The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK fea...

By -eatseokjins

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A sequel to The Mediator. Wendy has now ended her Year One as a Physiotherapy student and once again, she's... More

Chapter 1: Seoul I'm back!
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: JYP Family
Chapter 4: The Fair Game
Chapter 5: Together forever?
Chapter 6: The Fair Game 2
Chapter 7: Mixed feelings
Chapter 10: The Tuan Family
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: What's the truth?
Chapter 13: Let the game begin
Chapter 14: The Climb
Chapter 15: Denial & Mind blown
Chapter 16: Hide and seek
Chapter 17: The Date
Chapter 18: Goodbye
Chapter 19: Healing
Chapter 20: Fly with Peter Pan
Chapter 21: Homeshare
Chapter 22: Status Quo
Chapter 23: Too good to be true
Chapter 24: Runaway Groom
Chapter 25: Unraveling the truth
Chapter 26: Save my friend
Chapter 27: Back to square one
Chapter 28: On hiatus
Chapter 29: We are One
Chapter 30: Jane
Author's note
New story: Seoulmate

Chapter 8: Eodiga?

1.9K 78 27
By -eatseokjins


"WHAT?! JB, is this true?! Alright... Okay... You said that it was one of the sasaeng fan who did it? Okay, no worries, hyung got it already and I will settle the rest. In the meantime, take good care of Wendy-ssi. K, see you guys later...", after I hung up the phone, I pressed on my intercom and gave orders to my assistant.

"Minah-ssi, contact all the respective media companies and bring down all news regarding Wendy Loh. You have to get this done fast."

"Got it sajangnim!"

After which, I continued to dial for another number.

"Ne, annyeong Superintendent Kim, I'm Park Jinyoung-ssi and I'm calling to understand the incident of Wendy Loh. Ne, I'm her guardian here... Ne..."



Slowly and reluctantly, I uncovered my face. I blinked, closed my eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window and blinded me.

When my eyes were finally adjusted to the light, I realized that I was in an unfamiliar setting. I tilted my head to the sides to find Jin, JB and In Hyung sleeping beside me by the bed.

What the hell happened?

My head began to hurt once I started thinking.

"Argh", I groaned.

It woke Jin up immediately as he was a light sleeper.

"WENDY-SSI! You are awake! Thank goodness! UI-SA! UI-SA!", he then bolted out of the ward to call the doctor.

In the meantime, JB and In Hyung also started fidgeting about and when they were finally awake, their eyes widened when they saw me staring at them.

"Unnie...", In Hyung trailed.

I tried to sit up but JB was quick enough to stop me from doing so.

"Easy there Wendy! Let me help you!"

JB then adjusted the bed level and placed another pillow behind my back.

"Gomawo", I smiled weakly.

By then, Jin had returned back to my bedside with the doctor.

"Ui-sa! So how is she?", he asked worriedly.

The doctor examined me and took a glance at the report in his hands.

"Wendy-ssi is experiencing concussion due to the traumatic injury yesterday. Erm, it may alter the way her brain functions but not to worry. The effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination at some times. She will just need one or two days rest here", the doctor explained.

"Sorry, but is it possible for me to discharge by today?", I asked back. I don't want to make a big fuss out of this minor issue and more to more, I didn't want the others to worry about me.

"Dangsin michyeoss-eo?! (Are you crazy)", Jin, JB and In Hyung chorused.

I only stared at and waited for the doctor's answer.

"Hmm... Like I've said, one or two days rest here for you is already enough. If you do feel better now, I don't see why you can't discharge?"

"Thank you ui-sa."

"But bear in mind to avoid vigorous activities and high altitudes for the time being. And also, try to remain calm at all times. The last thing we want is for this condition to worsen", the doctor warned me before he left the room, leaving the three there ready to interrogate me.

"Wendy-ssi! You need more rest! I don't care but you've got to rest here until you fully recover!", Jin insisted as he sat by my side.

However, JB came forward and placed an arm over Jin's shoulder.

"Ani, Wendy-ssi got the say. Hyung, just let her be."


"Anyway, Jinyoung hyung had brought down all the news regarding your incident and they have also caught the culprit", JB cut off Jin's words and told me.

"Does the rest know about this?"

"Nope, not even Mark hyung."

"Dahaenghi. (Fortunately)", I heaved a sigh of relief. Like this, the news wouldn't spread and my family and friends wouldn't find out anything. The last thing I want is to get them worried about me.

"JB-ah. Gomapda."

"No problem, so... I will help you settle the paperwork for your discharge now?"

I nodded my head.

"In Hyungie, you stay here with Wendy-ssi. Hyung and I will settle the stuffs now."


After Jin and JB left the ward, In Hyung then climbed to my side.

"Unnie, jeongmal gwaenchanh-ayo?"

"Ne. But In Hyung-ah, can you tell me how did I got myself into this? The last thing I remembered was me skating towards you and JB... But JB mentioned about a culprit just now? What is all this about?", I felt the bandage around my head and asked, blankly.

In Hyung swallowed her saliva and came close to my ears.

"Unnie, I heard that it was done by a sasaeng fan... Supposedly, Mark oppa's fan..."

"I see..."

Well, not like I have not faced this before back in Singapore. I just have to be more careful next time.

Now, it was my turn to look at In Hyung cunningly.

"So, can you explain to me what were you and JB doing at Lotte World too?"



It was already lunchtime but I haven't even catch a sight of Wendy. I have asked Jessica about it and she told me that Wendy didn't even return back to the dorm for the entire night.

She couldn't possibly spent her whole night with Jin right?

I am starting to get worried now. Part of me had wanted to call her but there's also a devil inside me telling me not to do so. I am still jealous of her choosing to hang out with Jin rather than me.

