Demoted and Devoted

By Whozdattchickk

83 1 2

Be yourself. Don't be anything you don't want to be, or anything anyone else wants you to be. More

Demoted and Devoted

83 1 2
By Whozdattchickk

I will never fit into the category you placed her in ,

Heart so full of her ,no place to fit in.

I should've known from the start you had no place for me,

Now my tears are running cold with heartbreak and misery.

I tried my hardest to be someone i wasn't ,

How dumb was i to try change croissant to crescent?

Losing my identity in hopes to please you ,

And i kept chasing even when my heart said i should leave you.

Your love is secured and locked with her memory,

You swear you'll never love another,you swear that on your family

No matter what i do, i feel as though i can't reach your expectations ,

My soul is shattered and now resting with the constellations.

Mumma always told me "you were born an original ,darling"

I don't even recognise myself any more , its scary ,its startling.

The process of forcing myself to be like another ,

Is not possible cuz i will never be like her ,

I will always be me,

Even if my identity is what i try to flee.

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