Male Reader x Blake Belladonn...

By NightsWraith

1.5K 38 3

Beacon's second semester is here! Y/n is still being monitored closely by Ozpin and Y/n is amazed at how a ma... More

New Beginnings
Night on The Town
A Formal Approach
Caught in the Crossfire
The Beast


215 5 0
By NightsWraith

Y/n is seen in his dorm looking in a mirror as he puts on and straightens the tie on his suit, he then looks over to the empty beds in the dorm anyone with half a brain would put it together that half of his team had been missing for some time now but he would look into that later right now he had a dance to attend. As he straightens his hair a knock is heard and as he walks over and opens it to find Ruby dressed up in a suit which shocked him a bit.

Y/n: "Hey Ruby, Didn't expect to see you in a suit."

Ruby: "I felt comfortable compared to the dresses I tried on, and I did not want to try and walk in heels."

Y/n then chuckles and begins to walk down the hallway with Ruby suddenly latching onto his arm leaving him confused.

Ruby: " You did say you would save me a dance."

Y/n: (chuckles) "I guess I did."

The two then made their way out of the dorm building and headed to the building where the dance is being held. Y/n then pushes open the door and holds it for Ruby and then finding Yang in a short white dress at the entrance podium she then gasps in shock seeing the two of them walk in together.

Yang: "Oh my god! You look great."

Ruby: "Thanks, Yang."

Yang: "I still think you would have looked better in a dress, you could have at least tried it on?"

Before Ruby could answer, Yang's attention is focused on Y/n for not walking in with Blake.

Yang:" And what about you! Where's Blake!?"

Y/n: " Couldn't find her when we stopped by your dorm when Ruby had to fix something, so we just expected to find her here."

Just as he finished his head perked up as if he felt his date approaching just outside and now he knew that now was time to take action.

Y/n: "And I believe that she is just now arriving if you will excuse me."

As he walks out the door he finds Blake walking toward him wearing a dark purple dress and the bag under her eyes was replaced with violet eyeshadow she held her hands behind her back as she approached him. He adopted the same manner as he began to walk towards her as her bright yellow eyes met his ruby red ones.

Blake: "I guess that means you orchestrated the plan to get me here?"

Y/n: "I would be lying if I said it was me that honor goes to Yang."

Blake: "She came up with it, what about what you said in the dorm about getting rejected?"

Y/n then extends his arm for Blake to take as he leads her into the dance hall.

Y/n: "That was all me but it wasn't entirely true."

Blake almost adopts a saddened expression as she hears that.

Blake: "How so?"

Y/n: "I never was rejected so my date should be around here."

Blake then stops and pulls her hand away and grabs Y/n by the tie and pulls him closer while almost in tears thinking he was pitying her.

Blake: "Who was your date then?"

Y/n: "You."

He then closes the gap between them and captures her lips in a quick kiss as he then looks back into her eyes as her face flushed a bright red as Y/n then began his confession to her.

Y/n: "Blake, that is why I asked you to reconsider coming here, It's because I wanted to tell you that I love-"

Blake then cuts him off as she pulls on his tie again and pushes her lips against his which he gladly accepts, which he then wrapped his arms around Blake as she let go of his tie and then wrapped her arms around his neck they then separate for air and stare into each other's eyes.

Blake: "You are a sly and clever bastard you know that!"

Y/n: "But I am your sly and clever bastard?"

Blake: "Yes, yes you are."

Y/n: "While I would love to just enjoy this moment we do have a dance to get to so... would you care to have a dance with me?"

Y/n then extends his hand as she takes hold of his arm and they walk through the door only to be greeted by an excited Yang and Ruby.

Yang: "So you two finally tied the knot. See Ruby, it's that easy."

Blake/ Y/n: "Quiet you."

Yang then starts laughing while Ruby walks up to him and offers her hand to him.

Ruby: "You owe me a dance, remember?"

Y/n: (sigh) "Right sorry about this Blake."

Blake: "That's fine because I believe you owe me a dance."

