What have I done? || Yandere...

By ChocolateGlace

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"I saved a boy who tried to jump off the school rooftop." At first glance, he seemed like a scared and anxiou... More

Just a heads up
Chapter 1: A pitiful friendship
Chapter 2: Think this through
Chapter 3: Unintentional advice
Chapter 4: He's a threat
Chapter 5: A peaceful solution
Chapter 6: I can't leave her
Chapter 7: Please open up
Chapter 8: A request
Chapter 9: Rolling girl
Chapter 10: Shiyo Otengoku
Chapter 11: Dread and relief
Chapter 12: Sweets and deals
Chapter 14: Influences from different directions
Chapter 15: A mother's love and a box of cookies
Chapter 16: We are the same
Chapter 17: Chemistry and chemistry
Chapter 18: All I need is a drop

Chapter 13: Escalations

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By ChocolateGlace

Silence. It's quiet but in a comforting way. Like sitting down in a world without people. Like relaxing in a greenfield decorated with soft fluffy grass. Like bathing in the warm light under the bright sun—

Beeping, beeping, beeping, over and over again.

Her hand reaches for the device that keeps on beeping like a crying baby that just came out of the womb. Looking at her phone screen, she groans. 6:30 AM, an hour before class starts. Pressing snooze, she attempts to go back to sleep but a sudden ping catches her attention. Bringing the phone closer to her face, she raises an eyebrow as she realizes that she has received a text.

Good morning.

(Y/N) smiles sleepily at the text before typing a reply.


By the time another text arrives, (Y/N) is already fully awake. Though, it wasn't that long of a wait.

Have you had breakfast yet?

Not yet I just woke up akaksksjks

Oh, I see. I have already eaten and am getting ready to leave for school.

Whawhaaa??? You early birb how you waking up so fast!!

She can see the speech bubbles going on and on... seems like he's typing something long, though she's not sure.

I managed^^

Or maybe not. Shrugging off, she types back a reply.

Welp imma get ready now then will probably go have breakfast at yuri's eheh
sandwiches again probably. girl loves her sandwiches

oh alright!

You should try some!! Yuri makes the best sandwiches!! not like she can make anything else anyway hehe

She chuckles at her playful comment.

Alright, I'll come over right now.

Suddenly, her smile drops as she sits up, frantically typing 'wait', 'stop' and 'no' over and over again.

waiatwait stopstop nooonoonono I was joking plssssss

He read her message, but it doesn't seem like he was typing back a reply. She stares at the screen for what seems to be a minute before she finally receives a reply.

Oh, I'm sorry...

She can hear his sad voice and heart broken eyes just from reading that text.

Nuuuuu if you want to you can come over to my house and we can walk to school together how bout that?:<

Thinking about it now, that isn't a bad idea. That was until she remembers that they live in the opposite direction. The poor boy would have to walk to her house and then do another ten to twenty minutes walk just to get to school. She doesn't want to put him through all that trouble.

You don't have to tho it's gon be a long walk I don't want to bother you:'<

A reply comes back almost at the speed of light.

No, it's fine. I'm used to long walks, I can handle it.

You sure?? I just don't wanna bother you fr

Yes, strolling through town is practically my hobby now^^

Aight imma go get ready:3

She drops her phone onto her bed before getting up, stretching a bit before making her way out of her messy room and into the bathroom. Her phone lets out a ping just as the bedroom door closes with a thud.

I'll be waiting outside.

He hits send, smiling at his phone screen before shoving the device into his bag. Back resting on the brick wall, Kou's eyes lighten up as he stares at her house.

The neighbourhood is quiet as not too many people are awake yet at this hour. Even if they were, they'd probably still be in the comfort of their own home, picking out their outfit for today and getting ready for breakfast. Overall, it's a perfect time for him to stroll through the neighbourhood without anyone noticing.

Though, he feels as though that wouldn't be a problem anymore. After all, he knows her house now, not because he followed her home but because he had walked her to her own home yesterday. If (Y/N) or Yuri saw him here in their neighbourhood, they probably wouldn't bat an eye and instead greet him with a warm and welcome smile.

