The Boy Who Lived

Da drarrycuddles

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A Drarry Story and a 'soulmate' story. Set in an AU in which Minerva rescues Harry from the Dursley's after b... Altro

Author's Note
Part One
That lot...
Just Harry
Meeting Draco Malfoy
Brewing Trouble
The Worst Birthday
Life is Never Simple
Aunt Marge's Big Mistake
Marauders at Large
Dementors, Boggarts, and other Monsters...
Haunted Snowballs and Full Moons
Sometimes this Place Breeds Trouble
The Triwizard Tournament
He's Come Back!
Order and Rules
Dictatorship and its Downfall
Houses and Homes
The Incident
The Malfoy Mask
A Cautious Allegiance
Unexpected Guests at the Manor
A Spontaneous Assembly
The Final Battle
Immediate Aftermath
The Wizard Courts
The Muggle Courts
Part 2
April Fools
A Little Bit of Parseltongue
Teddy Training
Hagrid Again
The Boy Who Lived Twice
'The Closet Clam'
Breath of Life
A Brief Curiosity Unfolds
Reasons for Rogue Magic
A Suspicious Bargain
Stupid Bloody Letter
Who do you Trust?
A Day of Errant Magic
Madame Gide Again
Life Never Goes to Plan
Chudley Cannon's Star Keeper
Operation Triple-F
Tears of Laughter, Tears of Pain
Gaining Approval
Time to go Home
Part 3
House-Elves and Stuff
I'd Like to Stay...
This is Dangerous...
With Immediate Effect
Appeasing House-Elves
Two Experiments
Not Going "Boom!"
Emergency Meeting!
The Gamekeeper and the Librarian
An Ancient and Noble Bloodline
Great-Grandfather Henry
Godric Gryffindor
The Portrait Artist
Behold! The House of Potter
Acceptance and Hope
The Orange Place
A Syllabus of Curses
A Coven of Witches
Calling In Unannounced
The Skin of One's Teeth
The Sword
Appeasing the Ancestors
That Lot!
The Ceremony, of sorts, and some news
Who's Who, According to Luna Lovegood

The Goddess Minerva

856 76 3
Da drarrycuddles

Hebe paced her library, unused to such drama. Anxiety filled her every bone. She wanted to help but wasn't sure what she could do. How could she provide anything ground-breaking to help such illustrious people? She didn't feel useful like the Weasley men who had banded together with that man from the Ministry and were all working on the Wards together. A veritable team patrolling the boarders of the estate and fixing, repairing, strengthening... Or the team who were helping Draco move his surgery into the coach house so he could continue his work helping others.

But Minerva had been missing for nearly thirty-six hours and despite Harry and Neville sporadically disappearing off. They came back with nothing. No news. No signs. And Aurors kept coming and going and the Minister for Magic spent a lot of time with Harry. But no one had any ideas on how to trace Minerva or the Carrows and how to find them.

They all knew, with some amount of sadness, was that hundreds of school children were already on the Hogwarts Express, innocently making their way to Scotland and the Sorting was due to start in a matter of hours without Minerva there to greet them.

Ronald had to leave. He was expected at the school and it was with some obstinance that he submitted to Flitwick's summons. But as Molly had said, Minerva would have been very disappointed if he's missed it and the children came first. At least Hogwarts was nearly as safe as Beaumont. Well, it was now, but only because the Minister for Magic had posted Aurors in the corridors of Hogwarts.

All Hebe knew was her books. Books, books, books! What use were they when someone like Minerva was in trouble and needed help. How could that even be possible? Minerva, named after the Roman goddess of wisdom, the professions, the arts, and war. How could the goddess of war be held hostage or worse...? It didn't bare thinking about.

