Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

254K 3.8K 4.6K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Call Me Deku
Two Months
A New Symbol

Heading to Training Camp!

3.6K 78 152
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

Third Person POV

The next day, people were glaring at Deku when he walked into class with Ochako.

While they took in his earlier words, they were still quite upset with him embarrassing every single one of them.


Deku quite literally ignored all of them as he went to his desk and immediately slept; finding no reason to stay conscious. Ochako happily followed him and sat comfortably in his lap while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The class sighed irritably as this familiar occurrence appeared again. Things were truly back to normal, at least for Deku.

The stinging pain that Deku inflicted not only physically, but mentally was still very much present. It was as if they were being mocked every time he showed up, having no apology ready or even a reason to apologize.

It appeared that Deku cared very little for anything except his girlfriend, or his hero status.

From a narrative standpoint, it might not seem that bad. However, to the class that basically means he either ignores, hates, or flat out does not give two flying craps about anything else. Including them.

Or in other words, they were irrelevant.

"Thinking so negatively about my Deku hurts me, ya know."

The class immediately focused on the pink cheeked girl in the lap of the aforementioned boy.

"What are you talking about, Ochako?" Mina asked her friend politely.

"Well," Ochako began. "I'm no expert, but the way your face is so obviously glaring at him, it seems like you're unhappy for some reason. Your emotions are spiking, and not in a good way."

"You can feel our emotions?" Kirishima asked incredulously.

"Well all you really had to do was, like, look at you," Ochako mumbled. "But yeah, on a much smaller scale though. It began shortly after the Sports Festival, although with everything that's happened I unintentionally ignored that fact."

"Oh no, we've got another him." Sero grumbled as he crossed his arm.

Ochako immediately rushed towards Sero in 2 seconds max with incredible speed. She gripped his collar and pulled him up from his seat to be face to face with her.

"Listen here, tape dispenser," Ochako started while tightening her grip on the now very frightened Sero. "Deku and I are not the same. His power and my power are two completely different things. I, nor you have any right to assume such powerful claims without any evidence to back it up. I would've thought you'd learn that during the exams. My power will never be the same as his, it was meant to be different. A new experience. At the very least, that's what he tried to show me during that test."

Ochako let him go and walked back to her spot on Deku's lap, leaving the entire class stunned. They were secretly debating whether to announce that Deku has done that exact same thing many times before, but intelligently decided not to say anything.

Ochako was very touchy on the subject of her power nowadays. Her power and role became clear to her during the final exams.

She originally thought that Deku wanted her to be like him, so that he could find a worthy opponent and partner in assuring peace. However, with how he completely destroyed her when she tried that at the festival, she learned it was not that.

He wanted her to be different.

He wanted her to find her own path to power. He knew that OFA simply wouldn't be enough, and with how dangerous OFA and it's secrets could be, he sought to find a different solution, as to counteract that. So he gave her the opportunity to gain power like him. He wanted to see what she could make of such power if it were ever given to her.

She had learned that at the Sports Festival and even in the Final Exams, that if she tried to use Ultra Instinct in a way like Deku, she would be overshadowed greatly. She would have to find a different way to fight. No matter how much she tried, her power could simply never be the same as Ultra Instinct.

That kind of power is one of a kind.

It's not just given away randomly. If it was, many would die. She was very sure she would've died, had Deku not paced her beforehand. Even if everyone could handle it, Deku wouldn't just give away that power.

If a bunch of wannabe Deku's were running around, Deku would be greatly annoyed and irritated.

The power alone is enough to kill a man, but the emotional, mental, and physical stress that Ultra Instinct puts you through is even worse. Which is why her powers went out of control after she woke up from unconsciousness. There is one Ultra Instinct and only one. When she had tried to replicate it, she failed. Miserably. Some fail to understand that this power isn't for everyone and it most certainly can't be replicated.

It's more like a godly power.

You can't copy a god.

When she said that she would make Ultra Instinct her own, she meant that she would find an alternate and more efficient way to use the power she was given from her training with Deku.

She would be different, and make a brand new power of her own, from the aid that Deku gave her.

Although it was a bit of an overreaction on her part, she did not like when people tried to compare the two powers as if they were the same.

