The Boy Who Lived

By drarrycuddles

106K 7.6K 1.3K

A Drarry Story and a 'soulmate' story. Set in an AU in which Minerva rescues Harry from the Dursley's after b... More

Author's Note
Part One
That lot...
Just Harry
Meeting Draco Malfoy
Brewing Trouble
The Worst Birthday
Life is Never Simple
Aunt Marge's Big Mistake
Marauders at Large
Dementors, Boggarts, and other Monsters...
Haunted Snowballs and Full Moons
Sometimes this Place Breeds Trouble
The Triwizard Tournament
He's Come Back!
Order and Rules
Dictatorship and its Downfall
Houses and Homes
The Incident
The Malfoy Mask
A Cautious Allegiance
Unexpected Guests at the Manor
A Spontaneous Assembly
The Final Battle
Immediate Aftermath
The Wizard Courts
The Muggle Courts
Part 2
April Fools
A Little Bit of Parseltongue
Teddy Training
Hagrid Again
The Boy Who Lived Twice
'The Closet Clam'
Breath of Life
A Brief Curiosity Unfolds
Reasons for Rogue Magic
A Suspicious Bargain
Stupid Bloody Letter
Who do you Trust?
A Day of Errant Magic
Madame Gide Again
Life Never Goes to Plan
Chudley Cannon's Star Keeper
Operation Triple-F
Tears of Laughter, Tears of Pain
Gaining Approval
Time to go Home
Part 3
House-Elves and Stuff
I'd Like to Stay...
This is Dangerous...
With Immediate Effect
Appeasing House-Elves
Two Experiments
Not Going "Boom!"
Emergency Meeting!
The Gamekeeper and the Librarian
An Ancient and Noble Bloodline
Great-Grandfather Henry
Godric Gryffindor
The Portrait Artist
Behold! The House of Potter
Acceptance and Hope
The Orange Place
A Syllabus of Curses
The Goddess Minerva
A Coven of Witches
Calling In Unannounced
The Skin of One's Teeth
The Sword
Appeasing the Ancestors
That Lot!
The Ceremony, of sorts, and some news

Who's Who, According to Luna Lovegood

1.6K 108 46
By drarrycuddles

There were copious amounts of photographs taken and the groomsmen held Hermione like she was the bride. Then they held Draco like he was the bride. And then they held Luna like that too until Narcissa saw and had a fit because of the babies.

The photographer still managed to capture it.

It was about that time that Ron made another announcement, asking everyone to make their way down to the Quidditch stands in the park because the game would kick off in about ten minutes while they prepared the hall for the wedding breakfast. Ron had discarded his waistcoat but still wore his long petrol-blue robe, now padded with his goalkeeper attire.

'What's Quidditch?' Petunia whispered to Jean Granger.

Minerva said, 'I shall explain it all to you when we've taken our seats but it's a wizarding game, sort of like La Crosse but played on broomsticks and played without the sticks, and with more balls... actually, it's nothing like La Crosse.'

Ronica hid her smile as she strapped Daisy into the carrier on Dudley's chest having used the opportunity of the photographs to feed and change her.

Minerva and Harry had spent the previous afternoon transfiguring stands on the edge of the pitch, enough to seat all the guests and have a commentator's box. Lee Jordan had, as promised, agreed to commentate and Luna was sitting beside him, much to Minerva's despair.

Heating charms were set up all around the bleachers and she noticed Ronica gasp in appreciation. It was, after all, December, and despite the sun coming out for them, it was still cold.

Beneath them was a temporary changing room.

Rolanda Hooch, who had been invited by Harry as one of the members of staff from Hogwarts with whom Harry felt a long affiliation, had agreed to referee and she was the first to stride into the middle of the pitch holding her broomstick. There was great applause, especially from those who Rolanda had taught at Hogwarts.