Blake's eyes then land on Yang as she takes her hand, almost dragging a flustered Yang towards the dance floor, leaving both Ruby and Y/n shocked at what just happened.

Y/n: "That was kinda hot."

Ruby then blinks and shakes her head as she looks up at him confused.

Ruby: "What?"

Y/n: "Blake just easily taking control and leaving Yang flustered shows that she isn't just the quiet one of the group and I like that in a girl."

As he finished explaining Ruby only looked more confused than before but then Y/n just lets his arms fall to his side as he gives her a simple answer.

Y/n: "You'll understand when you find someone that makes your heart skip a beat."

Ruby gives him a pouty face with a faint pink crossing her face as he then takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor. As the two make their way to the dance floor Y/n notices someone and begins to hatch an interesting plan, the person, in particular, was none other than Penny Polendina dressed in a light green dress he approaches her giving her a nod, and while Ruby was none the wiser as Y/n twirled her off to Penny letting him sneak away and examine a drive that she had handed him.

Y/n: "That girl continues to surprise me."

Y/n then makes his way to the second floor and tries to see if he could spot his date when he finds her dancing with Sun, as he then looks to where he left Penny and Ruby he finds a boy about Ruby's height with short white hair asking her for a dance which made Y/n chuckle at how popular she was tonight. He is brought back as he feels a tap on his shoulder to find Penny standing next to him.

Y/n: "Hmmph would you like to dance with me too?"

Penny: (giggles) "After you have your dance with Blake."

Y/n the ruffles her hair a bit before continuing.

Y/n: "It seems your human programming has improved."

Penny: "You can thank my father for that and the small tweak you did to it."

Y/n: "Hey, that's what a brother is for, helping his little sister out."

???: "Now that is something I didn't expect."

They look to find Yang walking up towards them with a boy about Y/n's height with choppy orange hair and dull blue eyes.

Y/n: "Who is the ginger?"

Yang: "This is Percy, he's a friend of mine

Penny: "Salutations."

Percy: "Yang, you wound me and I thought we had something."

Yang then elbows him for the comment making Y/n and Penny chuckle.

Yang: "Don't push your luck."

As they begin to talk Y/n looks back to the dance floor and finds Blake on the other side of the room and simply gives him a wink and his face flush a light pink Penny then gives him a nudge that means to get over there. Y/n then slips away from the others and then makes his way through the crowd of people as the camera pans over to Blake only to find Y/n leaning against the wall next to Blake while she still hadn't noticed him until he asks her just one question.

Y/n: "Are you ready for our dance?"

Blake looks up surprised to find him there as she closes her eyes and shakes her head then standing up and taking his hand.

Blake: "I forget how quiet you are."

Y/n: "I'll take that as a yes."

He then leads her to the dance floor to finally have the dance he has been waiting for. As the music played and time seemed to slow to a crawl around them but everything then turns normal when he hears Blake's voice.

Blake: "Thank you for this."

Y/n: "Why?"

Blake: "It's just this is the first time in a long time that I have felt like this. Being able to share a moment like this with people I care about, and someone like you."

Y/n simply raises an eyebrow as Blake continues.

Blake: "Someone I can hold, Someone who understands what I have gone through, someone-"

Y/n: "Like me?"

Y/n stands there letting Blake finally let all her pain out as she then looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

Blake: "Yes, someone who makes me feel human."

Y/n then presses his lips against hers. With tears still running down her cheeks, they then separate as she then drags him off the dance floor and they make their way to the second tier as Y/n glances out the window to find a dark figure running across a rooftop. Blake notices this and places her hand on his cheek making him face her.

Blake: "Do you have to go?"

Y/n then looks out the window, smiles, and then looks back at Blake and wraps his arms around her waist as she wraps hers around his neck.

Y/n: "I'm not throwing this moment away for anything."

She then pulls him into a passionate kiss as the two drown out the music having them only focusing on each other and they both know damn well that they earned this moment.

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