Till Death (Volturi / Twiligh...

Por Sleeping_Duckling_

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Taylor is used to the unusual. From a young age she could interact with spirits, those dead imprisoned in an... Mais

1: Dead of Winter
2: Forks
2 1/2: Inside the Mind of a Meduim
3: Mortals and The Secret Undead
4: Travel Plans
5: Neighborly Discussions
6: Dreams and Boundaries
7: Girl Talk
8: It Feeds on Hate
8 1/2: And Then, There Was One
9: Work Vacation, Kinda (?)
10: Still is the Night of Wakeful Dead
11: καλά Χριστούγεννα!
12: Simple Regrets of Youth
12 1/2: Sorrow of the Ancient
13: Liar, Lair, Soul on Fire
14: Trying to Move on
15: Arrival
16: When you leave, things change
17: Art
18: Dinner with a Dead Man
19: Parasite
20: Library Ghosts
20 1/2: Outside Perspectives
21: We get it, you're in love. stfu about it. Jfc.
22: Flirtatious Phantom
22 1/2: Little Changes
23: Mom and Dad and Dracula
24: In-laws, ammIrite?
25: Family Dinner
26: Cabin Fever
27:Lady by the Sea
28: Glorified Captivity
28 1/2: Spiders in the Garden
30: House of the Sick
31: Pitying Laughter
32: Spiritual Dreaming
33:Subelty is not his strong suit
34: Dead or Undead
34 1/2: Agatha
36: Just a normal hiking trip
37: A slightly...less normal hiking trip.
38: Keep Quiet
39: Musings of a Slug
40: Only Hope
41: Expulsion
42: Fight fire with salt, and a spectral fist.
43: Sleeping, and Waking.
Chapter 44: Stories end, and Stories begin.
a note for the rest of the story.

35: Preperations

418 23 7
Por Sleeping_Duckling_

Waking up still being held by Marcus, after a new dream that was not her own, was the safest Taylor had ever felt in her entire life.

Her eyes opened fairly naturally, like one of those rare moments when your mind and body agree that you're fully rested. There was no fluttering eyelids or thought to turn back over to sleep. Slowly, her lids made way for her foggy morning view. Causing her to lazily rub her eyes in an attempt to sharpen her vision. When she had she noticed she was, in fact, not laying on a pillow. Rather, her head was burrowed into a dress shirt upon a strikingly cold chest. Not at all uncomfortable, more like a breath of cool fresh cedar to greet her. She could almost convince herself it was morning.

The only panic she felt was those few seconds she took to find the analog clock next to her bed. The thing read 4:24 pm. It was not morning, and Taylor still had time. While she breathed a sigh of relief slim fingers traced patterns on her forearm. Straightening her back she pulled herself from his chest to lay on the pillow next to him, a content smile gracing her features. Marcus felt his chest puff in pride, knowing he was the reason for that expression.

"Sorry." She mumbled, covering her mouth at the sudden mortifying thought of morning breath. Beneath her palm she chuckled. "I can be a bit clingy, I guess." Marcus took the hand that covered her face, wanting to see her fully then. She let it happen despite that nagging at the back of her mind about his enhanced vampiric senses.

"I did not mind your clinging in the least." He spoke smoothly, no trace of grogginess. "Do you feel better?"

"Much better, thank you." She really did. Taylor wasn't yet over the whole vampire thing, but she felt well enough to process it properly after the slug was dealt with. "Did you sleep well too?" Did you sleep at all? She held the actual thought close to her chest and braced for another lie.

"I feel more rested than I have in a very long time." She searched his eyes for deception but found none. Granted he had not actually answered the question, but what he did say was truthful.

"Good." She smiled a bit wider. "I was worried that I'd kept you up, using you as a pillow and all."

"You do not need to worry about that." He assured. Again, no lie present. Yet, he changed the subject swiftly after that. "Have you eaten yet today?"

