Vampire's Assistant

By madstergirl

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Sometimes even Vampires and the Elite need assistants, but never forget to not use your power for selfish thi... More

Twenty One


111 3 0
By madstergirl

Kuran. That's all I could think about. Since when did Hanabusa call Kaname 'Kuran'. He was trying to be honest, but also hide something. None of it was a lie though, it just felt different. And what Kaname said. It bothered me a lot. Who did I think of when Kaname talked about that stuff? It wasn't the person I expected. In class, Takuma came to get me.

"Erika? Lord Kaname would like to see you now."

I nodded. "Okay."

Kaname set up a picnic on school grounds in the shade. I sat down. It was only a moment before I asked him what I was dying to know. "Kaname, why are you trying to set me up with Hanabusa?"

The look on Takuma's face said it all. Kaname laughed. "You couldn't let him out of earshot first?"

"I need to know, Kaname. Why?"

"I wasn't really trying to. I think you know that already. I was only trying to keep Hanabusa out of my way. You just happened to be the person to do that. Despite you hating me, you still trust me."

"Do I really have a choice? I was entrusted with your biggest secret. Something I will never be able to tell anyone. Something I don't even fully understand myself. And in return, I help you fulfill your dream. A dream of peace between humans and vampires. I am your mediator. I am the evidence it's possible."

He sighed, grabbing my face. He looked me dead in the eyes. "I didn't like what you said last night. About how nobody could love you. I'm here."

"But you love Yuki Cross. I'm your backup wife."

"I love both of you. Equally."

I shook my head. "Vampire society is so confusing. I don't want to be shared. Hanabusa is right. I deserve someone who loves me."

"And you want that someone to be Akatsuki?"

"I thought that person was Akatsuki, but I've seen the way he looks at her. It's the way she looks at you. The way you look at Yuki."

"What about Hanabusa?"

"Hanabusa Aido. Nickname, Idol. Popular with everybody, especially girls. He's not exactly the type of person I want to be overly associated with."

Kaname laughed. "And yet, you tried to protect him from Hio, did you not?"

"Of course you knew about that. I was just doing my job as a part of the displinary committee. Besides, he's the heir to the Aido family. He's the cousin and best friend of Akatsuki. There'd be too many issues of he were to die."

"Erika, I need to ask you something. A favor from me to you. As purebloods."

"What is it?"

"First of all, I want to tell you a story. Do you know why I renamed you Erika?"

"I do."

He smiled. "Do you remember your past? Before Hio attacked your family with level E's?"

My heart pounded. "You knew?"

"Of course I knew. I know everything. Now answer."

I shook my head no. "I remember nothing from before Akatsuki saving me."

"I was worried you'd say that. So you don't remember your old name either, do you?" I shook my head. "That's very bad. I wish I could tell you, but I cannot speak your name here. Not anywhere. But I can tell you why Hio did what she did. If you'd like to hear."

"Of course I do, Kaname. I want to know."

Kaname told me a story about a vampire from long ago. A vampire that became human in sacrificing another pureblood. He was one of the original vampires, and he'd lived a very long time in hiding. He became a human in order to be with a vampire woman who also wanted to be human. They lost their memories after a few years, and against all odds, became real humans. This former pureblood vampire had a beautiful wife, five children and a good business. Hio knew about him and killed the family. One survived though. Kaname told me all about that despite being human, I am related directly to one of the original vampires. I almost couldn't believe it, but I knew deep in my heart, that was the truth. Kaname hadn't told me a single lie. His voice broke as he spoke, so I knew it was painful to talk about. Hio was really there to kill my father, a former pureblood vampire who became human. It was hard to hear.

"... and that's all I can tell you."

"So that's why I'm so important to you. I really am related to a pureblood. Not just Juri."


I took a deep breath. It was hard to take in, but I understood what happened. "Kaname... There are bad people in this worlds. Bad vampires. I know I'm in a realm of my own here, but I want to protect the good in the world. Bad people, bad vampires and whatever other bad in the world can be killed, but the good needs to be protected. What can I do to help?"

"Keep working on those blood pills. Keep bringing peace. And, I'd like you to marry and aristocrat. One that I personally trust. I thought about what you told me a while, about expanding the Kuran family line. About expanding pureblood family in general. I want you to be the one to do that."

"Yes, Lord Kaname."

He put a hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "My Lady Erika, you'll be just fine. And if you need help with anything, just as Hanabusa. You might not know this, but he's a researcher in the vampire world. He's quite good."

