Perfect Strangers

By itscymmyrixn

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"No strings attached." Sanzu and Y/n are complete strangers. They use each other for pleasure and there's onl... More



2.4K 124 235
By itscymmyrixn

"My, My, My. What are you doing so close to MY girl?"

My eyes widened as I stood up from my chair. "Sanzu?!" I exclaimed.

He gave me a cold stare before turning his gaze back at Rindou. He was wearing a mask of course. I could already feel the tension between these two. Geez! What the hell is he even doing here?! Did he read my text? But he didn't even bother to reply!

"Y/n." He says in a quiet and dangerous tone. "Looks like you had a delicious meal, huh." He sulked, an annoyed huff could be heard.

"Sanzu we were just—"

"Save it." He cut me off by grabbing my hand and pulling me closer To him causing me To bump on To his chest. I backed off a bit and saw him pull out clash on his wallet and placed it on the table. "The food is payed. You have Don't have an excuse not To leave anymore."

"Stop being so cocky, dude. We were just having lunch." Rindou smirked.

He is definetely far from What I First met him. He's the one cocky here!

"Shut up." Sanzu's grip on my hand became tigther. "I knew something was off the way you stare at her when I brought her at the Hideout."

I looked around us and saw all the eyes glued on us. I even saw Kazutora and Chifuyu with open mouths watching us. Look at this two! I thought they got my back but I guess They're just here for the Show! Tsk!

Rindou snickered. "You knew by that time but still, you didn't watch over your girl? Heh. Not my fault You're a careless boyfriend."

This guy..

"Can you shut your Mouth already? You're making it worse." I said in a low but serious tone. I looked up To Sanzu, his jaw is clenching and his eyes are Like daggers piercing Rindou right now. "Sanzu let's Go."

"Hey Y/n wait." Rindou stopped us with his words making me look at him with glaring eyes. What does he want now?! Can't he see Sanzu's expression right now? He looks Like he's gonna murder somebody! "I admit that you and Sanzu look Good together." He smiled making me stop and snicker.

"Obviously." Sanzu and I said in the same time.

A playful smirk was then formed on the corner of his lips. "But you look best with me." and then he winked.

I raised my Middle finger at him and tried pulling Sanzu away from where we are cause I Don't know What might happened if we stayed there for longer but instead, I was the one being dragged out of somewhere.

The next thing I know, he pushed me inside the restroom before locking it.

"What do you think your doing with that Guy?" He asked after he pushed me down To sit on the closed toilet, both of his hands pinned on the wall.

Just by that question, I already knew that he didn't read my texts.

I battled my eyes with those flaming eyes of his. "I texted you, didn't I? I told you I was meeting with the Guy who keep on sending me stuffs To tell him To stop. I even asked you if you wanna come!"

"And it was Rindou?"

"Surprisingly, Yes!" I Face palmed and rested my head back, sighing deeply.

"You didn't know it was him?" He asked still doubting me.

"I can sense you doubting me. I'm your girlfriend for gods sake! Did I ever doubt you in the Days where you ignored my calls and messages? No!" It hurts and I can't explain Why. I was about to push him away but he instantly grabbed my hand with his other hand. His gaze is a little bit more relaxed now.

I started sniffing and that's when I realized tears were slowing flowing down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes once again to see those deep piercing blue eyes looking down on me. The anger and frustration inside me is starting to build up.

He shouldn't doubt me because in the first place, I asked his permission through text since he wouldn't answer my calls. Who would have thought that he wouldn't read my texts and then see me with the person I was about to meet up! I'm frustrated because I didn't doubt him ignoring me this past few days while he had the guts to doubt my actions right now. He's Unfair again.

He let out a deep sigh before removing his hands on the wall. I thought I was able to get out already but I was stunned when I saw him start unbuckling his belt, the outline of his THING is already visible through his jeans.

"Did he touch you?" He asked while eyes locked on mine.

My eye brows furrowed. "What do you think your doing? And no, he didn't touch me so stop it." I tried standing up but again, he pinned both of my hands again on the wall. I glared at him. "Let me go, Sanzu. I can see clearly in your eyes that you're high."

"So? Yes I'm high but I'm still not letting you go. I won't let you go." His eyes were full of determination. I suddenly feel the heat on my cheeks. "I won't let you cheat on me!" He yelled at me making me flinch.

"I would never cheat on you! What made you think I would?!" I yelled back shaking my head. Why would he think that I would cheat on him?!

"Well you seem Like the girl To do that, Y/n."

What the...

I was about To speak but I looked away instead when he slowly slid his boxers off. "Sanzu please.. not here.."

When he's jealous, he isn't thinking straight. Just Like me when I'm pissed. He grabbed my jaw aggresively motioning my Face To look at him. "What? You sayin you Don't want this dick down your throat? You'd rather let me shove it in that Mouth of yours in front of Rin—"

Angry filled inside me. I lifted my hand and slapped him across the Face. I knew I hit him hard when I heard the slap Echo around the restroom. He held his cheek with a surprised look on his Face. My hands strings as the burn from my slap began To spread through my palm. Sanzu's Face stayed twisted To the side for What seemed Like forever.

I was breathing heavily while looking at my hands. It's been a while since this hand of mine landed on someones Face. But.. No.. I shouldn't have done that!

(No one's POV)

"How did it Go?" A Guy with a short blonde hair with a middle part undercut hairstyle and a Bonten tattoo on his nape asked the person who just walked inside the room.

Having a wide grin plastered on his lips, he answered with confidence. "Ended as planned." Rindou shrugged his shoulders sitting beside his brother and the other executives on the couch while eyes on Bonten's Leader. Manjiro Sano/Mikey.

Mikey sighed deeply before looking at his reflection on the mirror for the nth time. "I Don't think so." He muttered making all of the people inside the room turn his gaze To him.

"What.. do you mean?"

He faced the Bonten members leaning his back on the sink. "We'll be needing another plan. My Gut tells me Sanzu wouldn't let that girl go so easily."

"I've never seen Sanzu be possessive with something other than his drugs." Akashi said making the other Bonten members nod their heard except for their Leader.

"But I have To admit even though it cringes me the fuck off, Sanzu is genuinely happy with Y/n." Rindou commented.

"You've been spying on them, Don't you? Ohhh Don't tell me You're Actually falling for that girl too! Ha!" koko teased him before taking a sip on his drink.

"I'm... not." Rindou Haitani looked away having a Red blush on his cheeks.

"Oi Rindou. Don't even think about falling for her. Remember, It's just part of the plan." Ran on the other hand pointed out. He didn't want his younger brother to meddle with Y/n L/n.

"We can't let another Bonten member have a connection with the L/n's." The adviser of Bonten—Akashi added.

Rindou looked down biting his bottom lip. "I know and I won't." He said even though he knew To himself that he wasn't sure enough. If only the gang knew that I already knew Y/n before... he thought To himself.

"We won't be needing Rindou To pretend anymore for our next plan." The Leader spoke catching all of their attentions. He told the gang the plan. Obviously, most of them agreed but some of them were hesitant and of course, Mikey noticed it. "Any petitions? Koko? Rindou?"

Koko shaked his head. He wasn't thinking about Y/n's sake for their plan. He was worried about what might Sanzu Haruchiyo's reaction will be once he found out that his own gang was the one who planned it all out.

"I just hope Sanzu won't—"

"We're doing this for his sake. For the sake of Bonten." Mikey cut him off. His words full of determination. He was already sure of the plan. The only thing left is the perfect time to unleash it.

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