By SonamDiwakar2

321K 8K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
40. Storm

39. Safe And Sound

3.2K 121 80
By SonamDiwakar2

Hay!!! Look who's back from dead, me.

Thanks if you waited for this story to be updated this long, it means a lot to me.

I can't promise to update twice every week like I used to do but I'm trying my best with, my first year of collage and so many other things.

Now I won't waste your time, enjoy reading.


Stiles was sitting on his bed with his feets hanging. He have his head in his hands. He was nourves about doing it but he can't wait for two more days and if he tried to meet any of the Alpha now it will definitely get someone's attention. He is living with spies and geniuses and he have to tell them about it before they found it themselves.

He sighs and looks up at his room's walls. He's adding pictures here almost everyday now. After Allison and his mom, he have one with everyone from the movie night. Him sleeping with his head on Bucky's lap on a couch on common floor after a Harry Potter marathon. One is him and Issac chasing eachother on first day of school. One his and Thor's after he told them about one of his war and Stiles and Issac were almost pale.

Him playing video games with Clint and Sam. Natasha teaching him how to send radio signals in emergency, both have wires and metal parts in hands. Him and Issac with Pepper when she got them Star wars mugs. Him teaching Steve how different things in kitchen like microwave works. Phil and him talking about their favourite comics after dinner one day.

Him with Peter when Peter showed him how he uses his webs. Him with Dum- E. Tony showing him his suites and Bruce telling him and Issac how he turned into Hulk. It's harder then he thought. He's been making beautiful memories here every single day and moment. He never felt this happy in his whole life. It's like he's a new person now, and better.

But still his past will always comes back. Even if he have a new life now he know that he have to face his old friends again, even if just to tell them he's better of without them and how wrong they were. Just like he did with Noah. He don't need or want them anymore. He's happy with this new family and life. And he want to tell all of them that on their face.

"Are you alright Stiles? You seem anxious." Jarvis asks, in soft voice.

"It's nothing J, I'm just..." Stiles clenched his jaw not finding any words. "Can you do something for me?" Stiles asks, instead of telling him something. He know if he told J then he will call someone in his room so he can't do anything dangerous.

"I'm here to help you Stiles, that's what I was made for." Jarvis replied.

"If my heart rate goes up or you feel something isn't right you can call Bucky or Tony immediately." Stiles explains and Jarvis agreed without much questions.

Stiles took some deep breaths and raised his hand to touch the scare on his neck. He know even if it went well he will find something bad, he was hoping it will be someone like Theo, so he can believe easily.

He paces his hand on his scar, his body froze and eyes closed automatically. Then finally he was pulled into a memory.


Stiles, Allison and Scott were on a pool. It was two weeks after Alpha pack was defeated and they decided to hang out to distract themselves from effects they were having after sacrifice.

It was night time and Allison somehow booked public pool at night just for themselves like they did for ice skating once. All of of them watched movies whole day and came here at night to relax. Lydia and Issac were with them whole day but they chose to go home at night.

Stiles and Allison slowly swims behind Scott and pushed him inside the water. When he came back up both swims out of the poll laughing.

"Why do you always do that?" Scott shouts, also coming out of the pool.

"Becouse we can!" Allison laughs, wrapping a towel around her waist.

"And it's fun. And if you don't want to let that happen then you should have stopped Issac to partner with you." Stiles laughs, Scott just scoffed.

"Issac will go in your team, and Lydia will always go with Allison." Scott says, coming out from the pool, a hint of envy in his voice but Stiles and Allison noticed but ignored.

"Derek." Allison and Stiles said at the same time amd then all three laughed becouse he will never take anyone's side spacially in these kind of childish games.

Stiles, Allison and Scott all three sat on pool side talking about school and random things. After an hour of chatting Allison said she was hungry.