Truth be told, when she sent that text saying she was simply joking about him coming over, he had already entered her neighbourhood. That text made him stop in his track. She didn't want him there. He wasn't welcome and she confirmed it. He never felt so disgusted with himself.

He doesn't want her to be in danger. If she did, then he could show up and help, just like she did for him. Yet now, it feels like he is safer with her. It's like having a guardian angel around. Almost every good thing that happened in his life recently had happened because she was there. He is given more reason to follow her and be around her more and more.

So to have her text that to him was heartbreaking. He might indeed be overthinking, but he can't help it. He would've left but when he felt a ping coming from his phone, he looks over and sees that text that fixes everything.

Nuuuuu if you want to you can come over to my house and we can walk to school together how bout that?:<

And then, all his worries from before suddenly vanishes.

He stares into the windows of the house, though he's not quite sure which one is hers. How silly of him to think he wouldn't be welcomed. Especially by her of all people.

Then, he turns his head to the house behind him. The only thing that separates him and the building is the wall he's leaning on. That's Mirai's house if he remembered correctly. He doesn't see the boy around but that's normal since kids usually like to sleep in.

The three of them stroll together to school. Yuri and (Y/N) are talking together—something about sandwiches. Though he isn't a part of the conversation, Kou doesn't mind. Just hearing them talk is fine and he can't ask for more.

They enter the school gate and into the building. It's quite early so the school hallways are practically empty.

(Y/N) opens up her locker to grab the books and supplies she needs for the day. Kou approaches her and stands beside her, waiting patiently for the girls to finish.

"So, you wanna go to class or...?" She asks, closing her locker and turns to her best friend. A confused look is plastered on her face as she eyes the book in Yuri's hands. Kou's eyes follow her. The cover features an image of two boys cooking with one another.

"You're reading that one? Again?? Dude, that's like fifty chapters of them pining for one another, nine chapters of them actually going out and one chapter that's just smut. How could you sit through all of that?? Twice too?!"

"But that's the best thing though, no? Nothing beats the romance of two men bonding over their love for cooking."

"I know you like your filth, Yuri. Just go read that."

"But don't you get it? Smut with no plot is like food with no taste. If I'm going to read my filth, I need to earn it through plot and character development."

Yuri turns to Kou. A smile filled with wisdom is on her face, though it looks goofy on someone like her. "Always earn your stuff, kid. You want your smut? Earn it. You want money? Earn it. You want my respect and friendship?? Always earn it. Work hard!" The last part seems to be specifically directed to him.

(Y/N) lets out a sigh. "Why did you turn this into a motivational speech?"

"Just trying to get my message across. I'd make a great president, no?"

"Yeah, if you want this country to collapse."

"Umm, can I see the book?" Kou joins in. He can't help it. Something urges him to check out the book. Perhaps it's because it's not the type of book he would go out of his way to read. Maybe because of the subject matter. Romance is never something he would like to read.

She seems hesitant. Though when it seems she has made up her mind, she turns her head away and holds the book close to her chest. "You gotta earn it." She simply says.

Saddened by the answer, he simply looks down. "Oh, okay..." He doesn't know why he was saddened by it though. It's not like he cared about the book.

"Man, I could go for something sweet right now..."

Yuri continues to engage with the book in her hand, while Kou would try and sneak in a few glances when no one is looking. Meanwhile, the other girl seems to be rummaging through her backpack for something.

So when a petite looking boy with soft pink hair suddenly runs and crashes into (Y/N), they had no time to stop the impact.

The girl falls to the floor. She lands on her back, then stand up on her elbows before bringing her hand up to rub her back in pain. Papers fall to the ground softly and gently. The sound echoing throughout the quiet and empty hallway. Yuri—like the good friend that she is—finally takes her eyes off of her book to glare at the boy who had run into them.

"Are you okay??" Kou rushes to her side. He crouches down as he examines her. Hands hovering over her body as he is afraid to lay a finger on her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." (Y/N) waves her hand to reassure him with a smile on her face. Though it drops when they both hear a groan coming from the person laying on his stomach beside her.

"Hey, are you alright? Katsu, help him pick up his books." (Y/N) says as she crawls her way toward the other boy.

