Kaylor: The Timeline

By kaylorfanfiction

2.7M 41.9K 103K

My own interpretation of the realistic Kaylor timeline, written to be as realistic and descriptive as possibl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.1
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 14.2
Chapter 15
Chapter One :: The Return
Chapter Two :: Busy Schedules

Chapter 18

41K 718 1.5K
By kaylorfanfiction

May 3, 2014 - Harry Josh's Party  http://tswiftdaily.com/tagged/harrys-party

"But what do people wear to this thing?" Taylor asks, putting her phone on speaker mode as she tidies up her living room.

"I don't know, will you stop stressing out about it? It is just a party! No one is even going to expect you to be there it is like all models," Karlie replies, amused by Taylor's ability to worry over the tiniest of things.

"Right, I understand that, but Karlie?" Taylor asks.


"What do people wear to this thing?" Taylor repeats herself.

"Oh my god," Karlie laughs. "It isn't like red carpet or anything it is pretty casual."

"Okay, but what is casual to a model?" Taylor asks, easily coming up with new questions to ask.

"You're the one who wears dresses to the gym. Actually, just dress like you're going to the gym," Karlie decides.

"Alright," Taylor answers. She had long since given up defending her gym attire.

"Okay, let me go, I'm just finishing making lunch. When are you going to pick me up?" Karlie asks before hanging up.

"Is 7 o'clock good?" Taylor asks, beginning to get excited for her night out with Karlie. They had gone over to each other's apartments a couple of times for dinner, but that has been about it for time spent together since going to the gym. Taylor still got the feeling that Karlie was hesitant to spend too much time with her. It was better than the alternative thought, that the model was spending all of her free time with Josh.

"Yup! I will be ready!" Karlie answers.

"Okay, see you then!"


Karlie sets two panini pressed sandwiches down on her kitchen table and takes her seat beside Josh, who is wearing his glasses and looking through a large stack of papers. Karlie waits for Josh to join her before taking a bite of her sandwich. She stares at him waiting for him to notice, as his eyes scan the paper back and forth, his brow furrowed and hand in his hair.

"Josh," Karlie says, bringing his attention away from his work.

"Oh! Sorry, Karlie," Josh answers, seeming as though he genuinely hadn't even noticed his lunch placed in front of him and his girlfriend seated beside him.

"Even on your lunch hour?" Karlie asks. She is smiling, unable to find his concentration annoying but rather endearing.

"I am putting it away!" Josh says, putting his paperwork back in his bag. "So what are you going to tonight with Taylor, again?" Josh asks before taking a bite of his lunch.

"Harry Josh's party. He does my hair for a lot of runways, he has it every year," Karlie answers.

"So is there like a red carpet and everything?" Josh asks.

"No, it is actually pretty low key. Taylor just being there is going to freak a lot of people out. I didn't even really want to her ask to go because I'm sure she is used to bigger and better things, but I'm glad she is coming," Karlie answers. She has gotten more comfortable speaking about Taylor with Josh in the passing month, and the guilt she has been plagued with is not quite as intense as it once was. She is able to push it to the back of her mind now. Only when dwelling on what she has done, does Karlie still feel physically ill from remorse.

"Oh, I would've gone if you asked me," Josh says, studying his plate.

Karlie is surprised by the statement. She didn't even think to ask Josh, mostly because he always said no in the past to events like these. "I just... I didn't think you would want to go. I didn't even think to ask, I know these events aren't really your thing," Karlie responds, feeling a little bad now.

"They're not, but," Josh shrugs his shoulder, "I should probably start going to them for you, right?" Josh says, looking up at Karlie now.

"No, you don't have too. I really don't think you would like it," Karlie says smiling and shaking her head. Karlie imagines what tonight would be like bringing Josh instead of Taylor, and she quickly averts her eyes from Josh's stare when she realizes she would be far less excited about tonight than she was now if she was bringing Josh as her plus one instead.

Karlie does what she has been doing when feeling guilty around Josh, and leans in for a kiss. Showing Josh physical affection has allowed her to momentarily escape any thoughts she has that make her feel guilty at times, and it allows her to believe that she is making up for wrong doing by showing such affection. She does her best not to think about how Josh would feel if he knew why in the past weeks there has been a sudden increase in spontaneous kissing from the model.

Karlie pulls away and says, "You're sweet, but I wouldn't make you go to anything you wouldn't like."