'Oh!' Minerva exclaimed, suddenly appreciating Harry's and Draco's cleverness in the planning. Draco had walked out onto the pitch, still in his blue wedding coat but suddenly, with his tall boots, his arm bracers, and leather gloves, the robe looked like remarkably fancy Quidditch robes. Draco was followed by Bill, Blaise, Theo, Oliver, Hannah, and Ron, all in their petrol-blue robes. Hannah had been wearing a large netted black skirt under her full-skirted blue coat but now she was in sports leggings. Their robes may have been slightly different styles but were in clear team colours.

Harry followed onto the pitch with his team of Ginny, Mara, Charlie, George, Angelina, and Alex. Harry's team had discarded the more dominant petrol-blue aspects of their outfits and were practically all in black.

The air already prickled with the competition as Harry and Draco faced each other on each side of Rolanda, holding their brooms, hands reaching out to shake.

'Oh my!' said Rosamund Robards, thinking back to the summer match.

'Yes!' said Gawain. 'I think we're in for a treat.'

'What's happening?' said Ronica.

'There's seven players in each team. A goal keeper, so we have Ron in Draco's team and Alex on Harry's. Three chasers: Ginny, Mara, and Charlie against Bill, Blaise, and Oliver. Their aim is to get the Quaffle ball through one of the goalhoops,' she pointed to the high round hoops at each end of the pitch. 'Ten points a goal. But to add to the fun, players of both teams are attacked indiscriminately by the two Bludger balls. The roles of the two Beaters, George and Angelina, and Theo and Hannah are to use their bats to defend their own team members and hit two Bludgers at opposing team...'

'Is it dangerous?' Petunia asked.

'Well...' Minerva hesitated, 'Poppy's here and there are a number of Healers from St Mungo's amongst the guests so we should be alright. The Bludgers can bruise a bit if they hit home. But, in general, it's quite safe... actually... once a cursed Bludger broke Harry's arm, which resulted in him having to regrow all the bones overnight but that was really the fault of that useless peacock, Lockhart,' Minerva conceded. 'And once, during a team practice Harry's skull was fractured and he was knocked unconscious. Oh, and once Harry fainted and fell from his broomstick like a dead weight. Oh yes, and he almost choked on a Snitch during his first match. But that's just Harry and no one's ever died from playing Quidditch...'

'...apart from that referee...' said Kingsley.

'Yes, Cyprian Youdle,' said Gawain. 'I remember that. It might have been a curse, still never got to the bottom of it but that was a friendly so it was rather odd circumstances.'

Petunia had gone white.

'What's a Snitch?' asked Dudley hurriedly.

'Ah, the Golden Snitch. As well as captains, Harry and Draco are both Seekers, their job is to find and catch the Golden Snitch, a small... oh...'

Rolanda's voice carried from across the pitch. 'If you don't mind a slight delay, I'd just like to use this opportunity to give Harry and Draco their wedding gift from me...'

She presented them a small box.

Minerva conjured a large magnifying glass from a leaf. 'Oh,' she said. 'Very good, Rolanda. It's a Bowman Wright box. They're the top manufacturer of Golden Snitches. Produce them for all the professional matches. Oh, the box says Bonnie Teague, she's their top metal charmer. That is special. Look, can you see they're being very careful not to touch it. The Snitch has a Flash Memory, so they remember the touch of the first person to handle it, in case of disputed capture. They can't be handled directly. 150 points are awarded to the team whose Seeker catches the Golden Snitch so even if one team is 140 points up, the other team can still win. The interesting thing about Harry and Draco is their rivalry has always been legendary, on and off the pitch. On the pitch, well, I admit they're very evenly matched, though I've always favoured Harry, naturally.'

'Lucius said Draco's first foray into Quidditch at Hogwarts wasn't successful. Actually, Lucius came home ranting a lot because he'd forked out for all those broomsticks. But that man could be rather overdramatic at times so I took it with a pinch of salt.'

'Well, yes, that match was fairly disastrous for Draco but I think he was distracted by his competition with Harry and forgot to look for the Snitch, which happened to be right beside his head. He definitely improved as the years went on. Either of them could have tried out for the Professional teams. Ah, look! They're off.'