Of course not. All Taylor had was a cold cup of coffee she never finished. She was sleeping all day. At this point, she was past her stomach growling, and at the mention of food her temples throbbed at a sudden splitting migraine. Her hand shook just a bit as she brought it to her forehead.

"No, I didn't. God, guess people aren't meant to hibernate 24 hours. Damn." She turned on her back holding her head, sure that her blood sugar was fairly low. That's what happens when you don't eat all day...she wasn't sure if she had dinner the night before either...

"Come now, get dressed." Marcus helped Taylor to sit up on the edge of the bed as he fully stood. "I will find you something to eat. Something to settle your stomach, on the way to a restaurant. You must eat a full meal. I would simply prepare something in your kitchen but I am a horrid cook."

"That's surprising, I thought you'd be good at everything." Marcus laughed though Taylor was fairly serious. Marcus seemed perfect in every aspect. Suppose she didn't think he particularly enjoyed cooking, but the thought of Marcus not being good at anything he put his mind to just didn't seem right to Taylor. A restaurant would be fine. Even though she still did not want to get dressed. "Uhg. Making me get dressed. Ripping me away from my warm bed. You're so mean sometimes Marcus."

"I'm mean?" He asked, in a challenging tone that hovered over a thick layer of amusement. Taylor nodded.

"Oh, for sure." She yawned, sarcasm oozing lazily through her groggy tone. "Incredibly cruel. I don't even know what to wear...what's the weather supposed to be like tonight? Is it still raining?" She turned around to look out the window. The rain had stopped but the glass panes were still wet, drops of water slid down into one another once in a while. It had only just stopped raining and looked a bit cool. Perhaps a sweater.

"Do you need assistance then?" Taylor turned quickly at the voice directly in her ear. Marcus bent down to her level with a devilish smirk at her reddened face. His voice was eloquent yet deep, with cold breath that had tickled her ear when he spoke. She held it at the lobe for a moment as Marcus placed his hands on either side of her, leaning just a bit closer.

"Oh, uh, what was that?" Surprised, Taylor's eyes widened as Marcus let out a hum from his chest.

"I am not a cruel man Taylor." He pushed back some of her hair, tracing a finger over her neck after, leaving a trail of gooseflesh in its wake. "I can be very helpful." He smiled, his eyes darkening in slight. More of a honey amber then. Taylor froze, excitement clenching her stomach. She placed her hands behind her to stop her from falling back onto the bed. He stopped his movements, drawing her eyes to his own. He spoke with a weighted richness to his voice. "So, I ask once more,... do you require assistance in dressing?"

The slug could wait.

"Yep, absolutely. I can't even remember how to put on...anything. Or..." She answered quickly. trailed off, then cringed. What the fuck was that? At this Marcus nearly purred, bringing his face closer to hers. Her fingers gripped the sheets behind her and in a vain attempt to ground herself she tried crossing her legs only to realize Marcus' knee was resting between them. Despite her hands bracing she found herself leaning back until she was instead resting on her elbows. Marcus still mere inches away. She felt his closeness, his scent overtook her once more. If she had her head about her enough to initiate the kiss she would've. His hair tickled the sides of her face as he paused his movements, Taylor furrowed her brows impatiently as he chuckled. His body inches from hers Marcus changed course, leaning next to Taylor's ear, giving a quick nip before whispering. 

"That's too bad." He pulled back and placed a playful kiss at the end of her nose, and before Taylor could process it all Marcus' laugh could be heard from the other side of her shut door. She lay there a moment on her elbows, before becoming frustrated in more ways than one. With a huff she sat herself up, holding her temple as she became light-headed at the sudden movement. Red in the face she glared at the door.

That mother fucker.


As Taylor thumped down the stairs, now dressed in a dark sweater and jeans, she silently apologized to her father. Who's predicament she basically threw out the window in favor of some vampire lovin'. He would not approve, nor appreciate, how easily Taylor made the decision to waste time. Marcus met her at the bottom of the stairs, handing her a granola bar with a stupid cheeky grin. Scowling Taylor snatched the thing from his hand and tore it open, it did not taste especially well mixed with her freshly brushed minty mouth and sexual frustrations. She wanted morning sex but instead, she was getting almonds...and oats... Great. Just what the Quakers wanted.

