By Gargi_H

9K 734 116

Manik Malhotra had only one thing in mind. Revenge. But on whom? Nandini Murthy had known only one thing in l... More

3. BFF?
The Clans-1
The Clans-2


570 71 17
By Gargi_H

Guys, your response is very disheartening to all of the stories.

I try so much to give you the best but I find your side falling short of the encouragement.

I always say your comments would give me ideas. Don't just vote (to which also I'm thankful), please COMMENT so that I get to know what you all feel about things.

Anyway, I hope you all actively respond this time. This is the reason I ask questions at the end. To know!

Enjoy reading!!


All she could feel was suffocation....

The flames rose high with each passing second....

She felt trapped..... she was actually trapped.

She tried to run from her place which was slowly being engulfed in fire.

She wanted to run to safety, but she couldn't leave them behind.

And then, she prayed. Prayed for help. Prayed for mercy for her family.

As the curtains behind her caught fire, she found herself being lifted and dragged out of the place.

But, she tried to escape the hold. She wanted them to come along. She couldn't leave them.

Please help! Her loud baby voice was snubbed under the screams.

Nandini woke up with a start. She was sweating and she turned around to see her mother looking at her, with concern.

What happened, bacche? You were sweating and lashing your arms and feet? Are you okay? She asked not able to bear her silence.

Nandini looked at her blankly as if trying to absorb the reality and gave her mother a slight nod.

Bad dream. She mumbled but Sunaina heard it.

About Chachu? Sunaina asked softly.

Nandini chose not to answer.

To her surprise, Sunaina smiled which made Nandini curious. Sunaina, noticing her daughter's gaze on her, spoke It's just that I'm not surprised. You know Nandu, me and Vishesh have a great bond..... we were so much in love. He treated me like a princess, pampering me all the time and making me feel on top of the world. I thought I was always his first priority.

She found Nandini paying rapt attention. It was the first time Nandini was hearing something about her parents and their relationship. It was not like they never spoke, but she was too busy distancing herself from them.

But, I was wrong. Though he would always be there for me, I noticed he would walk away after 6 in the evening, stating some urgent work. He would be uncaring on certain days, not bothering to show his face to me. He would show up with droopy, red eyes but not talk about it. After sometime, I got irritated with his behaviour and confronted him after following him one day, ending up in some kind of forest. I accused him of not giving me time and somehow cheating on me.

That was when I saw your Chachu.

Nandini's eyes just lit up at his mention. Sunaina smiled faintly at the similarity between the father-daughter.

Anurag bhai apologized for all of Vishesh's misconduct, while Vishesh continued to protest telling he needn't do that. He was so angry at bhai and me, too. He stormed out of the place. Typical Vishesh.

Sunaina laughed reminiscing that day and the one factor that was constant in Vishesh's life apart from his family, his anger. She saw Nandini's lips curving up which was enough encouragement for her to continue.

I felt terrible for doing that to Vishesh and burst out crying. Anurag consoled me and assured me that he wouldn't let anything happen to our love. That day, I found one of the most gentle and sweetest persons I ever met. He later became my Bhai.

Her eyes glistened, but her lips had a gorgeous smile.

I somehow apologized to Vishesh with Bhai's help and he eventually gave in after our persistent efforts. He then held my hand in his and in his conversation, introduced me to his best friend. Anurag Basu. His Onu.

That day his eyes spoke more than words ever could. Every time he took Anurag's name, his eyes lit up. Just like yours do. And I understood his priority. It was Anurag and rightly so.

That day I didn't understand why his Onu was so special to him. But, later I realised Anurag is a person whom no one could not love. That guy is love personified. He even smacked your father for making me cry.

Nandini was now smiling fully. She could totally imagine her Chachu doing that to her father.

You know why I said all this today, Nandu? Sunaina's question faltered her smile, but she shook her head in a no.

Your Chachu always wished for his loved ones' happiness and smiles. He would never be at peace seeing his precious doll crying herself to sleep or waking up to nightmares. He would any day prefer his Doll smiling in his memory than crying for him.

I know you don't believe us anymore, but try to share your problems with us, Nandu. If we cannot help it, we can atleast be your support.

She stood up, kissed Nandini's forehead and walked towards her bedroom, not before saying We love your Chachu more than you think.

Nandini leaned back on the sofa... her mind a complete mess.


Manik was in a very happy mood. He entered his temporary house amd started shouting for his Mamu.

Mamu, kaha ho aap? Do you know what happened today? Mamuuuu.....
He continued yelling looking for his Mamu.

Anupam came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands making Manik rush to him. He gave his Mamu a tight hug to which Anupam just laughed reciprocating it.

Mamu, we accomplished step one. The shoot starts in the Basu Baadi tomorrow. His face showed the signs of his little victory.

But, Anupam had mixed feelings. While he was happy for Manik's plan going as executed, he was sad for the consequences. Manik never knew the Basus closely but he knew them and once considered them as family. Maybe, in some corner of his heart he still does.

He felt a small squeeze on his hand. He looked up to see Manik blinking his eyes. Anupam was assured that his nephew would never let anything go wrong. Neither with him, nor with anyone else.

What happened, Manik? You called us home? Abhimanyu, who just entered asked him while Cabir who came along with him just whined about how he missed his meal time because of Manik and what a true friend he was to be available 24X7 for him.

Half an hour later, the four of them were settled in the study planning further after having the rasmalai made by Anupam.

Now that we have access to Basu Baadi, all we need to do is find the documents that might connect us to the incident. But, we need to be aware of even the air in that place. Manik's face held disdain for the mansion.

But what kind of documents, Manik? Cabir asked.

Anything that might have profited the Basu Industries and implemented after the death of Mr. Anurag Basu. Manik replied, his fingers forming a mesh and his back bent forward. A tell tale sign of his deep thoughts.

