Hopeless (A Bucky Barnes x Re...

By mrsbarnes__

8.1K 96 156

You're Tony Starks super powered daughter who only wants to follow in her father's footsteps but, when you me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

870 16 7
By mrsbarnes__

The sound of things shattering down stairs woke you up the next morning, causing you to shoot out of bed. You jumped to your feet and ran out of your room and down the stairs. When you got down the stairs, you looked around but, didn't see anyone anywhere.

You walked from the living room, to the kitchen, and to the family room but, never saw anyone. So, you decided to go downstairs and check your dad's lab. The further down the stairs you got, the louder the noises got. As you got down the last few steps, you were ready for a fight.

You rounded the corner and peered into the lab. Empty. Confused, you put in your handprint and stepped into the lab. You walked around for a little bit, making sure nothing was out of place but, there wasn't anything or anyone in there.

You shrugged it off and decided to go back upstairs to get ready for training. But, as you were leaving the lab, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You turned back around and that's when you saw something move in the corner of the room.

Carefully, you made your way over to your dad's testing area and quietly turned on the camera just in case something happened. Once the camera was recording and set to the corner, you slowly made your way over to where you saw movement.

This was a stupid idea, and you knew it. You should go get your parents or an Avenger but, you weren't really thinking straight. Before you made it to the corner, someone came at you from your left. They punched you in the face, sending you flying into the wall.

You recovered and focused a small amount of power into your hands for the Ultraviolet Energy power that you just recently found out you had. The red glow formed around your hands and you looked up at your attacker.

The person you were looking at, had a mask on so, you couldn't tell if you knew them or not. Which meant you didn't know if you should go easy on them or not. But, as they started to shoot at you, you realized that you didn't really have a choice.

Quickly, you ducked behind one of the tables and waited for your chance to strike. Once you had an opening, you jumped out from behind the table and immediately started shooting energy bolts at your attacker.

Thankfully for you, you were able to land a couple of hits on them. But, not enough. They stood up and charged right towards you. You jumped up and darted towards the other side of the room to try and get upstairs. But, before you were able to make it to the door, your attacker knocked you down. You went flying across the room and into one of your dads cars. They're using dad's tech? How'd they even get access to it?

Groaning, you rolled off of the car and stood up. You conjured up a small tornado and sent it towards the enemy. You hoped that it would be strong enough, considering that you still didn't have full control over your powers if your emotions were too high. Using the torando as a distraction, you made your way to the entrance of the lab and headed up the stairs.

"Friday! I need you to wake up either mom or dad or any of the Avengers! Tell them we're under attack!" You yelled, running up the steps.

"Right away Young Stark. Should I start your father's suits as well?" Friday asked.

Right before you were about to respond, another blast hit you in the back, sending you flying forward. You hit the ground hard and slid across the floor a little ways. Coughing, you tried to get up but, it was hard for you to move. You turned your head to the stairs and watched as the attacker ascended.

You struggled for a bit but, finally managed to get up and attempt to stand your ground. As the attacker got up the steps, you sent energy blasts towards them and tried to keep them at bay. But, it wasn't working. So, you did the only thing you could think of.

You lowered yourself to the floor, and stood your ground. The attacker pushed themself off of the wall and started towards you once more. You stayed put and waited for the right time. With each step the attacker took, you felt your power surging through you.

The attacker was no more than ten feet in front of you. Just a couple more feet, then you can strike. They took a few more steps and thats when you took a deep breath. Wait. They took a couple more steps forward and were finally standing in the right spot.

You let out a sonic scream and sent your attacker flying backwards once again. You held onto the scream for as long as you could, hoping to either knock out your opponent or wake someone up. But, since you still didn't have full control of your powers, you couldn't hold the scream for long.

Before you knew it, you had stopped screaming and dropped to your knees. You tried to stand, to continue to fight, knowing that someone was awake. But, the scream took so much energy out of you that you couldn't get up. Come on Y/N, get up!

Just as you were about to get up, the attacker kicked you in the face, sending you backwards into the fireplace. You groaned and again tried to stand up. Your attacker grabbed you by your shirt and threw you across the room, making you hit your head on the balcony.

