Leave My Past Alone || Maze R...

By Readerobsessions

43.9K 789 156

Stiles Stillinski is gone. Thomas, Teresa, and Minho are given another chance at life. They are brought to B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not an update

Chapter 3

4.3K 88 10
By Readerobsessions

Teresa's POV

I fell asleep shortly after my head hit the pillow. 

I hoped for no dreams, but fate wasn't on my side. 

I was brought back to my time at the haven. 

I was at my tent, Brenda was on my bed. 

"T, what's wrong?" she asked. I shrugged. 

"I guess I'm still not processing all of this," I replied. I smiled at my love. I was so happy when she'd asked me out. I knew that she'd had a thing for Thomas, I mean, so had I, but we both found each other. Brenda laughed and came to me. 

"Well, this is real" she whispered. Then, she pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her neck. We broke apart and she gave a throaty laugh. "Did that prove it to you?" she asked, fingering the bracelet she'd given me. I nodded, stunned. 

"Could you do it again, just so I can confirm it?" I teased, regaining my composure. She grinned and kissed me. Her body pressed against mine. I smiled against her lips. 

"I love you, T" Brenda murmured, smiling. I opened my eyes. 

"I love you too Brenda" I replied, hugging her. She laughed. She was about to say something but was cut off by a scream. We jumped, already gripping our guns. 

"C'mon!" Brenda exclaimed. I nodded and we quickly went outside. 

The scene changed.

We were fighting what could only be Wicked.  I watched a Wicked agent fall to the ground and smiled. I locked eyes with Brenda. 

She winked at me and we continued fighting. I thought everything was going well until I heard a scream. 

I turned around, recognizing it. I screamed. 

"Brenda!" I yelled. Brenda was on the ground, bleeding. I ran over to her. "Brenda" I cried. 

Brenda gave me a weak smile. 

"Teresa, I love you" she whispered. "Kiss me, I want to die with my lips on yours," she says softly. I sobbed but obliged. I kissed her. I kissed her until I felt her smile. I pulled away. Nothing. 

I screamed. 

"Brenda, please don't leave me" I cried. 

The scene changed.

This time, I didn't know where I was. I looked around 

"Teresa," I voice said. I whipped around. There she was, Brenda. 

"Brenda," I whispered. I ran to her. 

I hugged her, sobbing. 

"Teresa," she said again. I pulled away, staring at her.  "You killed me," she said. "You said you loved me, but you killed me, you let me die," she said, her voice flat. I shook my head. 

"I-I didn't, y-y-you were killed by Wicked," I said. She laughed. 

"It was you, Teresa, you killed me," she said coldly. 

"Teresa," I heard. 

"Brenda, please" I whispered. Brenda gave a bitter laugh. 

"I hate you," she spat. I screamed, begging her not to leave. 

"Teresa," I heard again. 

I screamed. 

"Teresa!" somebody shouted. I gasped. 

I bolted up, screaming. I screamed and screamed, crying out for Brenda. She couldn't hate me, could she? 

"Teresa!" someone yelled. I opened my eyes. Sonya was shaking me. Thomas was at my side. Minho was explaining something to Thomas's dad. 

"Oh," I moaned, crying. "Oh, it was just a dream" I sobbed, relieved, but sad. Thomas sat down on the bed. 

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare" he promised, pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder. 

Did she hate me?

I cried and cried, shaking my head. I muttered what Brenda had said to me, unable to get it out of my head. 

Sonya rubbed my back as Thomas held me. 

"It's okay Teresa, you're safe," Thomas whispered, hugging me tightly. 

"I-It felt so real," I whispered, slowly trying to even out my breaths. Thomas nodded.

"I know, but it wasn't" he reassured. "It was just a nightmare," he said. I nodded, hugging Thomas tightly. Sonya squeezed my shoulder. 

"You're safe Teresa," she whispered. I nodded, letting out a shaky breath.

I'm safe. 

A few minutes later, I had stopped crying and calmed down. I sat on the bed, staring at the wall. 

Thomas had gone to the bathroom to change and Minho was downstairs, helping Thomas's dad. Sonya remained, sitting next to me. She'd hugged me, telling me that everything was okay. We'd sat in comfortable silence. 

