By stephanie22499

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Everyone has different ways of explaining whats life and this is mine!! More

Life in ma view
Train our mind!!!

Depression Out!!!

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By stephanie22499

Okay so this is 2021 and c'mon theres not one person who hasnt lost their mind by now or who hasnt had a million suicidal thoughts...(im hoping im not the only one 😅)...

The point is everyone has some kind of depression and we might sometimes compare it to one another saying hey my problems are way deeper than yours but throughout the years i realised people who act like they dont have problems are just really good at hiding it so we shouldn't ever wish from the world to have a happy life like her or him or them, instead say i want to make my life happy and pleasant so others can also get my positive vibes

Okay so now enough blah blah you wanna cure depression dont you hell yah you do okay so simple rule "Think Less" our brain and heart is the main cause of all our suffering so try to shut them down not literally but by yourself meditating and yoga actually helps to increase your inner energy to fight these depressing feelings.

Firstly think of your problem then think this problem is temporary just like my eraser i fought for when i was in grade one I had no idea i would not care about that anymore..just like the food i ate yesterday temporary and just like my life so if im not sure about my own life how can I think that this problem of mine currently would last forever it wont...

Now think about like this its only a problem if i keep thinking about it the more i ignore it with good hobbies i can cut it off the more i stop thinking about it its more not like a problem and just a reality to be accepted so i accept it because its only a problem for my current life that few words now would have changed your whole mind set you are now able to overcome any problem and thus depression gone.. 😄haha dont get me wrong we are human we will get sad but dont let that sadness become part of us dont let it sink into us till we loose track of time live by the 5 by 5 rule
If it doesn't matter in 5 years then dont waste more than  5 mins thinking about it ☆

Hope this helped this is how im managing so i guess im just sharing the thoughts....

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