Scott instantly offered to get food, so he can get some points in Allison's chart. He was still trying to convince her to get back together but Allison was already moved on. She also had a anger about what Scott did by leaving Stiles to get tortured by Gerard. Stiles forgave him but Allison didn't, she can't trust a guy who betrayed his best friend. But she was giving Scott a chance for friendship becouse how much they all went through together.

After Scott was out to get food from their car Allison turns to Stiles who was looking at her knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"The way you looked at him.....I think you're still angry." Stiles asks, making her bit her lip.

"I still think I should not be forgiven for doing what I did.....and same goes for Scott. He left you with Gerard and he let Ducelian go after knowing he wanted to kill you. He's making choices... which can get our pack to get hurt." Allison says, looking down. She feels like Scott's obsession for being a Idea person is making them lose people.

"You were brain washed by that maniac. He twisted all the truth and used you when you were vulnerable and Scott was scared for mellisa, both times when he chose to go against us." Stiles says, but Allison just gave a small nod. Stiles know she still feels guilty and angry, so he stood from his place to sat with her and holds her hand making her look at him.

"We came here to forget these same things, not to discuss them. So how about I enroll myself in that krate program you wanted me to so I'm more safe." Stiles says, instantly making her smile brightly.

"About time you agreed. I thought I have to threaten you with something. I'm sending you there I also leaned from them they are great you'll be breaking bricks in months and I don't have to worry about you going with that bat of yours. Becouse I don't really trust these rights that deaton gave you two." Allison says, grinning. Stiles smiles too seeing her not blaming herself again about Gerard.

"I wonder why Deaton didn't gave you one. You also did that ritual with Scott and me but he gave only two." Stiles says, turning that ring in his finger. Allison was also thinking same from some days but couldn't find any explaination.

"I think we're giving Deaton a visit." Allison shrugs.

"I think you should wear it until he gives us one more." Stiles said, and pulls the ring out.

Allison was about to protest but both heard a roar from outside, it was Scott's like he was in pain. Both rem outside without a word to see what happened. They reached parking lot where Scott just parked Allison's car. There were pizza and fries on floor and Scott was trying to stand with car's support. Stiles amd Allison ren towerd him but froze when they Scott looked up. His eyes were glowing golden not red like they should. He was breathing heavily looking at Stiles.

"Why did you took the ring off?" Scott grunts, making Stiles look at that ring in his palm with confusion.

"First of all tell us why your eyes are golden?" Allison demands, no one was around at that time of night otherwise people would have gethared by now.

"I will explain...jus- just put the ring back first." Scott looked panicked. He walked up to them whiles Stiles was still looking at his hand and Allison stood between two.

"You're not an True Alpha." Stiles whispers. Scott pales at his words and Allison looks at two with open mouth.

"What mean Stiles?" Allison was first to menage in getting her voice back.

"That's ring is not for for harnessing whatever power I have to you. That's why when you became an Alpha I felt drained. And only we two jabe it." Stiles says, his voice betraying his hurt.

"Stiles it was Deaton's idea. I'll call him now amd he'll explain it to you just put it back and we can talk." Scott tries, again.

"You could have told me or asked me, you know I would have done it then why you did that." Stiles shouts, getting angrier by second.

"I thought you will deny, and Deaton said it won't make a difference.." Scott  says, but he got shut when Allison slapped him across the face making Stiles flinch.

"You thought Stiles will say no! After all the things you did he forgave you. When Gerard tortured him whole night you left him there but he still didn't betray you like you did to him and you're saying he might have said no!" Allison was red from anger that she forgot that no one know about Stiles bieng kidnapped aside from Stiles and her.

"I'm sorry for that." Scott says, Stiles's felt more betrayed realising Scott knew about what Gerard did.

"You knew what Gerard did that night." Stiles says, this time accusingly. Allison also noticed that Scott wasn't shocked after what she blurted out.

"I'm sorry I didn't know how I will apologize so I stayed quiet....I'm really sorry Stiles just tell me how to make up for it." Scott says, now crying.