"Pain, pain, pain..." the boy mutters over and over again in agony as he begins to pick himself up.

From the way his arms are shaking underneath him and the way his eyes are watering as he clenches his eyes shut, Kou would've guessed he was stabbed rather than crashed into someone and fell on his stomach. Though when his eyes go from his pained expression and to his right thigh where a pencil is stabbed through his pants and into his flesh as blood gushes out slowly, he finally understands that the boy isn't overreacting.

"Oh my lord, are you okay?? Your thigh!" (Y/N) gasps, inspecting the wound in horror. How the hell did that happen?

"Pleassseee! The dude's fallen and the first thing you check is if his thighs are thick? Man, you're a bigger pervert than I am—Ewwwwww!!!" Yuri turns away. Hands covering her eyes as she faces the wall. "So gruesome...so grotesque...! I'm gonna faint..."

"Yuri, you go to class first, okay? I'll catch up." (Y/N) says to her in concern. It's not an exaggeration when Yuri says she might faint at the sight of blood, even if it was a small amount. The poor girl is so terrified of blood, after all. (Y/N) will never forget that one time Yuri fainted in the theatre during a zombie movie. Maybe that's why her parents don't want her to pursue a career in the medical field.

Yuri gives them a thumb up—eyes still closed, of course—before walking away from the scene. Meanwhile, Kou continues to pick the books that belong to the boy. All school-related, it seems.

"We need to get you to the infirmary. Come on, can you walk?" (Y/N) asks, to which the boy nods before getting up. The wound on his thigh however causes him to fall back down in pain. (Y/N) grabs the boy by his shoulder before putting her arm around him, then pulls his arm around her shoulder so she can support him.

Kou walks behind the two towards the infirmary while holding the boy's books in his arms. When they arrive at the area, Kou slides open the door for them. They expected the school nurses to be behind those doors but is instead greeted by an empty room.

"Right, it's still early..." (Y/N) sighs before walking the poor boy to one of the beds. He sits down, eyes tearing up at the wound as he simply stares at it helplessly.

"Could you help me...patch up the wound? I'm sorry, I don't know how to do it myself, I'm so sorry..." the pink-haired boy practically begs, eyes refusing to look at the two students who have helped him.

"Yes, of course. But first we have to...h-have to..." (Y/N) trails off uncomfortably, gulping at the sight of the pencil still stuck inside the boy's wound.

"I can help..." Kou volunteers.

As soon as he hears Kou speaks, the boy's anxiety and panic seem to rise. "U-Um, that's okay. I can wait for the nurse to arrive." His voice is shaking, but not like before. It doesn't sound like it's caused by the pain but rather from fear and discomfort. And it seems to start as soon as he volunteered to help...

"Yes, but that's like an hour away. Your wound might get infected if you wait that long." (Y/N) walks away from the bed and towards the pill cabinet. Even though the nurse isn't here, the cabinets containing first-aid kits and such are always available. The whole room is always available.

Kou simply stares at the boy before crouching down to inspect his wound. The boy seems to back away a little bit when the white-haired boy approaches him.

He pities the smaller boy. To fall in such a way that causes a pencil to stab itself into your thigh must mean you have such horrible luck.

"May I...?" He points to the pencil, to which the boy nods hesitantly

Kou gently wraps the bandages around the boy's wound, making sure to not apply too much pressure. While doing so, he can feel the boy staring at him nonstop.

He looks up after he finishes. The boy realizes that he has been caught staring, and turns his gaze away. An embarrassed look is on his face. "Thank you..." he says.

"It's okay. I'm glad I can help." He smiles gently at the boy, who seems to soften up at the sight of his kind grin. He doesn't say anything back except to stare at Kou, as if searching for something.

Before the boy can say anything, the door to the infirmary suddenly slams open to reveal a redhead boy. The moment his eyes move from the empty spaces to the the injured boy and ultimately Kou, his whole body is consumed by rage as he charges at the boy, kicking him down to the ground as if he was a ball on the field.

"Who do you think you are, you bastard?! What, was Ai not enough for you!?" He stomps his way to the fallen boy, before placing his foot roughly on Kou's head, applying pressure as time passes by.

