love war with my best friend...

By alysxa_

63.6K 1K 997

dream x fem reader you go to visit your best friend of almost two years and stay alone with him for three wee... More



1.3K 25 12
By alysxa_

thoughts are in italics! SAPPY WARNING! i loved making this book:)
some of this is loosely inspired by the book "rooftops" on wattpad

words: 2018
finished: july 27, 2021 - 3:21am

final day - 7:33am.

y/n's pov
the warmness slowly shuffling around me made me stir. my eyes feel heavy. droopy. i squeeze my eyes shut and rub them a bit with my fingers, hoping to wake me up more.

"good morning." i heard clay speak from behind me. he was rubbing small circles on my back.

to be honest, i don't think i'll ever get over his morning voice. it's a little raspy and you can tell he's a little tired. i smiled as i realized clay and i were cuddling—well kinda, i was curled up in a ball doing my own thing while clay was spooning me. but that smile quickly faded as i realized that this is the last morning i'd be able to wake up with clay for a long time. i shift my body around to face the source of the warm feeling that was pressing against my back.

"morning." i smile at clay and give him a hug. after a little bit, clay pulled away from the hug but i refused to let go.

"y/n... we have to get up and get you ready." clay tried to gently pry me off him but i only hugged him tighter. he sighed and eventually gave up, laying back down on the bed.

"we can stay like this for maybe," he glances at his phone. "5 more minutes. but after that we have to get up and get ready. your flight is at 11:45 and we need to be there somewhere around 9:00 so you can get through security and all that." i only mumble in response and close my eyes again to rest them.

a couple minutes pass. now, i was willing to get up. i knew that if i didn't get up now that i would regret it later for not being up and showered. clay and i both agree to take quick showers and to put on simple clothes. we wanted to spend the last of our time together as much as we could.

after we were both done getting ready, clay helped me pack up my things. it was kinda a struggle because not everything was neatly folded like it was when i first packed it but eventually we got it all in there. we headed downstairs to make ourselves some breakfast.

"do eggs and bacon sound good to you or do you want something else? i'll name whatever you'd like." he leaned on the counter with his arms propping his head up.

"eggs and bacon sound good. do you need help with anything?" i asked him.

"no, i think i'm okay. thank you though." he turned around and started getting the supplies out.

"pleaseee?" i went up to him and grabbed his arm. "i wanna help."

he chuckled, "okay, sure. do you wanna get the eggs and bacon out while i get the pan heated and the seasoning out?" i happily nodded and did as clay requested.

clay ended up cooking the eggs and bacon but i seasoned and cut the bacon up for him. it was pretty fun cooking with him, we should have done it more often. soon enough, the food was cooked and ready to be served. while i got the plates and silverware out, i remembered something.

"oh, i'll be right back, i just remembered something!" i called out as i ran back upstairs.

i looked through my carry-on bag and found what i was looking for. i sped back downstairs to see clay sitting down, patiently waiting for me. aww.

"here." i handed clay the memory book i had made for him and then sat down next to him. while he was looking through it, i soot my chair extremely close to his, so the chairs were touching.

"wow. you really showed me up," he chuckled and he flipped the pages. i laughed and laid my head on his shoulder.

"these are really pretty pictures of us..." he commented as he continued to look through the book. i decided to start eating before the food went cold so i took a bit of my bacon.

"y/n, i love this." clay finally got to the last page but i closes the book before he could look at it.

"hey! i wanna read that!" he tried to open the book again but i held up a finger, i was still chewing.

"you can read those pages after i leave." i told him. the book wasn't just filled with pictures and stickers, at the very end i put two sheets of paper in it and wrote a letter to him.

"whatt?" he whined and dragged out the t. "but i wanna read it right now!" he laughed as he complained to me.

"if you read it right now i'll start crying and then you'll start crying and i don't need that right now so just read it after i leave, okay?"

"i don't cry." he scoffed. i rolled my eyes.

"eat." i told him.

"okay, fine fine."

we ate in a somewhat comfortable silence. every now and then, between bites, we would say something to each other that would make the other laugh. eventually, we finished our food and we both cleaned the dishes together. i was having such a fun time spending time with clay that i forgot i was leaving. i looked at the clock.


"what do you wanna do in the spare time we have?" i asked clay.

"to be honest, i really just wanna cuddle." he scratched the back of his neck.

i laughed, "then let's do that. maybe we can have something play on the tv too?" i suggested. he nodded in response and went to grab the remote by the couch. i followed him and grabbed a blanket.