"You and Deaton used Stiles like a power source without him knowing, and don't tell me you were going to tell him becouse I know Scott you don't have enough balls to admit that. There is no forgiveness now." Allison denies, she was having enough of Scott playing a dumb puppy.

"Stiles will decide that." Scott says, looking at Stiles, who was standing there with clenched jaw.

"We need an Alpha.... spacially Issac and Derek, beacon hills will get attacked without it." That made Scott's worry lessen but Allison's increases. "I know you never wanted to be a werewolf Scott, let alone an Alpha. We need an pack meeting and Derek or Issac should be Alpha." Stiles said.

He can let Scott became an Alpha by his powers but he wanted to see if Scott is really just using him for Power. And if Scott agrees to his condition then he will let him be the Alpha but if he didn't then he have to accept that his best friend have lost himself to this Power.

"You can't do that Stiles. I am the Alpha and I don't want anyone else to know about how. You can't tell them." Scott shouts, getting angry now.

Stiles felt his throat closing and he closes his eyes for a moment so he won't cry.

"He can and he will and if you tried to stop him then I will tell them. They should know what really is going on in this pack." Allison said, grabbing Stiles wrist, so they can go.

Stiles felt bad for doing this but he know Scott has been making mistakes and he can't keep forgiving him. Now lies are taking place of mistakes, he can't let Scott drown himself in Power.

Stiles and Allison were about to sit in her car not caring about their things still inside the building. They want to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"You're not going to do that." Scott said, his voice showing fear and guilt.

Stiles and Allison turned to ask what he meant but both felt a sharp pain in their neck and world went black.

Stiles gasps and falls on floor. He just stayed on floor breathing heavily and stared at floor blankly processing what he just saw. It was Scott and he did it with not only him but Allison.

Stiles cried and stood from his place just to scream and punch on the wall with anger. He ignored everything Jarvis was trying to say.


Whole pack and Chris were in plane from last one hour. None of them talked, only Liam and kira had some small conversation otherwise nothing.

Chris was in most front then Malia and behind her Liam and kira. On left side of seat were Scott and Lydia. Chris was wery of their pilot becouse Deaton hired him and he seems to know everything.

He was brought back to reality by Lydia calling everyone to see something looking shocked. Chris turned to see she was looking at her mobile screen.

"What's your problem Lydia?" Malia shouted.

"Your mom." Lydia said showing everyone screen of her phone.

"What about her?" Malia asks, confused.

"She attacked a school in New York this morning and killed two teachers. According to some students she was after a student and did that to lure him out, but before she can do that Avenger got their and arrested her." Lydia explains.

"Atleast she'll be locked up now for good." Kira said.

"But why did she attacked that school?" Scott asks.

"What's the name of the school?" Chris asked.

"Midtown High." Lydia answer, looking at her screen. Liam and kira both swore.

"That's the same school right!" Liam asks, looking at Chris with panic. Chris nods and kira swore again.

"What are you guys talking about?" Malia asked, getting irritated.

"She found Stiles. He's going there to complete his graduation with Issac and she was after him." Chris says, going back to his seat.

"He's completing his studies their!" Scott says, his voice accusing.

"What's do you want him to do then huh! Just sit and cry over what you did!" Liam shouted, at him shutting him up. Stiles have all right to move on and he's happy about it.

"So my mother is going to be locked away for forever now?" Malia asks, looking at Chris.

But before he can answer someone from back of the plane spoke making them all jump, becouse none of them were able to sense him here.

"She ruined the plan, now I have to work double." Theo said, with a smirk making himself visible. He was in the back side of plane and all of them in front.

Liam and Malia growled and ran towerd him but Theo looked calm. When two were about to reach him they got thrown back. Everyone looked down to see mountain Ash.

Before Chris can reach his gun Theo pointed his at him freezing him in his tracks.

"Stay where you are, I won't like a dead body in plane while we travel." Theo smirks again.

