A ninja must see underneath t...

By BlooregardQ

90.5K 3.6K 329

The story starts right after the battle at The Valley of The End where Naruto battled Sasuke right before he... More

Glossary of terms
Chapter 1 - Cooped up in a hospital room
Chapter 2 - Ichiraku Ramen and a special new mission
Chapter 3 - Time to run wild
Chapter 4 - Time to say goodbye
Chapter 5 - A sensei's doubts
Chapter 6 - Onwards to The Land of Rivers
Chapter 7 - Naruto's doubt, hate, and chakra control
Chapter 8 - Training in The Land Of Wind!
Chapter 9 - Sharing a tent can be tricky
Chapter 10 - Rasengan and ramen
Chapter 11 - Awkward situations
Chapter 12 - Determination
Chapter 13 - Onwards to The Land of Earth!
Chapter 14 - Narushi and Kaishou
Chapter 15 - Love and hate burn deeply
Chapter 16 - Icha Icha Stealth
Chapter 17 - Meddlesome furry fox
Chapter 18 - The pitfalls of love
Chapter 19 - Danger from above
Chapter 20 - Kakashi's rage
Chapter 21 - Kashi Release : Nine-Tails Negotiation Jutsu!
Chapter 22 - Being a little twisted
Chapter 23 - Onwards to The Hidden Waterfall Village!
Chapter 24 - Kakashi's tricks
Chapter 25 - True feelings leave deep marks
Chapter 26 - Bonding on Mount Myōboku
Chapter 27 - Greed and pleasure
Chapter 28 - Black and blue
Chapter 29 - A Genin's Birthday
Chapter 30 - Sex and caramels
Chapter 31 - Stories and books
Chapter 32 - Senpai!
Chapter 33 - Konohagakure's pain.
Chapter 34 - Building a new life together
Chapter 35 - Sake evening
Chapter 36 - Inheritance
Chapter 38 - Chidori outburst
Chapter 39 - Kakashi's ups and downs
Chapter 40 - Hound and chicken
Chapter 41 : Playing hooky
Chapter 42 - Naruto's clouded dreams
Chapter 43 - Nanadaime Hokage Naruto Uzumaki
Chapter 44 - Home

Chapter 37 - Rokudaime Hokage

1.2K 51 3
By BlooregardQ

Several weeks later, all Hokage candidates had been called together to have a meeting with the current Hokage and Konoha's city council. Kakashi had been dreading this day. Not only because he knew Tsunade was going to recommend him for the position, but also because he knew the dangers lurking in political debacles like this one. He knew he had to stay sharp-minded.

His headband was lifted and he let both his eyes wander across those who were present. He lingered at three people. There were the two elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. However harmless they might look, they were anything but, and Kakashi knew this very well.
In theory, the Hokage has a final say in all matters. The councilors are merely there to give their opinion and advice so that the Hokage would make fair decisions. However, in reality, both elders had a great influence over the governing of Konoha, and they have wide support from the villagers and even the shinobi's, giving them almost an equal amount of power than the Hokage herself. 

Usually, they are the ones who choose a new Hokage if the previous one dies. However, in this case, Tsunade was very much alive, which for them, complicated matters. Kakashi also knew that the two elders regularly sided with the third council member, Danzo Shimura. A dangerous man who has gained power through experience, knowledge, and a beneficial social position. Besides that, he is also the leader of the Root organization, a subdivision in Konoha's ANBU elites, founded by Danzo himself, who claims they execute missions for the benefit of Konoha. Kakashi strongly opposed and distrusts some of their working methods and secrecy. So there he was, trapped in a political snakepit. He sighed deeply.

Negotiations had been going on for a while now. Each person had the right to speak out and defend their claim as Hokage, or, as in Kakashi's case, one could also support another's claim. Tsunade had just given her opinion as to why she thought Kakashi had to become the next Hokage. She had kept her arguments short, clear, and well structured, causing her claim to be quite convincing. Kakashi knew she had prepared well, unlike himself, and he knew her arguments weren't bad or illogical. In theory, he certainly would be one of the most logical choices. Were it not for his slacking behavior and recent transgressions regarding his foxy student. Tsunade subtly worked around those in her pleading.

