Jacob's Better End Book 2

By Lord_deadfandoms

12.2K 221 11

BOOK 2 SEQUEL TO JACOB'S BETTER END. After waking up from the supernatural shock of Xavier's venom, Kara rea... More

Two Years Passed
Lost Time
Suffering Until It's Not
Kara's Birthday
After Kara's Birthday
Moving In
Hot Water
Beginning of the End?
The Volturi's Gift
Marry Me
Wedding Plans
Change of Plans
It's Over
End Of Part 1
Living Alone
The Great Cullen Ambush
Going Home
What's Next, Kara?
Xavier Returns
Love Triangle
Traitor in Our Midst
The Volturi Arrive Part 1
The End
Final Book

The Volturi Arrive Part 2

201 3 0
By Lord_deadfandoms


It is 3am and I am being held hostage in my own home. Xavier is beside himself, pacing like a human at a loss for words. I'm sitting on my bed, as per his orders, and I don't say anything either. I never want to speak to him again.

"I never wanted to lie to you." he says finally. I don't respond, and he lets out a long breath, coming to stand before me. I don't even look at him. "This is a good thing, really. Even after all our plans, you couldn't understand the threat the Volturi poses as an enemy. You will be safer since they'll arrive as friends."

I would rather be in terrible danger. I would rather have to fight and trick and cheat against them than join the sick group that terrorized anyone they want just because they can.  They ruined my life.

"Say something."

At first, I want to refuse him. I want to force him to wait and then leave him in the knowledge I will never speak to him ever again. But I have to live through this, and I can't do it with pride. So I say,

"Tell me the whole truth."

"I suppose I owe you that." he sighs. "After my last...confrontation with the pack, the Volturi sent two of its members to investigate me. They had their suspicions and word of my intentions had circulated. But by the time they found me, I was overcome with the grief of losing everyone I loved and...having to hurt you. I was ready for whatever fate they had in store. Surely you understand that."

I don't reply, even though I do understand. I have been so low and alone that I didn't care what happened to me. It doesn't change anything. Even if I am no better than him, I expected better from him. And even if I'm horrible, it doesn't make it less awful he is too.

"Well. When they brought me before the council, Aro had a different proposition for me. I could join them. They would listen to my grievances and give me objectives. New purpose."

"Objectives." I repeat.

"Instead of overthrowing the current hierarchy, I could change it from the inside. Make the bad things go away by befriending them instead of just fighting an impossible battle." he says.

"Why are you here then?"

"To train new talent and to retrieve you. Aro is extremely interested in your visions." he says candidly. Then, his face softens and he settles hesitantly beside me on the bed. I angle away from him but he moves his face to look at mine anyway. "And I missed you."

"I'm not going with them. I want nothing to do with this anymore, and I never want to see you again after today."


"I am not going with you."

He chuckles darkly and stands, but I know him well enough to see the hurt flickering behind his eyes. Good. Now I'm not the only one.

"What do they say about the easy way or the hard way?" he murmurs, glancing around my room. His gaze catches on my backpack and he tosses it to me. "Pack a bag, Kara. Call your boyfriend back and tell him whatever you want. The Volturi will be here soon."

He steps outside my room but I know he's just giving me space, not privacy. I couldn't call Jacob back even if I wanted to. He probably dialed from a pay phone and is hopefully long gone by now.

So I do pack my bag with all I need to go out with a bang. The two pieces of jewelry Jacob gave me (his mother's ring and the lighter bracelet that I hope makes Xavier furious), a real lighter, all the cash I have, and the bottle of whiskey I never got around to opening. And my gun.

Then, I go to my window. This is going to have to be fast and decisive, like sending Jacob away. I hope it's painless, like flying off the hood of Colin's car. But it's going to be final.

Because I know that this is a long shot. I know that the Volturi are already here, whoever they are and wherever they're lurking. Even with Xavier alone I likely won't get away, but I'm not going down without a fight.

Without anymore thought, I launch myself outside, flying for a moment down the length of my house. When I land, my legs buckle underneath me. But they don't break.

And then I'm running for my fucking life.

I vault over my fence and sprint towards the thicket behind my house. It's time to pray for forgiveness for what I'm about to do. I hear Xavier throw open the screen door and when I risk a glance back, I see even from yards away he's ripped it clean off.


Now I'm really running. I have never moved so fast and it's truly like I'm experiencing the impossible. My feet crunch over the first leaves of fall and I swallow hard. I know he's faster, but he's underestimated me.

I stop in a clearing and dive under the cover of a mound of dead leaves and grass. Xavier appears almost a second later and I unzip my backpack without hesitation.

"What are you doing?" he asks. The bastard even has the audacity to seem amused. He stops and crosses his arms. "Do you really think you could just run and get away?"

"I thought I'd have one last drink, but if escaping to Canada came first then I wouldn't complain." I say, holding up the bottle of whiskey. He scoffs.

"That is ridiculous. You ran away with a bottle of whiskey and what? A gun? Some money?" he walks forward, decent enough to come at a human pace. I keep my face blank. He hasn't noticed the smallest item in my bag.

"You're right. Ridiculous." I break the whiskey over a rock and click the lighter. It takes a moment for it to catch, but then the flame crackles to life. Xavier freezes, and then he's so angry I scoot closer to the burning brush.

"What the hell are you doing?" He demands. A breeze sweeps between us and fans the fire hot enough I wouldn't be able to put it out now even if I tried. In thirty seconds, it's become as big as a bonfire. I expect Xavier to grab me and take me away right then and there before the forest catches any more.

But even vampires are afraid sometimes.

"Kara, this is beyond idiotic. You are going to get us both killed." he snarls. I pull out my gun and fire it multiple times into the air. We aren't far away enough from the neighborhood for them not to hear. I hope they call 911 fast enough to stop me from destroying this place. I already know it's the most evil thing I've ever done.

"Come back with me."

"You should run." I say, rolling away from the fire and standing. It's beginning to blaze between us and if we don't get out, he's probably right. It is going to get us both killed. In one minute, it's hot and bright enough to cast us both in orange. Embers start to sizzle on my arms.

"They're going to find you, Kara. They're already here." he growls.

"Good. Let them burn too."

We stare at each other for a moment, and it's nice to be the one so idiotic I'm not scared. It's always been me. Terrified. Weak. Out of control. But now, staring at Xavier through the fire I feel as brave as the devil.

Then, by some mutual understanding, we turn away from each other and run.

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