Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Re...

By mrsbarnes__

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You're Tony Starks super powered daughter who only wants to follow in her father's footsteps but, when you me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

712 4 9
By mrsbarnes__

A few weeks went by and the Avengers were as busy as ever. Ever since the alien attack, they've been so focused on trying to learn everything they can about this Thanos guy, that it actually started to worry you. Your dad wasn't sleeping right and if he did sleep, it was usually downstairs in his lab.

Your mom was trying to keep her composure but, you knew that she was worried about everything. Your dad, you, the company, Thanos. Everything. And to make matters worse, you still couldn't control your powers when your emotions ran high. Since the attack, you've been non-stop training but, it wasn't enough.

You climbed out of the ring and got some water. Today's training was intense but, your mom and dad told you it was for the best. You mainly trained with Steve or Thor and occasionally Hulk to test your powers. But, for regular strength training, you trained with Natasha and Wanda.

Your dad set his hand on your shoulder and nodded his head towards the door. Confused, you followed him out of the gym and down to his lab. The two of you walked into the lab and you sat on top of one of the tables. You watched as he moved around the lab, and finally dragged a case over to you.

"What's in the case?" You asked.

"Well, you know how I've been working on a super-secret project?" He asked, excitedly.


"Help me bring the case upstairs and I'll show you what it is."

You jumped off of the table and helped him carry the case up to one of the meeting rooms. He gathered the other Avengers and your mom into the room. You sat down at the table next to your mom and looked over at her. She shrugged at you, then turned her attention back to your dad.

Friday dimmed the lights and brought up the screens for your dads presentation. Your dad brought up a video of you fighting the aliens in the suit that he had given you. You didn't even know he had a video of you fighting, nor did you know how he would've gotten one.

"Avengers, Pepper, and my Problem Child. What you're looking at here is a video of my daughter, Y/N, fighting some aliens a few weeks ago." Your dad started. "The suit she's wearing was the first design that I made for her hero suit."

"It was a horrible design dad. Sorry but, it was." You added.

"I know. I told you it was a prototype. But, anyways, I modified it. Now, Y/N please step into the case."

Hesitantly, you got up and walked over to your dad. He nodded and smiled at you, then opened the case. You stepped in and the doors shut behind you. Glancing around, you didn't see anything special about the case.

"Uh dad? What exactly is this thing?" You asked, setting a hand on the door.

"Just give it a second Kiddo, it's turning on." Your dad responded.

The case started to whir and you were surrounded by lights. You covered your eyes with your arms and waited for them to adjust to the sudden brightness. Once they were adjusted, you glanced around the case again. All you saw was yourself.

All of a sudden there was a white ring on the bottom of the case. You watched as the ring slowly moved up from your feet. As it moved, your outfit started to completely change.

Black thigh high boots were the first part of the outfit change. Next was leg armor with a black skirt, with a silver belt. You watched as the armor moved up your torso and covered your chest and arms. A gorget wrapped around your neck and was followed by a black crop top. The gorget connected to the top of your shirt. You lifted your arms and watched as gauntlets formed from the tops of your hands and went up to just before your elbows. Staring at your self in the mirror, you saw that there were red jewels on your gorget, belt, and gauntlets.

The doors slid opened and the floor spun around. There was a little bit of smoke that was from the doors opening. You fanned it out of your face and took a step out of the case. You glanced over at your dad, who had the stupidest smile on his face. Your eyes scanned the room, noticing everyone's eyes on you. You felt weird. But, when your eyes landed on Bucky, the feeling went away and butterflies swarmed in your stomach.

"How do you feel?" Your dad's voice broke you out of your stare.

"Besides the feeling of everyone's eyes on me? Not too bad." You responded, looking over at him.

"And the suit?"

"It's a lot more me thats for sure. Was this your top secret project? I thought you said you modified it? This suit is completely different."

"Yes! I knew you didn't like the suit I originally made so, I changed it for you. What do you guys think?" He asked everyone else in the room.

"The armor is a nice touch Tony." Steve said.

"I like it. It definitely suits her." Nat added.

"It's perfect!" Wanda exclaimed.

Your mom nodded her head. "I agree. It's very Y/N."

Sam nodded, "Nice job Tony."

"She looks.... wow." Bucky said, distracted.