She sat helplessly on one of the sofas, Iolaus was with her. He often was. He seemed to like the quiet solitude of the library when Draco wasn't around or was busy. Minerva's little tabby kitten, Diana, had taken to following Iolaus around, so she was there too. Hebe sat stroking Iolaus's soft white fur and she wondered what to do about fresh clothes for the morning but she didn't like to bother anyone. She acknowledged that she should continue with her cataloguing and they were supposed to be having visitors from the Ministry. She needed to talk to Andromeda about that because they'd have to be postponed. She couldn't talk to her yet though. Andromeda and Molly Weasley were dealing with young Teddy who was inconsolable about his Granny Minnie. Harry had pulled the boy from his Induction Day at his new school in Godric's Hollow. Victoire Weasley too, for although it wasn't the nearest school for Bill and Fleur Weasley, the Weasleys thought the two children would be happy together. Plus, with the school being in the centre of a magical community, it was equipped for dealing with accidental magic. Since returning to Beaumont and after some careful explanations from his father, Teddy didn't want to let his Gran'ma Drom'da and Nanny Molly out of his sight. Although he really wanted to be with Harry, the young boy had tearfully demanded that his dad find his missing Granny Minnie.

Perhaps Ossy could help Hebe but she worried he might be terribly busy with the Hall suddenly being filled with people once more.

She got up and paced the library again. There must be something here, she thought. Something she could do.

She stood again and browsed the bookshelves in the History, Mythology, and Folklore section. She pulled out a book on Greek gods and goddesses and flipped it open at the page indexed 'Minerva'. Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic war, it read. She is not a patron of violence, like Mars, but of defensive war only. It seemed so right but Hebe wondered if there was something in it. She is highly revered, honoured, and respected... That much was obvious, just from the way the Hall was filled with people trying to work out where she might have been taken and how to rescue her and how to protect her extended family. She distractedly read about how Minerva, or Athena as she was called in Greek mythology, had helped Hercules defeat the Hydra of Lerna by making and presenting Hercules with a magical golden sword encrusted with rubies.

Hebe couldn't help thinking about their Minerva rescuing and raising Harry just as the goddess had rescued and raised Hercules. But also, the reports of Neville Longbottom cutting off the head of Voldemort's snake Nagini with the Sword of Gryffindor. And she thought of the twelve tasks that Hercules was set and the endless number of tasks that seemed to befall Harry. And the fact that Harry had named his enormous dog Hercules. She wondered how close to the mythology it all was because although Harry Potter certainly wasn't built like Hercules, he had a formidable power. And everything seemed so endlessly interrelated even if it wasn't actually. And she sat with Iolaus wondering about the Sword of Gryffindor and the four founders and Harry saying Hogwarts would find ways to protect Minerva as best it could. But she couldn't see how the sword would help Harry find Minerva. Any more than a 'point me' spell on a wand would help at any distance.

She sighed and looked at Ms Granger who was sitting with Narcissa Malfoy. Both of them, like her, had retreated to the library and the books. Ms Granger happened to glance up at the same and she smiled softly.

'Find anything, Hebe?' she asked.

'No, not really. Well, it's just one of those niggling feelings and I feel like I can't connect the dots.'

She was beckoned over and Ms Granger smiled encouragingly, 'a problem shared is a problem halved. Tell us what you know.'

Ms Granger and Narcissa Malfoy listened as Hebe explained and how her garbled thoughts kept coming back to the mythological Minerva's golden sword and the Sword of Gryffindor but she couldn't make sense of it.

'Well,' said Ms Granger slowly as she thought, 'in some ways the Sword is like a wand because its sentient and sensitive to the magic of the wielder. "The wand chooses the Wizard" and all that. It's the same with the Sword of Gryffindor because, supposedly, the sword only responds to appeals for help by Godric's chosen successors and it can only be retrieved under conditions of extreme need or valour, which always seems a little daft to me considering it's just sitting in the Headteacher's office most of the time. Either way, it's a case of the sword choosing the wizard when the wizard, or witch, requires help. So, you might be on to something. Albus Dumbledore once told us that help would always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. I don't suppose there's an image of Hercules's golden sword with its rubies because it sounds like such a coincidence and someone, once, probably Dumbledore again, said never trust coincidences.'

Hebe was already up and looking for another book from the shelves.