"How do you know we're here!" Lydia asks, Liam and Malia gets up from floor. Theo thought for a moment but answers, there was nothing else to do.

"Malia's mother is good at spying. She gave me your pilots name and I gave  him double money then Deaton to work for me. Now she couldn't get Stiles and I have to do that too after dropping you at my place." Theo says, like he's doing some hardwork and like he's dropping his friends at his place not kidnapping them.

They all stood frozen in place not knowing how to get out of this situation. But Chris know a way, which is risky and won't work for all of them,he just need one right moment.


Bucky was on common floor with everyone. Steve and Phil were setting dinner table. Bruce, Clint and Sam cooked today.

Pepper was still little freaked about today's event but Issac, Thor and Natasha are talking to her to make her feel batter.

Bucky and Tony have some awkwardness around each other today. He know Tony and everyone at some point will give him a talk about not hurting Stiles and he was ready for that. He just thought he should go back to check if Stiles even woke up when Jarvis spoke gaining everyone's attention.

"It seems like Stiles is in distress."

"Is he having a nightmare?" Bucky asks, walking towerd elevator. Maybe Stiles fall asleep again.

"He seems to be angry. He punched punched the wall and threw some things around his room."

This mare everyone ran towerd elevator with Bucky.

"He's screaming!" Issac said, with wide eyes using his super hearing. He was looking at ceiling of elevator where their floor is.

When elevator door opened they all hear something being thrown on the wall and blood freezing screaming of Stiles. He was screaming in rage.

Tony was first to reach the room he opened the door to see Stiles sliding down with support of wall. His face was red by screaming and wet with tears. His body was shaking violently.

As soon as Stiles's eyes fall on Tony he sobbed.

"He did it.....he did it to me and her." Stiles whimpered.

Tony might have frozen in his tracks becouse Bucky and Issac ran past him. He also did the same amd crouches down in front of Stiles with both.

"Oh god! Stiles what happened?" Tony exclaims, hugging Stiles, he didn't answer but he can feel him relaxing in his arms.

"It was Scott." Stiles mutters, from Tony's chest. Tony just holds him closer as if trying to stop Stiles's trembling. He have no idea what Stiles was saying like others but that chocked noise Bucky and Issac made says that they know. Both were thinking how Stiles risked that chance but stayed shut becouse Stiles was fine and they don't want to panic others.

Tony was holding Stiles with wide eyes with confusion and worry. Stiles  was crying uncontrollably, it was like if Tony let him go he will fall apart. It took more time then it should for Stiles's sobs to turn into hiccups.

"He did it....when?" Bucky asks, shocked. Stiles was mostly calm now but Issac can sence how he was angrier then he ever seen him.

Stiles glances up at everyone. He wants to tell them too, becouse he don't want to do that twice.

"Bucky saw claw marks on my neck last week." Stiles says, in small but strong voice. It took everyone a minute but it clicked to them that what that means, and Stiles looked down not wanting to see their terrified faces. He hates how his problems makes them worried or scared but it also make him glad he have people who truly love him.

"Scott did that...when?" Issac asks, same question as Bucky. Issac was looking pale just by the idea. Phil was ready to call Fury, so he can ask him to bring Scott inn.

"Do you remember.... we took a one day break after Alpha pack..... to get our heads off from all the side effects of sacrifice...and Scott, Alli and I stayed at pool in night?" Stiles asks, Issac nods without thinking. He remembered that day, it's not like they did that often.

"I didn't." Issac's breathing picked up at that. He was with Stiles when Scott did this and he never found out, but why would he do that. Stiles speaks before him or anyone can ask.

"Me and Alli." Isaac pales at her name, it happening with with Stiles was bad enough not her too. "We found what that ring means.....I was going to call a pack meeting to tell you all, and decide what to do. Allison was with me....she even slapped him. She was so angry and I was feeling betrayed. But when we were about to go h- he attacked from behind. Both me and Allison didn't even remember we were at pool in the night." Stiles was sobbing at end. He don't know how Scott got rid of wounds when they woke up but he thinks maybe Deaton is involved somewhere.

