Heimat | Aang

By -hellsqueen

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Heimat: a place that you can call home; a sense of belongingness, acceptance, safety and connection to homela... More



601 33 1
By -hellsqueen

Tapeesa was never woken the next morning to go to the Police Station. Instead, she was left to sleep until it was almost noon, a rather regular occurrence since she always stayed up rather late as she felt the pull of the moon, but one she hadn't been able to indulge in while in the city. She walked slowly through the corridors of the Air Temple, still dressed in her nightwear, her hair for once let loose. Aang wasn't in his room. Zuko wasn't in his either. As she was about to leave to check the living room, though, she caught sight of flames through an open window from outside. She changed her route to that direction.

Upon going outside, she found both Aang and Zuko. They were shirtless, fighting with each other a few ways away from the temple, both of them using firebending to defeat their opponent. Tapeesa hadn't lived with firebenders for the last two years she had spent in the Southern Water Tribe but she remembered from her life beforehand that firebenders tended to wake up early and use the morning to practice. The fact they were fighting could only mean their training was coming to a close.

She stayed back as she watched them fight each other, their rally ending a while later when Aang managed to trick Zuko into almost taking a blow. They stopped, both of them panting and grinning. They nodded to each other, bowed briefly, and it was then they noticed Tapeesa standing close by, watching them.

"I see you woke up," Aang told her, his wide smile remaining. "It was the full moon yesterday and I thought to leave you rest for a while. I imagined you wouldn't have slept much."

"I did stay up late," she admitted, her expression turning cross as she noticed Aang walking towards her. She spoke before he could reach her. "Why don't you both jump in the sea? You are sweaty."

Zuko chuckled and instantly walked away, to the sea, and Aang followed after a beat of hesitation. Tapeesa herself moved a bit closer to the water. Zuko remained inside while Aang jumped in and then got out once more.

"Better now?" he mused, and this time she let him get close. With a triumphant smile, he leaned in to press a kiss against her lips before he placed an arm over her shoulders. "How are you?"

"Well rested," she smiled back at him as she stole a glance at Zuko who looked away the moment she turned his way. Laughing to herself, she turned back to Aang. "Has Zuko been around the city? He would probably want to see how his statue is coming along."

"He probably wouldn't but I am going to make him come see it anyway," he chuckled as he turned to Zuko. "Get out of the water!"

Zuko followed after sending him a little scowl. He came to a stop in front of them. "What are your plans for me, Avatar?"

"We are going to go to the city," Aang announced, paying no heed to Zuko's teasing tone. "We will show you to your statue-"


"-and then you will see Toph, Suki and Sokka, along with their daughter Kya."

"I really do need to see Toph," he admitted, serious at once. "Are you sure we don't have to beat someone up? I mean, I know Toph can do it on her own but it would be my pleasure anyway."

"She won't say a word," Tapeesa piped in softly, "I think it was her own decision to keep it quiet."

"It's not going to be kept quiet," Zuko disagreed, "they are going to talk even more now that she will have a kid even though there is no one else in the picture."

"We know," Aang admitted, "we need to be here for her. That's all we can do."

"I can let her stay in the Fire Nation if she ever finds it difficult," Zuko spoke to himself as he headed towards the Air Temple. "She knows she can ask for help whenever, right?"

"That's Toph, Zuko," Aang called out as he slowly followed after him, Tapeesa by his side. "She knows but she will never ask for help."

Zuko only let out a sigh in response but didn't say a word. The three of them separated once they had reached the Air Temple so they could get dressed and head to the city. A while later, they met again at the place Appa usually was.

"I haven't been on Appa for more than a decade," Zuko lowly said to Tapeesa as Aang moved to Appa's neck and reached for the reins. "At least the route is a short one."

"You will be fine," she assured him as she got on the saddle. Zuko had no choice but to follow after her.

They rose in the air shortly after. In a few minutes, they had reached the harbour of Republic City. They landed and Appa flew back.

"Before we do anything rush, I don't need to see my statue," Zuko spoke, even though Aang was already walking away and Tapeesa was following after him. He continued. "I only need to see our friends. The statue isn't something I care about."

"You will see the statue, Zuko," Aang replied, and the Fire Lord had no choice but to sigh and follow along.

The way from the dock to the statue wasn't far and a few minutes later they had reached it. It was safe to say Zuko wasn't impressed. He didn't seem to hate it either, though.

"The legs of the structure seem similar to mine," he spoke as he looked over the statue. He then turned to Aang. "I would rather see it completed, to be honest."

"I will be sure to let you know when that time comes so you will come see it for yourself," Aang assured him at once, already taking a few steps back. "Let us meet Toph."