'But surely Hercules and Hydra is just an ancient Muggle myth, like a fairytale,' said Narcissa, looking at the young woman beside her. It had, she thought, been a remarkable turn in events since Draco had invited her to the Hall several weeks ago. She was yet to return to France and the longer she stayed, the more certain she became that she never wanted to leave.

'Muggles tend to read them as allegories of real events, they have become very good at explaining away the magic and strangeness that is right before their eyes. Of course, with time, that reasoning has crept into own readings of the stories. No, there is an element of truth in all those stories, that's why Hebe has placed them with the History books. The Hydra is no more mythological than a Basilisk, thankfully, though, extinct. There are some magical creatures we can live without.'

Narcissa studied Hermione Granger openly, recognising that there had once been a time when she had openly sneered and spat harsh words out at being in the same shop as her. Yet, here she was, sitting alone at a table in Harry Potter's house with the 'Mudblood'. Of course, that rather fraught time in Madame Malkin's was just after Lucius had been arrested and the Dark Lord insisted Draco take the Mark. She knew the task given to her son was a suicide mission, punishment for Lucius's mistakes. That was why she went to Severus for help.

That was when she began to doubt the Dark Lord's ways. Not that she could reveal that to Bella. It had been such a gamble at the time. But even when it was all over, she had desperately clung onto that Pureblood belief in superiority for many years. It was too much to face, in one fell swoop, the destruction of one's total belief system about life and about the meaning of existence. Although the doubts about superiority had crept in during the battle itself, that had truly fallen apart around her ears after her return here and she learnt the truth about Ancestral Magic. She was, in all honesty, struggling with the total reformation of her beliefs; fifty years of her life had been rendered a lie based on falsehoods. Surprisingly, it had been Minerva who helped the most with Narcissa coming to terms with the dramatic changes and they spent many long hours into the night discussing it all. And now this had happened to her friend. It made her feel sick.

As she looked at the attractive young woman, Narcissa realised that Ms Granger was no different from her, although remarkably more intelligent than herself or any Pureblood or Half-blood witch or wizard Narcissa had ever met. More than Minerva, even, and that was saying something. She realised with a jolt that if she'd been introduced to Ms Granger at a formal event or in another country without knowing her history, that there would be no way of knowing her blood status. So, why did it make a difference really? The old traditions could be taught. Wasn't that the point that Harry made at dinner after Godric Gryffindor had explained about Ancestral Magic and how they were all connected, even the Muggleborns? And the Purebloods were so inbred it was dangerous and verging on disgusting. They all knew, without Godric pointing it out, that inbreeding was certainly becoming detrimental to the bloodlines, one only had to look at the Crabbes or the Averys; the families were so inter-wed that the late-patriarchs were halfway between siblings and first cousins.

She sighed heavily and Ms Granger looked at her quizzically.

Narcissa wondered what was the difference between loving her son unconditionally, no matter his sexual orientation, and loving his friends unconditionally, no matter their blood status? She finally saw it completely and utterly and accepted this new world. And she remembered thinking about how much her sister and the Death-Eaters and Voldemort's followers disgusted her during the war. And she thought of all the people Harry had pulled to the Hall to protect and how they were all fighting to save Minerva McGonagall and she felt her eyes mist.

Ms Granger touched her arm softly, a gentle expression on her face that suggested she saw exactly what Narcissa was going through.

'I was thinking of the war,' explained Narcissa quietly. 'There was an awful moment when I looked at the people I was stood amongst and hated them all. They were firing deadly spells at a school full of young children, some of whom were their own. But they were so caught up in a bloodlust frenzy that there was no thought beyond wreaking death and destruction at the Dark Lord's bidding. Then they unleashed Fenrir Greyback into that school. It made me feel sick. I remember thinking there was no honour in their actions. And what the Carrows have done-are doing-why? What do they really gain? What do they really hope for? What is the revenge? It's hateful and stupid and disgusting and I despair that I was once associated with people like them. And I'm sorry.'

'It's a long time ago now.'

'It's only four and a half years ago.'

