My Deskmate Is A KITTY


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Felix is just a normal boy who is afraid of cats. But afraid of a cat has gave him a life cursed, which is... More

not an update
The Sequel!!!
(😌Bonus chapter😌)


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I was crying so hard until my eyes gets swollen.

Oh shat! Why did I'm crying? What has gotten into me? This box wasnt even mine its belongs to Samuel who happens to have Hwang as his last name.

Then I saw one book written, "Heart Talks". So it sounded personal which making me more curious about it.

I flip to the first page, but before I could read about it my mom was yelling from downstairs.

"Jinie aah.... Hurry come down!!"

Gosh! I was about to read this damn book! I sighed, putting the book back inside the box and went downstairs.

My parents was standing there with a big luggage. Probably was ready to take off to overseas doing business.

"We're going now. Take care!"

We hug each other, waving goodbye before they left.

After my parents' car was out of my sight, I storm upstairs again. Couldnt wait to read that book.

Seriously, I really want to know what's making me so attached to that kid, named H.Samuel.
First page,

Name: Hwang Samuel

Gosh! There's goes my head! Please not now... Let me finish this first!

My fav colour is him, my fav place is wherever he goes and my hobby is going out with him. This diary was also dedicated only for him, L.Flx.

I continue reading the rest of the first page.

(1 aug 13)

Hi, diary.
So today, I met this boy. Not sure his name, but he is so cute!
Hope to get close to him tomorrow.

Hmm? So, he met someone? I wonder who is that? So I flip to another page.

(5 aug 13)

Hi, mister diary!
Guess what? We're finally a deskmate. Today I just found a cute freckles on his face.
He is so lovely like a sunshine.
I hope he will like to be friends with me!
I want to hug him so bad!! But nevermind, I will just hold it.

Haha, Samuel was just like me, always find cute things was touchable . He.... His personality.... was similar to mine.

Whatever! Next page please...

(7 aug 13)

We met eyes!!
Okey I panicked gay right now!! Please save me from this feelings!!

I chuckles again, Samuel is cute. I mean.. I dont know who he is but.. like, nevermind. I flip to the next chapter.

(10 aug 13)

What was that?! Is that a kiss? Sam!! You kissed him!! I will not survive this feelings, how can I faced him tomorrow?;?! Ajkuwkakjajajajja!!

Huh? They kissed? For real? They dont even know each other for a long time.

But wait, Sam? Why is that name sound familiar? With so much questions, I flip to another.

(25 aug 13)

Hey diary,
I think... I like him. We're getting so much closer now.
And I'm sure.. Fel is the only one I want now.

I will tell him I like him tomorrow.

So? Samuel liked him? Oh, things are getting interesting now. I excitedly flip the page because I want to know what happened after the conffessions.

(26 aug 13)

Why did he rejected me!!!

I hate him! I hate him!

What?!? Seriously? Why? Samuel must lacking in a lot of ways. I shake my head.

Then the next page was just a messy scribble all over the paper. He must have feel frustrated after being rejected by that boy he called "Fel" right? Poor boy. I wonder what he wrote more so here I am at the another page.

(10 sept 13)

Hey mister diary,

You know who talk to me after a month of silent? Yes! Him!
But doesnt matter.. what matter now is!!! He said! He said..... He LIKES ME!!!! HE IS FREAKING WANT ME TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND!!!
Okey bye! See you tomorrow!

So, it wasnt a one sided love after all. Huh, I feel so relieved and happy on behalf of Samuel. Even though, I am not sure why am I so immersed with his stories?! But whatever, next page it is!

(15 sept 13)

Today is his birthday,
I was thinking to surprised him with my drawing.

Oh yes! I draw him. Felix! I draw Felix! I'm pretty sure, he will love it!!!!!!!

W- wait? What the actual frack did I just read? F-Fe.. lix? Was it the same Felix I know?

Ahh!! My head once again give me a hard time. And thats when I saw a painting laying down inside the box.

The painting....,

Its really resembles Felix.

Its... Its actually, FELIX!!!

Then something flashing on my mind like a movie. I saw everything and know everything now. Wether it was just a dream or not, Felix.. or Samuel were in there too.

