Poisonous Love. [EDITING]

By melaninwritess

337K 11K 9.5K

BWWM** Seventeen year old aaliyah brown has the hands of an angel and has been gifted with a god given talent... More

i got my acc back
character q & a
character q & a answered
im so sorry:(
Reader Predictions
epilouge 1/3
epilouge 3/3
until next time <3

epilouge 2/3

2K 80 8
By melaninwritess

big time jump.
six years later


"oh my god,you cannot be serious. i told them i wanted the snack table by the gift box,not by the sentiment collage."

destiny complained as she realized the planners had completely ignored her wishes.

"des calm down,if you complain any more,your stomachs gonna pop."
i laughed,sipping the alcohol.

destiny whined as she eyed the wine.
"i want some."
she mumbled.

destiny was going into her third trimester,and everybody could tell.

she was moody,even moodier than usual,always hungry and always had to pee.

she was carrying rather high which most likely meant she was having a girl.

and although she hadn't even found out the gender yet,she was set on having a girl.

she already had the baby's room decorated,all her clothes picked out and everything ready to go.

she wasn't due for another three months.

"go get some apple juice."
i joked making her scowl.

"calm down,i'm kidding. here sit down,does my niece want anything to eat?"
i asked.

"the way she's kicking,she can wait it out. in the mean time,can you make me a plate?"
she smiled sarcastically.

i nodded as i left the table,heading towards the catering table.

"you think i should make her two plates just in case? i don't wanna get her mad."
i ask junior.

he scooped baked beans onto his plate as he shrugged.
"shit, you know how she is. she's not gonna stop until she gets what she wants."

i nodded,grabbing a plate and putting different foods onto it.

"where is my baby?"
i asked as i place meatballs on her plate.

he kissed his teeth.
"stop calling him that,you know how he acts when he see's you-"

"junior shut up,i just wanna see him."
i said.

"he's spoiled,monica will not stop buying him toys,i'm telling you,if she keeps this up,he's gonna be thirty with a transformers collection."

aaliyah laughed as she heard pattering of footsteps before a small figure running caught her attention.

she gasped.
"hey! oh look at my baby,you're getting so big!"

the three year old jumped into aaliyah's arms as she hugged him,making him giggle.

towards the end of college,monica ended up getting pregnant and nine months later,corie was born.

"you're a big three year old now,how many fingers?"
she asked.

corie held up a five before slowly putting down his thumb and pinky.
"this many!"
he beamed.

aaliyah congratulated him before putting him down,letting him run around the venue.

"look,that little boy has 2,000 dollars worth of jewelry on right now,and that's just the earrings."
he shook his head.

"i mean it's not breaking your bank so why we be worried?"
i shrugged.

junior had gotten drafted to the NBA a few years prior,before finishing school and joining Miami Heat.

after monica graduated from college,the two of them and a one year old junior bought a million dollar mansion in a private neighborhood in miami.

it's in a good area where corie can go to a prestigious private school and there's also more enough room for the three of them.

miles on the other hand,wasn't too keen on getting a house so soon.

before destiny got pregnant,miles moved into a penthouse,considering the fact that him and destiny didn't live together.

but after destiny got pregnant,miles knew that his life would change quickly.

he had decided to man up and realized that though the penthouse was beautiful and everything he could've ever wanted,it wasn't ideal for the baby,or destiny.

the constant walking to get to the elevator and the pressure of being up so high was a fear for destiny right off the bat.

miles got drafted into the NBA recently.which was the whole doing of the party.

to celebrate.

him and destiny had also bought a house.

it was a nice,modern, three bed,five bath flat,with big open windows and lots of acres of land.

it was surrounded but tons of plants and had a warm feeling to it.

in destiny's eyes,it was perfect.

in miles' eyes,as long as destiny was happy,he was too.

on another note,while all of my friends are fertile and ready to to start their family's,i'm more than happy to be completely not pregnant.

i sat the plate—correction,plates down in front of destiny watching her thank me as i waved to corie.

she began to dig into her food,waving back at corie as he played with his cousins.

corie ran over to aaron,before pulling on his pants leg,begging him to pick him up,which he did.

destiny shook her head.
"when are you gonna give that man a baby?"

i shook my head as i fixed my jacket.

"i don't know. i haven't even being thinking about that-"

"what are you so afraid of? that man is ready. he's mature,he's got his life together and most importantly,he's rich."
she whispered the last part.

"it's not necessarily him it's more me. i don't know if i'm ready to endure the pain. if there was a way for babies to magically appear on your doorstep,i would've been had kids by now. plural."
i explained.

she shrugged biting into her food.
"you just have to do it. it's a lot of work,i'm not gonna lie,i make it look easy."

aaliyah nodded sarcastically.
"yeah....no doubt."
she lied.

"but it's not. it's hard,i'm always in pain and no matter how many massages i get,it really never goes away. my patience is extremely low and i can't even go an hour without peeing or eating something."
she said.

"but,i think the hardest part is the mental pain.not the physical. i feel like shit,and not only that but i look it too. i just feel ugly and sweaty and like a pig. i hate it. but i know that it'll be worth it in the end,even if my self esteem was sacrificed in the process."

"you look beautiful."
i told her as she sighed.

"thanks. but the biggest concern that i have is my favorite jeans. i really don't think i'm gonna be able to fit into them by time i get back to them.

i chuckled.
"you're fine,you look great in everything. i promise."

"what are you two doing?"
aaron asked slyly as he sat next me with corie on his lap.

"oh nothing,we're just talking about girl stuff. you know."
destiny said sarcastically.

miles mumbled as he walked by with a drink in his hand,making destiny chuckle.

"we're you guys talking about me?"
corie asked as he chewed on a piece of candy.

destiny nodded.
"you know it baby"
she smiled.

"never mind that,corie go play with daddy."
destiny told him as aaron let him down.

"i'm gonna go bother my future husband. maybe it'll encourage him to buy me a ring."
she said as she walked over to miles,bothering him.

"so,what were you two really talking about?"
aaron asked as he sipped his drink.

i shrugged.
"nothing much,just...kids."
i paused.

he nodded.
"what like,about me and you? having kids,i mean."

i sighed.
"yeah,just thinking about it."

"do you wanna have kids with me?"
he wondered.

"you know i do."
i replied.
"i'm just,scared. i'll admit."


"a kid is a lot,it's a big responsibility. what if i'm not good enough for him,or her? what if they hate me-"

"they won't. i'll make sure of it. and don't even doubt yourself like that,you'll be a great mother,an incredible one at that."
he said sincerely.

"i don't wanna be-insecure. if i bring another life into this world,i wanna make sure i'm doing it the right way."

he nodded.
"then we will,we'll do everything right,perfect even. we'll have everything set up for her,we'll love her and care for her and be there for her. her life will be perfect"

"don't be scared. you have no reason to be scared. you got me,i'm gonna love on you,take care of you. everything will be fine."

he took my hand in his his kissing the top.

"i love you,beautiful."

"i love you too."

he nodded as he leaned back in his seat.
"so let's do this."

"ok then."
i grinned.
"we're having a baby?"

"we are having a baby."

before aaliyah could say anything else,anthony barged through the door with a plate in his hand and a dress suit on.

"uncle anthony is here!"

i covered my eyes.
"oh god."
i sighed.


last and final part next ahhhhh

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