~(This is your new suit. Just imagine the jewels as red. And add a red jewel on the belt)~

You felt yourself blushing a little bit but, shook it off and looked back over at your dad. He nodded to you and you turned back to step into the case once again. Once you were inside, it turned back on and the white ring formed around you again. As it moved up your body, you watched as the suit disappeared and your workout clothes came back.

The doors slid open again and the floor spun you around. You stepped out of the case and walked back over to your chair. Your dad continued with talking about your new suit. He informed everyone that the armor was almost full body. It starts at the top of your thighs, and goes up to your neck. The cuffs on your boots is the starting point for your armor and the gorget is the ending point.

He explained that the gauntlets are made of the same material that the armor is made of and can withstand heat up to eight hundred degrees. You nodded as he explained the rest of the suit. Just as he finished explaining everything, an alarm went off. As soon as the alarm went off, a portal opened. You watched as some wizard guy stepped out of the portal and walked right over to your dad.

"Tony Stark?" He asked.

"Great. Earth has wizards now." Your dad remarked.

"I am Dr. Stephen Strange. Avengers, I need your help."

"Why? What's going on?" Steve asked.

"Earth is under attack. We need to stop Thanos." Dr. Strange informed.

Immediately, everyone jumped up and went to suit up. Your dad walked over to your mom and you. He pulled the two of you into a hug and kissed you both on the cheeks. You knew he wasn't saying goodbye because he always did this before a mission but, this time really felt like goodbye.

He let go of the two of you and left the room. Your mom and you turned to each other, you knew what she was going to say but, you didn't care. You wanted to help. You weren't going to let some alien guy tear apart your family, or the world.

Before your mom was able to say anything, you ran back into the case and turned it on. The white ring appeared once more, changing your workout clothes into your new suit and putting your long H/C hair into a high ponytail. When you stepped out of the case, your mom was standing in front of you.

"Y/N. I know you want to help but, it's too dangerous. I need you here with me. Please." She pleaded.

You looked deep into her eyes, they were filled with sadness. She was thinking the same thing you were. That your dad wasn't going to make it back. Tears brimmed your eyes, and you ran past her. He couldn't go. You needed him. You ran through the compound looking for him but, he was nowhere to be found. You ran up the stairs and to the roof, hoping he was still here and hadn't actually taken off yet.

But, when you got up to the roof, the only people you saw were Steve, Nat, Bucky, Vision, Sam, Rhodey, and Wanda. They were all getting into the jet. Bucky noticed you standing outside and said something to Nat. She nodded and you watched as he got out of the jet and walked over to you. He stood directly in front of you and just stared intensely.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Where's my dad? I need to talk to him!" You asked frantically.

"He left with Strange. Wait. What's wrong?"

"He can't go! If he goes, he'll die! He can't die Barnes, mom and I, we still need him!"

Bucky reached up and wiped the tears from your face, then pulled you into a hug. You felt safe in his arms but, that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was getting to your dad.

"Listen." Bucky started. "I know this is scary, we're all scared. We have no idea who Thanos is or what he can do. But, if there's one thing we do know, it's that your dad is a stubborn asshole. He's going to be fine. I promise."

"But, what if Thanos is too strong? What if my dad can't handle it? What if-" You panicked.

"That's your issue Doll. You keep thinking about the 'what if's' and not the things you actually know."

He let go of you and held your shoulders. You looked up into his baby blue eyes and blinked back the rest of your tears. He smiled at you and used his thumb to wipe away the rest of the tears that were on your cheeks.

"We'll be back soon. And your dad can tell you all about how we kicked Thanos' ass." He smiled.

"Buck! We gotta go!" Steve called from the jet.

Bucky kissed your forehead and ran back to the jet. You watched as he climbed in and Nat lifted it into the air. You watched for a few more seconds, and waited for it to disappear from view. That's when you saw it. There was a spaceship near Central Park. You could help. You should help. But, you couldn't just leave your mom.

Sighing in defeat, you went back down to the lobby and sat down on the couch next to your mom. She set a hand on your leg and gave you a small smile. You half smiled back at her, then leaned your head back against the couch.

Hours passed and the Avengers still weren't back yet. You were starting to get worried, your mind wouldn't stop thinking the worst. It was like every time you tried to think about how the mission was going, the only thing you could picture were the dead bodies of your friends and family. Sighing, you flopped down on the couch and grabbed a book.