She learned the hard way that they were most definitely not.

Mr. Aizawa finally walked in after 5 minutes and addressed the class immediately.

"Alright, your first semester her at UA is now over. However, that does not mean that you can have fun. In fact, it's quite the opposite. No games are going to be played, we're going to this training camp with one goal and one goal only on our minds: Plus Ultra status. Everyone got that?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone replied in union, except Deku who snored in response.

They got outside to wait for the buses. Class 1-B would be joining them at the camp and along with the class came girls, and when there's girls...

"Class 1-A and Class 1-B's hotties all in the same place! I must be in Heaven." Mineta, the grape himself, said with a distant and dreamy look in his eye. A shadow soon loomed over him as he turned around to see Ochako right behind him. "And here's the main event!"

"You just can't seem to stop can you," Ochako began darkly as she activated OFA.  "There must be a mistake because Heaven is not waiting for you. Allow me to introduce you to hell!"

All you could hear for the next five minutes were Mineta's cries as he got pulverized. The students and teachers either did not care, were too busy, or were just mentally cheering her on.

After almost dying, Mineta's twisted and broken body laid there in a pile of shame as he too waited for the bus.

While the rest of the class were waiting, a certain irritating blonde started rambling to them.

"oH lOoK aT tHaT!" The annoying blonde started. "I HeArD hAlF oF cLaSs 1-a CoMpLeTeLy fAiLeD tHeIr eXaM! pReTtY fUnNy CoNsIdErInG tHeY'rE SuPpOsEd tO bE BeTtEr tHaN u-"

Before the blonde could even finish his crazed berating, his face was grabbed and he was lifted into the air.

Deku had completely cut him off and was now glaring at the blonde with tired, grumpy, and ice cold silver eyes.

"Your voice irritates me. Your face irritates me. Your mere presence irritates me. So, if you ever say something to me, look at me, heck if you even breathe at me wrong again, you die."

His tone was sharp and completely hostile. The evidence of a man who's been begrudgingly woken up from a nap.

The blonde was now sweating furiously and holding his breath, as to not further irritate the boy in front of him.

Kendo slowly and cautiously approached Deku to try and diffuse the situation.

"Now Midoriya," The orange-haired girl began slowly with a nervous smile. "There's no reason to kill him, don't worry, I'll take care of him. Just please, let him down slowly?

"Eh?" Deku slowly turned around and eyed the new face in front of him.

Since he was half asleep, he was running purely on instinct. He looked her up and down with caution and then released the boy - not viewing Kendo as a threat - and began walking away.

"What is wrong with you Monoma! Do you want to die! Because I'll grant your wish!" Kendo berated him as she smacked his head with her quirk, causing him to get sent face first into the ground.

"I don't remember him being so hostile at the Sports Festival." A girl from class 1-B named Tokage commented as she stared at the now sleeping Izuku. "Hope he doesn't have a lot of mood swings. He's pretty hot."

"You can't just say things like that, Tokage! Especially not in front of his girlfriend." Another girl named Kodai scolded her.

"Doesn't make it any less true." Tokage shrugged.

Ochako, having heard her comment, decided to ignore it, for everyone's sake. She had learned - more like Deku had forced her - to let things like that go, as to not make any unnecessary scenes. It was difficult, since every girl they passed by had heart eyes on sight, but she had learned to take those types of comments as a good thing. Besides, she knew that Tokage was pretty nice from what she heard so she decided it best to let it go.

The busses arrived and they all got on. Ochako woke up Deku lightly and with caution. While she didn't think he would hurt her on purpose, you never know how dangerous a half asleep and grumpy Deku could be.

"Alright, the bus ride will take about an hour or so. I want you to stay focused and-"

Before Aizawa could finish his sentence, Deku started snoring loudly and obnoxiously once again, interrupting what he had to say.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID NERD!! GO SLEEP ON YOUR OWN TIME!!" Bakugo shouted as he shot a couple of "AP Shots" at Deku.

Deku dodged all of them with ease, while still asleep, and shot a snot bubble at him at light speed which he just barely dodged and witnessed put a hole through his seat, easily.

"His snot is lethal!?" Toru asked.