Josh just smiles at his girlfriend, cheeks tinged with color due to the unsuspected kiss. "Thank you," Josh says, and Karlie is unsure if he is thanking her for the kiss or not bringing him to events. "I really wouldn't know what to do at a runway show."

Karlie pauses and stares at Josh. "Well... A party is a lot different than a fashion show. One is a party and one is my job."

"Yeah, I mean," Josh says and shrugs his shoulder, as if to say there is no difference. He is staring at his sandwich, thoughts possibly elsewhere, unaware that he has just insulted Karlie.

"You realize my work isn't a bunch of partying right? I'm not traveling the globe for fun to take pretty pictures and party," Karlie says, her tone sharp, finally bringing Josh's attention alertly back to her.

"What? What did I say?" Josh asks, sounding genuinely confused.

"Me going to a party and a runway show are two very different things. And if you were to go to a party with me or a runway show with me those are two very different things too, you realize that right?" Karlie says slowly, feeling as though the career she has put long and hard hours of work into is being insulted.

"Well, I mean, it is the same type of environment really," Josh says, not realizing just how much he is insulting what Karlie does.

"No it isn't. One is my job. Do you not think that I work hard?" Karlie asks, sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms, her green eyes becoming sharp.

Josh looks panicked now, possibly realizing just how mad Karlie is becoming. "Karlie, I mean, you have to admit you have a pretty nice gig. There's nothing wrong with that, that is great," Josh says, hands up as if surrendering.

"I know I have a 'nice gig,'" Karlie says, using finger quotations around the phrase Josh had used. "But the way you just said that made it seem like it was a bit of a joke and not actually work." Karlie often jokes about her profession, saying all she has to do is walk back and forth for a living and have the pleasure of traveling to amazing places, but she has always known her friends and family knew just how much time and effort truly went into her work, at least she thought she did.

"No, I know it is work, I know it is your job," Josh says, reaching out for Karlie's hand but the model shakes his beckoning hand away.

"No, you don't think that. You're just saying that now because you know I'm mad," Karlie says. "You seriously don't respect what I do?"

"No! I never said that! Now, Karlie, don't put words into my mouth. You know you have a different type of job than most people, that is all I mean," Josh says, trying to disarm the steadily rising conflict.

Karlie feels as though she detected a slightly condescending tone in Josh's reply, only fueling her anger more so. "What? Because I can't bring my work home with me it isn't work?" Karlie says, gesturing to the bag Josh had just recently stuffed with with work papers. "But when you go golfing with people that is work?"

"Well, if they are potential investors, yes it is work. You're putting words into my mouth. I don't think lowly of you being a model. The fashion industry is a multi billion dollar industry," Josh answers calmly. Karlie can't explain why, but Josh being able to answer her so readily in a calm voice frustrates her. Karlie glares at nothing in particular on her kitchen table, having no response for Josh. "I think you're probably the one who is self conscious about being a model if you are so quick to become angry about this, but there is no shame in it."

That does it.

Karlie stands up and grabs both of the plates on the kitchen table, both sandwiches still having halves left. "Hey, Karlie!" Josh exclaims, finally a little emotion in his voice. Karlie walks away and dumps the food in the trash and practically throws the dirty dishes in the sink. Josh is standing up now and walking over to Karlie.

"I'm not self conscious about what I do, at all! I love what I do! I clearly can't joke with you and say 'All I have to do is walk up and down' because you actually believe that is all that goes into it. I never would have been able to have Karlie's Kookies if it wasn't for what I do either," Karlie says, backing away from the advancing entrepreneur.

Josh pauses and leans against the kitchen counter once seeing his girlfriend doesn't want him near. "You're acting like I don't support what you do! I think it is great what you do! I financially backed your cookies! We wouldn't have even been able to meet if it wasn't for you being a model, why are you being like this?" Josh says, his voice raised.

"How do you not see how much you insulted what I do?" Karlie quips back matching his volume.

Josh lets out a noise that is a mixture of a sigh and a groan before angrily slapping both hands on the kitchen counter and looking downward. After a moment he says, "I don't want to fight with you, so I think I'm going to go and come back later when everything blows over."

"When it blows over? So we don't have to talk about this?" Karlie says with a derisive laugh.

"There is nothing to talk about! I told you I respect what you do! That's it!" Josh says, his voice riddled with frustration.