"I will."

The rest of the day was pretty slow. Eventually, I just left class. I couldn't think. My hunger got so bad. I went right for the Moon Dormitories. Akatsuki made me a hot cocoa. We sat on the couch. He looked incredibly worried. I knew just what he was thinking. He was wondering what was wrong with me. Why my thirst for blood suddenly got bad. It was my memories. My brain and my body was fighting each other. My stomach not even wanting to get involved. If I started rejecting the blood tablets, it would be horribly bad. Yes, I was pureblood, but in a whole other sense. But if I was a pureblood, I was also a cannibal. Drinking human blood as a half human. It was disgusting. I was so appalled by it all.

Hanabusa walked in at that moment. "Oh, Erika, what are you doing here during the day?"

"Blood stop."


Akatsuki sighed. "They're getting a lot closer together."

"There's something wrong, isn't there, Erika?"

"Nothing to worry about, Hanabusa."

He put his hands on his hips. "I don't believe that for a second. Not after what Lord Kaname was saying last night. There's something bothering you. Has your crush gotten too bad?"

I looked down to see my hot cocoa starting to crystallize. I jumped out of my seat, knocking the chair over. The panic set in. I was breathing heavy, my heart beat the only thing I could hear for a moment. Both Hanabusa and Akatsuki tried to come near me, but I stopped them.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed. "Get Kaname! Now!"

"Akatsuki, you're faster! Get Lord Kaname! I'll make sure she's safe! I promise!"

"I'll be right back, Eri. I'll bring help."

Once Akatsuki was out of the room, Hanabusa sent all the vampires away. Making sure nobody would bother me. I held myself tight. "Nobody is going to bother us, Erika. Please tell me, what's going on? Is this some sort of pureblood thing?"

"I can't control my powers." I groaned in pain. "I can't... I'm not used to this. My head is splitting and my body is freezing inside out! I don't know why, but you can't touch me! I'll freeze you to death! And my hunger..."

"Your hunger keeps increasing?"

"Kaname told me a bit about my past earlier. Says I have to marry someone. I'm a pureblood, and you just won't understand. I'm half human, but two fourths Kuran and two fourths another pureblood family. I don't know how to control this, and I've got a feeling it has to do what Kaname told me."

"You need to take some deep breaths, Erika. Uh..." He was thinking. "Akatsuki. You call him Tsuki. Why's that?"

"He's my friend. I give all my friends nicknames. Akatsuki is Tsuki, Kaname is Kana."

He started walking closer as ice started forming at my feet. "What about me? Aren't we friends, Erika?"


"So, then where's my nickname? Don't I deserve one?"

I nodded. "Y-Yeah... Hanabusa. Nickname for Hanabusa. Wh-What about Nabu?"

"Nabu? That could be cute. Okay, Nabu. I'll be Nabu then."

Ice kept covering the floor. "Erika! Listen to me, okay? Tell me, how can you be a pureblood if you're from a human family?"

"As vampires know, there's a way to turn into a human through sacrifice of a pureblood. My father and his wife sacrificed members of his family to become human. I've always been a pureblood, it was just hidden inside of me. Juri and her husband let me drink their blood, turning me into a vampire."

He whispered under his breath. "Oh man, this ice is going to become water really fast."

"Fast... water..."

"What about it?"

"Hayami. That's the name that means fast water. That was my name. I remember now. Hayami Hio. That was my name, before I got reborn as Erika Shizuoka. Before I was Erika Kuran..."

Hanabusa was able to sneak around me. He looked me in the eyes. "That's great that you remember. Now, keep looking at me. Keep taking deep breaths."


"Could I call you Yami?"


He smiled. "It means Night Beauty. I think that's exactly what you are."

"Y-Yeah." I closed my eyes, trying to hold it back. "Hey Nabu, the next time I go to one of those aristocratic parties, would you go with me again? I'll get a prettier dress next time so I don't embarrass you."

"Sure. But you didn't embarrass me one bit."

The ice started cracking further towards him. My eyes snapped open. "You need to get out of here, Nabu! I'm going to freeze you!"

"I'm not afraid, Erika. I won't leave you alone here."

My fangs pierced my lip, blood dripping down my chin. I looked right into Hanabusa's eyes. "Don't make me control you."

"I'm not backing away."

"Hanabusa Aido, step away from the ice!"

