Turbulent Night

By ChadSteinbeck

46 3 0

Ted, a young gay man, living in Podunk no where villes USA, takes a 'mandatory' two week vacation, and finds... More

1) The Calm.
3) Distant Rumbles.
A Day Aloft.

2) On Coming Storm.

7 0 0
By ChadSteinbeck

There wasn't much more banter between the three, on the way to the parking lot Dallas looked around. "Where is your car?" He asked cautiously.

"Oh." Ted laughed. "I ride my motor scooter." He smiled. "Is that ok?" He glanced back at Dallas.

"Are you a good driver?" Dallas asked even more cautiously.

"Very." Ted smiled. Handing Dallas, the spare helmet. "It's just for safety, My dad is the Sheif in, Eaton."

"I didn't know he had a son." Dallas said point blankly, Ted was Glad that was where he left it.

"Yea, I'm 18 now, but if one of his deputies sees you with out a helmet, I will get pulled over, and it will be worse than a ticket." He chuckled. Ted got on and slid as far forward as he could. "It's a tight fit, but get on." Ted could see the unease on Dallas's face, and was unsure, if it was because of the scooter, or if the only place for Dallas to hold on to was, Ted. "I promise no wheelies, just hope on use my shoulders if you need, and put your arms around my waist."

Dallas Turned fire engine red, Ted thought it made him look adorable, and smirked a bit at him, which made Dallas turn even Reder, somehow. "Are you sure?" Dallas finally asked after, a more than awkward pause.

Ted smiled. "Yes, It is kinda how you ride on the back of a scooter, or motorcycle." He chuckled.

Dallas pulled the helmet on, Ted adjusted it, for him. "Ok."He said hopping on putting his arms around Ted's waist. Ted liked how close Dallas was, and how he was holding on to him. He was in a sense protecting Dallas, in a few actually. It was still nasty hot, Ted knew, Dallas needed a distraction from his father, and it would have been a long long, and dangerous walk into town.

"Here we go." Ted shouted as he started is Sooter. He gave it a bit more gas than it actually needed, it got a bit ahead of him, but he recovered. "Promise I am a great driver..." Ted blushed under the protection of his helmet.

"All the extra weight huh?" Dallas chuckled.

Ted nodded, Dallas was shorter than he was, hot, and most likely Gay, however most importantly to Ted, Dallas was smarter than the average bear. How he knew the gay thing, he was unsure, but he kinda thought that Dallas was feeling the same way about him. "Exactly!" Ted said, turning on his singal to leave the parking lot. "Do you have anywhere to be?" Ted shouted most of the way home.

"Not really, Don't think my dad would care if I didn't come home."

Ted, took the first turn into town and stopped at the Mcdonalds. "Nothing fancy." Ted said while standing.

"I don't have money, for this." Dallas looked away from Ted quickly.

Ted smiled. "I do!" Dallas looked confused at Ted, more untrusting at Ted. "I am on vacation, I am a workaholic, so I work tons of overtime, and don't spend it on much." Dallas seemed to relax, Ted glanced to see if the assistant manager was working the counter, his old friend Chuck, he wasn't.

They ordered, Ted got the feeling that Dallas was on edge too, glancing at the back. "Why don't you pick a table." He suggested. "I like to eat around the back." He pointed to behind the lobby out of view of the counter.

"Sure." Dallas smiled relieved. "Do you want Katchup?" He asked.

"Hell ya." Ted grinned, Dallas lagged, and Ted couldn't help but smirk a bit again, this time, Dallas smirked back, and got his drink, and eight little cups of ketchup, the perfect amount for both of them. Ted took the tray back to the table, but just before he left view of the counter, Chuck walked around the corner, but didn't appear to notice him.

"I give you shit on a bun!" Ted smiled.

"The best-tasting shit on a bun in town!" Dallas laughed back. The two ate, Just as Ted was going to get up Chuck walked around the corner, and glared at Ted loudly.

"I don't serve your kind here!" He shouted.

"Paying customers?" Ted asked politely.

"You know what I mean!" Chucked thumped his fist on the table.

"No, I actually don't." Ted sighed. "We were sitting here, talking, I paid for dinner, here is the receipt, I broke no laws..."

"Just the laws of nature." Chuck shouted. "If God wanted gays, he would have made Adam and Steve."

"Oh really Chuckles, are we back to those little quips." Ted laughed at him, Chuck raised his fist at Ted. "Really, hit a customer, while at work?" Ted shook his head. "And you know who my dad is."

Chuck banged his fist so hard on the table the tray jumped. "OUT NOW~ I am the assistant manager and I can do that." He stormed into the bathroom. "And he ain't your dad!"

Ted stood. "Would you like a milkshake?" He smiled. "We can drink them outside." Ted regretted asking the moment he saw the look of desperately wanting to leave on Dallas's face. "I can make them when we get home." Ted smiled.


"Well, I promised you dinner, and tonight that means desert." He smiled. "Or pie, I haven't baked a pie in a very long time." He was bragging now.

"Berry pie?"

"Uhh." Ted stammered trying to remember if he had enough frozen berries. "If not I could add some apples." Dallas wrinkled his nose at that. "Or I make mini pies." Dallas grinned and nodded, they walked towards the door.

There was a long pause. "What was his deal?!"