Thomas came out of the bathroom, wearing what he'd been wearing yesterday and he smiled at me. 

"You okay?" he asked. I nodded, giving him a tight smile. Sonya squeezed my shoulder and went downstairs. Thomas sat on the bed and looked at me. 

"I get them too, I see myself and him, he yells at me, calls me things, but know they aren't real," Thomas says. "Do you know why?" he asks, turning to me. I shook my head. "Because I remember him telling me he loved me, I remember kissing him, hugging him, I remember his smile and I remember that he's still with me" he states, gripping the necklace around his neck. I touch my bracelet. 

"Brenda's with you, she's always going to be with you," he promises, looking at me. I nodded, hugging him. 

"Thanks, Tom" I reply, pulling away. He smiles at me and tells me to get ready for school, exiting the room. I nodded and unzipped my jacket. I decided to keep my shirt and just change my pants. I got a pair of jeans and put my throwing stars in the pockets. I put my pocket pistol in the pocket of my jacket and made sure I had my gun tucked away in my jeans. I went downstairs and was met with a chorus of greetings. 

"Hey Teresa," Thomas's dad said. I smiled at him. 

"Morning, sorry about earlier" I replied, rubbing my neck. He smiled. 

"It's no problem," he said, handing me a plate of scrambled eggs. I thanked him and sat down next to Thomas. 

Minho was washing his dish and Sonya was by him, asking him something. I shared a glance with Thomas. 

He silently asked me If I was okay. I nodded, giving him a smirk. He rolled his eyes and finished his eggs. 

We ate breakfast and Thomas told his dad that he wasn't sure when we were going to be back, but not to wait up for us. His dad nodded and bid us goodbye, leaving for work. 

Thomas suggested that we run to school, make sure we're in shape. Minho shrugged and agreed. Sonya and I agreed as well, wanting to exercise.

"Alright, just follow me," Thomas said. "I know where a school is" he stated. We nodded and started running. 

I sighed, hearing the wind roaring my ears as we passed buildings. Thomas was in front, making turns and smiling. Minho was grinning, relaxed, and feeling comfortable running. Sonya looked at ease, breathing in the morning air. 

We ran for 10 minutes, arriving at the school. Thomas's grin vanished, replaced with a scowl.

"God, I forgot how much I hated it here," I muttered. Thomas nodded in agreement. Minho eyed the place, gripping his gun. Sonya looked around, frowning. 

"Are we early?" she asked. I looked around, there was practically nobody there. Thomas looked at the clock outside. 

"School starts in 30 minutes, we're early," he replies, grimacing. 

"Look out," Minho mutters, jerking his head to the side. We all look and I tense. 

Scott and the others were here. They were coming towards us. I scowled, not in the mood. Sonya tightened her hand on what could only be her gun. 

"Hey guys," Scott greeted cheerfully. The rest of his pack was smiling. Lydia, Isaac, Scott, and Malia. 

"Scott," Thomas greeted, keeping his voice cool. I glanced at him and sighed 

"What do you want?" Minho asked, unable to keep from frowning. Scott shrugged. 

"I just wanted to say hello," he replies. I narrow my eyes, his heart jumps. Liar.

Sonya mutters something under her breath. She says it so low, that Scott and the others can't hear it. 

"Liar," I state, crossing my arms. Scott stares at me. 

"Huh?" he says, confused. Lydia cracks a smile. 

"You're lying Scott, spit it out" Thomas answers, keeping his face blank. Scott sighs.

"Okay, fine" he replies. "I wanted to know why you guys have weapons" he admits. We stare at him. 

Minho does what we all want to do.

"Why the shuck do you wanna know?" he asks, stiffening. Scott hesitates. Minho gets impatient. "Answer me," he demands, annoyed. Thomas puts his arm on Minho's shoulder, wiping off any trace of emotion. 

"Well, because you guys are probably not allowed weapons" Scott answers. Sonya shrugs. 

"So?" she asks. Scott looks startled. 

"Well, you aren't allowed weapons at school, that's for certain" Scott states. Thomas stares at him, his face not portraying anything. Minho's still. 

"And how would you know?" Sonya asks, tightening her grip on her gun. Malia frowns. 

