It All Started With a Crush|g...

By cherrycadbury

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"๐™„ ๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ค๐™จ๐™š ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช. ๐™๐™ค๐™™๐™–๐™ฎ, ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ข๐™ค๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ฌ, ๐™ฎ๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐™™๐™–๐™ฎ, ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™™๐™–๐™ฎ." Start Date: 19t... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 6

250 6 0
By cherrycadbury

Not much to say other than please do vote and comment! If you don't want to, that's fine too, I'm okay with the reads:) I hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope you're having a fab day<3

Shanaya's POV:

"I'm so sorry. I was distracted, I didn't mean to bump into you." The man spoke rapidly.

 "Oh my god I literally love you so much." I uttered with my eyes widening.

 The man's look of apology turned into a smile. 

 "You're Shanaya! Shayan's sister right?" The main clarified.

 "Oh my god he knows my name."  I thought to myself. 

 I nodded, "Yeah I am. Call me Naya though."

 "Oh okay Naya! I'm Christian." He introduced.

 "I know! I'm a huge, huge fan. Even though I don't really like Chelsea that much, I love you so much. I'm a fan, I'll just leave it there." I rambled. 

 "You're nervous aren't you?" He asked.

 "How could you tell?" I responded with confusion.

 "The whole team watched you on James Corden a few weeks ago. Most of us got a pretty good idea of what you're like now." He answered.

 "Right. That. I totally didn't forget about that life scarring event. Thanks a lot Christian." I mumbled.

 Christian laughed, "Anyways, I gotta get back to practise. If you ever wanna play FIFA or make fun of the other guys, my door's always open." 

 I beamed, "I'll keep that in mind. I'll see you later Christian." 

  I sighed with a merry smile and walked over to Shayan who witnessed the whole interaction. He acted like he was busy putting on his football boots. 

 "How'd it go?" He asked.

 "Christian Pulisic is like the coolest guy ever. My life is officially complete." I stated.

 "I figured you'd get along with him. You guys are pretty similar. Both of you appear kind of extroverted, but y'all are really big introverts." Shayan revealed.

 I just nodded, still amazed that I'd met Captain America. It was insane because Shayan, my father, and I had been following him since his Dortmund days. Shayan had always been a huge fan, even a bigger one than myself.

 "Hey Shayan. How'd you act when you met Christian Pulisic?" I questioned.

 Shayan just shook his head and looked down, "Let's just say it went ten times worse than you meeting him. But we're good friends now, so it's all good." 

 "Okay. Sooo what do I do now?" I asked, hoping I could do something other than hang on the side of the pitch.

 "Go up in the stands and talk to the guests of the other players. Some of them have been dying to meet you." Shayan ordered.

 "So I'll be talking to people and watching you guys scrimmage and do drills or whatever?" I queried.

 Shayan nodded quickly before jogging out onto the pitch.

   "That's just great." I whispered to myself.

 Don't get me wrong, I loved watching football, but scrimmages and drills during practise just bored the hell out of me. Oh well, maybe the other guests in the stands will be interesting to converse with?

 After locating the bleachers and the stairs that led to them, I scurried on over and found a comfortable spot to sit down. I politely smiled at some of the others sitting there which included some older adults who were probably staff. For the most part however, I saw many young women about my age as well as some young guys. I strategically chose a seat that would allow for me to sit quietly, watch the practise, and text on my phone without the glare.



Uhm yeah so I'm here at the USMNT practise...🤯




Bro why'd I lie about this?


Picture or it didn't happen.



Alright damn Miss Photographer🤩 


I never doubted you for a second Naya😘


I'd agree with Lia, but then we'd all know I was lying. So. Any signs of a certain US wonder kid there? 🧐

^emphasized by Adalia, Bao, and two others 


Actually I haven't even looked for him yet tbh. 


That's a lie and we both know it babe😏


Do you tho?....


Idk do we tho?...


lol, I gotta go now, someone's walking towards me so imma need to be social. Talk to y'all soon<3

 I looked back up from my phone to see a smiley, beautiful young girl about my age walking towards me with her dark brown hair and gorgeous ebony skin. I'd never met her before, nor could I pin point who she was. She eventually sat down right next to me and introduced herself as one of the player's girlfriends. 

 "I'm Jemila! You must be Shanaya!" 

 "I am! Please call me Naya though!" I suggested.

 "Naya! Great! So you know Weston's girlfriend right? She's actually still in Italy right now and told me how you were going to be visiting for a few weeks, so I decided, why not introduce myself so you have one familiar face among us WAGs." Jemila explained.

 "Yeah I'm good friends with Weston's girlfriend actually! And that'd be so great Jemila, thank you so much!" I beamed.

 "Of course! So now, if you don't mind do you want like an introduction to each player before you actually meet them?" Jemila offered.

 "That would be amazing!" I thanked.

 For the next fifty minutes, Jemila went through each of the players and majority of the staff on the field. She explained who they were and some of their hobbies outside of football. Their practise was almost coming to an end when Jemila paused to text someone something. I saw her make eye contact with someone on the field who was talking to another guy adjacent to him.

 "You see the guy on the field that's pointing at us?" Jemila asked.

 I nodded, looking at the guy who seemed to be more focused on me than Jemila.

 "Okay well that's Jordan, my boyfriend. And the guy next to him is Giovanni Reyna. You might know him." Jemila whispered.

 I gave Jemila a doubtful look as my eyes shifted a few inches to the left. It was indeed Gio Reyna. And the most embarrassing part was, he was gazing right at me, intently. When I looked at him, we held eye contact for about 20 seconds. Might I add, it felt like the longest 20 seconds in the world. Though I was looking straight at him and he was looking straight at me, I could see Jemila smirking from the corner of my eye. She and her boyfriend had obviously pointed to the opposite in order to get Gio and I to notice each other. 

 After realizing we'd been holding eye contact for 20 seconds too long, I abruptly shifted my gaze down to my legs and pretended to text someone with my phone to look busy. Even though I was looking downward, I managed to see Gio's smile and small chuckle the minute I stopped our eye contact.

 "That was totally not embarrassing." I murmured.

 "No definitely, I agree. I didn't think it was embarrassing either. Kind of cute actually. Like a cute meeting in a movie." Jemila teased.

 "Thank you kindly for your colour commentary Jemila." I rolled my eyes as she tried to stifle her laughs.

Okay I've never updated a book this fast before, but I find this book just so easy to write because idk why? Maybe it's because I'm obsessed with it and I'm imagining myself as Shanaya? Okay whatever! I hope you liked the chapter, be sure to comment and vote! Have a blessed day guys<3


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