Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]

Galing kay AllAboutFooty

35.8K 1.3K 11.3K

Madelyn King, the sister of Ben and Max King, didn't expect the whirlwind of events that were to take place w... Higit pa

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Galing kay AllAboutFooty

First, there was a spark. A glimpse of a possibility. A time where two people spoke and bonded for one of the very first times.

Then, there was a small flame. A moment of realisation when two people understood that they felt more for each other than they originally realised.

And finally, there was a fire, warm and blazing. A glowing, ever-bright light formed by two people who finally expressed their affection for one another.

It only took chemistry that continued to form for the spark to be lit into the trickling light of oranges and yellows that is fire.

I can feel that fuzzy warmth building in my chest and rising up to my cheeks, turning them red. The feeling of his lips against mine again is phenomenal.

I've missed it and I've missed him but now I've got him back.

Madley is back.

Jack is stunned at this unexpected action on my behalf, unmoving and not pressing back. He was just trying to express his guilt in what he did but then the next minute I've made the first move and kissed him.

It's funny how things change, how things have shifted. Last time he was the one who caught me off guard, kissing me as the sun split the clouds and rain showered upon us, yet now I'm the one who has left him stupefied.

Unlike me, he quickly returns to the present and melts into the kiss with that goddamn smile. His hands encircle around my waist instinctively; he's been waiting ages to do that again, I can tell. When he does, I laugh emotionally.

My hand still grasps his tie and the other rests on his shoulder. I make no attempt to move either one.

The hum of chatter has become blurred, uninterpretable noise. The music is blended sound. We don't care—we're deaf to the world.

The thundering drums of our hearts are running free, open for each other to catch and to tame, but how can you tame a heart when the thrill comes from the kiss? When the pure happiness expressed within the action makes it beat faster and faster to rival the speed of light?

This kiss signifies us finally coming together again. A new chance to move on from whatever occurred because in this very kiss alone we know we need one another.

It was fate. Bumping into him was meant to happen. I was meant to uncover who he truly is. Everything happened for a reason. Us being with each other was and is meant to happen.

Madelyn King and Jack Steele are meant to be.

We pull back to catch a breath, his calloused hand moving up to hold my burning cheek with a sort of beautiful gentleness. My lips have barely moved from his. They graze against Jack's momentarily and I grin when he gives into the temptation and kisses me again.

The kiss isn't lustful, it's just an action orchestrated from deep within and laced with a soft and meaningful passion. No further intentions, just an expression of love shared by two people longing for each other. Two people that have found one another again and are not afraid to show affection.

The intimacy doesn't scare me anymore, how could it? It's all because of Jack right now. We helped one another and here we are, together, with no plans of either leaving again.

"I didn't expect that," he breathes out, pulling back.

"You never do, Steelo," I laugh lightly. My lips still tingle.

"God, I love you," Jack admits purely, eyes glistening with such admiration. My facial features practically collapse at those words, my eyes watering ever so slightly. I would say some snarky comment but none are surfacing.

A memory comes back to me in that second.

There's seven billion people, surely there's someone out there for the both of us.

Yes, we found someone. We found each other.

Somewhere under the heat of the sun and the coolness of the moon, there has to be someone waiting.

Yes, waiting in plain sight.

Someone waiting for us to walk into their open arms.

We already did.

For then, and only then, would the world become complete for the very first time.

It is.

"I love you too." The words leave my mouth dripping with nothing but truth. I lean back so I can take in his whole face. Damn.

"I really am sorry though. I thought that getting back with Taylah was a good idea and that it would ease the ache in my chest. I also thought that it would be easy to get back with her. What I didn't realise is that you're all I need. I'm sorry—"

A breathy chuckle escapes me. I press my finger to his lips, shaking my head from side to side, grinning. "Just shut up."

Jack halts, accepts it and silences.