"what do you wanna watch?" he asked me. a grin spread on my face.

"manhunt." i grinned. he rolled his eyes but went on youtube anyway.

"this is a good one." he choose one of the 3 hunter videos. he came and laid down on the couch.

"come here." he made grabby hands towards me. i laughed and crawled over to him. i laid down in front of him so he was basically spooning me. i laid the blanket over us and we started to watch.

as we watched the manhunt, we didn't talk a whole lot. we just simply enjoyed each other's presence. every now and then i would tell clay "oh that was a cool jump" or things like "i still can't believe you were able to do that." i could tell i was making clay smile, i could feel it as he laid his chin on my head.

about halfway through the manhunt, play started to play with my hair. i smiled... i love it when he does that. i closed my eyes and let clay  play with my hair one last time.

i got more and more comfortable as i sank into the couch, with the blanket over me, and with clay behind me. i couldn't help but smile again. i know, i'm smiling again. you don't have to tell me i smile a lot but i can't help it. i start to think into the future. i wonder where clay and i will be in a couple years... would we still be together? i hope so... is there a chance we'll get married in the future? my thoughts were interrupted when clay spoke softly in my ear.

"we have to leave in 10 minutes, okay?"

10 minutes already? "okay." i replied. clay let go of my hair and ran his fingers through it to make it look neater. he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. i closed my eyes again but this time, i let the warmness engulf me.


third person pov
"y/n... you gotta get up. we have to go." clay carefully shook y/n awake. y/n stirred and opened her eyes.

"can you go grab my bags for me?" she mumbled.

"yea, of course." clay headed up the stairs to grab y/n's suitcase and carry-on bag.

not too long later, clay and y/n were in the car, driving to the airport. clay didn't want to have the rest of the time being sad so, he plugged in his phone to turn on some music. he scrolled through his playlist at a red light and played some one direction to lighten the mood.

y/n instantly started to dance in her seat and sing along to the lyrics. clay loved seeing y/n happy, and right now, that's exactly what she was. y/n ended up rolling down her window and screamed, "WOOOOO!"

clay laughed and ended up rolling down his window as well and joined y/n in shouting.

"how come you aren't singing?" y/n shouted over the loud wind and music.

"i don't know this song!" clay shouted back with a smile.

"you do too! just wait for the right lyrics to come up!"

and in the next couple seconds, the right lyrics came up and clay began to sing along with y/n.

this time i'm ready to run (oh-oh!)
escape from the city and
follow the sun

they wished they could shout the lyrics to music together forever but unfortunately they arrived at the airport.


"how was it?" clay asked y/n.

"awful. airport security takes forever and they're always so serious. i don't think i've seen any of the workers here smile." y/n replied and sat down next to clay.

he chuckled, " well they have to be serious for a reason. people are crazy and try to smuggle in stuff like weapons and crap."

"that's true."

y/n laid her head on clay's shoulder while clay grabbed her hand. it was like everything was in slow motion. like in the movies when the main character gets hurt or something dramatic, the sound is like you can hear everyone talk at once but you can't understand any of it.

"now that interstate is paved with memories... of a past life i lived when i was 18," clay softly sang to y/n. she couldn't help but let out a laugh and began to sing along.

"you should make more music." y/n told him.

"yea, i think i'm going to actually. it's a good way to express my emotions." clay admitted.

they fell into an awkward silence. what was there left to say really? it was hard for clay and y/n to talk about anything they would normally when y/n was about to leave for a quite a while.

"flight for nashville, tennessee is now boarding at department 6, "the speakers throughout the airport announced.

clay and y/n looked at each other and forced a smile. they both stood up but didn't move a foot to walk to the department. y/n opened her mouth to speak but clay cut her off by engulfing her in a bear hug.

"i'm gonna miss you so much." clay choked out. y/n pulled away to look at clay's face.

"no, you said you don't cry," y/n laughed as a couple years left her eyes. "now i'm starting to cry." she pulled clay back into a hug.

"you need to go. you can't miss your flight." clay's voice was muffled from hugging her. before he let her go, he gently grabbed her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. the kiss didn't last long but it said all it needed to say.

"i love you." clay told her.

"i love you more," y/n laughed.

"i love you most." clay squeezed y/n's hand one last time before she walked away.

clay broke down as soon as y/n smiled at him one last time before she was out of sight. and y/n cried the whole way home.

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