His body is yanked away from Kou by a pair of hands. He turns around to see none other than (Y/N).

"Stop it! Leave him alone!"

"You deaf bitch...!" He shakes the girl off, then reaches for the girl's neck. His grip is firm as he pulls her face towards his own. Though Kou can only see his back from where he is, he can imagine how terrifying his glare must've looked based on (Y/N)'s horrified face. "I told you, didn't I? To not hang around him. Or are you too deaf to get my warning? You want me to use violence against you, is that it?"

He doesn't say those words jokingly anymore. Kou can only remember Akugaki using that threatening tone against him and no one else, but yet here he is. His grip tightens as seconds pass, and soon (Y/N)'s hands reach up to the male's grip, clawing at it to release her as tears well up in her eyes. Meanwhile, Kou can only watch. His body freezes in spot, but even if he can move, he most likely won't move out of his own free will. He is scared to... He can only hope something else can save her...

"Please stop!" A voice said, snapping Kou and Akugaki back to reality. The redhead turns to the injured boy, now standing up, even though his leg clearly can't support him well. "Please, I'm sorry... please, just let her go. It's my fault, okay? Please?" He begs tearfully. The boy's pitiful tone seems to bring a change to Akugaki whose face softens at the sight of the boy's crying, then turns to the girl who he still has a grip on. Her hands wrap around his wrists as she stares at him, her eyes look tired yet terrified, as if she would pass out in any second.

When he feels her grip on his wrists loosen up, he quickly releases her. The girl falls to her knees as she coughs violently while trying to regain her breath.

Meanwhile, Akugaki only stares at the floor. A troubled look is on his face as he clenches his teeth. "Leave." He says. (Y/N) and Kou's gaze lock on him, their whole body remains still.

"I said leave!"

Kou crawls his way quickly towards the coughing girl. His hand hovers over her wrist as it shakes in fear at the thought of coming in contact with another person. Taking a deep breath, he quickly grabs the girl's wrist, the contact sending shivers down his spine as it triggers his fight or flight response. He chooses flight as he pulls the girl to her feet and makes their way out of the room.

Just before exiting, however, he catches sight of Akugaki's eyes as he diverts his attention to the pink-haired boy still stuck in the room with him. He can only hopes the boy won't be troubled too much...

Akugaki stood there. Still, like a statue. The sound of the hurried footsteps slowly disappears into the distance and his thought begins to boil up. The image of the white-haired boy is all he can see and he hates it. Despise it.

"They were friends, you know...? Kemono and her. I asked him to take care of her for me, but in the end, it seems to be fruitless."

Akugaki can remember that day as clear as ever. He remembers the pain in his heart knowing he won't get to see his best friend anymore. The way the boy turns his attention from the orange sun to his pained expression. The way his skin seems to glow underneath the golden sunlight. It always amazes him how a leader of a gang is such a soft and well-spoken individual.

"I know you hate him, but tell him that I'm not mad. We tried our best in our own way."

And suddenly, that sadness turns into pure hatred for that boy. Otengoku's family is moving away. He can't blame them. Losing a family member like that, it's understandable they'd wanna start new somewhere.

Nonetheless, he was enraged. Had that boy just done his job as being 'her friend' or whatever, had he not made her want to kill herself, maybe this parting of theirs would never happen... He is such a monster, causing pain to everyone he has ever laid eyes on. How much torment can the redhead inflict on that bastard until he decides to leave them all alone...?

He clenches his fists so hard that his nails are digging into his palms. His bottom lip is swollen from being bitten due to the sheer anger he felt, just from seeing that bastard.

And then he turns to the pink-haired boy.


A/N: waddup waddup waddupppp wassup guys. i think i'd like to mention that though the characters have japanese names, this story doesn't really set place in japan. i always imagined it to be like a fictional country but oh well let your imagination run wild my fellow readers!!

thank you for reading this chapter!! here's a drawing i did of our so favorite character!! who is it i wonder???

it's akugaki. i put a lot more effort into him idk why. i love him okei but i cant say why because of spoilers TmT. i'll be drawing more characters!! and i hope to show them off when the characters get their spotlight!!

next chapter soon!! see you then!!

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