"You made a mistake, I get that, but what you did afterwards made up for it. You showed that you did care about me and that you were pretty hellbent on making it up to me. My gut feeling was never wrong about you in the end and you were still always the one for me." With my finger still to his lips, I kiss his cheek and smile at him authentically. Jack then gently removes my finger and curls my hand, kissing the back of it. Cardiac arrest is coming on.

"I'm glad you don't hate my guts," he laughs out in relief. His doesn't dare to release his hold on my hand.

"Oh I still hate you," his eyes widen, "when you call me Maddy, so in payment I better receive your hoodie."

Jack pulls a face and rolls his eyes with humour. "But you gave it back," he notes.

"Yeah, in an anger fuelled by your dumbass," I counter, mindlessly fixing his tie with both hands. I smooth it out against his chest. He looks down at me, a lopsided grin appearing as he watches and thinks of something.

"Well you called me hot," he throws out with a smug look plastered on his clean face. He now proudly wears a full blown smirk.

"I did not! When?!" I try to keep my blush in check but it's no use. Did I say that aloud when I saw him earlier? Oh please no.

"And I quote, 'm very angry at chu but you 're really hot'. You said it after the Giants win when you got really drunk," he sniggers with a sense of superiority, taking full advantage of this information. He's definitely going to give me an earful of that all the time.

"So you didn't tell me that, huh?" I raise an eyebrow, not even trying to hold back a smirk. "I thought no more lies."

"I didn't think it was the time," he says with a simple shrug. "I thought I'd save you the embarrassment." He chuckles.

"Well what a true gentlemen you are," I tease and he rolls his eyes. I then pause for a moment. "The bracelet. What did you end up doing with it?"

Jack's look softens. He automatically glances down at his arm before pulling back the sleeve which reveals a teal and silver bracelet contrasting against his tanned skin. His doe eyes lock with mine again.

"I never took it off except for games and training," he admits truthfully, rubbing his wrist with his fingers. "I just couldn't do it."

My expression becomes emotional as I maintain eye contact with him. Through his gaze he appears vulnerable. I don't saying anything. Instead I wrap my arms around his neck with a content sigh. He does the same around my waist, pulling me as close as he can, pressing his face into curve of my neck.

I'm not sure how long we stay that way, the time having seemed to slow as we embraced. When we return to the boys, they all have knowing looks on their faces.

Ro wears his one of a kind smile, Butts shakes his head with a small grin, Gears looks like a proud dad and Jonesy is just happy for the two of us.

"Now don't be overly affectionate you two. Keep it PG," Butts advises seriously, eyeing us off.

"Oh, like this?"

I make a sound of surprise when Jack dips me, his hand splayed again my lower back and a swift kiss pressed to my lips. His brings me back up into a stand and smiles at me innocently. I chuckle.

"Yuck!" Butts gags, turning away in a quick movement. "I'm going to puke."

"Stop being dramatic." I punch his arm forcefully, rolling my eyes.

"I think it's cute," Ro cuts in, grinning. I pout at him in an aww way.

Our ride back to Noosa is waiting for us out front. The AFL has booked us a snazzy van for the three hour drive back. It was decided that we wouldn't stay on the Gold Coast overnight again because we're flying back to Melbourne early tomorrow afternoon.

The group of us slip into the van, Jack and I taking the back. His hand slides into mine at the start of the trip and doesn't let go until we arrive back. Thankfully it went by rather quick despite my desire to get out of this dress. It's nice but they get uncomfortable if you wear them for overly long.

The sun is long gone by the time our feet hit the pavement of the resort. In the distance there's chatter from a few of the boys who're obviously outside. They're most likely having some drinks and enjoying the last night here.

"Now none of you better step on the back of my dress, I swear," I warn them, throwing a stern look over my shoulder.

"Now that you said that I kind of want to," Humpty Dumpty snickers and I glare at him harshly. Jack shoves his teammate lightly with narrowed eyes. Zak shuts up.

I can't express how excited I am to get out of this dress and into casual clothes again. Being formal can only last so long. I'm so ready get into a hoodie or something and remove this light makeup from my face.