"There is so much more to it than that and I don't even believe you!" Karlie exclaims.

"You're just being unfair and I don't even know why. I have to go to work," Josh says, shaking his head and roughly pulling at his hair.

"Yeah, you have to go to work, I know," Karlie says, sitting up on the kitchen counter as she watches him pull on his jacket and pick up his bag.

"I don't even know what you mean by that," Josh says, not meeting her eyes as buttons his jacket.

"You can't figure it out? Even with all your degrees?" Karlie replies.

"If it bothers you so much you can get your own degree!" Josh exclaims.

"It doesn't bother me! It bothers me that you think what you do is so much better than what I do!" Karlie yells.

Josh stops what he is doing and looks at Karlie. "I have absolutely never said that. You keep putting words into my mouth and twisting things to get mad at me. I'm not even going to argue with you because you're being so ridiculous," Josh says, his voice sounding irritatingly calm once more.

"You haven't denied anything that I have said! You just started changing everything you said little by little the more mad I got!" Karlie yells after Josh's retreating back.

"I love you and I will talk to you about this later," Josh calls out before exiting the apartment.


"Hello!" Taylor says as Karlie climbs into the backseat of the Lincoln.

"Hey," Karlie says, not sounding nearly as excited as Taylor, and closing the door harder than usual.

"Um.." Taylor says, waiting for an explanation from Karlie. When she doesn't get one, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, everything is fine," Karlie answers, clearly sounding as though that is the complete opposite of what is true.

"No, everything is definitely not fine. What is going on? You aren't going to have fun tonight if you don't talk about it," Taylor says, studying her friend. Still no response. "Is it me?"

"No, I'm not mad at you," Karlie sighs, looking at her friend beside her. "Can we just drop it?"

"No, we can't. You always do this to me. I'm allowed to worry about you too, you know, it is a two way street. I talk to you about everything when you're worried about me," Taylor says. She is once more greeted by silence as her friend looks away. "Is it Josh?" Taylor tries again. She is greeted by silence once more, but Karlie turns back to face her, possibly affirming what Taylor has just asked. "What is going on with Josh?" Karlie stares at Taylor silently, seeing that Taylor's blue ones only show stubborn determination.

"We had a fight," Karlie says under her breath, her own stubbornness unable to outlast the singer's.

"About what?" Taylor asks carefully. She fears for a moment that he may have found out about her and Karlie, and feels guilty when she becomes scared for herself rather than her friend if that were to be true.

"I just feel like he thinks my job is a joke compared to his. And he acts like it is all in my head and that I am irrational and now I just don't know what to think," Karlie says.

"You're allowed to feel how you feel no matter what, even if it is irrational. That usually just means there is something else going on there. But do you really think you were being irrational?" Taylor asks. Taylor is torn. The thought of Karlie with Josh is one she can't stand to think about, and often never does. She has managed to allow herself to believe he doesn't exist. She has recently done her best to never ask about him and Karlie doesn't offer any information without being prompted, and so Taylor has been able to live in blissful ignorance, never knowing how much (or hopefully how little) the two spend time together. She hates that she feels a slight sense of satisfaction at hearing about difficulties with Josh, but jealousy is never something she has been able to get a good handle on. But Karlie hasn't been spending much time with the singer as of late, maybe not believing that they are able to spend time together as friends? This could be a chance for Taylor to prove that she can be the model's best friend, whenever she needs her to be.

"I don't know. I really don't. Well, no, I don't think so. It basically started by him talking about the party tonight, how he would have gone if I asked, and I said I wouldn't make him go to something he didn't want to go to, and then he started talking about fashion shows. As if a party on a Saturday night is equivalent to me working," Karlie says quickly, her earlier anger flaring back up.

"Yeah, that's not cool. An unconventional career doesn't mean it isn't a career that involves hard work too... You have to be with someone who respects what you do. A relationship can't work unless there is a mutual respect for each other. But, Karlie, maybe he just doesn't fully understand everything that goes into what you do? I couldn't do what you do, I had nightmares about that damn gym and you do that everyday. And if anyone knows traveling can get old real quick, it's me. I'm sure there are times you show up to a photoshoot or a fashion show and the last thing you want to do is wear whatever it is they have waiting for you. And it is a cut throat fast paced industry. Maybe Josh doesn't understand that, but that isn't his fault. You could try explaining that to him," Taylor reasons, being sure to play both sides to prove to Karlie that she can come to her with anything and rely on her to be a friend. It kills her to possibly shed some positive light onto Josh, but she does it for Karlie.