I think Felix might have the answers for all my questions! Or should I say that.. the key of memories that I cant remember this past five years?


He knows the truth.

I storm downstairs, was rushing to go to Felix's house but because I wasnt pay attention on my step, I finally stumble on the stairs.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" I screamed as my body starting to rolled down to the floor until my head hit the wall hard.

Arghhhhh.... I.. I cant scream anymore. I look up.. everything just blurry and...



I got a call from, Auntie Hwang. Huh, why so sudden?

"Hello? Yes, auntie?" I picked her call.

"Hello, Felix. Sorry for disturbing you but I cant reached out to Hyunjin which making me worried now. He was never ignoring my calls before. Felix, would you mind to go and check on him? Please, I felt uneasy now, like something bad happens to him."

Wait? Hyunjin is in trouble?!?! No, I should check on him now! I cant let anything happen to him again!!

"Okay, auntie. Dont worry. I will call you if there is anything."

"Yes, please. Thank you, dear. I will wait for your call."

After the line was being cut, I immediately ran to Hyunjin's.

I cant control my worries now, its only Hyunjin who came across my mind now.

His gate was locked. I pressed the bell for like thousands times but Hyunjin still hasnt show up.

Worries was taking over me, I dont care about anything else I just decided to climb up his gate to get to him.

Knocking the door is useless now, since nobody answered me. Perhaps, there's really something bad happens inside!!

"Hyunjin!!!! Open the door!!" I couldn't hide my panic.

"Hyunjin!!" I called again but sigh.. still no answers.

Wait, I remember how Hyunjin has the habit of forgot to lock his back door. So, I went there.

Guess, I was right! He never remember to lock this door. I can easily open the door and walk to the living room.

"Hyunjin ah!! Are you in there?!" Screaming all over the place to make sure Hyunjin heard it.

Where are you, Hyunjin?!!?! Please be fine!!

"Hyunj-" what the frack!!

There's someone lying down on the floor, showered in bloods. I froze there when I saw his face.

What... What happened?!?

"Hyunjin!!!! HYUNJIN!!!!" I ran towards him.

Hyunjin in this state!! I cant stop my tears. What just happened?!?!

I put his head on my lap, the blood maybe came from his head since it so red there.

"Hyunjin ah!!!! Wake up!! Wake up!!!! Please dont leave me!!!!"

I shake his body hard, I cant see him in this condition? Is he already died? Am I going to lose him??? Hyunjin... He is going to leave me?!?!

No!! If that happens than take my life instead!!!


I look down to his face. He is struggling to cup my face but before he get to touch my face,

"I- I.. r-remember, y-you-" 

His hand fall down along with his eyes, shutting close.

"No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hyunjin!!! Please... What did you say?!?! You cant go like this!!! I NEED YOU!! Hyunjin..... Please dont leave me!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!"


The doctors and nurses were rushed to the ward with Hyunjin laying down on a bed that they pushed.

Felix who stood outside just follow with his eyes. His feet felt weak and finally he fall on his knees.

"H-hyunjin..." His sobs becoming harder until he is hitching in his breath.

"Felix!" Chan and Changbin came to get to Felix.

They got the call from Felix earlier.  When they heard about this they were so shocked that they get there as fast as a flash.

"Felix, are you okay?" Chan pull Felix to help him get on his feet.

"Lets sit him down." Changbin also help Chan to drag Felix to sit on a chair.

"Hyunjin, he-" Felix cant stop crying.

"Shh,, he will be fine. Okay? Now, you should just pray for him." Chan said while hugging Felix tight.

In this silent moment, Changbin just stood there in front the door. Chan was still comforting the crying Felix.

And Felix, his heart starting to explode like a bomb now. In his mind, there's only one thing he could think of.

HWANG HYUNJIN, the love of his life.

Felix let out a sobs that is hurtful to listen to.

From where they sit, they can see Seungmin, I.n, Han and Minho were also in panic, walking towards them.

"Hyung? How is Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked.

"Yes, Hyung. I cant control myself driving here earlier." Said Minho.

"I hope he is just fine. Please!" Han is already tearing up, Minho pull him into a hug.

"Oh no, Hyunjin hyung." I.n also shows them that he is sad. His tears finally falls down too.