Everyone looks more heartbroken then angry. Stiles could have got out of that place way before but Scott forced him to stay and kept using him. Everytime that find something like that they feel guilty for something none of them were in control of stopping.

This time none of them are going to stop another from doing anything. Issac stood and storms out of the room. Natasha, Bruce and Sam went after him after Steve told them that they're with Stiles.

Phil went to call Fury for Scott location. They are not waiting this time.

"What you want Stiles?" Tony asks, suprisingly wanting to know what Stiles wants to do despite how furious he is.

Stiles stayed silent for long moment. Finally Stiles looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

I want pay for what he did." Stiles said, his voice braking. Tony nods with determination in his eyes. He hugs Stiles once more tightly before shifting, so now Bucky was in his place.

Tony was then hugged by Pepper, she know how hard knowing this is for him too.

"Fury will bring him here then then you will decide what you want to do with him." Bucky says, he don't know how to feel right now. He wasn't ready for that like everyone else.

"Does he know?" Stiles asks, Bucky was glad that Stiles was calm enough to think about other things. He decides to tell Stiles about them telling Fury everything and Deaton being in Custody, so Stiles can feel better.

"Issac told him everything about Beacon Hills, so we can know what's going on there. Today we were in headquarters to interrogate Deaton before we came to school." He said, Stiles listened to him while looking at his face and just nods after that. Clint came and sit with them, making Stiles look at him.

"Today he called and told that he arrested someone from Mexico. Were not letting even one person who hurt you go, mischief." Clint says, running a hand through Stiles hair, Stiles leaned into his touch.

"I want to talk to Deaton tomorrow. " Stiles says, wiping his face.

"Are you sure?" Clint and Tony asks, at same time.

"I want to talk to him before seeing who Fury arrested. I want to get my mind off from the fact that my Ex best friend can go soo down for Power, that he played with not only mine but Allison, the girl he claimed to love. I will not let him go this time, he will see how I can be." Stiles said, breathing heavily, with anger.

No one is going to stop him from doing anything if anything they will join him. It's his choice to make. He the one who went through all that and he needs to get his anger out. That will be the best way for him to move on from them.

"Promise me you'll hurt him.... badly." Issac said, from door with Natasha behind her nodding her head. Stiles chuckles dryly.

"He won't understand what heppend with him." Stiles mutters, everyone want to know what he wants to do but they didn't asks. Phil comes back then with angry look on his face.

"Whole pack is gone from Beacon Hills. Fury's agents lost their tracks after this morning, but they are sure they took a plane and are right now behind them."

"They're coming here." Tony said, simply.

"Good." Stiles and Issac said looking at eachother. A reunion is exactly what they want.

Bruce brought something from med bay to treat Stiles's hand, which he bruised badly. Bucky picked him up from ground and lied on bed. He was going to sit somewhere else while Bruce do his work but Stiles didn't let go of his hand.

He adjusted himself behind Stiles and wrapped his arms and legs around his body. Natasha came and set in same way with Issac on other side of bed. Tony and Pepper both settled themselves on a couch in other side of room. Phil and Clint took another couch, luckily Stiles's room is big enough for all of them and They're not going to leave tonight.

Steve, Sam and Thor decided to take Stiles's floors living room for night. Bruce dragged a chair beside bed and started looking at Stiles's hand. He had some small cuts on his knuckles, so Bruce cleaned and wrapped some bandage around it. Issac ha one hand on his knee to take some pain, he ignored Stiles's protest. After Bruce was done he went and sat with Natasha, rubbing her shoulder.

"Bucky." Stiles whispers.

"Yes Stiles." Bucky whispers back, running a hand through his hair. Stiles took a long moment to decide if he should ask this, he did eventually.