Karlie studies her friend's face, her expression softening from what it was when she spoke about Josh. "Thank you," Karlie says softly.

"Thank you?" Taylor questions, smiling at the younger girl.

"Thank you for being there," Karlie says.

"I'll always be there for you. You don't have to thank me for doing what a friend should do," Taylor says, shaking her head at Karlie's thanks.

Nonetheless, Karlie leans towards Taylor's seat to give the singer a hug.

Pulling away, Taylor asks, "So, can we have fun tonight?"

Karlie smiles and says, "Yes, I am ready to have fun tonight."



Karlie does her best to keep herself from laughing at the obviously inebriated Taylor as they pose for pictures together. Karlie is holding Taylor tight against her, heads together.

"Why are you so tall today?" Taylor asks.

"Believe it or not, I'm this tall everyday," Karlie answers, causing Taylor to laugh. She has laughed at everything Karlie has said for the last forty five minutes, funny or not.

They thank the photographer and he moves on to ask the other guests if they'd like pictures of their own.

They have been at the party for a couple of hours now and Karlie is convinced that she hasn't stopped laughing with Taylor since they have arrived. The second the drinks began to be poured, everything was funny to them. They have managed to make up for the laughs they missed out on since seeing each other so sparingly the last couple of weeks.

"This right here," Taylor says, putting a delicate finger on Karlie's cheek, "is my favorite freckle to ever exist."

"Taylor," Karlie warns softly, but smiling nonetheless.

"What?" Taylor asks innocently, arms still around the model's neck from the pose for the picture, but her smile telling she knows what Karlie is warning against.

"Be good," Karlie says, reaching up to her own neck and pulling Taylor's arms from her.

"Alrightttt," Taylor says before laughing at herself. "Let's dance."

"Okay, you have to be careful, you're swaying all over the place," Karlie says laughing, as she allows herself to be pulled to the dance floor by the older girl.

Karlie is barely able to dance herself, between laughing at whatever moves Taylor attempts to pull off, catching her before she is able to fall over, or apologizing to people she has accidentally stumbled into.

"You realize everyone you fall into forget they're annoyed when they realize you're Taylor Swift, right?" Karlie laughs, as she pulls Taylor back close to her after once more knocking into someone.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor laughs.

"Okay, let's go. That's enough of that, we need to get you some water," Karlie laughs, taking her turn to lead Taylor by the hand. Karlie looks behind her to make sure Taylor is following okay and laughs seeing the singer practically skipping behind. "You're happy tonight," Karlie comments once away from the crowded dance floor.

"Because I'm with you!" Taylor answers, as if it were obvious.

"I'm happy I'm with you too," Karlie says, smiling at Taylor as she leans against the model as they wait for the bartender to bring two glasses of water over. Karlie is finding Taylor's child like state of drunkenness to be endlessly entertaining as well as endearing. Karlie is sure she shouldn't allow the shorter girl to lean against her so closely as they stand together at the bar, and she is sure she shouldn't have a hand around Taylor's waist keeping her against her, but she can't even entertain the thought of pushing her away.

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" Taylor asks, speaking quieter now that they are so close together.

"You know I can't," Karlie replies, speaking even quieter than Taylor. With her response, Taylor moves away from Karlie, no longer leaning against her as they wait. "Don't be like that, Taylor," Karlie says, feeling sorry that she has to answer the way she did, as she reaches out and rests a hand on Taylor's waist.

"It's okay," Taylor says, as the bartender returns with their glasses of water. "Excuse me? Sorry could I have two shots of Grey Goose, please?" Taylor asks the bartender.

"Coming right up," he answers.

"Taylor, I'm not drinking anymore," Karlie says, hearing Taylor's order.

"They're not for you," Taylor replies.

"Taylor, stop it. You don't need any more that," Karlie says, pulling Taylor back from leaning against the bar when two shots are placed in front of her.

"Karlie! I'm having fun!" Taylor says turning around, laughter back in her eyes. Karlie doesn't think Taylor needs to drink anymore, but she isn't going to boss the older girl around.

"Can I have one?" Karlie asks, thinking at least then the singer consumes less.