"Chuck's?" Ted asked hoping he was wrong. "We were Freinds when we were younger, and he doesn't like gay people." He finished.

Ted turned right towards home. "Your gay too?" Dallas asked rather sure of himself, the final test.

"Yes!" Ted nodded. "I kinda thought you were too."

"So was this a date?" Dallas asked.

"Mcdonalds..." Ted laughed. "No that was just I was hungry, and I figured you were too, tonight is a distraction from your father, and people like Chuck!"

"Good.." Dallas held tighter and leaned his head on Ted. "And thank you." Ted, was almost sure, that Dallas sounded content. Ted was almost giggling, like a child, having found the only other gay guy, his age in town.

Ted turned into his driveway. "Home..." He said standing. "...Such as it is." He sighed helping Dallas up.

"It's adorable..." Dallas said. "But so modern." He chuckled.

"It's not as small as you'd think inside." Ted smiled, opening the door to his house. proudly, as he should be.  He glanced at the photo of him, his nieces and nephews who were a few years older than he was, taken where the house stood, but before it was built. Those were good days, happy days, for Ted,

"Is this a Tiny house?"

Ted chuckled.  "No, it's far too big, but it uses a lot of the same ideas."

"This actually seems larger inside, than out." Dallas said, looking around, in awe. "I feel like I walked into the Tardardis." Ted cocked his head. "You've never seen Doctor Who?" He gasped, Ted chuckled, and shook his head. "You do have good internet this far outright?"

Ted rolled his eyes at him. "Of course, I'm not on city water, but my parents and I split the Ten grand to have the cable company run it out here." He smiled. "I am a huge computer nerd." He pointed at his gaming computer, out of the way, but proudly showcased.

"Now that is cool." Dallas said walking to it. "Not that any of this isn't cool." He pointed up to the second floor, which was open for the front third of the house, making it feel giant. "The contrasting dark floors, and furniture, on the big bay window, and white walls..." He paused. "You're a man after my own heart." He blushed.

"Was I that obvious?" Ted smirked, Dallas turned that adorable shade of red. Ted got his wireless mouse and keyboard, and woke up his computer. "I'll go get the pies started." You get this Doctor who, movie started."

Dallas stared at Ted like he was stupid. "It's a TV show." He said a bit annoyed it made him... Extremely cuddable, Ted decided. He leaned in and booped Dallas's nose. "Hey." He whined and pouted.

Ted smirked. "Keep that up, and I just might have to kiss you!'

Dallas furrowed his brows and lips like he was thinking, then pouted more. "Have it your way." Ted smirked, pulling Dallas in for a big hug,  quick nibble on his lip, and a slow deep kiss.

"I'm not complaining." Dallas sighed contently, squeezing Ted. They embraced like that for long while. "Let's just cuddle, no pie tonight."

"I won't complain about that." Ted smiled, pulling Dallas to the couch, and into his arms. He leaned back, pulling Dallas, with him, wrapping his legs around him.

Dallas snuggled back into Ted, and pulled Ted's arm tight to his chest. "I don't want to get up... Ever." He sighed rather contently.

Ted kissed his head. "I gotcha." He wiggled his arm free, and set the keyboard on his lap, and then the mouse.

"I can see that." He snuggled back right into Ted's hard-on, Ted blushed, and he guessed with Dallas's sudden stop that Dallas was too.

"I am sorry." He mostly mumbled, as awkwardly as he felt.

"Well, I think our bodies are saying the same thing." He said, sliding teds hand to his own hard-on.

Ted was thrilled and nibbled on Dallas's ear. Dallas squirmed and arched his back. "Ted!" He half whimpered and moaned. Ted stopped. "Hey!" he pouted. "I didn't want you to stop."

"Me either, and if I don't now..." Ted paused to think. "I want to make love to you."

"So?" Dallas looked back and up at Ted. "I kind of want you to make love to me." He smirked up at Ted.

"I wasn't planning on having you... or rather any guy over, I don't have Condoms."

"Ohh." Dallas said introspectively, Ted knew he blew it. "I am a virgin."

"So am I." Ted admitted much more sheepishly than Dallas.

"So neither of us, have had sex, so no sexually transmitted diseases. Right?"

Ted smirked and kissed Dallas's forehead. "There is logic to this." He wiggled his eyebrows. Dallas started the show, but Ted was already, pushing himself into Dallas, and nibbling on his other ear. "Your so hot." He whispered into his ear.

"This feels so gooood." He moaned out, his legs squirming so much, Ted hooked his own over his.

"Now I really gotcha." Ted chuckled, pleased.

"I guess you get to have your way with me now." He said pressing back into little Ted.

"I like the way you think." Ted nibbled into his ear, pulling Dallas to him, and held him to him. Sliding his hands under his shirt, and ran his hands up and down his side.


"Yea?!" Ted chuckled. Ted moved down to his neck and sucked.

"Take me." He whispered. Ted held him tight, and bit his neck, he moaned and pulled hard from him.

Ted slowly let him go. "Come on lest go to my room." He pulled him up the L-shaped staircase, and into his room. He smirked and tugged off Dallas's shirt, and kissed his chest, biting a bit. He tugged on his shorts, they slid off, Dallas, wasn't a big boy and blushed, and tried to hide himself.

They made love, and it was the goodest thing either of them had done.

Dallas rolled onto his side and curled up, Ted held him, and the two fell asleep.

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