Taylor ventured ahead of Marcus, out the door, despite not knowing where they were going. With a flourish, Marcus appeared beside her holding out his arm. Still with that grin on his stupidly handsome face. Taylor raised a brow then shook her head in exasperation as she popped the last of her granola bar in her mouth. She'd devoured the thing in record time. She pointed at Marcus.

"That wasn't funny." She defended. Marcus just sighed dramatically.

"Oh, cara mia, I do adore your blushes." Taylor's face was hot, she rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around his. As they walked Marcus leaned in close, he spoke sensually "Maybe I am a cruel man." Taylor pushed him a bit.

"Don't you start that here. This isn't a blush from affection, this is my rising blood pressure." At this Marcus straightened his posture and laughed. Taylor shook her head in exasperation, quickly getting over her slight anger. "What the hell am I gonna do with you?"

"I am quite sure you'll have your revenge eventually." Marcus assured her, Taylor rolled her eyes again. "Before then, however, let me apologize with a meal." Taylor nodded, seemed fair enough to her.

To be truthful, Marcus was very close to initiating the exchange fully earlier. She was smiling, scantly clad, and absolutely beautiful. For hours Taylor lay vulnerable against his form as he was forced to indulge in the sound of her steady breathing, small touches in her slumber, and her inciting scent. That brought about two different pangs of hunger in him. One he was well practiced in controlling, the call to her blood was difficult as always to ignore but he was used to it as they had spent more time together. The other...he had not the need to fight against a hunger like that for centuries. But, Marcus did not feel right in taking Taylor when he had yet to inform her of his nature.

The couple found a small restaurant for Taylor and she ate quickly once more. Hunger ripping away at her gut from not eating for many hours. Marcus continued the conversation one-sidedly, talking about his day and the mundane happenings of the castle. His paperwork, gossip among the employees, and how his brother felt guilty over Darnell's state. Aro knew it was not he who forced the sickness upon Darnell but both he and his wife refused dessert that night. Taylor nodded, wondering if vampires could even eat human foods. Marcus had before, but never in abundance. Perhaps it was preferable not to.

"I would understand, you know." Taylor pulled herself out of her thoughts as they sat together quietly. She had finished her meal. Marcus continued when she looked to him. "If you had to leave, I would understand."

"We already talked about this, I'm not going anywhere because of some slugs threats. And you can't get rid of me-" Marcus held up a hand.

"I would never suggest such a thing." He defended, Taylor eased up. "I would never think to be rid of you, ever. However, your family's lives are at stake. If you must go so that they live I understand even if that were temporarily." Marcus laid his hand on top of hers. "And I would be willing to accompany you if need be." Taylor bit her lip, not wanting to disappoint him. 

"You heard what it said." She muttered, well aware he could hear her now. Taylor stared at his hand resting upon her own, relished in the cool touch through her glove. Yet attempted to hide her look of disdain. Over his hand, around his person, was darkness wrapped about like thick fog or water. It was something newly formed and intensified the longer she was in his presence. Her eyes traveled through the fog to Marcus' hopeful face, trying hard to see past what was obscuring only her vision. "If I leave, I have to go alone."

"I see." Marcus sat back in his chair, his hand slid away from her own. 

"That thing has been feeding off everyone in the castle." She started. "If I take anyone with me that would only incur its' wrath. Your life is in danger as well." 

"I am a bit more resilient than..." He trailed off. Taylor wondered if the slug could harm a vampire. What could? Then again if the Cullens were vampires as well, that did not stop their poltergeist from attacking Jasper. 

"It doesn't matter anyway, because I'm not leaving." Taylor stated determined, Marcus nodded. He forced away his doubtful expression before it could form, casting a dazzling smirk in Taylor's direction. 