Zuko didn't waste a moment to leave. Tapeesa followed after the two men to the Police Station, smiling at the citizens that already smiled her way in greeting. Not long later, they had reached the Department. They got inside. Toph and Suki were there, talking among themselves. The moment Toph heard their footsteps she looked their way, alerting Suki to their presence. Her lips instantly stretched into a grin.

"Zuko, Sokka and I saw your ship last night as it arrived, we wondered when you would be coming."

"It's been some time, Suki," Zuko admitted as she got close and he instantly opened his arms to let her walk into his embrace. "I need to see Sokka as well."

"He would love to see you," she assured him with a smile as she pulled back, "and how is Mai?"

"Expected to give birth in the next month or so, it was a risk coming here but I couldn't postpone it in fear of actually missing her give birth," Zuko admitted. He turned his gaze on Toph, crossed the space between them. "Toph."

He didn't say anything else as he pulled her in a hug. Suki's and Aang's eyes widened as Toph instantly attempted to push him off. When it was clear he wouldn't budge, she eventually gave up.

"They told you, didn't they?"

Zuko hummed, "They did."

Toph completely resigned. "I don't need babying."

"That's too bad, Toph."

Aang, Suki and Tapeesa exchanged smiles as Toph huffed but slowly, put her arms around Zuko in return.


King Kuei arrived a few days later. Tapeesa didn't spend much time around him. When he arrived, she was training Yua and Li and later she slipped off to the hospital, leaving behind Suki, Toph and Zuko, who claimed they would go to Sokka's house for a few hours. When Tapeesa returned later on, it was to King Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko having a walk along the dock of Air Temple Island. As she landed on the dock, King Kuei headed her way at once.

"You must be the waterbender Avatar Aang told me that would be staying with us in Air Temple Island," he said, being quick to move forward and grasp her hand. Tapeesa smiled at him briefly, the curl of her lips not meeting her eyes.

"My name is Tapeesa," she introduced herself as she took her arm back, "you must be King Kuei."

"That is me," he nodded, "I haven't seen a waterbender use the water that way before. It was like a jet!"

"It is a rather common technique, actually," she replied, her smile no longer present. "Now, if you will excuse me, I imagine there is a plate of food waiting for me in the Air Temple."

"Of course, you were training, you must be tired," King Kuei nodded. Tapeesa briefly glanced at Zuko as she walked past him. The small, knowing smile he sent her was met with a roll of her eyes as she walked by him, over to the Air Temple. The moment she entered, she called out for Aang.

"I'm back," she said, already walking towards the kitchen. "Kuei and Zuko are by the dock. I can't say I have the best impression of him so far."

She walked in the kitchen, found the plate of food already served, waiting for her, and headed to the living room. Aang wasn't there. With a small frown, she set out to find him, right for his room. As she slid the door open, he was there.

"There you are," she murmured as she entered, sliding the door closed behind her. Aang looked up from where he had been staring at the floor, his lips forming a mild smile at the sight of her that didn't reach his eyes. She sat down on the chair opposite him. "Did you hear me when I got in?"

"No," he admitted, "did you say something?"

"I just announced that I'm back, Zuko and Kuei are by the dock and I don't think I like Kuei all that much," she recounted, "I don't think we are all that alike as people."

"You aren't," he agreed at once, "you are a lot more serious and responsible."

"I thought so too," she hummed as she took a bite of food, her gaze not leaving him. Aang wasn't looking at her, though, his eyes instead trained on a spot on the floor. Tapeesa waited for a while longer, ate some more of her food, watched him in silence. Until, finally, she spoke up. "Did something happen? You seem distracted."

"I'm thinking."

"About?" she probed, "I don't recall you being like this in the morning. Did something happen when you were picking up Kuei? Did he say anything?"

He let out a sigh, "Is it so easy to understand me?"

"No," she shook her head at once, "I just happen to think I know you. So?"

"It's been a couple of years, though," he shrugged, "something might have changed in the meantime."

Tapeesa's eyes narrowed slightly. She placed her food by her side, on the small table. "Aang." He looked up at once, his eyes widening slightly as he realised how serious she appeared. "Does it have something to do with me?"

"No, of course not," he rushed to assure her, his eyes widening further and he leaned forward to press a hand against her knee in an effort to reassure her. Tapeesa kept on looking at him expectantly. Unable to hold her gaze, he looked away. "It's just that Kuei told me something and it has worried me. I don't know if telling you is wise. He told me this specifically."

Tapeesa's brows rose. "I see, so it is about your Avatar duties. In that case, you can keep it to yourself. You know I wouldn't tell though and I've been part of those duties in the past so-"

"King Kuei said he is in danger," he cut her off. He raised his gaze to her own, his lips pursed, brows furrowed. "They are trying to kill him in Ba Sing Se. And he wants my help."

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