"Y/N!" Bucky's voice came from upstairs.

"Barnes?" You said weakly, before everything went black.


"Mr. Barnes, please wake up. Y/N requires your assistance, the house is under attack." Friday's voice came from above.

"Y/N!" Bucky exclaimed, jumping out of bed.

He ran down the hall to the top of the stairs and peered over the balcony. You were nowhere to be seen. Quickly, he ran down the stairs and started to look around the house for you or your attacker. But, he couldn't find anyone. Soon after he came back into the family room from the living room, everyone else entered the room as well. Tony flew in from the balcony and stood next to Pepper, shaking his head.

Everyone searched for Y/N for a few hours but, no one was able to find her. It was like she had just vanished. After the sun had gone down, everyone regrouped and brainstormed on where she could've gone. But, there was nowhere that she could've gone that they hadn't already searched.

"If I may help Sir. When Young Stark entered your lab, she turned on your testing camera. Perhaps we could watch the footage?" Friday suggested.

"Play it Friday." Tony said, pulling down a screen.

As the tape played, Bucky leaned forward in his seat and focused on who could've attacked. Y/N's face soon appeared on the tape. She didn't look scared, she just looked confused and tired. She put a finger to her mouth and told the robot holding the camera to shush. Bucky watched as she mouthed the words 'Stay on me. They're over there.'

He watched as she crept around the lab and then went flying into the wall. The person attacking her ran towards her but, made no action to attack. At least, until they started to shoot at her. She was quick on her feet though, she ducked behind a table before getting hit. She was behind the table for a couple of minutes before she jumped out and started to attack as well.

Before the attacker was able to make another move, Y/N jumped around them and headed for the lab door. Unfortunately, before she was able to make it, the attacker grabbed one of Tony's thrusters and blasted her in the back with it. It sent her flying into one of Tony's very expensive cars. The camera stayed on Y/N as she picked herself up off of the ground and conjured a tornado.

The tape ended with Y/N running out of the lab, yelling to Friday to wake everyone else up. The lights in the room turned back on and Tony stood up. Bucky stared up at Tony and saw the hopelessness in his eyes. Someone had taken his daughter and there was nothing he could do without knowing who it was.

"Friday?" Bucky said suddenly. "Is there any footage from upstairs? The person attacking her obviously followed her right? I mean, there are signs of a fight upstairs."

"There is no footage from an upstairs fight. But, there is a new message coming in. I shall play it now." Friday said, dimming the lights again.

When the video started to play, the only thing that was in view was a warehouse. A couple of seconds later, the camera turned to Y/N who was bleeding and unconscious. Next to him, Bucky heard Pepper gasp. He sighed and focused back on the video. The person recording grabbed Y/N's chin and forced her head up. She had a deep cut in her forehead, a black eye forming, and her nose looked broke.

The person recording, smacked her once more, causing her to open her eyes. She looked up at them, and for the first time since the attack, Bucky saw fear in her eyes. She forced her head out of the persons grip and looked around. Everyone watched as Y/N tried to free herself of her restraints but, was smacked again by the person who had attacked her.

"This message is for Tony Stark and the Avengers. I have your daughter. I wanted your wife but, your child is much better. I want my revenge. You all played a part at wronging me in my time of need and I wish to make you pay." Their voice rang from the speakers.

"Wronged you?" Y/N's voice was coarse. "The Avengers never wronged anyone."

"Silence! Your so called family is the reason I had to resort to this!"

"Resort to what? Being a coward?! Who the hell sneaks into someone's house and attacks their daughter? Huh?"

The person in the video, punched Y/N in the face, causing her nose to start bleeding again. She spit out blood and a small smirk appeared on her face.

"Avengers! You are to bring me what I desire or the girl dies!" The person yelled. "I want the Arc Reactor Tony! Bring it to me!"

"You're a coward!" Y/N yelled. "You're a pussy who attacked a teenage girl! You can't even show your face. This whole time you've had a mask on! Show your face Coward!" Her eyes turned red and she started to glow.

"Sedate her! Hurry!" The voice yelled.

Everyone watched as Y/N thrashed against her restraints, trying to free herself. She was unsuccessful in doing so, since her attackers minions sedated her before she was able to get out.