"It's obvious," Scott replies. Sonya scoffs at the answer. 

We still had 15 minutes.

"Is that so?" I question my voice light and teasing, but my face is blank. Scott nods, a flicker of irritation crossing his face. 

"Rule number one Scott, don't show emotion in front of the enemy" Minho states. Scott looks taken aback. 

"There you go again," Sonya says, keeping her voice measured. 

"I'm not your enemy," Scott says. Thomas stares at him.

"Yeah, we never said you were" he replies, not taking his eyes off him. Scott looks down, pondering the situation.

"Rule number two,  never take your eyes off the enemy" Sonya states. Scott whips his eyes back to us. 

"I'm not your enemy," he says again. Lydia stares at him. Isaac frowns. 

"You're not our enemy, we know that Scott," I state, staring directly at him. Scott is at a loss for words. He looks relaxed but confused. 

There's a bell. Scott jumps. Ten minutes.

"Rule number three, never let your guard down" Minho states, unimpressed. 

Scott stares at him. 

"For an Alpha, that's not very impressive," Sonya says. Malia stares at her. Lydia looks impressed and Isaac looks conflicted.

"Never keep your eyes off the opponent Scott," I state. Scott looks at me, I mentally facepalm. Thomas swiftly has Scott on the floor in seconds. "You were supposed to keep your eyes on Thomas," I say, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Scott gets up shocked. 

"You aren't our enemy Scott, just remember that please," Sonya says, and we head inside. 

5 minutes. 

You aren't our enemy Scott, but we could be yours.

Lydia's POV

That was cool. The four of them just put Scott on the ground and didn't betray any emotion the whole time. 

Scott looked confused as if he didn't understand what just happen. I patted his back. 

"You should ask him to help us," I state, and then head to class. Isaac's on my tail. We have history. 

Isaac and I always have this class first block on Mondays. We take our seats and I take out my textbook and supplies. Isaac's sitting next to me, fumbling around in his bag for his pencil. 

Sadly, Kira's dad doesn't teach this class anymore. We have a new teacher named Mr. Ganville. (do you guys get the reference?)

He's a pretty nice teacher and definitely very smart. He's really good at history and knows practically anything. There is something a little off about him though. He tends to get any when we don't answer him or pay attention. But, overall he's one of the better teachers. 

Speak of the devil, Mr. Ganville just walked into class. 

He smiles at us, but it looks forced. He put his bag down and sits at his desk. Mr. Ganville likes to start the class at exactly 8:12. (A1 is Teresa's number and A2 is Thomas's. I thought it'd be cool to have significance in what time he starts class. Idk I thought it was cool)

Mr. Ganville also always wears a jacket with the numbers 7-1-5-2-6-4-8-3 (it's the password to escape the maze) stitched on the left of the jacket. I don't know what the number means, but nobody asks.

The last bell rings when four people enter the room. 

It's Thomas, Teresa, Minho, and Sonya. 

"Sorry we're late, we had to pick up-" Minho starts, but is cut off by Thomas and Teresa. 

Thomas and Teresa both say something, but it's different. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" by Thomas and "What are you doing here?" by Teresa. The phrases might be different, but they are both angry.

Mr. Ganville looks up. He pales.

"Stephen," he mutters "Deedee". Teresa and Thomas freeze. 

The whole class is silent. Some are staring at Thomas and some are staring at Teresa. 

"Mr. Ganville," Thomas greets, his voice changed. He didn't look mad, in fact, his face was completely blank. Teresa stared at him, but all the emotions were wiped off her face. 

"Thomas," Mr. Ganville replies, reaching for something inside his desk. Minho glares at him. Mr. Ganville stops and quickly takes his hand out. "Please, do take a seat," he says. Thomas gives him one last look before sitting down with the others in the back of the room. 

I turn to Isaac. He looks confused.

"What do you think that was about?" he mutters. I shrug.

"Can you listen to what Thomas is saying?" I ask. Isaac nods and closes his eyes. 

"Teresa is arguing with Thomas, they're talking about Mr. Ganville being evil
 Isaac states, and the frowns. "Minho asks if they saw the numbers on his jacket" he adds. He's silent for a minute. 