What are you thinking? Anupam asked softly, slowly kneading his hair.

Manik leaned into his touch and said If what we are thinking is validated, then I strongly suspect another powerful involvement.

The frown lines on their foreheads deepened as Manik explained further. According to the information that we have, Basu Industries was facing a loss at that time which would have soon turned to bankruptcy if at all Mr. Anurag Basu didn't take over it, which he soon did. The heir of Basu Industries is not some common man to be killed easily. It requires lot of planning and finance. Hence, it cannot be done by one party alone. It must have been a partnership.

But Manik, there is a possibility of one influential person too. Abhi said making Cabir nod.

Yes. But, its just my gut feeling. And also why kill Mr. Basu whose company would, in no way be a competition to theirs if they were already powerful? I mean Basu Industries revived, but not enough to give losses to some other company. Manik put forward his point.

What now? Cabir asked after a short silence.

Gain the Basu's trust, access their documents and find any links. That's all for now. Manik replied slowly relaxing as the priorities were set.

Let me know if you need help. Anupam and Cabir offered at the same time making Manik smile at both of them, before picking his mobile to call someone whom he was missing terribly.


Shreya ran into Basu Baadi to give the big news to her family. The Mukherjee family was there too, along with the remaining Basus.

She settled beside her grandmother who side hugged her and asked her the reason for her excitement.

I grabbed a modeling contract, Dadi. I'm finally having a proper debut into the field. Her eyes held happiness which made the entire family happy.

Who is that blind man who offered you the opportunity, witch? Mayank, who was till now inwardly smiling at her sister, asked not leaving the golden chance to tease her.

Shut up, Mayank. She snapped

Shreya, call him Dada or Bhai. He's two years elder to you. What's with calling him by his name? Shantanu Mukherjee, or better called Shan by his lovely wife reprimanded.

Shreya nodded meekly as she didn't want to anger her father who is the only one person who can control her obnoxious behaviour.

Why are you scolding her, Shan? Mayank was the one who teased her. Nishioka Mukherjee, fondly called as Nishi by her family and friends, supported her daughter. Shreya offered her a dazzling smile.

Mayank... stop teasing her. Shan told his son who nodded obediently at him and secretly showed his tongue to Shreya making her whine. The elders shook their head knowing it was their usual banter.

Nobody teases my grand daughter. Mohini said putting an end to whatever they wanted to do. Now, give me the details of your contract, Shreya. Her voice held an inherent command that came naturally to Mohini Basu.

Ok. So, it is a contract for vintage collection. I'm the model for it and whenever needed, there would be more supporting me in the shoot. It's a one month contract. Shreya said clapping her hands in excitement.

Mohini smiled at her and all of them congratulated her.

Dadi, I promised them something without your permission. Shreya spoke hesitantly.

And what is that? Nishi asked raising a brow, while Mohini turned a bit towards her encouraging her to speak.

I kinda promised them for the shoot in Basu Baadi.

Shantanu's head snapped towards her and his eyes held anger scaring Shreya. She looked at her mom for rescue who looked annoyed too.

What was the need to promise such things? This is a home, Shreya and not a monument for them to make it a vintage shoot area. Shan barely held his frustration. Mayank held his hand to calm him down which worked a little.

He is right, Shreya. There is a limit to childishness. Didn't you think of cross checking with your Dadi before giving them a word? Don't you know Mukherjees don't go back on their word once given. Nishioka said with anger and worry laced in her voice.

Ever since their Anurag's demise, the home was just a large construction with no soul to it. His absence affected them greatly. It took a long time to get things running and settle back in their new normal.

I know I should have asked first. They already had things ready, but the other party cancelled in the last moment. It would lapse the shoot and I might lose a great opportunity. Shreya said helplessly. She had been waiting for a break and when it came walking to her, she intended to keep it.

Everything's not about you, Shreya. Have you thought how would your Dadi, Maa and Masi feel? Shan was on the verge of yelling at her selfishness. Why wasn't she like 'her'?

I'm sorry, Baba, Maa, Dadi. Please help me. It's not an everyday shoot anyway and they'd wrap up soon. Please. She pleaded.

Shreya, you must....

I give permission for the shoot. Mohini interrupted Shantanu.

But, Maa... it's a shoot. They are going to make a mess of the house. And they'd need rooms for changing and all. It's crowd and chaos. I don't think it's a good idea. Shantanu was completely against the idea.

Ever since she lost her only son, his mother in law hated crowds. She spent her time in solitude, letting only her family close to her. Not that she let that show on her face, but then the woman lost a part of herself. The aftermath was normal even for The Mohini Basu. He didn't want to push her back to those days when she was almost phobic to loud sounds and gatherings.

It's ok, Shan. It's time Basu Baadi sees some change. She said looking at her second daughter who seemed to have zoned out again.

Shantanu nodded unconvinced.

But, I have a few conditions. Mohini's tone was serious.

Anything, Dadi.

They would limit themselves to the living room and backyard. I'll ask Debu to arrange three rooms as your green rooms. They would strictly not use the first floor. Especially the second room from the stairs. Mohini said firmly.

Done, Dadi. Shreya replied promptly.

Nivi slowly got up, offered them a small smile and left. They sighed deeply but let her be.

By the way, what company is this? Who's the owner? Nishioka asked curious to know more.

Maitri. It's owned by Mr. Manik Malhotra. She said freezing all of them on their places.

Ok, I'm back with an update!

Let me know how it was?

Can you make a fair guess of what Manik Malhotra wants to achieve?

Why is he against the Basus?

Anything about Anupam-Abhi-Cabir trio?

If you want me to focus on any particular person or scene. Want me to wrote on something... let me know.

MaNan coming up next!



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