The camera turned from Y/N and onto whoever it was that had attacked her. She was right, they did have a mask on. Bucky squinted his eyes, trying to get a good read on whoever this was. He couldn't get a clear view of his eyes, but he did notice a small cut in his left eyebrow.

"You have twenty four hours Avengers."

With that, the video ended. Friday turned the lights back on and lifted the screen up. Tony punched the wall and left the room. Pepper got up and ran out after him, the rest of the Avengers were silent. They all knew what they had to do but, without knowing who or where the person was made it more difficult to find her.

Steve stood up and walked to the front of the table. He was going to address the group but, none of that mattered if Tony and Pepper weren't there. Bucky stood up and walked out of the room. He followed the sounds of Tony's anger in order to find Tony and Pepper.

He walked downstairs and into the lab. He ducked as Tony chucked a table across the room and into the window. Bucky made his way over to Tony and set a hand on his shoulder. Tony stopped and looked up at him.

"Tony. We'll get her back, we have to." Bucky said.

"I know that. But, how can I protect her if I don't know where she is?" Tony questioned.

"You saw the same video I did. She's strong and she won't go down without a fight. You know that Tony. You raised her that way, and I swear to you. I'll kill whoever hurts her."

"I didn't know you cared about Y/N so much Bucky." Pepper added.

Bucky hesitated for a second, not knowing how to reply. "I just want to see her go to prom. That's all she really talked about last night."

"You're right. Pepper you go make a plan with the Avengers, Bucky you're with me on tracking that tape." Tony said, sitting up.

Pepper left the room while Bucky and Tony tried to pinpoint the location of where the message had come from. They tried to pinpoint the location for hours but, they weren't able to track down the message.


Someone smacked you in the face, causing you to open your eyes. You looked up at them, and for the first time since the attack, you felt fear course through you. You forced her head out of the persons grip and looked around. Once you realized that you were tied up, you tried to free yourself of your restraints but, your attacker smacked you again, making you stop.

"This message is for Tony Stark and the Avengers. I have your daughter. I wanted your wife but, your child is much better. I want my revenge. You all played a part at wronging me in my time of need and I wish to make you pay." They said.

"Wronged you?" Your voice was coarse. "The Avengers never wronged anyone."

"Silence! Your so called family is the reason I had to resort to this!"

"Resort to what? Being a coward?! Who the hell sneaks into someone's house and attacks their daughter? Huh?"

The person standing in front of you, punched you in the face, causing your nose to start bleeding again. You spit out blood and a small smirk appeared on your face.

"Avengers! You are to bring me what I desire or the girl dies!" The person yelled. "I want the Arc Reactor Tony! Bring it to me!"

"You're a coward!" You yelled. "You're a pussy who attacked a teenage girl! You can't even show your face. This whole time you've had a mask on! Show you're face Coward!" Your eyes turned red and you started to glow.

"Sedate her! Hurry!" The attacker yelled.

You thrashed against your restraints again, trying to free yourself. Unfortunately, you were unsuccessful in doing so, since your attackers minions sedated you before you were able to get out.

A few hours later, you woke up still tied to the chair. You pulled at your restraints once more, hoping they would come loose a little bit. But, to no avail, it didn't work and you were still stuck.

You took a glance around the room, hoping you were alone. Of course you weren't and there were two guards watching you. Two? That's insulting. You closed your eyes again and focused your energy into blasting the guards, knocking them out.

You broke out of your ropes and tied up the guards. Once you tied up the guards, you ran to the computer. You turned on the computer and logged in to the database. Thankfully for you, your dad taught you how to login to Friday no matter where you were.

Quickly, you logged into Friday's program and waited for it to connect to your dad's lab. Once you were in, you turned on the microphone and dialed your dad. He didn't answer the first few calls so, you hacked Friday's systems to answer for him.

"Sorry Friday. But, I needed to talk to my dad." You said.

"Y/N? Where are you Kiddo?" Your dad asked.

"I don't know. But, I managed to knock out the guards and undo my restraints."

"Are you alright?" You heard Bucky's voice.

