The Persona King

By StromEyes

3.5K 28 13

Kai Storm life has always not been the easiest as things were always complicated. His oldest sister went into... More


The Trickster

946 21 7
By StromEyes

I don't own Persona 5 I only own my oc.


The world is not as it should be
It's filled with distortion
And "ruin" can no longer be avoided,

Those who oppose faith and desire change...
From time to time, they were referred to as Tricksters,

You are the Trickster...
Now is the time to rise against the abyss of distortion.

3rd Person POV

We see a helicopter fly over the ocean as it heads to the city. It flies by some buildings, as it goes by a casino. We zoom in closer to the casino, to hear a alarm going off.



We see a whole bunch of people being worried, as they run around and we see two shadows up high going around. We see the people looking around concerned for their safety.

Man: There is something hear.

We see 3 agents in suits, and glasses walk into the the room. We then see the two shadows move around more, but it looks to be two people. They land on top of a light and stand over for everyone to see.

(P.s Kai's outfit and mask.)

(The mask covers his entire face)

Man: Hey... Up... there

The man points at them and everyone looks up at them.

Agent: Hey, they're here move in imminently.

Kai's POV

Mona: Good. Now get running!

Crow: This is our only chance!

Oracle: Stay calm! You both can get away now!

Queen: We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end.

Unknown Transmission:... suspects.. not.. confirmed..hold..your.. positions..

Oracle: Hm. What was that?

Mona: Don't worry about us. Just concatenate on getting away!

Joker and I both nod as we headed towards the escape route.

Mona: But I have to say, showing y'all selves above the crowd earlier was an excellent move. Nice work as always Joker and Blackout.

Panther: I bet Skull wouldn't pull it of that easily.

Fox: This happens, because you have no sense for aesthetics.

I chuckled at the comment.

Skull: Nobody asked you inari!

Joker and I continued on, but in the balcony some agents came out through a door, but luckily for us there was another path.

Agent: There they are!

Oracle: Just run! Get out of there!

Noir: Everyone remember where we're meeting up.

Oracle: No worries, I can guide you all.

We got on to another balcony, as we head to the stairs two agents show up. They transformed to looked completely different. One appeared behind us as Joker and I looked and smirked.

Panther: Take 'em done you two.

Joker jumps up and lands on top of them, then rips their mask off. It began to act crazy and transformed into a shadow.

Joker attacks the persona with his blade, which she manage to do alot of damage and I attack with my sword to finish it off.

Oracle: Everyone else get to positions! Use route B! Okay, pull out before their back up gets here.

Mona: Good. You defeated them with ease!

Oracle: More of them! Be careful!

More shadows appear as they attack us, but we dodge them easily as we jump on a pillar onto a higher balcony.

Oracle: Behind y'all! Go through the door!

We go through the door up some stairs into a storage room.

Oracle: You should be able to he out that way! Hurry!

Skull: Dudes, can y'all even hear us!

Oracle: Don't worry. I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go you two! Hm? Wait a sec!

Me:What is going on?

Oracle: What the-- I'm getting a wierd reading heading y'all's way! C'mon run!

We then proceed forward and go to a room with windows, we saw a agent run by, but his back was towards us.

Agent: Where they go dammit! I can't confirm the inturderes location.

We proceed but then see a agent blocking the way, but he was looking the other way.

Oracle: Up ahead! Stop! This is bad, hide now!

We hid behind some boxes and went to get close by, good thing we blend right it with they darkness.

Agent: Hey, are you sure they came this way? Understood, I will continue the search!

He the ran past us, as we snuck up the stairs towards the exit, but their was another agent waiting. We hid behind some crates so, he wouldn't see us.

Oracle: Ugh! How many of them are there?!

Me: Well by the looks of it alot.

Dove: Everything okay? The security level might rise if y'all take to much time.

Oracle: I know, I know! I'm looking for another route, but hang on. Oh, perfect timing look up!

We look up and we see something, we could grapple to. We grapple on as we swung to a walkway, then walk through a big doorway.

Oracle: Guys, stop! It's a enemy right near y'all.

We see several shadows appear and we were outnumbered.

Oracle: Even y'all can't take down this many.

Me: We know that.

Oracle: Guys! That wierd reading from earlier is closing in on y'all too.

We see a girl approach us.

???: I'll end this right now!