"Now he's just mocking us." Kaminari grumbled.

"At least that's more motivation to train." Ochako stated in hopes of lifting their spirit.

"I don't know about you, but snot is not very motivating to me." Kirishima told her in a deadpanned tone.

"Yeah I- I thought so." Ochako said dejectedly, not knowing how to make them feel better.

The rest of the bus ride was the class being overly cautious whenever a snot bubble appeared from Deku, and increasingly frustrated at both themselves and Deku for having to be cautious of snot.

Ochako just leaned on Deku's shoulders while he slept, feeling sad for her poor classmates. It must've been hard for them to finally realize the massive power gap between them. Ochako was fairly certain that Deku was doing this on purpose, since he can control his movements while unconscious, but she decided it would be best not to say anything.

After the hour passed, they had finally arrived at what they thought to be the training camp. It actually turned out to be an empty area atop a mountain.

Deku had fully woken up and was feeling refreshed.

"Ah~!" He sighed. "That was a great nap!"

Everyone was glaring furiously at him for endangering them with snot; which they still could not accept fully.

"What?" Deku asked. "There something on my face besides the usual handsome?"

The boys scowled and the girls glared even harder but with slight blushes on their face. That still, however, did not overtake their annoyance.

"What's this place anyways?" Deku asked aloud, deciding to ignore the class. "Wasn't there supposed to be some camp?"

"We're glad you asked!!"

Deku and the rest of the class turned to see.... cat ladies?

Cat ladies doing weird poses.

"We're the heroes that will rock your world! Meow is the time to introduce our legendary team! Meow!" The brunette of the two said.

"The youngest and most fashionable kittens! Still in our prime like we never weft!" The blonde spoke in a childish voice.

"We are," They spoke in unison. "The Wild Wild Pussycats!!"




They didn't even know how to react to that, so they just stood there.

"Guess our cuteness shocked them into silence, Eraser." The blonde said with a proud look on her face.

"Yes. That must be it." Eraserhead replied in an uninterested tone.

"Oh wait, I know you guys!" Deku said, alerting the audience surrounding him. "The Wild Wild Pussycats: they are a legendary team of heroes that have been around for over a decade now, going to nearly 2."

The women's eyes twitched at that last statement.

"Wow, you guys have been around since we were kids! Almost like Gran Torino!  You guys must have a lot of wisdom from your many many years a-"

Deku was cut off as the blonde one rushed him at formidable speed, ready to grab his face. On instinct, Deku stopped her hand right before she could even touch his face.

He pulled her hand and went for a knee to the gut that was expertly stopped by the woman's other hand. She pushed Deku's knee back, released his arm from her hand and went for a spin kick. Deku dodged under this, but having sized him up beforehand, she expected this and went for an elbow to the face. Deku also expected this elbow and expertly blocked with his own elbow. She brought her other arm down with a swipe, but before she could try and launch a scratch-like attack, Deku caught her other arm, and twisted it behind her back so that she was in his clutch, ready to have her arm broken at any second.

Despite this, she seemed surprisingly calm; the sign of a true pro.

"You're pretty good, kid." She said with a small smirk.

She then backflipped out of his grasp like a gymnast and almost instantly launched a high kick towards his head at inhuman speed. Deku blocked with his forearm and created a small gust of wind from their combined power.

The two just stared at one another for a little while, before the woman let a small smile grace her face and let her leg down.

"Well I didn't expect that," She said with a smile and a little laugh. "I officially like you!"

"Sorry, already taken."

"Really now? She said in a scary tone, as she turned towards the girls who were all minding their business, finding the sky to be very interesting all of a sudden.

The girls, of course, knew who he was referring to, but they would never stab one of their own in the back.

"Sorry that she's like this," the brunette interrupted. "It's her mating season."

"But she was right, that was pretty impressive!" She continued with a smile. "You might not even need this training camp."

"But the rest of them do. That's why we're here." Aizawa answered. "In case you didn't already figure it out, we didn't stop to go sightseeing."

"Wait," Kirishima began.

"You don't mean," Kaminari continued on a similar intimidated thought process.

"Guys, get to the bus!" Sero shouted in vain.

