Perfect Strangers

By itscymmyrixn

125K 6.2K 5.7K

"No strings attached." Sanzu and Y/n are complete strangers. They use each other for pleasure and there's onl... More



2.3K 124 63
By itscymmyrixn


I placed two paper bags on Chifuyu's table as soon as I arrived at his shop. I stretched my arms while his eyes we're stuck on the two paper bags. I struggled bring those here so he should be thankful tsh.

"What are those?" Kazutora who just came out from the grooming area asked while eyes are also stuck on the two paper bags.

"I'll be thankful if these are dog foods." Chifuyu said and leaned over To check What's inside the paper bags. His eyes furrowed and looked back at me. "What are we gonna do with a bunch of sweets?!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I Don't know. Eat it. Throw it. I Don't care."

That creepy sender isn't stopping from sending packages. Even though I told the security guard at the Office To Reject every packages for me, I would still be surprised To see a package infront of the doorstep of my condo and sometimes a package on top of my car too.

It's getting creepier and creepier. I fucking hate it.

"Ohhh chocolates!" Kazutora pulled out a box of chocolates out of the paper bag. "You sure you Don't want this?" He asked waving it in front of me.

"No. Why would I want something from a creepy stalker."

"Why Don't you meet with this called stalker of yours and tell him personally To stop sending you stuffs so he's money wont Go To waste." Chifuyu said while chewing something in his Mouth. "This donut is Good though.."

Of course it wont Go To waste.. you guys are clearly gonna eat them all lol..

"Meet up? Are you serious? Hell No." I crossed my arms having an irritated Face. I'm getting irritated this past few Days. Maybe It's because I'm getting my period.

"Ask your boyfriend To come with you so you won't be scared lol." He added making me stop.

I can't do that. Sanzu is still Busy this past few Days. We rarely see each other and we communicate in our phones now. I'd lie if I say I Don't Miss him. I Miss him so fucking Bad but I Don't have the guts To tell him or even ask him To meet me.

"I'm not scared. I can meet up with that creepy guy alone. I just have kick his dick when he does something unusual." I said smirking as the thought of me kicking someone that pisses me off flashed in my head. I looked over to Chifuyu and Kazutora, both of them are covering the thing in between their thighs. "Besides... Sanzu is busy so I can't ask him.." I said looking down on the floor having that gloomy expression plastered all over my face.

"So Sanzu is the name of your boyfriend, huh?"

My eyes widened and immediately looked up to the both of them. Shit.. it slipped out of my mouth!

"That name rings a bell to me though.." Chifuyu said placing his chin on his hand.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my—

"Haven't heard of that name. Where did you met him again, Y/n?" Kazutora said still eating the chocolates I brought.

"Bar." I answered shortly. "On my BIRTHDAY."

Kazutora immediately looked away avoiding my gaze. He knows to himself that that's the exact day he dumped me. On my birthday.

"Oh, interesting.." Chifuyu grabbed the water bottle beside the paper bags I placed on his table. "How did you both interact that time?" He asked before drinking his water.

I scoffed. "We fucked."

Water spilled from his mouth while Kazutora choked on the chocolate he was eating. Chifuyu handed over him the water he was drinking. "The heck, Y/n?! Don't say that bluntly!"

I laughed. "What? You asked lol."

"So you're saying you gave in to a stranger that night?" Chifuyu asked wiping his mouth.

"Mm. A perfect stranger." I smiled.

I decided to tell them everything I went through. They were surprised that I agreed to that kind of arrangement of course. Chifuyu was laughing his ass out all the way while Kazutora didn't know how to react because he was too shocked to even speak.

Telling this stuff to your friends is kinda a good feeling. But I didn't went to far where I would tell them that Sanzu is part of Bonten. They would explode lol.

"Relationships that starts like that wouldn't last long—AW! IT HURTS Y/N!"

My phone case flew over to Chifuyu's forehead. "Your words hurt more dumbass."

"Sorry." He pouted while caressing his forehead.

A relationship that starts the same with ours wouldn't last long, huh?

"Hey Y/n." Kazutora called my name making me divert my attention to him. He was looking at a piece of paper where he got from nowhere. "I saw this inside the paper bag. Looks like your stalker wants to meet you." He showed me the paper and I immediately took it from him.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Chifuyu jumped over the table and stood beside me checking what's written on the paper.

~I'm a shy type in person. But if you really wanna meet me, here's my number. 09*********~

"Shy type my ass." I said and crumpled the paper and threw it on the garbage can in front of us.

I heard Kazutora and Chifuyu sighed. "He looks like a nice person, Y/n. If you want we could secretly come with you." Kazutora suggested.

"Yeah. I mean—you should tell your boyfriend though." Chifuyu said going back to his seat.

"Fine." I sighed and crossed my arms. "You'll come with me, okay?!" I widened my eyes and pointed the two of them.

They both nodded while giving me a thumbs up. After that, I tried calling Sanzu multiple times but he isn't answering. So.. I decided to text him instead. It's better than not letting him know, right? I just hope he reads my texts...

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