Oracle: Guys, it's her! She's the weird reading I've been getting!

She throws a sword at us and kills a shadow, then proceed to shoot and kill two more. Our friend began to walk towards us.

???: My weak self relied on y'all so much, that ends today. Let's do this senpais!

Oracle: The enemies reading had the decrease.

Joker: Arsene use Brave Blade.

Her attack knocks down a shadow, then the girl proceed to attack the all the shadows and knock the rest down. We then did an all out attack.

???: I think.. that's the last of them.

Oracle: I genuinely have no idea what just happened, but I take it y'all ok?

Me: Were fine let's just say a friend help us out.

Oracle: Wait... bad news! Enemy backup's head y'all way! Y'all need to book it, right now!

???: Please go. I'm going to make it harder for them to track y'all down. Y'all still have something to do as a Phantom Thieves, right?

Joker: Yes, we do.

???: Then I won't stop you. Since I'm not a member of the Phantom thieves I'm in not position to interfere. However... please don't forget the promise we made.

Me: Of course.

She the leaves as I look at Joker.

Me: You, should follow her, but go in a different direction.

Joker: What?!

Me: That way it will be harder for them to catch us, but I'll go the route we taking right now.

Joker: You'll have alot of people chasing after you, they might catch you.

Me: I'll be fine, you might be worse if the catch you. I be fine trust me leader.

She looks at me but hesitate a bit but agrees.

Joker: I hope you know, what you doing.

Oracle: Y'all need to get out of there! Go!Go!Go

We separate as he leaves, but I take the stairs. I arrive to see a security room with alot people looking for us, through the cameras.

Agent: They're not alone, find them and kill them all.

I shook my head at them.

Me: Ain't that a little over kill.

I proceed to go up alot of stairs being followed by a few agents. I then see a door and go through it. I find myself in the balcony in the lobby.

Oracle: Something wrong? The exit should be up ahead.

Me: Through the window?

Oracle: That's just how it is. After that commotion, the bottom floor's are completely closed off. Hey, can y'all make it.

Me: Well of course.( I feel bad for lying, but this is part of the plan.)

Agent: Over there! There is no where to run.

I looked at them and smirked, as I jumped on the railing and ran across to the the window. I looked at the agents.

Me: See ya.

I flicked them of, as jumped through the window.

Oracle: What a show off!

Dove: You're so reckless. You know that?

Me: I know, but that's the reason y'all love me for.

I landed in safe and sound on the ground, with a super hero landing.

Me: A perfect score for Blackout.

I the stood up, but then a bunch of lights were turn on, as I saw a bunch of cops.

I heard all my teammates concerned about me.

Cop: Get him!

The chased after me as I ran and jumped up to a ladder,but there was some cops waiting there to. I was the hit by the back of the gun, as I fell to the floor.

Cop: Stop resisting! Suspect secured!

I then see a head agent walk to me.

Main Agent: I didn't expect to be some kid.

Me: I didn't expect for all the cops in this city and some government agents to be here either. All of this of this for little old me, I'm touched.

Main Agent: You have your team mate to thank for this, you were sold out.

Me:( thoughts: 💭 Of course I was sold out, he want to impress his daddy.)

Scene Change

After have my picture taken, I was now handcuffed to a chair I was a bit loopy since the put drugs in me.

Me:( thoughts 💭: oww my head. Man this sucks.)

Agent: No, dozing off.

I looked at him and smirked.

Agent: You still don't get it, do you?

Me: Oh, I get it. Your going to beat me up and harm me as much as you want, but you can't kill me. You need me alive don't you.

It made him mad as he approaches me and kicks me, I fell on the floor.

Agent: Give the tuff guy act up.

Me: Does the truth hurt, well I'm sorry but this is the real world.

He then put his foot on top my head.

Agent: Come on, cooperate. Or what, you want another shot.

Me: If it gets me to sleep instead of listening to your voice then, yes.

Agent: You still don't get it, there are no laws her to protect a criminal like you.

He then kick me in the stomach.

Me: *wheeze* I get* pant* it you parents didn't love you. Or your wife doesn't give you any, that why your grumpy.

He glares at me.

Agent: Obstruction of justice, blackmail,Defametion, possession of weapons. Manslaughter too, yeah. Talk about the works.