"Barnes? Yeah, I'm alright. I just-"

You were cut off by the sound of the doors unlocking. You turned around and used your energy blasts to weld the doors shut to by yourself some time.

"Dad! I don't have a lot of time, were you able to pinpoint the location?" You asked.

"Yeah kiddo. I got you, lay low until we get there."

Hearing those words, you let out a sigh of relief and hung up the phone. Quickly, you ran out of the other door that was in the room and ran down the hallway. You ran as fast as you could, until the alarm started to blare.

"Prisoner 85739 has escaped. All units engage. I repeat Prisoner 85739 has escaped. All units engage." A recorded voice came from the PA system.

You sprinted down the hall and rounded the corner. As you rounded the corner, you came face to face with a dozen guards with guns pointed at you. You looked around for a way out but, couldn't find one. So, you had to stand your ground and fight.

You lifted yourself in the air and used the energy bolts to make your way past the guards. Once you were clear of the guards in front of you, you continued down the hallway to find somewhere to hide until the Avengers showed up. But, just as you rounded another corner, you were hit from behind and fell out of the sky.

You slid down the hallway and hit your head on the wall at the end. You let out a small groan and rolled over. Looking down the hall, you saw what looked like one of your dads suits. You blinked in confusion, wondering why he would've attacked you. As the suit got closer, you realized that it wasn't your dad.

Quickly, you jumped to your feet and ran down the hall once again. As you were running down the hall, the person in the suit kept shooting at you. You managed to dodge most of their attacks but, a couple of them managed to hit you, sending you flying down the hallway once again.

You hit your head on the railing of the stairs that were in front of you and groaned. You grabbed the railing, trying to steady yourself to stand up. You still hadn't stood up before the person sent another blast in your direction, sending you tumbling down the stairs. When you finally reached the bottom of the stairs, you physically couldn't stand up. So, you lifted yourself in the air and flew out of the area.

Once you got away from whoever was blasting at you, you stopped and took a few deep breaths. You were bleeding and badly injured, if they found you, you wouldn't be able to stop them. There was only a matter of time before your attackers found you so, you had to be fast about making a plan. But, the only thing that kept coming to mind was one word. Hide.

You heard footsteps coming from the stairs and you quickly lifted yourself up. As quietly as you could, you found an empty room to hide in. Quickly, you opened the door and snuck in, closing the door behind you quietly. You hunkered down underneath the door, and realized that it was a horrible hiding spot. So, you slowly crawled over to one of the cabinets and hid in there. You pulled your right knee to your chest and prayed that your dad and the Avengers would find you before your enemies did.

It felt like forever had passed before you heard anything. You heard people running around outside of the room you were in and then heard the door open. Your breath caught in your throat and you listened as the person walked around the room. Every ounce of your being wanted to jump out and run out of the room. But, you were sure that your left leg broke in the fall down the stairs and it was hard to run on just one leg.

The person in the room had stopped walking around and you listened as a gun cocked. You were sure that they had found you. This was it. This was how you died. The room got silent, there was absolutely no noise. The silence terrified you, if the Avengers weren't here already, then it would be too late for you. But, either way, you had to get ready for a fight. Even though you were weak, you managed to get your eyes to go red. You were ready for whatever these villains were going to throw at you.

A few moments of silenced past, and then you heard gunshots. You let out a small whimper and covered your head with your arms. As far as you knew there had only been one other person in the room with you. So, you weren't sure who was fighting. But, you were glad that it wasn't you. The gunfire stopped and everything went silent again. Once again, you were in the dark and scared.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" A familiar voice called out.

You stayed silent, not knowing who it was for sure. There was no telling what kind of weapons these people had or what kind of technology they used. Nothing else was said, instead the person walked around the room. You listened as their footsteps got closer to the cabinet that you were hiding in. You held your breathe and waited for them to pass. But, they never did. They got right in front of the cabinet you were in and stopped.

Your heart was beating out of your chest. You were terrified and helpless. If they found you, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself and that would be it. That would be the end of you. Slowly, you took a deep breath and watched in horror as the cabinet door opened. Your breathing started to pick up as the door opened.