The teams had taken to the sky and were circling higher just as Rolanda released the balls and chased after them.

'Are we safe?' Petunia flinched as a Bludger was almost immediate hit directly towards the spectators by George. It curved away.

'The balls are enchanted to stay within the boundaries of the pitch.'

'They're very high up,' said Dudley quietly.

'The Seekers tend to hover high, keeping out of the way and searching for the Snitch - it has disappeared for the moment.'

'I didn't think I'd actually get to see witches flying on broomsticks,' said Ronica, earning a disapproving look from some of those around her.

'Bloody Muggles,' snorted Gawain with a laugh. 'I blame Shakespeare for putting ludicrous sexist ideas into people's heads.'

'Actually,' said Hermione, 'the first portrayal of a witch on a broomstick was from an illustration for French Poet, Martin Le Franc's manuscript Le Champion des Dames in 1451.'

'How do you even know this stuff? Why do you even know this stuff?' said Minerva but she didn't listen for an answer because Ginny and Charlie were working with years of expert precision against Ron. This time, Harry's team stood a greater chance. Though Oliver quickly caught the Quaffle and was striking it home straight past Alex.

The score quickly grew to 60-30 to Draco's team.

'Ah, that's Bill Weasley who's caught the Quaffle from Mara,' came a dreamy voice resounded around the grounds. 'For those of you who don't know. Bill is the oldest of the Weasley children, probably a bit old to be playing Quidditch now. Ginny is the youngest and only daughter in the family. She's the second professional Quidditch player of her siblings alongside Ronald who retired this summer. Ginny currently plays for the Holyhead Harpies, though rumour is that she's been scouted for the England team. I do like her, she's very nice. It's noticeable that Blaise Zabini also likes her. Probably something to do with the leather... though Pansy told me he's always thought she was very attractive. Couldn't say anything at school because things like that were so difficult... but its clear Blaise has very discerning taste...'

'...and Charlie's straight back at his older brother,' jumped in Lee. 'By the way, Bill's only thirty-two, so we don't need to write him off yet...'

'Oh look,' said Luna. 'Hannah... she found out for definite in the seventh year that she's Neville's soulmate, although they're not married yet... she's hit the Bludger straight at Charlie. That might have hurt a lesser person but I'm sure it was nothing compared to the dragons he works with.'

'Goodness, who let Luna commentate?' asked Narcissa.

'Harry. I think it was his idea of entertainment. Poor Neville, he's redder than a fanged geranium,' said Minerva.

There was a general tittering of laughter.

'Minerva, do you let the students get away with that sort of thing under your duty of care?' exclaimed Kingsley. 'Do I need to set up an investigation into the hot-bed of immoral activity at Hogwarts?'

'That was when Severus was Headmaster,' said Minerva. 'Though, I doubt anything has changed from back in the days when you shared a dorm room with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. I'm sure you understand that there's very little anyone can do about it. As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way... I understand the Astronomy Tower is still a popular destination for lover's trysts. I leave that for Mr Filch to patrol, my knees can't possibly cope with all those stairs...'

Kingsley roared with laughter.

When things had quietened slightly, Dudley asked, 'are there actually real dragons?'

'Yes, whole hidden reserves for them. Very few wild ones these days, so you don't need to worry... much...' said Minerva.

'And Mara, Ginny and Charlie's teamwork has got the Quaffle past Ron again. It's a long time since Ron's let such a succession of Quaffles get past him...' said Lee.

'I wonder what the Cannon's agent would say to that?' said Luna. 'Or even Ron's new employer. Ronald, your boss is watching, you need to try harder...'

There was a ripple of laughter as Ron shouted, 'I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER!'

'Oh no, Ronald. I'm carrying the next two members of the Malfoy-Potter family, I can't possibly get on a broomstick...'

'Well, I'm certainly learning who people are and how they're connected,' said Ronica.