They all tried to run, but the blonde one was in front of them instantly.

"Your training begins meow!" She said as she the put her hands- sorry, paws on the ground. They began to glow a blue color and the ground immediately shifted and began moving rapidly off the mountain like a waterfall.

They screamed at the sudden shift and because they were falling rapidly.

Only one, however, was calm.

Ochako was getting ready to take the fall before a voice spoke up.

"Why are you screaming so loud?"

She barely managed to open her eyes to see Deku just floating in front of her as she fell.

"Deku!?" She exclaimed. "Why aren't you falling!?"

"Because I can fly."

"Then why didn't you catch me!?"

"Why didn't you fly?"

"Because I don't know how to!?"

"Well who's fault is that?"


"Playing the blame game is never fun, ya know."

She glared at him before inevitably falling, but with last words exchanged.

"I HATE YOU!!" She screamed as she fell.

Deku saw how she fell with the rest of the class and then proceeded to fly away towards the camp.

"That girl is so in love with me." Deku confidently stated.

In all honesty, he had wanted to save her the moment he sensed the danger. But the teacher part of him, thought that every bit of training she could get would be good for her. So he reluctantly allowed her to be apart of the Pussycats' game.

"Woah, he can even fly!" The blonde said as she looked at the retreating figure of Deku. "Definitely mate material. I think I'm in love!"

"He's still a student, Pixie Bob." The brunette sighed at the now named, Pixie Bob. "Also he has a girlfriend, remember?"

"Age is just a number, Mandalay." The woman dismissed her. "I'm 18 at heart! And so what if he does have one? Girlfriend, Shmirlfriend. Girlfriends don't last, but mates are forever!"

Mandalay sighed, not knowing what else to do.

Meanwhile, back on the ground was the now pissed off class, looking for a way out.

"That Deku," Ochako grumbled. "I'll get him for this!"

"You mean Midoriya can just fly on ahead like nothing!" Sato complained.

"Isn't that cheating?" Kaminari exclaimed in a similar tone.

"Using his quirk to get past this challenge doesn't make it cheating." Tsu pointed out.

"That still doesn't make it any less unfair." Kaminari grumbled.

The class was then shaken by the appearance of some sort of rock monster.

This was Pixie Bob's doing, which they weren't aware of yet. However, in that moment, they were all so frustrated or angry that they decide this rock monster would help blow off some steam.

Or, Ochako mainly thought that.

Ochako immediately punched the rock into pieces at the sight of it. She was in no mood to play with stones right now.

"If this thing is in the way, then that must be where the camp is, also Deku." Ochako summarized.

She and the rest of the class began running in the direction of the camp, leaving the heroes shocked.

"I didn't know that they could destroy my creations so easily." Pixie Bob exclaimed with a frown, with Mandalay nodding in agreement.

"It's not surprising, considering everything they have been through. They probably want to release all their frustrations." Aizawa explained, understanding the situation.

"Hmph!" Pixie Bob exclaimed. "Well two can play it that game! That other kid's girlfriend is down there right? I'll try extra hard just for that!"

So, she challenges the students with even bigger and stronger creations of rock and further tested them. This whole thing would last 6 hours instead of the intended 3, and leave them completely exhausted.

They finally arrived at the training camp to see the three heroes that were with them before, and Deku stuffing his face with food.

"Wow, you kids are pretty strong!" Mandalay told them.

"Yes I agree, especially you four!" Pixie Bob said while pointing at Ochako, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Iida. "In addition to Midoriya over there.

"Hm?" He asked while still eating after hearing his name.

"Deku!!" Ochako yelled, finally finding strength as she immediately rushed him with OFA activated.

She was about to attack, but Deku caught her body in midair, lifted her up and sat her down on his lap.

"Relax, you would've knocked over the food."

Her eye twitched as she looked down at him acting completely calm.

"How could you just leave me like that?" She pouted as she turned her head away from him.

"Because Ochako, I wanted you to get more training. This is a training camp for a reason. Skipping out on necessary training would be irresponsible." He explained.

She huffed, still not fully excepting this answer.

"Don't worry about it, it'll be fine I promise. You got the experience you needed and it's done. You can rest now. You've earned it." He said with a smile at her.