'There's a muggle saying that a week is a long time in politics. So much has changed in the last few years and it's gratifying to see we've all moved forward so much. I think the most important outcome of what happened was those who realised that Harry was fighting for "love" and that we can all embrace that choice. It was what saved Harry as a baby and it was what saved us when he sacrificed himself that second time. The world is a better place because of Harry and it pays for all of us to keep remembering the reasons why he fought so hard. I admit to forgetting since then that with love comes forgiveness of ours' and others' past mistakes. Harry has reminded me once more.' She smiled softly and Narcissa knew she was referring to her relationship with Ronald Weasley, although there was forgiveness there too for Narcissa's actions in the build up to the war.

'Thank you, Ms Granger.'

'Hermione,' she said.

'Hermione,' Narcissa repeated and it felt good to be accepted so readily by the young woman. 'I apologise too, for my sister's actions at the manor. You may not know but it was the first time I realised that Draco's loyalties were not with the Dark Lord. I had to hold him back. I'm afraid our own survival took precedent.'

'I understand,' said Hermione. 'They were difficult times. I didn't ever consider what you may be going through. Sometimes it was easier to see it all as black and white and forget the grey areas.'

'You're a remarkable young woman. Mr Weasley is a very lucky young man and better buck his ideas up.'

Hermione laughed. 'Indeed. There are a number of formidable women watching his every move. And he knows it. Perhaps that proves his good intentions and determination more than anything. I imagine having Molly and Minerva watching over you would wither a lesser man's courage to nothing.' She leant a bit closer. 'And Harry has told him that no one will be able to find his body if he breaks my heart again.'

Narcissa laughed delightedly as Hebe sat back down, clutching an ancient leather-bound book that was barely holding together at the seams. She carefully turned the pages of the book until she came to an old block-printed image of Hercules fighting Hydra, the sword held aloft. She turned the book to face Hermione and Narcissa.

'It does seem a bit of a coincidence,' said Narcissa.

'It might not be a very accurate picture; this image is only a couple of hundred years old. The Sword is much older, Godric was alive nearly a millennium ago and the myth is even older,' muttered Hermione.

'What's going on?' asked Pansy as she and Luna came into the library and joined them.

'Hebe might have discovered a unique link between Godric Gryffindor's Sword and a sword in Greek or Roman mythology that relates right back to Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom and War. Hercules used it to kill Hydra.'

'Oh,' said Luna. 'The snake with many heads created by the Goddess Hera to kill Hercules. Of course, when one head was cut off, two more would replace it. So, Hercules's nephew, Iolaus, cauterized the stumps before Hercules could cut off the final head with a golden sword.'

'Another coincidence?' murmured Hebe, looking at the white kneazle on the sofa. 'Even if it is the same sword, do you really think it can help?' she asked.

'I don't think Harry's going to start de-capitating people, it's not really his style,' said Luna.

'Neville, maybe?' murmured Pansy and the others smiled in amusement.

'I wasn't really referring to it as a weapon, but it was that bit about the sword being sentient,' said Hermione. 'I think Hebe might be onto something with a "Point Me" spell. It might help with locating Minerva, especially if what Harry said is true and the school is able to help protect her. Even if it's not the actual sword, this is the connection between her and the school. Stronger than any other we have. Perhaps even Harry's magic.'

'We need that sword then,' muttered Narcissa.

'But we can't leave and they won't let us anywhere near her office anyway,' said Hebe.

'I suggest we talk to Godric then,' said Hermione.

Narcissa looked at the young woman beside her with admiration. She was so very glad to finally put all that hateful rubbish behind her.

As the five witches left the library, they met Ginny, Angelina, Audrey, Hannah, and Fleur who quizzed them as they made their way up to the gallery.

'Join us,' said Narcissa suddenly. 'I think we need Molly and Andromeda too. We are, of course, one short.' She turned to Fleur who was holding the baby Dominque. 'Although she is so young, perhaps Victoire can stand in Minerva's absence...'

'Of course she can. I'll go and get mum and Dromeda,' said Fleur. 'I think Teddy is now helping Draco with the animals.'

'What are you thinking?' Hermione asked Narcissa.

'That there should be thirteen of us. While the men faff around panicking, it's time for the power of the witches.'

Hermione and Pansy grinned.


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