A missing flower

By OrphansBurningToAsh

421 22 48

Bestay im the not the best at writing so take this bestay 😈 I try to respond to comments 👹✌️ More

Morning Flowers
Wilting Flowers
Wedding Bells
Dreams with drama?

Flower smelling

29 4 15
By OrphansBurningToAsh

I rose up from my bed to light being flashed in my eyes.No dream today?Better then having one I thought to myself.I check my clock on my night stand to see the time.It read 5:34 why so early?.. I brush it over and try to lay down and catch some more shut eye.

I wake up suddenly to my little sister shaking my bed.

"What do you want apple bloom?"

"You're late for school! Hurry on get up! Granny's been yelling for you since 6!"

"What time is it!"

"It's 9!"

I throw my covers off and push my sister out my way. She looked offended it was quite funny. I push that thought away and head straight to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and throw my hair to the side and put on a nice button up and some jeans. I go back to my room to see my sister isn't there anymore. I go to the side of my bed and see my white converse. I throw the converse on and run downstairs.

"Sorry granny! I'm in a rush! Bye!" I yell before leaving out the door. I shut the door behind me and grab my bike and head off the school.


The day goes on normally but of course I did get scolded for being late, as per usual. I'm in mid day and go to my locker to put my books up. Straight to the cafeteria I went. Before entering the cafeteria I hear the announcements.

"Applejack please report to the front desk, Thank you."

What? I never get called to the front. First time it happened was because my granny was in a rush somewhere. I shove it aside and start walking to the front desk.

I go up to the front desk and see a lady there. She seemed bored and tired. She probably didn't want to be there. I wouldn't blame her, no one likes work.I began to speak first.

"Hello? I was called up here from the announcements."

"Hi yes, name please?"

"Applejack ma'am."

"Ah yes, you're granny came over to drop something off she left two notes with it, of course I haven't read them it's not for me."She said

"Oh okay, thank you do you mind me staying up here to read it?"

"Of course not darling."

I thank her and went to sit down. Two notes I wonder why. I sit down and see that what my granny dropped off is a box. Wonder what's inside. I open the box to see flowers? Why though I think nothing off it and continue to read the notes.


Hi applejack, sorry for disturbing you're lunch I think. But you had some flowers at the door you didn't see on you're way out. Now I could've waited until you got back home but you see I got some errands to run and would forget to give them to you. Hope you enjoy!

Sincerely you're lovely granny


Oh so more flowers I wonder what's been happening lately.. ever since those flowers I got that one morning everything's changed these strange dreams and notes why all of a sudden? I try to by pass that thought and read the second note.


Hello sunshine, not knowing when you'll get these but have some nice flowers. Knowing you will be off to school this should be a lovely surprise! I got these just for you. Hope you enjoy!

Love you're secret admirer


Huh Thats something you don't get every day. But whatever the flowers are really nice! I wonder what they smell like they look enchanting. I grab the box and take out the flowers they look absolutely splendid. I take a single flower from the bouquet and sniff. They smell like soft rain and vanilla. Wow never smelled that scent before. It was the best smell ever besides my granny's famous apple pie! Suddenly I feel drowsy. What's happening? My eyes start to slowly close. I fall on the ground and off my chair I was on. Everything went silent and black. I dont remember much when I woke up...

Anyways that's a wrap! 🥺🙏
I'm finally back last moment hope you enjoyed this. Sorry for not updating for a while had no ideas what to write since last chapter lmao.

Alright bye now I got better things to do 😩

Word count: 737

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