"They stopped talking" he states, opening his eyes. I nod. 

The rest of class goes by and nothing really happens. 

We are all packing up, about to head to our next class when Mr. Ganville speaks.

"Thomas, Teresa, MInho, and Sonya, please come in after school," he says. I see Thomas glare and start towards him, but Sonya pulls him back, shaking her head.

My next class was Gym. I had this class with Scott and apparently Thomas and Sonya. I walked with them and we talked. 

"So, what are we doing in Gym?" Sonya asks. I shrugged.

"We're currently doing the rock climbing wall and also coach decided to give archery a go this week" I replied, grinning. Thomas and Sonya share a glance. We walked to the gymnasium and entered. 

The coach was early.

Thomas's POV

I entered the gym, preparing for Coach's reaction. Sonya was gripping my hand. 

I squeezed it, calming her nerves. 

"Stillinski!" Coach exclaimed. I kept my expression composed, but my grip tightened in Sonya's because of the volume. 

"Coach," I greeted. 

"You're alive!" he exclaimed, walking closer. Sonya stared at him, stepping back slightly when he came close. "How are you alive?" he asked, frowning. I shrugged. 

"I'm just that good Coach," I joked, but my voice was flat. Coach looked at Sonya. 

"And who are you?" he asked, glancing down at our intertwined hands. He raised his brow but said nothing. 

"Sonya," she replied, her hand inching towards her gun. I stiffened. 

"Son," I whispered under my breath, warning her. She glanced at me before dropping her hand. Coach sighed.

"Alright, sit down" he instructed, pointing to the bleacher. We obliged and sat down next to Lydia and Scott. 

"Okay, listen up!" Coach yelled. Sonya winced. "We are going to climb ropes and shoot bows," he exclaims. I brightened. Teresa is going to love this class. 

"Okay, who's climbing first?" Coach asked. He looked around. No one moved. He muttered something under his breath that made Scott grin. 

"Stillinski, you're up" he yelled, pointing to me. I sighed. Sonya patted my shoulder and nudged me forward. I gave her a wink and started towards the rope. On the way there, I stopped in front of the coach. 

"It's Thomas, Coach," I said, walking to the rope. Coach frowned but held up the timer. 

I quickly put my hands in my pocket, grazing the edge of my throwing stars. I took them out. 

No blood just created more grip. 

"Go!" Coach yelled. I smirking and put my hand on the rope. There were knots, but I chose to ignore them. I made it up to the top and without hesitation, dropped down. I rolled when I reached the ground, breaking the impact. I stood up and stared at Coach. 

He stared at me, open-mouthed. 

"So, what's my time?" I asked, my expression stoic. Coach regained composure and checked the time. 

"Two minutes," he whispers, disbelief etched all over his face. "Two minutes!" he yells, amazed. 

Sonya rolls her eyes. 

'show off' she mouthes. I scoff.

'you're just jealous' I mouth back, walking to her. She shoots me a look.

"I'll beat you," she states. I roll my eyes. "Coach, I wanna go" she states, standing. Coach stares at her and then back at me. 

"Alright," he says. Sonya smirks at me and walks over to the rope. She readies herself and I can tell she'd done the same thing I had. 

"Go!" Coach yells. Sonya starts climbing. She climbs, also ignoring the roe. She reaches the top and swiftly falls, rolling when she reaches the ground. 

I curse. 

Man, she got one minute and 57 seconds. She looks at me, a smile tugging at her lips. 

Coach stares at her, in shock. 

"One minute and 57 seconds!" he shouts. Sonya gives him a light smile and walks over to me.  

"Told you," she states, sitting next to me. I shove her shoulder playfully.

"How did you do that?" Lydia asks, laughing. Sonya smiles and shrugs.

"Skill," she states. The next bit of class was other people. Lydia got 6 minutes and Scott got 5 minutes.

Coach called us after everyone had climbed the rope and we gathered around a target. 

Sonya and I shared a glance. 

"Okay, so now we have archery" he states. "Who's first?" he asks. Sonya raises her hand. Coach raises his brow but says nothing.