'And it looks like Harry has already spotted the Snitch...' interrupted Lee. 'Oh no, Theo has knocked a Bludger his way and he's lost it again... Meanwhile, Oliver has taken the opportunity to snatch the Quaffle from right under Charlie's nose...'

'I suppose Draco didn't see the Snitch because he was too busy daydreaming about his husband of less than a few hours,' said Luna happily. 'He had that faraway look on his face he sometimes gets when he's watching Harry and simply forgets about everyone else... It reminds me of being back at school...'

'HARRY!' bellowed Draco, clearly bright pink from embarrassment. 'LUNA WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA!'

'BOO! DRACO! BOO!' shouted Pansy from the spectator seats and everyone joined in.

'Oh!' said Luna, 'the spectators have turned on the Seeker in blue. That's not very nice, it is, after all, his wedding day...'

'LUNA! LUNA!' came the chant from the stands.

Harry had let go of his broom to hold his sides because he was laughing so much. Even the other players were distracted by the spectators.

'Wow...' said Lee, clearly trying to regain control of the commentary and draw attention back to the game. 'What a save by Alex! Superbly done! Ginny has control of the Quaffle again, weaving easily past Blaise and Hannah...'

'If anyone is interested,' said Luna dreamily. 'Alex Hartley is an Auror in Harry's department. Aged twenty-four. Currently single and looking for love. Though I'm not sure why he doesn't just ask Mara out as they're clearly very suited to each other and are probably soulmates. I know it goes against Department policy for Aurors to date each other but I'm sure Head-Auror Robards would make an exception in this instant...'

'...And Blaise has got the Quaffle straight past Alex because he was distracted... I wonder why?'

'Maybe he saw a Nargle, it is, after all, the right season...'

'And it appears both the Seekers are in flight together, look at them go! They may be married now but the competition hasn't diminished. They're neck and neck, a look of determination on Draco's face. Either Seeker catching the Snitch will secure the game for their teams... It looks like Draco's got the edge...'

'Oh, Ginny got another goal past Ron...'

'That's 80 points each... look at them fly... the Snitch has made a sudden dive and both Seekers go with it...'

'For anyone who didn't know, the first Snitch used in a game of Quidditch was actually a little magical bird called a Golden Snidget. It was released during a game in 1269 by Barberus Bragge who offered a reward of 150 Galleons to the player who caught it. The Snidgets became endangered plus it was rather cruel and barbaric, hence the replacement with the Snitch...' Luna carried on happily, unaware that even the players had stopped to watch as the Snitch dropped towards the grass, followed by Harry and Draco who pelted after it. 'I have started a breeding programmed here at Beaumont and if anyone is interested, I'll give a tour after the Wedding Breakfast...'

'LUNA!' yelled Lee.

There was a gasp as Draco pulled up but Harry kept going, heading straight for the grass with hand outstretched.

'HE'S DONE IT AGAIN!' screeched Lee in excitement. 'We know Potter had mastered that Wronski Feint, we know he did it with a bloody dragon on his tail at fourteen, but that was amazing... What's Potter doing now?'

'It's Malfoy-Potter. And he's going to kiss his husband, of course,' said Luna. 'Well, that was exciting. Is it time for food?'

There was laughter and cheering as the teams descended back to the ground.

Harry walked back to the hall, hand in hand with Draco, a beam stretched across his face. Even Draco couldn't find it in his heart to be cross with him for his foolhardy flying and catching the Snitch first, especially as those crinkles around his sparkling emerald eyes seemed fixed in place today.

'Happy?' Draco teased.

'Ecstatic...' grinned Harry, pulling Draco around for another kiss, wrapping his arms around Draco waist and pulling him flush against his body. 'I can't get enough of you. Can we disappear upstairs for a quick shower...?' he lifted an eyebrow cheekily.

'You know we can't, you brute. I told you, Scourify will have to suffice for now...'

Harry grimaced.