A few pages in, you heard something on the roof. Quickly, you closed your book and ran up the stairs to the roof. When you got up there, you saw that the jet was back. Hope filled your eyes as you watched Nat, Steve, Thor, a Raccoon, Rhodey, and Bruce step off of the jet. Your dad nor Bucky was with them. Which made you worry even more.

You followed them down the stairs and into the meeting room where your mom was waiting. When she saw everyone walk in, she stood up and started to look for your dad. You shook your head no and sat down next to Steve.

"What happened?" You asked after moments of silence.

"We couldn't stop Thanos. He got the infinity stones." Steve explained.

"Where's Tony?" Your mom chimed in.

"We're not sure. He wasn't with us in Wakanda, he went somewhere else with Dr. Strange." Nat said.

"What about Bucky? He went with you guys. Did he stay in Wakanda?"

Nat and Steve shared a look. They were hiding something and you knew it. But, you also knew that they were debating on wether or not they should tell you. Which just made your anxiety worse.

"Y/N. Bucky.. he uhm.. he disappeared." Steve finally said.

Your brows furrowed. "Disappeared? What do you mean he disappeared?"

"When Thanos got Visions infinity stone, he snapped. Half of the population disappeared. They turned to dust, they're gone." Nat added.

"So.. he's gone? Wait. Did dad turn to dust too!?"

Steve set a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure your dad is fine. And don't worry about Buck, there's gotta be a way for us to get them all back. I'm sure of it."

You nodded and turned your head away from them. Tears had started to form in your eyes and you didn't want them to see you crying. Quickly, you wiped your eyes and turned back, looking at your mom. She gave you a small smile, knowing that your heart was hurting for not only your dad but, Bucky as well. 

You took Steve's hand off your shoulder and walked out of the room. You walked back into the first meeting room that everyone was in and got changed out of your suit and back into your workout clothes. Once you were changed, you left the compound to go for a run. 

You ran to the spot that your dad showed you, and went up the hill to the lookout. Steve's words from a few weeks ago rang in your head. Maybe you should tell him. You know, before it's too late. You sighed and realized that it was now too late to tell him anything. Bucky was gone and so was your dad. They were both gone and you still had so much to tell them.

Lying back, you sighed and looked up at the sky. It was oddly quiet out tonight, you knew why but, it was still really unsettling. Half of the population was gone and you still weren't sure if your dad disappeared with them or not. The tears started to form in your eyes again. Everything was going downhill lately, and there was nothing you could do to fix it.


Hours passed and you still hadn't returned back to the compound. Your phone had gone off several times but, you ignored it. Finally, you decided you should head back. Sighing, you stood up and made your way back to the compound.

By the time you arrived back at the compound, it was dark out. You walked in through the front doors and called out for your mom. She came running down the stairs, along with Nat and Steve. Your mom grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. Nat and Steve immediately started to lecture you about staying out like that by yourself. You nodded along to their lecture and then wiped the tears from your eyes.

After a while, your mom and you headed back to your house. Immediately once you arrived, you went upstairs to your room and laid down in bed. The tears had started to come back to your eyes. You buried your face in your pillows and silently sobbed. You felt a hand on your back and turned your head. Your mom was sitting on the side of the bed, looking sadly at your wall.

You sat up and she turned her head to look at you. She gave you a small and reassuring smile, then moved to sit down next to you. She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer to her. The both of you were silent for a while before you heard a small whimper come from your mom.

"Mom? I know I'm not the best example right now but, everything's going to be fine." You said.

"I'm supposed to tell you that. Since when are you so calm in situations like this?" She chuckled.

"I know. And I'm so calm because, I have more of dad's DNA than I do yours."

"Says who?"

"Dad. He says that every time I get sassy." You chuckled.

A smile spread across her face and she hugged you tighter. "I guess he's got a point there. You definitely got his attitude."

You laughed and reached over to you bedside table. You grabbed the lamp that your dad made for you and turned it on. Both your mom and you turned your attention to the walls and ceiling, watching the planets and stars dance around the room. As you watched the lights move, a smile spread across your face. Like always, the lights calmed you down and made you feel like everything was going to be okay. 

Your eyes felt heavy and puffy from crying.  You laid down and stared at the ceiling for a while more. Your mom stood up, kissing your forehead then left the room. You laid silently in your bed, watching as the planets moved around your room and wondered where it was exactly that your dad, Bucky, and everyone else was sent. 