I amble ahead with the black satin grazing the ground behind me. Jack sticks by my side and smiles down at me.

"They're back!" Hilly announces when he spots us.

The boys run over and practically tackle Jack and I jump out the way with a yelp. They congratulate him, messing up his hair and suit in doing so. Boys will be boys. I move away and give them space, breaking into natural laughter at the scene.

Max and Bytes stroll over to me.

"Are you really trying to make our job harder? You know, scaring off guys. Now you're just attracting them all to you with that." Bytes throws his hands out at my dress frantically. Max nods silently in agreement.

"You don't even scare people off, Bytes," I scoff. My vision then gravitates to the side and my lips pull away from my teeth unconsciously. "And I'm already taken."  They follow my eyes.

Unaware that he's being observed for a moment, I admire as Jack throws his head back and laughs at something Dougs said. And then, as if coded into his DNA, he then turns to face my direction. We grin at each other.

"You sure about him?" Bytes questions sceptically, watching his teammates with careful hesitation. I focus on my housemate, a soft smile on my lips.

"I am," I inform him honestly. Bytes beams, happy for me. That's when I realise Max hasn't said a thing.

I glance at my brother who's not even looking at me. Instead his eyes are on Jack in concentration and deep thought. They're both just staring at each other like they're communicating through their heads. It's very weird.

Then they both give a mutual nod, agreeing on something.

"Max?" I call out, confused. My eyebrows are furrowed.

My brother meets my gaze and cracks a genuine grin. "As long as you're happy then I'm happy."

I squeal and dive at my two boys. They both lean down and wrap their arms around me with a chuckle. I hold them tight, feeling safe in this embrace.

Afterwards I get changed into casual wear and clear the makeup from my face. I feel relieved to be back in more comfortable clothes.

The timing is immaculate when I exit my apartment and spot Jack exiting his at the same time. Could we get anymore on the same level?

"You have to wear suits more often," I comment when I join his side.

"And you have to wear dresses more," he counters playfully, gesturing to me.

"Why? Because I look good?" I smirk, hoping to get a good answer out of him.

"Precisely, but I'd prefer the term hot or cute," Jack corrects casually, giving me a cheeky look.

"Jack Steele, did you just say you find me hot?" I put a hand to my chest, acting flattered.

"Most certainly, Madelyn King. And I know you think the exact same thing about me." He leans forward, emphasising his point whilst grinning smugly.

"I won't deny that."

"But you know what I think looks best on you?"

"What?" I question with intrigue. What could he possibly mean?

Jack dips back inside his apartment hastily, his breathtaking smile not removing itself from his lips. When he returns the grey hoodie hangs from his muscular arm, lifeless. He doesn't waste any time before encouraging my arms up and sliding the hoodie over me. Instantly I hold it to my chest and soak in the warmth and familiar scent.

"Where it belongs," he says, watching me with his head slightly tilted to the side, enjoying how his oversized clothing looks on me.

The night goes on with all staff, coaches and players heading to the beach to absorb the last night we have here. Of course some drinks are brought along too.

This year, despite the big curveball it threw at us, has turned into one of most memorable years of my life. The same could be said for many of the boys.

St Kilda made finals and we won one too. The team is closer than ever and it's all because of the bond tightened and the time spent in Noosa.

I've formed lifelong friendships with so many new people and even found myself a relationship whilst I've been here too. This place will always have a huge significance to me as well everyone around me.

The memories created here most certainly won't be forgotten ever. I couldn't be more grateful to have spent my time in that hub with my new footy family.

I sit between Jack's legs, my back resting against his chest whilst his arms are secure around me. I play with his hands without even realising it. We, along with everyone else, watch the moon reflect off the water and the waves crashing against the silver shore.

Tomorrow we'll be leaving this place.

We'll be leaving Noosa.

We'll finally be going home.

Except a home isn't the four walls that surround you, it's the people inside them that make it feel that way.




On a sadder note, there's only 5 chapters left of Fortuitous so enjoy it while it lasts🥲

I hope you enjoyed!


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