During her plea, Danzo's face had become more and more sour by the minute. Kakashi had been watching him intently with a lazy gaze that showed no emotions. Some of the other people who were present actually seemed to agree with her ideas. They whispered to each other and nodded as they stared in Kakashi's direction.

"Hatake Kakashi, do you have anything to add?" The elderly woman, Koharu, asked sternly.

"I believe our current Hokage was able to create a clear view as to why my claim would be justified," Kakashi replied dryly. "As she already pointed out, I have the experience, the knowledge, and the necessary skills to manage the position. More so than the other candidates here I dare to add." He said with a pointed look towards Danzo, who also wanted to become Hokage.

"What she says is true though." He continued. "I do not intend to hold the position for more than five years. After which I believe my skills will be surpassed by the shinobi Naruto Uzumaki. If he proves to also gain the necessary knowledge and wisdom by that time, I will be more than happy to let him take over. I believe his strong character and ideological views will empower and benefit Konoha greatly. Therefore, Tsunade-sama and I have agreed to the fact that we will both be tending to the young man's education on historical, political, and social matters, which will also include internship days." Kakashi said without falter.

"And you believe this to be fair?" Danzo asked sourly. "Such measures, in which you educate and elect your own 'boyfriend'..." Danzo almost spat out the word. "...would be dishonest towards other possible Hokage candidates from younger generations."

"Tsunade and I have considered multiple candidates among the younger generations. The three who proved to be most ideal would be Shikamaru Nara, Sasuke Uchiha, and Uzumaki Naruto. Shikamaru however showed no interest in becoming Hokage when we talked to him. He said it was 'troublesome', and he added that he would rather become the Hokage's advisor, counselor, and strategian. Which in my opinion, would be much more beneficial as well. Sasuke Uchiha would have sufficed due to his intelligence, experience, and skills. However, he has betrayed Konoha and remains unfound to this day. So Uzumaki Naruto is our remaining option, and a very good one at that. He is incredibly powerful, he has a strong will, a good heart, and more willpower and determination than I ever thought possible in a person. Not to mention that he is also the son of our fourth Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze, and many villagers already see him as a hero."

"You conveniently left out the fact that he is responsible for thousands of Konoha's shinobi and civilians deaths," Homura added spitefully.

Kakashi tried his very best to remain calm and steady his voice. "This is a false accusation. Naruto and the Kyuubi remain two different beings to this day. The demon fox is sealed in him. True. But he is not influencing Naruto in any way. The boy remains himself, only with the ability to call upon great powers when he feels it is necessary. For example to save Konoha from Pain's attacks recently. Or have you conveniently forgotten his aid in that incident Homura-sama." Kakashi replied calmly.

The older man gave the silver-haired shinobi a stern look before nodding ever so slightly.

Danzo however, lost control of his anger as Kakashi's arguments became more and more dangerous for his own claim. "So, if I'm to understand correctly. We will let a gay perverted disgraced teacher become Hokage, only to let him pass on the title to his equally perverted and gay student, who on top of that is a demon-vessel who has been bothering Konoha's officials with childish pranks for over seventeen years! Your entire claim is outrageous Hatake! Thanks to you and that demon you call a boyfriend, we will appear weak and ridiculous to all our neighboring countries. What will our allies say!" Danzo retorted loudly.

The whole room fell silent as all eyes were drawn to the silver-haired shinobi and Danzo. Tsunade had a furious look on her face but remained silent as well. Kakashi felt anger rising up inside of him, but nonetheless, he remained fully in control of himself and his emotions.

Kakashi looked straight into Danzo's eye. "Be careful. Danzo-sama." Was all he replied politely.

The older man raised from his chair angrily. "Is that a threat Hatake!?"

"Merely a suggestion. I wouldn't want your words to lead to regret." The Jonin replied calmly.