'I know. Perhaps it wasn't the best of ideas to play in our wedding robes,' said Draco.

'Mum said it was very clever. And everyone was delighted by Luna's commentary because they now know who everyone is...'

'I'll forgive you.'

'Are you happy, Draco? Is your day okay? I'm sorry I ruined the wedding march...'

'It was still beautiful. And more memorable for your antics. And no one will be able to forget Teddy or Hercules stealing the limelight. And everyone fell in love with Victoire. The hall is looking beautiful. It was perfect.'

'Come up to the gallery with me, I need to show you the latest addition.' He tugged on Draco's hand and led him up the spiral staircase to the gallery where they stopped in front of one of two non-moving images amongst the portraits. 'They're my grandparents on my mother's side. Petunia gave it to us as a wedding gift.'

Draco smiled and leaned against Harry's chest; Harry's arms wrapped around him as they looked at the ancestors. Even Lucius was amongst them. They had finally decided he should be included, despite the pain of the past. He'd been added under strict instructions to behave, unfortunately that proved an impossibility for Lucius and after one snide comment too many, he'd been permanently turned into a Muggle portrait. He was captured in a perfect pose of horror and disgust but his pride had meant he refused to back down, so there he remained, still and unmoving and powerless. Draco suggested it was the perfect punishment.

Lily Potter was beckoning over her son, 'Congratulations, you two. I'm sorry we couldn't see the match; I hear it was most entertaining.' They smiled and Harry was about to speak when she interrupted. 'Would you mind, Draco, if I just have a private word with Harry?'

Draco stepped away, waiting at a polite distance and quietly conversing with Severus, though he kept glancing over. He couldn't help noticing that the other portraits had turned away and were discreetly talking amongst themselves.

'Darling,' said Lily. 'I'm sure you won't appreciate this coming from me on your wedding day. But your situation calls for a small discussion about...'

Harry pushed his glasses up his nose to disguise his blushing, 'please, mum... you don't need to explain anything to me about that...'

'You misunderstand me. I know you know what you're doing, this is more relevant to Ancestral Magic and completing the connection between the two of you so the Soulmate Ritual is fulfilled. You need to... erm... Sirius informs me the word is switch...'

Harry's blush grew until it burned his cheeks. 'Mum!' he whispered, mortified. Though he shot a look of daggers at Sirius who was nonchalantly studying the ceiling.

'Sorry, darling. But this is important. You need to demonstrate your trust and the equality in your relationship. This is about promising yourself to Draco as much as he has given himself to you. It is the final step in forging the connection between the ancient names... this is now the most Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy-Potter, and you know that umbrella includes the Blacks, the Fleamonts, the Peverells, the Rosses, the Urquarts, the Gryffindors, the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws, the Princes. It is the way the houses can start afresh and rebuild themselves, in equality and trust...'

'...okay, I get it. Can we stop talking about this now?'

'Sorry, darling.' Lily smiled at him, somewhat sadly. 'I wish I could have been here in person. It's been beautiful. The ceremony was lovely. I would love to give you a hug. You're a wonderful young man.' Her emerald-green eyes gazed upon him fondly. 'Minerva has done James and I proud...'

Draco had joined Harry and slipped his arm around Harry's waist. 'Hello, Lily, sorry to interrupt.'

'Draco, my love, first of all, welcome to the family. Second of all, don't worry, this is your day but there are still procedures to adhere to.'

'Yes. They're all seated and await our grand entrance.'


'Off you go, boys. Enjoy the rest of your day. And don't forget, Harry.'

'I'm hardly going to forget, mum. We'll talk again soon.'

'Bye, darling.'

'What aren't you going to forget?' Draco asked as he took Harry's hand. They made their way down the stairs to the hall where a top table and round tables had been set up.