Me: Ha! That's funny coming from all of you. Let's not act like your agency hasn't done any of that. Actually, you have done worse things not including that. Yet, you have not prove of what I did.

They rest of the agents get mad as well.

Agent: To think all those crimes were led by punk like this and you seemed to enjoying every second.

Me:( thoughts 💭: To be honest everything is a little foggy. Enjoying every second of it? What is he talking about?)

Agent: You should know your place.

Me: Oh I know my place, do you?

They uncuff me and I stretch my hands and arms. The agent walks to me and shows me a clip board.

Agent: Sign here, it's a confession under your name.

I yank the clipboard from him, he then hands me the pen.

Agent: Don't expect to walk out of her in one piece. We are going to make you understand, one must take full responsibility for their actions.

Me: Don't give me that. We both know I well aware how this works and let's say you telling me that is hypocritical of all of you. But, hey right they corrupt always win, huh.

I then sign the paperwork and handed it to him.

Small Timeskip

I was sitting down as I rest my arm in the table. My body was in pain, but overall as I did strike some nerves on them. I then hear the door open as I look to see Sae Niijima a good friend of my sister. As she looks shock as she looks at me as she even stopped.

Sae: K-Kai! I-I didn't expect it to be you. Of all the people I didn't think the greatest dictective would be the leader. You know how this works you'll be answering my question this time.

She looked around the room and was shocked to see the syringe.

Sae: Tch those bastards! Can you hear me, it seems you been through alot. Almost anything can happen here... And I can't stop them you know that. That's why I need you to answer me honestly. I don't have much time either. What was your objective? Why did you cause such a major incident. I didn't think it was a prank from the get go, but I couldn't assemble a case for prosecution. It's because I couldn't figure out the method behind it.

Me: It would be the case for 99% of people. Hell, I would also have trouble believing it myself. Seeing everything for the first time was crazy as someone for myself.

Sae: True. There is no way I could be convince of such a ... "world" just by reading the reports. It's seems your coherent. When and where did you find out about that world? How is it even possible to steal another's heart. Now, tell me your account of everything, start from the very beginning.

I began to think when I see a very familiar butterfly.

Butterfly: Your held captive. A prisoner of fate that was supposed to be seal in advance. This is truly meant to be a unjust game... Your chances of winning are almost none. But your the card that can change the odds, against the world. The key to victory lies in your memories of your bonds-- the truth that you and your friends grasped. It all began that day... When the game was started half a year ago. For the sake of your world's future as well as you must remember...

Flashback 6 months ago.

I was walking with my little sister Emma to our home after hanging with my two best friends. I was walking and talking with her. As we walk next to a girl everything, slows down.

Me:What is going on?

The girl looks at me.

???:I don't know.

We looked around, but everything is frozen. We then see a blue flame and a black flame figures that look like us. Then everything went back to normal as we were shocked.

Emma:Are you ok?

I look down at her.

Me:I'm fine, we should go.

We then arrived to out apartment, which was decent. I smelled food, which meant mom was here.

Me:Mom your here?

Mom: Yeah, I was forced to take off, but I am getting payed. Mary didn't really give me any option.

I smiled she been overworking herself after dad left, and after my sister got into a coma. After that my mom became a workaholic trying to have enough money for everyone. Yet, anytime she gets she spends time with us.

Me: Well I'm glad you having a break, it gets worrying, with you not having time for yourself.

Mom:Thanks honey, now how is my little princess.

My sister proceed to talk about her day, as I went into my room. As I looked around to see many files that my sister had. After she went into a coma, I couldn't understand how. I was there and I know it was a targeted attack.

I go to my computer and open so files up. I need a way on what happened to Futaba's mother. Something similar happened to my sister, but different. My sister lived and Futaba's mother didn't. I then see my discord going off as it was my friend video calling me.

Futaba: Hey, so how was your day?

Me: It was fine nothing special, what about yours?

Futaba: Well I got the information you wanted, I'll send it to you. I want you to bring my payment, hehehe.

Me: Yeah, yeah. Your evil you know that.

Futaba: That part of my charm though.

Me: If you say so, but I'll talk to you later I have to go eat soon.

She laughs and hangs up, after a while I went down to eat food.

Mom: Dinner is serve.

I sat down as we all ate, we talked for about our days.

Mom: So, how is Ann and Shiho~

Me: Their something bothering them but the won't tell me. I want to ask but I'm concerned they won't tell me.