As soon as it was opened, you screamed. You didn't want to open your eyes. But, you wanted to look your killer in the eyes and show them you weren't scared of them. So, you opened your eyes and stared in theirs. You stopped screaming when he covered your mouth with his hand.

"Hey hey. You're okay. It's just me, I got you." Bucky said, holding a hand out for you.

He helped you out of the cabinet and you wrapped your arms around him in a hug, never in your life did you think you'd be so happy to see him. But, in this moment, happiness was the only emotion you were able to feel. He held you tightly and as close to him as he could, making you feel safe and secure.

"Barnes? What are you doing here?" You asked, shakily.

"Saving you. Just like the others." He placed his hand on the earpiece in his ear. "I found her. Let's go!"

He picked you up bridal style and ran out of the room. He carried you up the stairs and out of the building. As he was running, he was still fighting off the others. He carried you through the lobby and towards exit where you saw the ship. Already heading towards the ship, you saw the other Avengers, including Peter. As soon as the two of you were out of the building, it exploded. You buried your face in Bucky's chest as the building exploded and hoped everyone made it out okay.

Bucky carried you onto the ship and set you down on the bed. You groaned as he set you down, your body still being sore from falling down the stairs. Your dad ran over to you and opened his face plate. His eyes worriedly wandered around, looking for any major injures. You gave him a small smile and looked over at Bucky. He was talking to Steve, explaining where he had found you at.

"What were you thinking Kid!?" You dad shouted suddenly.

"What?" You questioned.

"Why did you go up against these guys by yourself? You know how dangerous villains are!"

"Yeah, because I knew who it was. I thought it was you! I- AHH"

You weren't able to finish sentence before a sharp pain coursed through your body. No matter what you did, it wouldn't go away. With each second, the pain got stronger and you screamed louder. The louder you screamed, the more people covered their ears.

"Dad! It...it hurts.." You managed. "Make it stop."

"Alright Kiddo. It's okay. Just calm down alright? Look at me, just calm down." He said, stepping out of the suit.

You turned your attention towards your dad but, the pain wouldn't go away. You listened as Bruce and your dad scrambled to figure out a way to make it stop. But, everything that were trying wasn't working. You still felt the pain.

"Hey." Bucky's voice caused you to open your eyes. "Focus on me okay? You're going to be fine. Your dad is going to figure out a way to make it stop. I promise."

Little by little, you calmed down and the pain went away. You wiped away the tears that were streaming down your face and watched as your dad patched up your wounds. Once you were all bandaged up, your dad helped you sit up and gave you some water.

You remained silent for the remaining ride home and just allowed Dr. Banner and your dad to run some tests on you. A couple hours later, the jet landed on top of the compound and everyone got out. Bucky helped you make your way into the compound and down to the lab. He set you down on the bed and sat in a chair on the other side of the room.

After a few hours of Bruce running tests, you were finally able to go home. Bucky helped you to your room and set you on the window seat. He sat down next to you and just stared at you. Before either of you could say a word, there was a knock on the door. Bucky stood up and let the person in. Immediately, you were greeted by a worried Peter.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Mr. Stark called saying you were kidnapped and I rushed right over to help. What happened?" He asked.

"Hey Peter. I'm fine now. I was just stupid and decided to check out some noises by myself and not ask for any help." You smiled.

He nodded and hugged you. You let out a small groan of pain but, hugged him back. He smiled at you and then left the room. You smiled to yourself and leaned your head back against the window. You felt a weight from next to you and opened one eye. Bucky was once again sitting next to you, just staring at you.

"Stop staring. It's creeping me out." You said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

"No but, I'll be fine. My body hurts and I want to punch that guy in the face."

"Guy? What guy?"

"The guy who kidnapped me? I knocked his mask off at some point in one of our fights." You explained.

"Your dad said it was a bunch of people." Bucky insisted.

"The guy whose mask I knocked off looked really familiar but, I can't remember his name. But, I know my dad has a picture of them together in his lab. I don't know if he was the guy in the lab this morning or not but, I don't think he was. He would've killed me if it was him."

"You're sure it wasn't him?"

"Positive. Why?"

"Well, your dad was so sure that it was him. So, before I found you. I found him, and I killed him." He gave you a nervous smile.

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