'Later...' Harry muttered, still considering his mother's words. It would be a big step for him; to relinquish his control in such a way. It wasn't that Harry didn't trust Draco. He trusted Draco with his life. But for all his talk about mutual participation; for Harry, there was always a distinct preference for him to be the one bringing pleasure to the other person. He wondered if he really had the strength to let go so completely and to give himself so utterly to Draco. He had, he knew, always fought against surrendering that final bit of control in any aspect of his life. Even in death. He also knew it stemmed back to that day when Vernon had made him feel so hopelessly vulnerable and afraid. He understood, for all the trauma back then, that was why he held such determination in defeating Voldemort, he refused to be curbed by such a man. Even when submitting to his own death-he was in control and it was on his terms. It was also why he could never bow down to Dark Magic, which would require his soul-he could never abandon himself completely.

'I love you,' he suddenly said, pulling Draco to a halt.

Draco looked at him quizzically.

Harry shrugged, 'just making sure you know.'

'I know. I love you too.'

Harry kissed Draco fervently, putting every emotion he could into his kiss.

As they walked through the hall between the tables, George Michael's Outside was playing and Draco was smirking happily to himself.

'I don't remember agreeing to this song, I thought we chose Mary J Blige for a reason,' muttered Harry in Draco's ear as they greeted their guests.

'We'll dance to No more Drama later. It's too suitable for us not to,' Draco whispered.

'Explain...' said Harry, squeezing Draco's hand.

They reached the table where Dean and Seamus were sitting.

'Is this for us, Harry?' Dean joked.

Harry suddenly blanched remembering a conversation in Brighton not so many months ago.

'Oh course, darling,' drawled Draco, his eyes twinkling. 'Just to make it very clear that, despite my initial resistance, Harry has definitely dragged me kicking and screaming through Narnia and out of the closet.'

Dean and Seamus burst out laughing and Harry shook his head in amusement.

'How did you find out about that?' muttered Harry as they sat down.

'I have my sources,' smirked Draco evilly.

Harry suspected Teddy. Or Mione.

It was a lot later when they eventually made it up to their room: after the breakfast, and Hermione's clever and funny speech, and Hagrid's brief emotional speech for Draco, and Harry's vote of thanks on behalf of him and Draco. After an afternoon walk with Hercules which was led by Luna to see the Golden Snidgets, and then more food, and lots of dancing (which Draco carefully led Harry through, having made him practice for weeks before the wedding).

Harry carefully unbuttoned Draco's robe. His own had long since been discarded; the formality of it all quickly becoming too much for him. And because, in true military etiquette, his fellow Aurors were only permitted to 'dress down' and relax only once Harry had taken off his dress-robe at the top table, he used that as an excuse as soon as the speeches were done. Ossy had immediately whisked Harry's dress-coat upstairs, mostly because of the medals. Ossy was always most anxious about Harry's precious military medals, especially the ones presented by the Queen of England immediately after the war. Harry wasn't sure he was so fussed but he let it slide that Ossy had moved the glass cabinet that had once displayed the Hallows back to the gallery and the medals were on permanent display in it.

When he pushed Draco's shirt from his shoulders, Harry pulled him towards their bed so they both tumbled into it together.

'Draco,' he said quietly as he kissed along his angular jaw. 'I want to bottom tonight...'

Draco gripped his shoulders, pushing Harry off him slightly. 'Really?'


Draco visibly gulped. 'Oh, okay...'

Harry smiled.

'You trust me?' Draco whispered.


So, Draco rolled Harry onto his back, pushing his arms above his head. 'Oh, I am so in charge now, Potter,' he grinned as he summoned the lube.

'That's Malfoy-Potter to you...'

As punishment for his cheek, Draco kissed him into silence.

'Cast the spells, Malfoy-Potter,' Draco murmured as his kissed along Harry's jaw, enjoying the roughness of his day-old stubble against his lips and grinding down on Harry.

'Nrghhh!' Harry moaned and he cast the spells, shivering at strange feeling that swept through him.

But Draco felt Harry tense as he ran his hand over Harry's arse and between his cheeks. He stopped. 'I think you're not quite relaxed with this... Is this what your mother was talking to you about?'


