Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

42.4K 3K 830

A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


1.4K 115 43
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistake and typos.

Beam's POV

"I'll come and visit you soon. Take care of yourself and eat a lot." After spending almost two weeks in the hospital I was finally back home, my home. Min

g came to live with me till I was fully healthy with Wayo visiting me every now and then.

I was now sitting in my living room with Ming and the person who has saved my life that day, Kit.

That dimpled guy has become a really good friend with me and Ming for the past couple of weeks. Ever since he has saved me that day, he has become really close to me.

"Okay Kit, I am sure you will be able to ace this presentation. Give your best!!" Kit was five years younger than me and Ming, so he was still a college student. Kit is very smart and was top in his college. He didn't really have many friends due to the white spots that he has all over his body. There were just one or two people whom he considered acquaintances, not friends.

"I'll drop you till the front door." Ming offered to make Kit blush. I know how things are going to get from now on.

"Ooh...okay." I swear this dimple guy looks so adorable when he blushes. I can't blame Ming for falling for him. No, Ming still hasn't confessed to him or even told me anything about it , but I am his friend after all and nothing can escape from my eyes when it comes to Ming.

Ming came back after five minutes while whistling and a huge smile on his face. Seriously, can this guy be any more obvious?

I gave him a teasing smirk. In return he gave me a confused look which was full of questions.

"Why are you smirking at me?"

"Why, I can't even smirk now?" I decided to tease Ming some more. It's really fun to see his reactions when someone teases him. He becomes super irritated and will pout a lot.

"Of course you can but the way you are smirking right now is giving me a weird kind of goosebumps. I have a feeling you are going to make my life miserable somehow." He said and took his seat near me. He checked my temperature once again.

"Your fever is totally gone now. I am happy that you have recovered so fast, Beam." No matter how much he flirts with me just to tease me, but when it comes to my health and safety then he starts acting like an elder member of the family.

"When are you going to confess to him?" Ming stopped his actions in mid way and worry took over his face.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about." He was about to leave but I grabbed his hand and prevented him from leaving. He has this habit of leaving abruptly whenever I discuss something serious with me, especially if it is related to his life.

"I won't let you leave this topic just like this Ming. I know you have been crushing on Kit for a while now and I can see that Kit also kind of feels something for you. If you like him, then confess to him. I don't want you to give him false hopes. He has suffered a lot when it comes to relationships, I don't want him to suffer more." Kit has told me everything about his personal life one day when we were discussing our failed relationships. And I was shocked to know how much that guy has suffered so far.

"I know Beam, I know. But I am scared."

"Scared of what Ming?"

"What..what if he thinks that I am showing interest in him just because he saved my best friend's life? Or he might think that I am saying all these things to him out of sympathy?" I have known Ming for years, but I have never seen him getting worried about confessing to someone. It's always the opposite, he will just go to the person and ask directly for a date.

"You are right, but you will never know unless you talk about it or give it a try. And if you are not sure about it then you should start to show him how much you really like him through your gestures. He is not a dumb kid who won't take a hint from it." Ming's face lit up as soon as I suggested this to him. He hugged me tightly and thanked me.

"You are a genius Beam!! Thank you, thank you , thank you sooooo much!!!" And I was showered with kisses all over my face. I know it's weird but Ming does this sometimes even though I have warned him not to ever do it.


"Ouuch!! Why did you hit me Beam??!!" He pouted while rubbing his injured head which I hit with a TV remote.

"How many times I have told you not to do this with me but still...I am going to wash my face now." I got up and went inside the bathroom. Ming followed me and stood at the entrance of the bathroom.

"Why are you following me?" I said not looking at him because somehow suddenly I started missing Forth a lot. It's been almost a month since we last talked. He hasn't texted me, called me or visited me even once.

Whatever was between us is finally over now. I think relationships are not really my thing. Before I couldn't feel anything for anyone and when I did, this happened. I was born to be alone.

I don't know when and how but next thing I know, I was in Ming's embrace and was crying my eyes out. He was trying to calm me down like he has been for the past few weeks. I don't remember the number of times I have to stop him from going to Forth. I know Ming won't be able to cause any harm to Forth and it's best to stay away from him.

I honestly don't want Forth to come back to me and apologise to me, I just wanted him to visit me once and ask for my well being. I am sure that the news about my failed sucied attempt must have reached him already because nothing can escape from Forth. I would have been satisfied just with the thought that he visited me once, but he did not.

All I can do now is live alone and cry whenever I miss him. I know it's going to take a whole lot of time for me to move on , but I will move on someday for sure. I have to move on for Ming, Wayo and for the people who actually care for me.