Mom: Maybe you should just ask Kai, they might be scared to tell you, but if you show them not to be they'll tell you. After all my future daughters in law trust you.

Me: Moooooom.

Emma: Yay I'm going to have Ann and Shiho as big sisters.

My mom laughs but I smile even though her and I don't see each other as we liked to, we have a strong bond.

Small Timeskip

After a little while of hanging out we all headed to bed. I saw a app on my phone, that I didn't download. I layed down on my bed. I don't know why but I have a feeling the recent accidents, the reason my sister is in a coma, and Futaba mom death are all connected. None of the files my sister had helped, but one did caught my interest. The files was named the Metaverse.

Me: What does it have to do with the Metaverse.

I then felt tired of all of sudden as I slowly close my eyes.


I jerked up as I looked up and saw blue velvet sky, with a chain. I sat up to see the guy from today. I turn around to see it was the girl that I saw today.

Me: It's you.

The we heard a chuckle, we see a two lolis dress as cops.

The turn their back to us and we see a man with a long nose.

Long nose: Tricksters welcome to my Velvet room.

I see the girl struggle to open the door, as just stand there.

Loli 1: So you come to inmates.

Loli 2: The you in reality are currently asleep. Y'all only experiencing this as a dream.

Loli 1: Your in a presence of our master. Stand up straight!

Me:(So their is the monotone one and the aggressive one.)

Long Nose: Welcome, I am delighted to make y'all acquaintance. This place exist between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room only those bound by a contract may enter. I am Igor, the master of this place. Remember it well.

Me:(Ok, damn arrogant.)

Igor: I summon y'all to speak of important matters. It involves y'all's lives as well.

???: Important matters.

Igor: Still, this is a surprise. The state of this room reflects the state of your own hearts. To think a prison will appear as such. Y'all truly are a prisoner of fate. In the near future, there is no mistake that ruin awaits y'all.

Me: What kind of ruin?

Igor: I speak of the end to everything.

Me: Ok?

Igor: However, there is a mean to oppose such a fate. Y'all must be rehabilitated. Rehabilitated towards freedom. That is only means to avoid ruin.

Me: So what do we need to do?

Igor: Do y'all have the resolve to challenge the distortion of the world?

???: We rather avoid ruin.

Igor: Allow me to observe the path of y'all's rehabilitation.

The two lolis turn to look at us.

Igor: Ah, pardon me for not introducing the others. To your right is Caroline, to your left Justine.

Me:(So the monotone is Justine and the aggressive one Caroline.

Caroline: Hmph, try and struggle as hard as you like.

Justine: They duty of wardens is to protect inmates. We are also y'all's collaborators. That is if you remain obedient.

Igor: I'll shall explain the roles of those two at another occasion. Now, then it seems the night is waning.. it is almost time. Take your time to slowly understand this place. We will surely meet again eventually.


Caroline:Time's up. Now hurry up and go back to sleep.

I woke up and looked around and I saw my room.


It was night time again, not much happen today. I was laying down a feel sleep consume me. I woke up in the same place, but different. I wasn't it a prison room.

???: Welcome Trickster.

I turn to see Igor, but his voice is different.

Me:Wait Igor, but your voice is different.

Igor:Well it's a long story.

Me: Where are the two girls.

???: In a sense we are here but not.

I turn around to see another girl.

Me: For the first time I'm so confused. What is going on?

Igor: Sit down and we will explain trickster.

I sat down as I looked at them as they looked at me.

Igor: The man that poses as me is named Yaldabaoth. He claims to be "God" and attacked me and my assistant her Levanza. He wants to take control and freedom form your world. You will have to stop him as you along with the girl are only the ones who can.

Lavanza: I know we placing alot on you, but we can only let one person know as suspicions by him can't be known.

Me: Okay, What do you need me to do?

Igor: You see the place your in know is how the velvet room should be. However, Yaldabaoth is trying to slow your true potential along with the girls. You need to play this careful not trying to reveal anything to him. He needs to feel that he has your trust and just make sure you plan this out right.


It was now morning as I was eating cereal as I sat in thought. Everything didn't make any sense. To think such a world exists, but one this is for sure. Yaldaboath need to be taken down.

And done hope y'all enjoyed.

Peace ✌️✌️✌️

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