"What actually happened hyung?" Due to pressure, Seungmin couldn't help but to cry too.

"Lets just hope that he is fine. That way, we will never lose hope." Said Changbin, trying to cool down the tension.

Since everyone were not in a good state of mind now.


After one hour, doctor finally coming out from that room. All of them standing up abruptly, rushing towards doctor.

"Doctor, how is my friend?? He is totally fine, right?" While holding in tears, Chan tried his best to ask in a calm way.

"Hyunjin is stable, now. It just a small injury and dont worry, he will be just fine. But, for now, he will sleep for 48 hours due to the side effects of the medicine we gave." Explain the doctor.

Everyone starting to tensed down. Feeling relieved again.

"But doctor, how about his memory? Does it affected too?" Chan's question makes everyone losing their mind again.

"Because the injury was involving head and brain so there's possiblity for Hyunjin to remember his memory. But to make sure about it, we have to wait for him to wake up."

Everyone look each other while smiling. Only Felix who cant understand.

"Dont worry okay? I will leave now." The doctor said while about to leave.

We all thanked her and she just smiled at us before leaving.

"Guys," Felix called after the doctor's gone.

Everyone turn to him.

"Actually, what happened to Hyunjin? Why is everyone so worried about his memory? That day, Seungmin was worried about how he doesnt Hyunjin to forget about you guys. Chan hyung, you once said that Hyunjin will remember it back, what is he gonna remember? And today... This. Can you guys tell me, because I am confused now."

They all look at each other before looking at Felix again.

"Felix, we dont have rights to tell you this. So I think we should let Hyunjin to tell it himself. If his memory is back, thats mean, you'll know the truth eventually." Chan save the awkwardness.

"But- okay. I understand." Like or not Felix need to respect it.

"Good boy." Said Chan while side hugging Felix.

"But wait, Hyunjin has said something before he lost his conciousness earlier."

"Huh? What did he said?" Ask Chan.

"He said... "I remember, you.." then he fainted."

Chan starting to gasp loudly making everyone confused. All these years, only Chan who is trying so hard to investigate things up. When he get the answer he wanted, he couldn't believe it at first. But now its confirmed!

"Whats wrong, hyung?" Seungmin asked. He also look so much of worried.

"Erm... No. Nothing. Lets just wait for him to wake up and I will tell you."

With that statement, everyone look so down and dissapointed. They all really wants to know the truth now.

But Changbin, who's already knows about what's on Chan's mind just kept silent.


As doctor said he will wake up after 48 hours, so here I am. Waiting for the moment he will wake up, having me as the first person he saw when he opens his eyes.

Its already 48 hours.

And Hyunjin will wake up soon. I hope when he wake up, his memory is back. As Chris hyung once whisper to me earlier,

"Lix, you will be surprised if Hyunjin's memory really back."

What surprised? Does Hyunjin has something to do with my past? But the way Chris hyung look at me... Like he was going to reveal a big secret.

Just what secret??? I was dying to know!!

While I'm focusing on Chris' words, I saw Hyunjin start to move a little. I look at him,
"Jinnie..?" I call for him while holding his hand.

Hyunjin start to open his eyes, slowly turn to me. He too a while to adjust with the lights.

"L-lixie?" He look at me.

"Hyunjin ah... You're finally awake!" I couldn't contain my happiness looking at him.

I stood up, wanting to tell others about this but then, Hyunjin grabbed my hand. I turn around, looking confused as heck.


"Sit." He said.

Following his order like I was so obedient, I sit while not breaking my stare at him.

He trying to sat up on his bed but because he is still struggling of doing so, I help him. But gosh!!

Helping him sitting up making me and him closer and for some reason I accidentally tripping and finally sitting up on his lap.

"Uh- sorry.." I get up from there but Hyunjin grabbed me making me sitting beside him on the bed.

What is this long hair dude tryna do to me?

"Look at me, lix."

With the saying, I look down because I dont want to get sway. I've promised myself to keep my distance from him.

"Felix," he take my chin up, "I said, look at me." And thats it, our eyes...

Our eyes met.

He stares at me. But his eyes, there so many story inside it. Like, that thing are gonna reveal to me as a surprise that Chris meant.