Danzo swallowed heavily, as Kakashi's Sharingan began spinning wildly. Nobody in the small office had missed the smell of lightning filling the air together with the Jonin's killing intent.

The two Root- ANBU members standing behind Danzo began to shuffle their feet nervously.

"Fine," Danzo said eerily.

Tsunade quickly stepped in before more conflict would arise. "The council members and I will consult with each other now on the result of today's meeting. We will decide on a candidate most suitable for the position within three days. You're all dismissed for now. Thank you for coming."

Kakashi stood up and sauntered towards the exit, not even bothering with giving any recognition to the challenging look Danzo was giving him.

"So how did it go?" Naruto asked him.

Kakashi looked at his overly-excited lover and sighed wearily. "Fine, I guess. Tsunade and I made some good arguments. Only this jerk named Danzo seemed to really be opposed to our ideas. We'll know more in three days."

"How can you remain so calm!" Naruto exclaimed happily. "You might become Hokage! I might become Hokage!" He practically screamed out.

"I know, I know. Calm down already." Kakashi said as he rubbed his temples.

"What? No way! Come on! Let's celebrate! Let's go out or something!" The blond yelled now practically bouncing on the couch.

"Did you accidentally drink coffee again Naru?" Kakashi asked with a questionable look. "You know I've told you not to..."

"I haven't!" The teen interrupted him. "I'm just excited Kashi. Don't you understand? My dream might finally come true!" Naruto practically yelled as he mushed Kakashi's face between his hands.

"Mwlet go," Kakashi mumbled as he pushed the teen off. "You're lucky you're so cute you know. Or I might not be so patient with you." He warned playfully as he wrapped an arm around his lover's neck.

"You're cute too you know," Naruto said with a loud laugh.

"Am not," Kakashi said scorned.

"Ohh, but you so are," Naruto said playfully as he poked his lover's side.

"Not." Kakashi retorted dryly.

"Just look at you. All pouty because you can become Hokage." Naruto teased on.

"I'm going to pound you, and not the good way," Kakashi said as he glared at the young man, causing the latter to laugh loudly.

"It's cute that you think you could." The blond pushed even further.

"Will you stop if I take you out?"

"Yes," Naruto exclaimed happily as he ran for his shoes.

Kakashi sighed as he grabbed his keys and wallet and followed his cute lover out the door.

An hour later, they were sitting at a table in a popular bar together with some friends. They had stumbled upon Team Gai on the way there, and once they arrived, they had found Asuma, Shikamaru, Ino, and Sakura as well. Kakashi wouldn't easily admit to it, but he actually enjoyed hanging out with his and Naruto's friends. He loved watching the blond interacting with the others, and he actually appreciated talking to some people his own age as well. He had always liked Asuma, who was also quite laid back as he himself was. Gai on the other hand was more of a challenge to be around, but he cared deeply for his weird rival. The man had always pursued their rivalry, which inevitably led to their friendship. Even when Kakashi had gone through some hard times, and shut everyone out of his life, Gai had always been there for him, even if Kakashi didn't want him to be.

Naruto's friends saw their chance as Kakashi, Asuma and Gai were enveloped by one of Gai's challenges down at the bar.

"So Naruto, how's it going between you and Kakashi-sensei?" Ino asked curiously.

The question immediately drew the attention of all Naruto's friends. It was clear their relationship had been a much-discussed topic.

Naruto snickered. "Really great you guys. Kakashi's awesome once you really get to know him. Right Sakura?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know him anywhere near as good as you do now." The pink-haired girl replied. "So what can you tell us about him. Isn't it weird to have him around the house?"

Naruto started thinking. "Hmm. Not really. Well, he can be a bit weird I guess."

"Like how!?" They all asked almost simultaneously.

"Like... Well you know. Imagine your sensei's doing really menial things like making coffee or taking out the trash or doing laundry. In the beginning, it was weirdly fascinating. You never think of your teachers as real people you know." Naruto said as he tried to explain to his friends. He shrugged as he added. "I got over it really quick. Cuz it's even more weird to kiss your teacher and stuff."