As I was walking along the corridor to our practice room, I happened to meet JB, In Hyung and Wendy along the way.

"Hyung!", JB called me and In Hyung just smiled at me.

However, my eyes first darted to Wendy's.

"So you three were together for the whole night?", I asked her and then I suddenly recalled.

"JB, you didn't come back to the dorm last night too!"

The three of them were stunned by my questions but Wendy was the one who soon spoke up.

"Ne oppa, we went out to celebrate for In Hyungie last night."

"Who else went along?", I raised an eyebrow and decided to use this moment to test her.

"Jin oppa", she replied without hesitation.

"Dahaenghi...", I muttered. At least she was being honest with me. My anger and jealousy simmered down immediately and I smiled at the thought.

"Oppa, mwolago?", she took a step forward closer to me.

"Ani", I looked back at her and replied but it made me notice something else.

What is that plaster doing on her forehead?

"What happened to you Wendy? Did you hurt yourself?", I felt for her forehead instantly and studied it carefully.

She brought my hands down quickly and smiled awkwardly at me.

"Oppa, don't worry. I fell down and hit my head accidentally. It's just a minor injury", she said.

"I see... Stop being careless and take good care of yourself okay?", I then held her hands and pulled her to my side.

Facing JB and In Hyung now, I told them,

"If you guys would excuse us now, I would like to bring Wendy somewhere."



"Choose the type of flower you like!", Mark said to me right after he led me into a floral shop.

I gave him a surprised look and asked,

"Ain't roses again this time?"

"I want to hear it from you. I want to know what you really like", he smiled.

Sometimes, it's really hard to understand Mark. He can make my heart wrench at one time and then tingle at another. Nonetheless, I chose to be happy with him for today.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I walked around the shop and take in the refreshing aroma of the flowers.

After some time, I decided on Lavender. I have always love it since young and its scent always enables me to have a better sleep at night.

Mark then got the florist to wrap it up for me and we soon left for our next destination.

We went to catch a movie at Daehan Cinema and after which, Mark led me up to its 8th floor mysteriously.

"Woah", my face beamed with delight once I reached the venue. According to Mark, this place is known as the 'Sky Rose Garden'. There are many types of roses there and they are switched weekly during the summer months, which provides a change of scenery each time for recurring visitors that come back.

Mark held onto my hand tightly as he escorted me to a nearby table to settle down. Then, he called on to the waiter and moments later, we were having a candlelit dinner!

"Oppa, may I know what's the occasion?", I asked him curiously.

He shook his head slightly and then grasped my hands as he spoke.

"I'm sorry Wendy-ssi."

"Sorry for what?"

He took a deep breath before he answered me again.

"I'm sorry for being mad at you. I'm sorry for letting myself to be petty and sensitive again. Honestly speaking, I was there at Lotte World last night and I got pissed off when I saw Jin and you being so close to each other. It made me sooo jealous!", he gave a pout while saying.

He still looked so adorable when he pout, I stared at him dreamily.

But wait, he was there at Lotte World last night?! I looked back at him, shocked. But after thinking carefully, I realized that he probably didn't hear of my incident at all, or else he would have freaked out long ago.

"It's alright oppa", I told him.

"Anyway, can I ask you something too?", I decided to make use of this time to get him to share with me his opinion.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Oppa, do you blame me for not voting for Jessica and spoiling her chance to debut?", I asked, being extremely careful with my choice of words.

He stayed silent for awhile.

Then setting his posture upright, he said,

"Nope, I don't blame you. I know that you were just doing your part as a judge. You had your own reasons for your choice and I trust you. It's just that being her best friend, I have to comfort her since she has been feeling so down ever since."

My face lit up at his reply. Jinjja dahaenghi... I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh right, speaking about Jessica, there's one more thing I have to let you know", Mark's face fell when he remembered something.

"JYPE will be having a one week break starting from next week and Jessica and I will be returning to LA then. And Wendy-ssi, I would really like you to join me..."

I gulped at his words.

Oh no, one week in LA?! As much as I want to go, I can't. I have spent my savings to travel to Korea to visit them this time and I'm short of money. I really can't afford to travel again.

Clearing my throat, I faced Mark sadly and told him,

"Mianhae oppa, but I really can't..."


"OH MY GOD?! Then what are you going to do here for the week? Everyone will be returning to their own hometown during the holiday! I will be going back to Hong Kong, Jr will be going back to Busan, Bambam to Thailand, JB back to his home and Yugyeom will be traveling along with Mark hyung!", Jackson elaborated.

"Ahhh... Stop it Jackson, you didn't make me feel better by saying that!", I scoffed at him.

I was eating at the cafeteria earlier on and Jackson, being kicked out from training again, found me there. He managed to notice my strange aura, so he asked me about it.

I ended up telling him my worries but he just had to worsen it for me.

I rested my head on the table and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I want to go too...", I mumbled.

"You know what? How about I sponsor you?", Jackson then offered.

I pushed his hands away to tell him that it's a 'NO'. I don't want to use other people's money. It will make me feel bad about it.

"I lend you?"


"Tch?! If everything's a no, I don't think that you can ever go!", he finally gave up and threw his arms up in the air.

However, I suddenly thought of an idea.

"I CAN WORK!", I exclaimed, but the happy moment soon died down after I considered another factor.

"Aishhh! But the amount of pay for a week wouldn't be enough to cover the costs of the flight tickets itself...", I sighed.

But unexpectedly, Jackson suddenly shot up from his seat and grinned at me, as if he had thought of a brilliant idea.

"Ani, Wendy-ssi! I know of a place which may earn you enough! Come on, woori gaja!", he grabbed my hand.

"Where to?"

"You will see."

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