was not well. So she asked me to make a call to her when I visit you. Will you talk to her now?"

"okay" then I called Mom and gave my phone to her. While they both were talking I looked around her room.

Her room was simple and nice. It didn't have many things not even photos. But in the corner of the room, I saw a board with many paintings.

It looked good. After talking Nandini handed me the phone. Then again there was complete silence. At that time I thought to never come alone to meet her. "Umm... Cabir bhai couldn't go to the office so I have to manage his work too. Soo Nandini I am leaving now." she nodded. Then I left for my work. I had a hectic day at work as I had to manage Cabir bhai's work too. I went home by ten and slept immediately due to tiredness.

Thank you for reading ❤️✨
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Sorry for the late update guys. As I said in the conversation box there was some glitch. The unpublished parts have been automatically deleted. I couldn't retrieve it 😭 and the Wattpad app in my phone is not even opening. I am using my PC to write. As the unpublished parts have been deleted, I have to start from the beginning. So I was late.

Can anyone help me to clear this glitch? If you have any solutions for this, please tell me, guys, 🥺🙏🏻

The main reason I published today is because today is friendship day. I know I am late but I wanted to wish you guys. So to all my readers, HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY guys 💞✨ I was writing as fast as I could so that I can wish you guys.

This part is unedited. As I didn't had time for that.

Thank you guys it's been more than 12k+ reads and it's nearing 2k votes. Thank you to each and everyone who took your time to read my book.❤️

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