Some of his friends cringed. "Yeah, the thought of kissing Gai sensei is quite revolting," Tenten added.

"I can imagine Lee kissing him though," Ino added teasingly.

"Don't say such things about Gai-sensei!" Lee immediately retorted angrily.

Naruto laughed loudly. "Is it really that weird to see me and Kakashi together?" He asked suppressing a snicker.

"Well yeah. In a way it is." Sakura said. "You're so different from him, you know." She added as the others nodded.

"Yeah, I can see that," Naruto replied with a smile. "In all honesty, I never thought he would be interested in someone like me because of that. But I guess opposites can be drawn to each other or something."

"So it seems," Sakura replied softly.

"Does he also read so many porn novels at home?" Lee asked curiously.

"Sort of. Less than he does in public I think."

"How about his mask?" Tenten intervened. "Does he keep it on at home?"

"Usually not no," Naruto said as he scratched his hair. "Though it took him a while to get used to. He's really handsome without it." He added with a big smile, effectively causing Neji to roll his eyes.

"I'm really handsome with it too right?" Kakashi suddenly asked from behind Naruto's back, causing his nosy friends to all blush or look away at the same time.

Naruto snickered. "Sure you are." He replied lovingly as he looked up to the older shinobi hovering over him.

"Good, I'm about to head home though. Got a D-ranked mission in town quite early tomorrow. Coming with or not?"

"Yeah, I'm coming... Talk to you later guys." He said with a wink towards his group of friends as he stood up and followed Kakashi out the door. Naruto liked being with his friends, but if he had to choose, he liked being around Kakashi a whole lot more. He whistled happily as he walked alongside Kakashi towards their home.

As soon as they entered the living room, Kakashi announced that he was going to take a shower.

"Dammit Kashi, I wanted to do that." The blond retorted.

"So come with."

"Really? Okay!" Naruto said happily as he left a trail of clothes while following Kakashi to the brightly orange bathroom.

"Well we chose a big shower for a reason, now didn't we?" The older shinobi said with a wink.

Naruto, now down to nothing but his boxers snickered. "How true."

Impatient as always, he moved over towards his lover and started undressing him as well. Kakashi complied happily until he was down to his boxers and mask.

"You really are handsome you know, even with the mask," Naruto said as he stood back and took in his lover's looks.

"I guess," Kakashi said as he shrugged. "I never really gave it much thought."

"I know," Naruto said with a small smile before he slowly took off Kakashi's mask. As he took in Kakashi's face once more, he let his thumb trail over the scar on the older man's face.

"Does it bother you?" The Jonin asked uncertainly.

"What?" The blond replied slightly confused.

"The scar. Or scars to be more precise. Do they bother you?" He repeated his question.

"Not at all no. I consider them a part of you. Though I dislike the idea of you getting hurt." Naruto replied truthfully.

"I know," Kakashi replied as he looked into Naruto's blue eyes and leaned into the young man's hand touching his face.

He placed his own hand on the blond's waist and pulled him closer. His other hand started moving against Naruto's back. Soon enough, Naruto gave in and leaned in close for a kiss. Kakashi complied as he pulled his lover close, moved a hand to stilt Naruto's head, and kissed him roughly. Before he knew it, Naruto started moaning softly. A sound that always managed to fill him with pure lust.

Kakashi stripped away his lover's last remaining clothing before removing his boxer as well. While kissing Naruto a second time, he reached out with one hand to turn on the water. Slowly and steadily, he guided the blond teen under the warm streams of water. Naruto got as close to Kakashi as possible so that they would both fit under the streams. His growing erection was now pressing against Kakashi's upper thigh.

"I'm always amazed at how fast you can make me horny," Naruto said with a snicker.

"Same here," Kakashi replied as he gave a pointed look down. The older shinobi followed Naruto's gaze down and smiled at the young man's look. When Naruto looked back up, his blue eyes were filled with lust. Before he knew it, the blond teen had kneeled down in front of his hardening length.