She turned towards him and blushed a little before nodding and taking some of his food.

Pixie Bob was about to scratch Ochako's eyes out, but Mandalay quickly tried to diffuse the situation.

"Oh, hey! Look! It's my nephew! Kota! Say hi!" She said over-enthusiastically.

The class turned their attention to a little boy who had quite a hateful look in his eyes, which slightly unnerved them.

Others felt proud of his hate, but the rest of the class chose to ignore that.

"I hate all of you." The little boy said and walked away.

The class blinked rapidly, not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Isn't he such a sweetheart?" Mandalay asked nervously.

"That kid must have some major issues." Deku said more to himself.

While walking away, Kota bumped into someone and they both fell back. He was about to start yelling at whoever or whatever it was, but he stopped short.

What he found in front of him was a girl who had to be the same age as him, maybe a little older.

The girl stared at him with wide, curious eyes. He wasn't used to being stared at so openly, so he tried to avert his eyes, but then she started speaking.

"Hello! My name is Eri! I'm six! What's your name?" She asked with a smile.

"I-It's none of y-your b-business!" He said with averted eyes and a lightly colored face.

"I'm making it my business!" She told him boldly, which caught him off guard.


"Well," She began while putting a finger to her chin. "Daddy said that with making friends, you have to know everything about them, and if they won't tell you, make them tell you."

"So I'm making you tell me your name!"

"W-Well your dad is s-stupid!" He said rebelliously.

"Who are you calling stupid, runt?"

Kota heard the voice of a male right next to him, which completely scared him because he could've sworn there was no one next to him a second ago.

"Where did you come from?" He asked in a frightened tone.

"First answer my question," Deku replied while crouching down to his height. "I happen to be her father, so if you wanna say something, say it to my face."

Pixie Bob spit out whatever she was drinking and began coughing like an overly sick patient at a hospital. Mandalay was trying to pat her back to make her feel better. As soon as she did, Pixie Bob turned her attention to Ochako who was eating and minding her own business. She rushed her instantly, startling Ochako, and lifted her up by the collar with her other arm ready to slice her face off.

"You!" She said while tightening her grip. "How dare you take away his innocence before I could! You fiend!"

"Woah, WOAH!!" Ochako exclaimed as the woman's paws nearly clawed her face off. "He saved her from some villain! Overalls? I think? Anyways, we got permission to adopt her! ADOPT! NOT BIOLOGICAL! ADOPT!"

Pixie Bob accepted this answer, although bregrudingly, and set her down. She gave one last warning glare before walking off.

Ochako sighed in relief as the crazed woman walked away.

"I guess I do need training. I definitely need to be on guard at all times around here. Especially with her.

Meanwhile, Deku was having a stare off with the little boy.

"I don't have to tell you anything!" Kota shouted at Deku.

"Maybe not," Deku started. "But as long as you have a mouth and you're using it to talk about me, it better be in front of my face, boy."

Kota growled and used his secret weapon to deal with big people. A punch to the nuts!

He tried this and it did next to practically nothing.

"Sorry kid, but someone as weak as you could never hurt me." Deku claimed with his eyes closed and arms crossed. "Besides, after a couples of incidents, I'm fully prepared."

"I gotta keep my family jewels safe. Ochako's waiting for them."

Ochako immediately spit out all the food that was in her mouth and her face turned completely crimson.

"D-Deku!!" She exclaimed in embarrassment. "Don't say things like that! Especially in front of children!"

"Relax," Deku dismissed her. "This is advice for the future. By the way he was looking at Eri, I'd say he needs it."

Ochako seemingly reappeared out of nowhere and punched Deku so he went head first into the ground. Leaving his twitching body and Ochako's angry and embarrassed face for all to see.

"Don't be so irresponsible!" She shouted. "Kota is one thing, but I will especially not allow you to dirty my daughter's mind! No way!"

"Ma~ Ma, Ochako~Chan," Deku began as he got up from the ground. "You're overreacting. Eri's the purest little thing in this world.

"And I'll keep it that way!" She huffed.