About a month passed since Thanos snapped, and no one was doing any better. Everyone was still trying to figure out where the people that were snapped had gone and how to bring them back. But, as far as anyone knew, there was no bringing them back. Half of the population was gone. Forever.

One night while you were at the compound, there was a loud sound outside. You looked up at Steve, who clearly had the same thought as you. The two of you got up and ran outside. As you got outside, you saw a spaceship heading for the ground. Your mom stood next to you, along with Nat, Steve, Rhodey, and Bruce, waiting for whoever was in the ship to exit.

The door opened and you watched as a lady helped a man to the steps. As they descended the steps, you saw Steve run up to them. Steve helped the man down the steps, and that's when you realized who it was. 

"I couldn't stop him." Your dad said.

"Neither could I." Steve responded.

You watched as the two of them stopped walking and turned towards each other.

"I lost the kid."

"Tony, we lost."

"Is uhm-" Your dad started.

Before he was able to finish his sentence, both your mom and you ran up to him. Your mom stood in front of him and took in his current state, before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He hugged her back, then looked down at you. The tears had formed back on the brim of your eyes. He let go of your mom, kissing her cheek, then pulled you close to him in a hug. As you hugged him back, you allowed the tears to flow out of your eyes and silently sobbed into his chest.

Your mom and you helped your dad into the compound. Bruce helped you hook up an IV cord to him and helped him start to get better. Your mom brought in some soup for him to eat, considering that he'd been in space for almost a month and he probably ran out of food. 

After a few days, your dad was looking a little better. He was able to walk around without needing help from anyone but, he was still a little rough. You hated seeing him like this but, there was nothing more you could do to help him. Dr. Banner had done everything he could think of and even that wasn't enough. 

You walked into the briefing room and sat down at the table with everyone else. Steve had called the meeting to figure out what to do about all of the missing people and Thanos. There really wasn't anything that you guys could do but, that wouldn't stop everyone from trying. 

You listened carefully as everyone talked about the infinity stones and how to defeat Thanos. After a short briefing, your dad got pissed off. He started to yell at Steve, and tried to storm out of the room but, before he was able to get out, he fell. Rhodey, Steve, and you stood up and walked over to him. The three of you helped him up and tried to get him to calm down but, he just stormed out of the room much like he tried to do before.

Sighing, you apologized for him and followed him out. You followed him down the hall and down the stairs. You insisted on helping him down the stairs but, he refused. So, you let him struggle to get down the stairs, then followed him into the kitchen. Once he was in the kitchen, he made himself a drink and sat down. You sat down next to him and watched him take a drink.

"Dad? Do you really think everyone's gone for good?" You asked.

He sighed. "I dunno kiddo. The only people I care about are you and your mom. You two are still here and thats all that matters."

"What about Peter? He disappeared too didn't he?"

"Yes, he did."

"Well, don't you care about him? Don't you want to get him back?" You questioned.

He glanced over at you, studying your face. "Why do I get the feeling that this isn't just about Peter? Hmm? Who else got snapped that you're worried about?"

"No one in particular. I'm just curious."

"I haven't seen Bucky since I've gotten back. Is he here?"

You lowered your head and fiddled with your fingers. "No. He got snapped too."

"And you want to get him back?"

"Yeah. There's a few things that I want to talk to him about."

"Like your feelings for him?" Your dad raised his eyebrow at you.

"Wh..What? No! No, I..I wanted to ask if he would... uhm.. if he would help me find a date to the prom!" You stuttered.

"Whatever you say Kiddo. But, you know, you don't have to hide your feelings for a guy from me. I understand."

He smiled at you and sighed deeply. You knew that sigh. That was the sigh he did when he thought there was nothing else that could be done but, he knew he had to try something new. He pat your shoulder and stood up. He was exhausted and you could tell. You watched as he walked across the kitchen, through the doors, and then out of view.

You sighed and stood up as well. You downed the rest of your dads drink, then washed the cup and put it away. You walked out of the kitchen and up to the room that you used when you stayed at the compound. As you walked over to your room, you stopped at the door next to yours. This was Bucky's room. Your hand reached for the door knob but, you stopped yourself. Sighing, you turned and walked into your room. 

Every ounce of you knew that there was something else that had to be done in order to save everyone but, you weren't sure what it was. You got changed into your pajamas and thought of different ways you could help to get everyone back. But, your mind was drawing a blank. As you laid down in bed, you came to the final decision. You had to get everyone back. No matter what.

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