Forth's POV

Life has been miserable ever since the day I broke up with Beam. Jay wasn't talking to me, he only talked to me when he needed to discuss something related to work, otherwise we were like strangers.

Dun on the other hand cursed me and was angry at me too for doing what I did with Beam. Yeah, he came back even if I banned him from coming to the country but that brother of mine has fallen for that cutie Wayo and couldn't stay away from him.

"I am not like you, I don't abandon the people I love and care for dearly. No matter what you say or do there is no way in hell I will be staying away from Wayo!!!" That's what he said when I tried to scold him and make him go back to the states.

I know Dun is not a playboy like me, he is really gentle guy and I was kind of happy that he has found someone for him.He really like Beam as my partner and was proud of me, but when he heard the news of our breakup and Beam's suicide, he stopped talking to me.

It turns out Dun and Jay were not the only ones who were unhappy with whatever happened between me and Beam. Almost all my men were giving me death glares when I returned to work, they only talked when needed, otherwise they acted like I didn't even exist.

I had no idea that everyone has taken this much liking into Beam. I know when I introduced Beam to everyone, they threw a party among them. They all were happy that I had finally found someone whom I truly loved, in fact they all were shipping us real hard. But the breakup news kinda broke them too. No wonder they all hate me now.

Talking about Beam, I have been keeping tabs on him. I know each and every detail of his daily life. Yes, I was stalking and spying him but I had no other option left. None was ready to help me and were talking to me so I had to do this, I was worried for Beam.

I am still not sure that what I did to Beam was right or wrong, but one thing that I was sure of was that I was not in love with him anymore. Yes, I do still care for him and worry for him but I wasn't missing him in a romantic way. I already have moved on from him, yes...I do not love him or like him anymore. I don't.


I was lost in my thoughts when my phone started ringing with some unknown number flashing on the screen. Here is a thing about me, I might not pick up the call from the person I know but I never fail to pick the calls when it's from some unknown number. The reason for this is that these calls are mostly from my enemies.

"Hello." I picked the call up and started tracking the number immediately. If I am lucky enough then I will be able to know who and where this person is calling from.

"Long time no see Mr.Mafia Lord!!"

This ass!!! How dare he call me??!!!

"Why did you call?" If I have ever made a mistake of judging anyone then this guy is the perfect example of it.

It was the time when I started my own gang and was collecting men to make my own identity. After a year when I was stable in the market of mafia and was well known by many in the same field, this guy came to me.

His name was Gabriel and he was basically from Australia but has been living in Thailand for more than a decade. He was older and a very skilled person. He made a pretty amazing first impression on everyone in my gang.

I did some background check up on him and found him perfect as my right man in the gang. Since he was more experienced and mature than me, I decided to give the responsibility of half of my work to him. I tested his honesty first and then only handed him the work. He turned out to be a very honest and reliable person.

He worked with me for almost five years. I admit, if it wasn't for him then I would never have been at the place where I am right now. He has helped me a lot and even took a bullet for me once.

But everything changed when he showed his true color and managed to snatched away half of my work from me. I still don't know how and why he did that, I am still trying to find out. He betrayed me and it was very difficult for me to stand on my own feet without his support.

I figured out that it was his plan from the beginning. He was double crossing me, his main motive to join me from the beginning was to destroy me one way or another and he managed to do that too. If it wasn't for Jay and other trusted men from my gang then I might have vanished a long time ago.

I just wanted to prove to him that I can be something without his support. I take an oath to myself that there will be a day when each and every citizen of this country will pee their pants just by hearing my name and I managed to do that.

After I became top in the chain, Gabriel vanished too. I tried to find him but it seemed like he just poof into the thin air. I don't know where he went but I made a promise to everyone that I will kill him with my own hands when I will find him.

"A little birdy told me that you developed a romantic feeling for a beautiful person named Beam Baramee. I also heard that you guys broke up too. So I thought since he is no more important to you, why don't I send him a beautiful gift from me." I could sense the sarcasm dripping from his voice and I was very sure that the gift he was talking about was not really a good gift.

"WHAT DID YOU SENT HIM??!!" No matter what, I never wished anything bad would happen to Beam.

""Just something that tickles and when the box is opened, it EXPLODES!!!" He laughed like a maniac after that and cut the call.

Without thinking anything, I ran towards my car and started driving it towards Beam home.I know calling him will be of no use since he won't pick up my calls. I sent an SOS to every gang member along with the location of Beam's house.

I just hope for Beam not to open that box.



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