"Can you maybe..... sing?" He asks, Bucky smiled sadly and kissed his temple.

Tony was bieng held by Pepper becouse he was two seconds away from crying. He was questioning everything about himself since he found Stiles is his son, he's thinking he failed his kid by not finding him sooner and letting him go through hell. Pepper know all of that and she's trying everything to stop him from thinking like that.

Bucky started to slowly hum will rocking Stiles back and forth. Room was silent and everyone was listening to him, they never heard him sing, they didn't even knew he can.

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light

Bucky gentle wiped the tear from Stiles's face. Bucky feels glad he found Stiles before Stiles can completely break and loose that light inside him. Natasha hugged Issac closer and buried her face in Bruce's chest.

Steve heard Bucky's voice and he almost cried but becouse of happiness. Sam and Thor looks at him with frown.

"It's Bucky, right? I never knew he can sing." Sam asks.

"He used to...before war. I never heard him sing after that, I thought he lost that part of him." Steve told him sadly.

Thor also felt emotional, he remembered how his mother used to sing like that for him and Loki. They were young and innocent. It's painful how him and Loki are now. He wishes he can bring those times back.

I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

Stiles, Issac and Tony all closed their eyes. Natasha and Pepper also started to hum with Bucky. Whole floor was in silence except slow singing by them. None of them knew it can relax them so easily.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Stiles trusted every word Bucky said. He truly felt safe with him and everyone around him. He can close his eyes to sleep without fear with them, knowing that he's safe and they'll be here to protect him from others and his own mind.

Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone, gone

Phil wipes a tear from his face. No matter how much he tries he can't save Stiles from all this now. He wishes he have gone back to Beacon Hills to see if his nephew was ok, but he stayed here and completely thrusted Noah with Stiles.

Clint looks at his face and he knew what Phil is thinking, he didn't try to convince him like always but just leans forward and kisses him to distract from his self loathing thought, which works.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Tony wishes he could have said those things to his boy when he was younger. And have done everything to save him from the pain he's going through. He wishes he had stopped Claudia from going and had found about his son.

"He's fine Tony, don't beat yourself over it now." Pepper whispers in his ear.

"He wasn't for long time...and I wasn't there for him." Tony shakes his head. Pepper couldn't say anything to that, she needs to find another way to show Tony that it's not his fault in any way.

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Bucky smiles when he saw Stiles was asleep, he glances at his side to see Issac and Natasha too. Issac was holding Stiles's hand even in sleep, Bucky knew it was some pack thing and Issac's wolf needs to to reassure Stiles was completely fine that way.

Bruce reached and pulls blanket over them. Bucky also closed his eyes and fall asleep like everyone else.

He's not ready for tomorrow and wishes this night will never end, so all of them can stay like this, safe and sound in eachothers arms hold.

He know a storm is on it's way and he know only one thing, he will protect Stiles at any cost.


Sneak peek for next chapter

"Jump out of the front exit with Lydia, it's water. I'm coming behind with others." Chris told Liam and Lydia.

"We're not going without you." Liam shook his head and one more gunshot made him almost jump.

"Took that parachute and jump, don't leave her hand. Go!" Chris orders and both nod, shaking.

After Theo saw both jump. He got furious.

"Don't ruin my plan!" He growled.

But Chris ignored him completely.

"Scott! try and come here with both, we need to jump!" Chris shouts, trying to stay hidden from Theo's view.

"We're trying!" Kira shouts, back. They've been trying to do that but Theo is firing, whenever he sees any of them and they're sure he also have wolfsbane laced bullets.


I know I'm a horrible person to disappear like that for so long but last month was like a blur to me, I don't even know where my time went becouse so many things are happening in my life right now.

This chapter is not much but story is going to take some serious turns, so don't be surprise if you feel like everything changed with only five or six chapters, also and there is some action in upcoming chapters just wait for it.

Your wait will be worth, hopefully.

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