Hanabusa tried fighting it, but my control over him was far too much. He was forced to move away from the ice, but he didn't move as far as I would have liked him too. His will in this was far too strong for a typical vampire. He was definitely high class. And to think, to the Hunter Association, I was only just an assistant to Kaname.

Kaname and Akatsuki got into the room. It was nearly all frozen now. Kaname jumped back. "Ice? Is that why you've been so cold lately?"

"This isn't the time for kidding around, Kana! Please make it stop!"

As soon as I called him Kana, he knew something was wrong. He noticed the blood dripping down my face. There was a moment of fear in Kaname, but he put his hand out and melted the ice. My body was shivering. He demanded for any sort of warmth for me. I was wrapped in blankets, and carried up to Kaname's room. He put me in front of a hearth. The fire felt so warm, and I could feel myself warming up already.

"What happened to her?" Akatsuki asked Kaname.

"Her powers were concealed so long, that they're all coming out at once. She is taking everything on at once. Ability wise, she's nothing more than a mere child, but her powers are far stronger than that. She doesn't know how to control them, so when her emotions get strong, her powers come out. In order to control herself, she needs to be calm and be able to know what she's doing. She's probably awfully hungry now too. Something blood tablets aren't going to help."

"I guess I'll go prepare some blood."

Kaname turned to me. "Erika, the blood from your lip, don't waste it."

"Yes, Lord Kaname."

"It's just Kaname, Erika. You know that."

I turned to him and looked him in the eye. "Kaname, it was Hanabusa. He was the one who helped me. I think he knew what was going on."

"And he was able to stay calm finding out about you having powers?"

"He must just really care."

"You told him, didn't you?"

I looked away and into the hearth. "How could I not? I think he could use some praise."

"Well, now it makes sense as to why he said Kuran. You know, he's a terrible liar. I hope you two are very happy together."

Kaname left, but I ran after him. He was halfway down the stairs, but I shouted at him. "I never said I loved him, Kaname! Don't be wishing me anything!"

"You know, it's strange that your ice ability shows up just as you get closer to Hanabusa Aido. His ability is ice."

"Of course it is. That's exactly what it was telling me, wasn't it? That's not the point, Kaname! Besides, even if I did fall in love with someone like him, he loves someone else!"

"Are you really going to let her beat you out, Erika? If you're going to do that, at least give him a good wife. Someone who can always be there for him. Someone who loves you for you, isn't that what you said, Erika?"

I stumbled into the wall. I covered my face, laughing. "How am I suppose to compare?"

"Erika, go lay down. Get some sleep. Yuki and Zero can handle things tonight. You'll need the rest."

Kaname was right. I was already exhausted from using my powers, and if I wasn't confused before, I was definitely confused now. There was only so much I could do without getting tired. Kaname was right. I had the powers of a full grown pureblood vampire, but my body was still acting as if I were a child. I needed to sleep this exhaustion off. There was a lot more to come, and I was going to need to get all the rest I could. Another vampire formal, than the break coming up. Plus there was something I was sensing. It felt like my uncle, but it was impossible. He was dead. I remember Kaname telling me that I didn't have to worry about him anymore because he took care of him. But it is Kaname, and I don't fully trust him. I laid down in his bed.

Akastuski handed me a drink with blood. "Here."

"Thank you, Tsuki."

He smiled. "Not mad at me anymore?"

"I still think you should dress more appropriately, but I suppose I could stop being so picky. If I want someone less wild, I'll go spend time with someone less wild. You've been my friend for a long time, Tsuki, I won't ruin that just because you refuse to drink my blood. I can see why you wouldn't want to. I mean, even Kaname won't drink it because it's too sweet."

"Glad to hear it. Now, get some sleep, Eri."

There was a slight knock on the door. Hanabusa was standing there. "Hey, are you doing okay, Yami?"

"I'm doing a lot better now, Nobu. You really saved me back there. If it wasn't for you talking me down, the ice would have covered half the dorm."

"Why did it do that?"

I laughed. "I think my powers were trying to tell me something. I'm really sorry for worrying you. I hope the blood didn't scare you either."

Hanabusa laughed. "Scare me? All it did was make me hungry. Sleep well, okay?"

"Have a good time at school. Remember our deal, okay?"

He smirked. "I'd never forget that."

Hanabusa left. "Nabu? Yami? What was that about?"

"He really helped me when i was scared. Hanabusa and I are becoming good friends. I'm really glad Kaname made us go to that formal together, but don't let him know that."

"I'm glad you two are getting along now. Sleep well, Eri."

"Have a good time at school, Tsuki."

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