Kakashi cursed as he was suddenly overwhelmed with pure bliss as Naruto greedily took his member into his warm moist mouth. Naruto had improved a lot since the first time they had tried oral sex, and Kakashi knew the blond enjoyed pleasuring him this way. Soon enough, he was leaning into the shower walls for some support, as the teen continued his pleasurable task.

Naruto had become so skilled, that it would happen that Kakashi orgasmed fairly quickly. The blond would be so greedy that he would simply continue even after Kakashi would have come, driving the older Jonin to the brink of insanity. Kakashi had to learn how to hold back a bit, which was the exact reason why he was now clinging a fist into Naruto's blond hair and breathing heavily. When he heard Naruto moaning in pleasure because he was oozing precum, he had almost lost it. He groaned heavily as he tried to pull away a bit, but Naruto had a firm grip on his hips, pinning him into one place.

Soon enough, he felt pleasure broiling through his abdomen as his balls tightened. His eyes grew wide as he let out a broken gasp of pure pleasure. His body went rigid beneath Naruto's hands, and his cock throbbed and jerked as he reached his orgasm.

Naruto moaned, causing pleasurable vibrations that made Kakashi shudder even more so. He tried to suck as much of Kakashi's cum into his mouth as he let his tongue swirl across the top of Kakashi's throbbing member. It tasted like Kakashi, and he loved it. Almost as much as he loved seeing his lover fall apart beneath him due to his skills. He eagerly continued licking the head of Kakashi's still oozing cock. He was thrilled that he had gotten so good in pleasuring his older lover, and he didn't feel like ending it already.

Kakashi almost cried out as he felt the blond sucking hard on his tip, eager for more. "N-Naru-to! S-sensitive!" He yelped as he tried to pull away once more. His young lover didn't let up. He reinforced his grip on Kakashi's hips and started sucking softer while gently swirling his tongue around his lover's length. Kakashi slowly felt all strength leaving him as he tried his very best to stay upright onto his legs. His fingers trailing into Naruto's wet blond hair, which was a complete disarray. Eventually, his lover let up and released him with a loud pop.

"That was amazing Naru..." Kaksahi said with a dry and scratchy throat.

Naruto looked back at him with a wide smile. "I loved it too." He said happily as he licked his lips.

Kakashi laughed. "So I noticed." He said as he pulled the blond up and embraced him closely. He loved feeling Naruto's warm, wet and soft skin against his own. He kissed his young lover deeply as he reached for the shower gel. He broke the kiss and poured some into his hand.

"Turn around." He said to the teen, who complied without hesitation.

Kakashi rubbed the soap open in his hands and started massaging his lover's back and neck, creating foam and bubbles. His hands wandered further towards the young man's ribs, nipples, and muscles, leaving no place untouched. Naruto practically turned to jelly beneath his fingers as he leaned in heavily against Kakashi's chest. Kakashi purposely lingered a whole lot longer when he reached Naruto's abdomen and crotch before moving onwards. After washing the young man, he quickly washed himself as well with Naruto's help. He could feel Naruto's fingers lingering on his scars once more, in particular on the bite mark on his shoulder. When the soaped was rinsed off their bodies, Kakashi pulled Naruto back out into the bathroom. He grabbed a big fluffy white towel and wrapped it around his young lover, who was getting noticeably tired. He himself didn't feel too energetic either after Naruto's blowjob, but he made good use of his shinobi stamina. 

After drying himself and Naruto off a little, he pulled the blond towards their bed. As they both got underneath the sheets, he pulled his young lover close. Immediately, he could feel Naruto's arms holding on close to him. The teen loved the affection and he loved cuddling, Kakashi knew. He smiled slightly and wrapped an arm around his lover. "Go to sleep now Naruto. You're exhausted." He whispered softly as he kissed the blond wet hair. Naruto mumbled something incoherent in return before he dozed off, his whiskered cheek pressed against Kakashi's shoulder.

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