Sonya waits for him to nod. Coach does. Sonya walks over to the bow and arrow. She picks up the bow and stares at it. Her expression's neutral, but I could tell she was disappointed that it was not the best quality. She sighs and picks up an arrow. 

"On my mark" Coach says. Sonya waits, excited. "Go," Coach says. 

Sonya notches the arrow, her face expressionless. She doesn't hesitate before shooting. She sets down the bow and stares at Coach. 

Coach is staring at the arrow. 

It was perfectly center.  

"Wow uh, great job" Coach says. Sonya stays silent, walking back to me. She's shaken, I could tell. 

I squeeze her shoulder. She stares at me, eyes a little wide. I give her a look and she nods. 

"Can I go next?" I ask Coach. 

"Sure," he replies. I nod and retrieve the arrow Sonya shot. 

I picked up the bow. It was flimsy, but it would do. 

"Ready, set" Coach starts "go,". I notch the arrow. I shoot. 

When I do, I don't see where it goes. I see Newt. 

I stumble but quickly regain my fitting. I put the bow down and walk back to Sonya. 

Newt's dead. I killed him. I see myself stabbing him. I see myself killing, aiming. Just like I did with the bow and arrow. 

I reach Sonya. She looks alarmed. 

She knows something's wrong. She doesn't say anything, just brings me outside of the gym. I hear Coach protest, but she ignores it. 

I see red. Blood. It's all over my hands. 

Sonya sit's me down on a chair. 

"Thomas?" she tries. I can't stop my hands from shaking. 

I see Ava Paige, shot. I see Janson, killing my friends. 

Chuck. Gally throwing the spear. Chuck's dead. 

"Thomas, it's okay" Sonya soothes. She pulls me into a hug, sitting next to me. "It's okay," she whispers. I try to steady my heart. It's hammering in my chest. 

Newt. I killed him. 

"It's not real Thomas, it's okay" Sonya promises, her voice wavering. I'm dimly aware of Scott and Lydia sitting down next to us. 

I can't show emotion. Not in front of them. I steady my heart. 

Newt, I'm sorry. 

I take a breath. 

Sonya hugs me tighter. 

"It's okay," she reassures. "It's just memories Thomas, it's not your fault" she whispers. I nod.

I'm okay. I steady my heart and my breathing. 

"I'm okay," I state, making sure my voice is calm. Sonya pulls away, eyes glistening. They aren't wet, but they would've been. 

"I'm alright Son," I promise, holding her hand. She nods. 

Lydia is staring at me. 

"Are you okay?" she asks. I don't answer her. I feel like I'm about to scream. I want to shoot something. 

"I have to go," I state. Sonya stands. 

I know what she's asking. 

"I'll be okay, I'll come back at lunch" I promise. She nods. 

"Tell Teresa and Minho okay?" I ask. She nods again. I pull her into a hug. 

"Be careful," she whispers. 

"Don't worry," I reply. I kiss the top of her head and hug her tightly. "I'll be okay," I promise. Sonya nods and squeezes my hand. 

I give her a small smile and then I run. 

I run until I'm off school grounds. I run until I pass Derek's loft. I run and run. 

I don't pay attention to anything, just run. I find what I'm looking for. The forest. 

I sigh. 

I remember all of the memories surrounding this place, but I push them away. 

I know that nobody can hear me now. I go up to a tree. I get out my throwing stars and aim. I throw them and they hit where I want them to. 

I do this a couple of times, switching between small knives and throwing stars. 

It's probably close to lunch, so I start running again. I reach the school in 20 minutes. 

It's exactly lunchtime. 

Sonya, Teresa, and MInho are waiting outside. I see them and run over to them. 

Minho looks at me.

"You okay?" he asks. I nod. 

Teresa hugs me. I hug her back.

"What happened?" she asks. I shrug.

"Memories," I merely state. Teresa nodded in understatement. Sonya smiles at me, squeezing my shoulder. We weren't really hungry so we decided to hang out where we were. 

We talked and eventually, lunch was over. 

The rest of school went by quickly. I had classes with Teresa and Malia, occasionally running into the others. 

It was 2:45.

Teresa, MInho, Sonya, and I were in front of Mr. Ganville's classroom. 

A/N- Hope you liked it:)

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