"I guess so," Taylor answers, sliding the glass closer to Karlie. They throw the shot back together, thankful to have glasses of water as well to chase it down. They spend the rest of the night sitting at the bar, people watching, laughing, and occasionally ordering more drinks together.

When it is time to leave, Karlie has to practically drag Taylor out the door to the Lincoln, helping her balance along the way. Karlie rests a steady hand on Taylor's back as she climbs into the backseat before the model follows her.

"Keep sliding over, I need to sit," Karlie says, as she climbs in. She pushes Taylor, guiding her to the middle seat. When Karlie sits down Taylor immediately leans against her. "Sit up so I can put your belt on," Karlie instructs as she reaches around Taylor to grab the belt to buckle her in.

"Thank you," Taylor says, before leaning against Karlie once more. Just then, Karlie's phone vibrates, and a notification of a text message from Josh lights up the screen. When Taylor sees the screen in Karlie's hand she groans, "Ugh," in disgust and sits up, no longer leaning against Karlie.

Karlie is surprised to hear Taylor react so negatively to Josh. She was dumb to think there weren't any feelings of jealousy towards him, that was why Karlie did her best not to mention him, but Taylor had never openly expressed those feelings before. The model can't think of a response for Taylor's reaction, so she just silently opens the text message instead.

Tell me when you will get back to your place so I can come by to talk things out.

Karlie is thankful she doesn't have her read receipts on when she reads the message. The last thing she wants to do is revisit that whole argument tonight, she was exhausted and had a good night. She didn't want to ruin it dealing with drama. I guess it is good that he wants to talk about things, though. However, Karlie remembers how he left, basically right in the midst of their argument. He had left her angry, and slightly hurt, to go back to work. He had said she was being ridiculous, and therefore essentially saying that dealing with her just then wasn't worth his time.

Karlie is pulled from her thoughts when the Lincoln's partition rolls down. "Ms. Swift, are we going to Ms. Kloss's apartment first?"

Taylor turns to her friend and begs, "Please sleep over! Please please please please— You don't even have to sleep over, just come over for a little bit! I didn't even get to see you!"

"What are you talking about?" Karlie laughs. "I was with you all night!"

"Oh, yeah," Taylor replies, sounding surprised at the realization.

Karlie laughs and rolls her eyes, thinking maybe she should have cut her friend off. She glances down at her phone, knowing she doesn't want to go home just yet. "Alright... I will go to your place, but just for a little bit."

"Yay!" Taylor squeals, crushing Karlie in a tight hug. "To my apartment!" Taylor happily instructs a member of her security.

"Just for a little bit," Karlie repeats herself to remind her friend.


"Taylor, sit down, you need to take these heels off before you wipe out," Karlie instructs, doing her best not to laugh along with the singer so that she will be taken seriously. The broken elevator in Taylor's apartment building proves to be even more of a nuisance when Taylor can barely climb up the stairs. "Alright, come on, let's go get you some more water," Karlie says, rolling her eyes at how long it takes Taylor to take her shoes off.

"Why can't you just sleepover?" Taylor asks, as she reaches for Karlie's hand as they walk to the kitchen.

"Please, Taylor," Karlie says softly, instead of saying yes or no.

"You slept over at my house before the road trip," Taylor argues.

"You know things are different now," Karlie answers, not looking at Taylor as she busies herself with grabbing them glasses of water.

"I like how we were a month ago," Taylor murmurs.

"Taylor, please don't make this hard for me," Karlie says, not wanting tonight to be the night their feelings are discussed once more.

"I wish we could just be together," Taylor replies, as though not hearing Karlie's pleas.

"Well you already told me all the reasons why that can't happen. Can we please not do this tonight? Don't make it seem like I can't come over here anymore," Karlie replies, wanting more than anything to put the subject to rest. She didn't trust her will power around Taylor when she was buzzed, and everything with Josh has been going well until today.

"I know it can't happen, but I just want you to know how much I wish that it could," Taylor says. "But it is alright, I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it."

"Okay," Karlie breathes, leaning against the counter as she sets the glasses of water down.

"I'm sorry you have been so stressed about everything," Taylor says.

"Stop, I don't want to think about this," Karlie says as her thoughts go back to skipping work and the mess she was still cleaning up because of it, of the guilt she is still struggling to deal with when with Josh and now the fight she has just had with him, and of course missing and liking Taylor. As if on cue, Taylor has moved towards her to wrap her in a comforting hug, as though the singer was able to read her mind.