Hyunjin hold a lot of secrets inside his beautiful eyes. Staring at his eyes remind me of someone.

Yes! Their eyes was similar. Similar shape and color. Hyunjin and Sam... They..

"Felix," he hold my face suddenly, making me shock.

I look at him, not knowing how to respond since this is beyond expectations.

Thats when I know, Hyunjin is crying.


"Shh... Let me stare at you as much as I want." He said while cupping my face.

What actually happened to him at his house?

"Jinnie..." He put his finger on my lips.

"Felix.., I remember everything now. I remember how we met, I remember every single moments I spent with you. I know it wasnt just a dream, right? Its true, right?"

I dont know wether I need to shake my head or nod. Since, Hyunjin doesnt look like he is on his right mind so I decided to call for doctor but before I manage to scream he hug me tight.

"Felix... Dont you miss me?"

Yes, Hyunjin. I miss you! But... What are you trying to say actually?

"Dont you miss Sam?"

Hah???!!! Now, I felt strange. I push him a little to look at him. "Hyunjin.. can you tell me what are you trying to say actually? I don't understand."

Please Hyunjin, tell me! My head is hurting thinking about this for the whole day.

He wipes his tears and look straight inside my eyes like he wants to burn it with his gaze. I used all my strengths to stare back, because I really want to know the truth now.

He took a deep breath before began to speak up.

"I remember everything from five years ago."

"Five years ago? Did I related to your past too?" Felix gave me a puzzled look.

I nods. Yes Felix... You.. you are my past and you need to know too.

"I will tell you everything now."

He just look at me nodding, patiently waiting for me.

I took a deep breath and began to tell him about our memories that we share together.

(Flashback to five years ago)

Oh no!!!! I'm late to register myself!!! Aihh....

I was so used to my mom waking me up but today is my first day living away from them so, I'm not used to it yet.

Anyway, today is my first day to attend the school at Australia. Everything has settled but I just need to report myself at school today.

After getting ready for school, my uncle is already waiting for me outside.

Uncle Bernard, my parents close friend who loved me like his own son.

"Sam, are you ready to meet your new friends?" He asked when we arrived there.

I excitedly nods. "Yes, uncle!"

"Good. See you a few hours later!"

We wave goodbyes.

So, am I actually a student here now? Away from korea and having to live an indipendent life, huh? I think this is actually new and interesting to me.

After finished my registration, the clerk bring me to the teacher and the teacher bring me to my class.

"Class! We have new student from Korea. He is alone here so please treat him well, introduced yourself." The teacher said.

I glare around and everyone just look at me with an exciting expressions on their faces. I gain my courage now.

"Hello, I'm Hwang Samuel. Nice to meet you."

The school start like usual after that. It seem the same like my old school but the things is, this school is a whole new thing for me so this whole day was just special.

I noticed my deskmate was absent today. Maybe I will meet them tomorrow? Couldn't wait to get to know to a lot of people here and prove my mom's wrong about how I dont know how to take care of myself.

After the school dismissed, I went back home with a bus. Because Uncle is already start to work at his new place, so he cant sent me to school anymore.

When I get out from the bus, I accidentally stepped on something which making my feet hurts.

"Ouch!! Which dummy put their toys on the road?!?!" I am yelling while angrily looking for the owner of the spinning top toy I was stepped on.

Than I saw a boy standing not too far from me, looking scared.

He is cute tho. Huh! I cant be mad at him... So I just shrugged it of and took the spinning top while walking towards him.

"Is this yours?" I asked, because he is way much more shorter than me, so I need to bent down a bit.

He slowly nods looking so nervous as heck.

"I'm sorry for yelling earlier. Anyway, next time dont play alone. My house is over there, you can always ask for my company."

He doesnt look scared now, he just smiled at me while running away from there. Why is he so cute?

That was the first time, I met him.

All night long, his face flashed on my mind. Not knowing his name or anything about him.

Like, why? I'm already interested in him.

I chuckles at my own thoughts while shaking my head. Couldn't believe that love at the first sight was actually a real deal.

(So I will continue the flashback next chapter. Gotta go now, bye)

(Thank you for reading and dont get sick)


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