"You have a plan then?" 

"I do."

"Do you require assistance?" Taylor playfully glared, making Marcus put his hands up with a soft apology. "I do mean that genuinely this time." 

Taylor gave a genuine laugh. She loved being near the man and wished it was truly as easy as leaving Volterra with him. Because she would in a heartbeat. 

But, he could not come with her, Marcus was obviously being watched. Taylor gave him a list of things to gather. Some useful, others to throw the slug off her trail. He walked her home and watched as she let the door close behind her before leaving. She hoped that the thing was too focused on its' food to follow Taylor about, it would be a very long drive. A long drive she was planning on taking alone without anyone asking questions. Of course, as she later descended the stairs of their townhouse in a mostly black outfit and a large duffel bag she looked rather suspicious. And as she continued forward nearly uninterrupted a person stepped out from the living room, looking over her attire with a raised brow.

"Evening Taylor, have you eaten?" Darla asked, once more taking in Taylor's nervous demeanor. 

"Oh yeah, for sure Ms.Acuso. Marcus took me out just a bit ago." Taylor went to move past the woman.

"Where are you off to?" 

"Hiking." Did it matter? Taylor was a fully grown woman, she could come and go as she pleased. Of course, Darla knew that. But Taylor was not doing well before Marcus arrived. 

"Oh, hiking?" Darla asked, crossing her arms. "You know I was quite the outdoorswoman myself in my prime." 

"Mhm." Taylor tapped her foot impatiently. 

"How far out are you going?" 

"A ways." Taylor was keeping her answers short, she needed to get going. 

"A ways? It's getting a bit late for that big of a hike...it will be dark in an hour or so." 

"I'm bringing a flashlight." Taylor assured, finally walking past Darla and opening the door. Then looked back with a smile. "Don't worry Ms.Acuso, I'll be alright." 

As Taylor shut the door and fumbled around for her mother's rental keys she paused just a moment. She was energized enough. It didn't matter how long the night would be. It didn't matter if she wouldn't be back till the morning, that slug was going to be expelled by the end of the day tomorrow. Darnell was still in his coma with Agatha most likely by his bedside now. Marcus was gathering material to help best her could, unaware of what Taylor had to do. And Angel, Angel, she was trapped within the slug's lair. Taylor cringed at the thought. Her family, her friends, spirits, even the strange beings-no, the vampires of the castle...they were depending on her. Either she was going to send this thing to whatever the hell happened after they were expelled or she was leaving tomorrow night. For just a moment Taylor let herself play judgment in a passing thought. Perhaps she should let this thing feed off of the vampires and just leave. The number of spirits it was holding back was massive, Taylor could feel that. So, why not let it do its' thing? 

These were, objectively, not good people. These beings of the castle. They killed. They killed enough to feed this slug for who knows how long. So many innocent spirits. If Taylor removed the slug, just him. How would the other spirits react? Would they see sustenance in an equally selfish way? Or revenge? And who was Taylor to take that from them... how many spirits were placed there by Marcus-?

That train of thought, and the moral implications of that, were too much to process then. Taylor attempted to shake away the weight of her own morality just for the moment. But it remained regardless, prodding her from the background thoughts of her mind. She would have to face it soon. She would have to come to terms with the undisputed reality, and the downsides of loving a monster. Monsters do what they do. But Marcus didn't seem like a monster to her. She couldn't picture him that way. She couldn't. 

Taylor took a deep breath and started forward, once again ignoring the universe for the second time as it offered her a way out of her situation. As it blared in dizzying red lights and alarms that she felt she could face at another time. Taylor was never one for following fate's whims anyhow. She did her best to carve her own path through the stone of kismet. She chose to rescue her Angel, and she chose Marcus. Which in her mind, looking past his secrets, was a very selfish thing to do to a man who deserved so much more than she could offer. But at this point, she didn't care. 

She let herself be selfish and went forth to dig up a body for love. As one does. 

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