"I don't want this to be hard for you. I wish I didn't like you like this so I couldn't make things so complicated for you," Taylor says as she rubs he model's back up and down. "I've been trying really hard to be a friend for you."

"I know," Karlie says, fully allowing herself to enjoy this hug, not realizing how badly she had been in need of one. Her throat is constricting as all of the thoughts and emotions she has been able to repress from the last three weeks begins to boil over.

Karlie cringes from embarrassment when she hears a small sob escape from her. Taylor shifts her head from the side and puts her lips against Karlie's neck. "Shhh," Taylor whispers, lips still against the model's neck.

There isn't anything technically wrong with this, right? Karlie thinks, not wanting Taylor's lips to leave. Due to the lack of discouragement Taylor receives, she begins to kiss Karlie's neck gently, instead of just resting her lips against her. Karlie cranes her neck, giving the singer better access, as she craves the gentle caresses of her lips. Tears are still running down her cheeks because she knows she shouldn't be here, shouldn't be allowing her friend to do this. Friends don't do this. When she feels Taylor's hot tongue against her neck, she can't tell herself that this is okay anymore, and she pulls away.

"I'm sorry," Taylor whispers, cupping Karlie's face in her hands to thumb away the tears that still readily fall from the model's green eyes. "I'm sorry I'm doing this, it is so selfish."

"I was going to choose you over him," Karlie chokes out. "Why didn't you just let me do it? I have to be with him all the time knowing I was going to leave him so easily. And he is so fucking, I don't know, Taylor. He is so nice, why can't I just like him more than you. I love him, so why can't I?"

"I'm sorry, I want things to work out with him for you, even though I hate that you're with him. I just want you to be happy," Taylor says, now wiping at the lipstick stains she has left on the model's neck.

"I can be happy with you, why aren't you letting me be? Wouldn't you be happy?" Karlie asks with her voice cracking on the last question, hating that she is doing this again. She has gotten her level of guilt to be almost manageable now while with Josh, and now all of her progress will be ruined after tonight.

"Of course I would be happy," Taylor mumbles. "But you wouldn't be, Karlie, I know you wouldn't be."

"Your own trust issues aren't letting you be happy, Taylor, and it is breaking my heart in the process. You're who I want, Taylor. Please stop doing this," Karlie cries, hating that now that she has begun she can't reign in her words or her emotions.

"You can be happy with, Josh," Taylor says, shaking her head.

"What about you? What about you being happy?" Karlie asks.

"If you're happy I will be happy," Taylor says, beginning to get emotional herself now, knowing that the statement is mostly a lie. What about her own happiness?

"I don't want to be happy with him, I want to be happy with you," Karlie says, losing all hope of getting herself under control once seeing Taylor is beginning to become affected by the conversation as well now. She knows that the statement she has just made is one that is going to cause her to feel guilt for weeks, as she so clearly labels her priorities with a bit of alcohol in her system. The truth comes out.

"You can't be, you have to understand that!" Taylor says, her voice cracking now as a couple of tears fall from her eyes.

"Stop saying that! I know myself better than you, and I know I can be!" Karlie exclaims, not understanding how Taylor can't possibly realize that she has no way of telling what would and wouldn't make Karlie happy. "You're being so fucking frustrating," Karlie says, and although the words themselves are angry there is nothing but hurt and desperation in the model's tone. "I hate when you tell me you want to be with me, because I want to be with you too, so why is it so difficult?"

Taylor just hugs Karlie tightly, not wanting to go back and forth. This is an argument that they could just talk themselves into circles for hours and hours. They've said everything that could possibly be said before, there is no need to re-hash everything out just to pick at healing wounds. Taylor rests her lips against Karlie once more, and now her own cheeks are slick with tears as well. She plants gentle kisses along the model's long neck to comfort her, something she realizes that she doesn't do nearly enough of in comparison to what the model does for her.

"Stay over tonight, please. I know I shouldn't have asked you to come over, I'm sorry, I was drunk and I just wanted to be with you for as long as possible. I'm still drunk, but just please stay over. You're here now anyway, I promise I won't try to do anything with you. I will just hold you tonight," Taylor whispers against her neck, desperate for the model to stay the night.

Karlie shakes her head, agreeing to to stay the night, as she wipes at her cheeks.

"I hate that I'm doing this to you," Taylor says, sounding physically pained herself.

"Just hold me tonight."

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