Kota was very frightened by what he viewed as monsters who were right in front of him, and just so happened to be that cute girl's parents. He was contemplating running away, but using as much logic as he could, he figured that if that guy managed to appear next to him without so much as a sound, he could most likely stop him from running away.

"Anyways," Deku continued as he turned his attention to the little boy. "You don't seem to like heroes from what I can tell. I don't know the reason and I don't care either. What I do care for is that if you're going to have such strong feelings, you have to have the will to back it up. Otherwise you're nothing but a coward whose mouth works more than his brain."

The little boy scowled at his insult and began to get more frustrated.

"What did you say?! He shouted at Deku.

"What? Did I stutter? I thought you hated me, coward? Do something about it then!" Deku smirked at him.

Kota grit his teeth and then weakly punched Deku in the face which barely made him flinch.

"Is that it?" Deku said with a mocking tone. "I'm starting to think your mouth is stronger than your fist."

Deku then flicked the boy's forehead, which caused him to go flying backwards before eventually landing. He tumbled a little before he came to a stop.

Kota lifted his head as pain started flooding through his body. Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes as he began succumbing to the pain.

"Don't tell me you're gonna cry now?"

He looked up at Deku who was slowly approaching him with a smirk on his face.

"Go ahead, cry. Cry like the weakling you are! Who cares if you're a kid! You're not gonna be able to use that excuse forever! Cry because it's the only thing you can do! It's the only thing you're good for, crybaby!"

A tear slowly started to roll down Kota's left cheek before he quickly wiped it away and began glaring at Deku.

"You don't know anything! You don't know what I've been through! You're no hero! You're a jerk! Don't call me a weakling ever again!" He shouted while rushing Deku.

He gather all his strength into this one blow he was going to deliver, and shot his arm forwards for a huge punch. He landed a much stronger punch than before on his leg with all the effort he could. He had his eyes closed and his teeth gritted before slowly opening them to look up.

He saw Deku looking down on him with an emotionless glare, before he grabbed the boy by the head and lifted him so that he was face to face. Deku smirked a little as he looked the kid over.

"Be strong, kid." He began. "Whatever pain you've went through, pushing your feelings and problems on those around you only creates more pain and despair. When you think of what causes you pain, remember the pain I inflicted on you today, and be strong. Only those who have a strong will, can make it in this life. The world is ruthless, and it won't show sympathy for a kid. Look at Eri over there. Before we met her, she was nothing more than a human science toy. Even at her young age, she was always fighting. Whatever caused you pain, remember there are others in your situation. So be strong for them, and show them the strength and will that they need. You don't have to like heroes, but before you judge others, judge yourself. Because your own self is the only standard that should come first."

With that Deku let the boy go and walked away. Ochako followed him with a small smile on her face. Eri was going to follow as well, but before she did she turned and ran to Kota. She hugged him with a smile on her face.

"Isn't daddy the coolest?" She exclaimed with a giggle as she hugged the boy. "You looked like you needed a hug before. So I gave you one! Bye! Don't forget to smile!"

She then ran off with giggles and laughter to join her parents at the food table.

The entire class, including the heroes, were very shocked at what happened. They were a little scared at first, but were pleasantly surprised at the ending.

"He always was a little different than your average hero." Aizawa said aloud with a smirk.

"He certainly has a way with words." Mandalay noted with a smile as he looked at the now red-faced Kota who had a smile of his own, before running off.

"Makes him even more irresistible."

"Give it up, would you!?" Mandalay exasperated.

"A cat never gives up on catching its prey!" She exclaimed with a smirk.

"They have a daughter!"

"I know. She's very cute, isn't she? She'll make a fine daughter once we're officially mated."

Mandalay just walked away, not having the strength to even argue.

"I think I need a cat nap." She stated tiredly

"Way ahead of you." Eraserhead said while pulling out a sleeping bag. "I have extra sleeping bags just in case.

"Thanks, Eraser." She thanked him before grabbing the red sleeping bag and immediately going to sleep along with Eraser.

So now there was a huge ruckus going on. A bunch of kids eating there hearts out. A young family having fun. A weird lady in a corner rubbing her hands together sinisterly. And finally, two randoms sleeping in the center.

This was truly what UA - the most prestigious hero school in Japan - is all about!

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