'You don't have to. I like bottoming.'

'I want to give myself to you and we need to complete the Soulmate Bond this way...' Harry whispered.

'But you can't quite cope with relinquishing complete control yet?' Draco whispered.

'I want to...' Harry murmured.

'But...?' Draco said softly. '...I understand. You never do completely let go. I can guess why too, H. The nearest we got was when you trashed our room. You give to everyone else, even when you top. Let me give to you, trust me to love you, trust me enough to finally let go, Harry...'

Harry nodded, clearly uncomfortable.

Draco smile, 'it's okay, we don't have to go through with this tonight. Another time, when you're ready. Relax for now and let me offer you pleasure in another way; you tell me what you want as we go along.'

Draco began to kiss down Harry's body and he felt Harry slowly begin to relax. He let his hands linger in safe spaces or find the spots where he knew Harry would shudder and react to his touch. He was careful not to bring Harry to that edge, knowing that he was giving Harry the option to change his mind one way or another at any time. But when Harry began to beg Draco for more, his fingers slowly exploring those parts of Harry's body he'd not yet fully gone to because he didn't quite trust himself although Harry had taken him through the steps time and time again since they first came to Beaumont.

'I want more,' whispered Harry. 'I want all of you,' he said. But when Draco crawled back up to kiss him, he felt Harry tense again.

He rolled them both back over so he was under Harry.

'Take control of this bit, I don't want to hurt you...'

'But you realise that if I'm in control that's not me showing you trust? It's still on my terms,' Harry said as he watched Draco, but Draco could tell the idea sat easier with him for his eyes were as dark as wild forests with lust.

'Do this, at your pace. It's what I want right now, Harry. I don't need you vulnerable to my whims,' Draco said softly

He could barely stop his eyes rolling back into his head as Harry slowly eased himself onto him. He had to stop himself from thrusting upwards when Harry stopped, allowing himself time to adjust.

'Do you want me vulnerable to your whims?' Harry asked, slowly easing down further.

Draco's eyes fluttered shut with moan. 'At this precise moment, I don't care...' he drawled. 'But one day, O Great and Powerful Harry 'Chosen One' Potter, I'll have you crawling across the floors to me on your knees, begging me... FUCK!'

Harry had lifted slightly and slammed back down on to him.

'Roll back over,' Harry gasped, pulling Draco with him. 'Take control...'

Draco smirked, 'that didn't take long!'

Draco loved seeing all the tension fall away from Harry as he let go. He almost lost track in what he was doing, in what he was experiencing as he saw Harry come so undone beneath him, especially when he suddenly found that sweet spot.

And he understood finally. He remembered Harry saying to him all that time ago during puppy training classes about how sex was more than an act of animalistic gratification and how the true pleasure came from seeing someone have the strength to allow themselves to become vulnerable with another person and truly let go; that shared experience and mutual understanding of pleasure. Draco lost himself in seeing Harry beneath him, finally free and letting go and he gasped and stilled as the light of their bonding wove around them, pulling at his very core and binding him to Harry. It wasn't as extraordinarily intense or shocking as that first time, maybe because he was looking for it or more used to it. But it was extraordinarily special because it was reaffirming and reinforcing what they had together. The magic wrapped around them and enveloped them wholly. It was tender and meaningful, more so than any previous time because now they had given themselves to each other gently, wholly, lovingly, and determinedly with everything.

The difference was this time he felt the magic lodge in a small space just behind his heart.

It made Draco feel giddy with love for the wonderful man he was with and he wondered how he could have felt any different about Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived. Perhaps he'd always known, even at eleven in Madame Malkin's when he desperately wanted to impress the messy raven-haired boy. It was just their journey had been disrupted by so many others and their machinations for power over others. Surely, thought Draco, there is no greater power than this; their combined love which would carry them into their future together.

Afterwards, as they lay facing each other, Harry whispered, 'I feel complete.'

'Me too,' said Draco.


The End

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