Book of Magic

By _Katira_

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Welcome to the book of magic! There's magic in everything, one just needs to reach out and use it. This book... More

A Beginner's Tool Kit
The Fist Lesson
Chapter 1: Astrology
Chapter 2: Moonology
Chapter 3: Numberology & Symbols
Chapter 4: Herbology
Chapter 5: Familiars & Spirit Guides
Chapter 6: Geology & the Universe
The Third Lesson
Chapter 7: Neurology & Astral Travel
Chapter 8: Empath & Physic Abilities
The Fourth and Final Lesson

The Second Lesson

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By _Katira_

As witches manifest their abilities and have a firm grasp on level one magics, they are then ready to enhance their abilities to the next level. Though one may not chose to learn all forms of divination magic, once their is a firm understanding of how magic flows one is ready to learn how to use it for themselves and others around them. This is where you're no longer just reading books, focusing your mind, building an alter or predicting the future now you're ready to start spell work, crafting spell accessories, working with your spirit guides and work with more types of magic.

Level 2 magics are focused around learning to utilized magic through your own hands this includes crafting magical things to aid you or another such as; spell jars, spell bags, beauty products, medicine and other spell accessories with the use of herbs, oils, crystals, incense and other magical supplies. Level two magics are also focused around shadow work, working with spirit guides, healing magic, green magic and more. In this chapter we'll explore the many different types of personal magic and why they are listed as level two magics.

Personal magic is any magic used to help aid either the user or their target in positive ways. This includes many protection, self love, wealth, prosperity, luck and other spells aimed to help improve one's life.

Personal magics are listed as Level 2 magics because this is where you really start to develop your skills and find your nich. Witches at this level enjoy creating and crafting using the energy, tools and skills that they've gathered thus far in their studies and practices. You'll find that some of the topics in this chapter reference back to some things from lesson one. These skills may be listed as level 2 magics but it is up to the practicer of how powerful their spells are.

You may not chose to learn all forms of Personal magic, as every witch has their own path. However, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of these practices to aid you in your own craft.

"Communicate vulgar secrets to vulgar friends."

- Book of occult philosophy

Types of Magics

Shadow work is a practice of healing any behaviors, emotional wounding, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, or blocks that are buried in your subconscious. It's a way to cleanse ourselves of trama and things stored away from our childhood, Recognize and put to rest our own demons and Let go of false notions of who we want to be and start excepting who we are.

After clearing the subconscious of mental blocks, one essentially has the ability to integrate the shadow, the unconscious with the conscious self. Through this practice one has actual manipulation of shadows, fears and illusions (umbrakinesis), manipulation of the "Inbetween" as an energy also called (paradox) using this opposite energy to cause drastic change.

Shadow work also refers back to The Three Bodies; physical, Astral & Causal. Have you ever noticed that your shadow splits up into three different shadows? (often depending on the time of day or angle of light) These are said to be a reflection of each Body or inner self. Practicing shadow work can help to reline these bodies and even connect us to our past lives.

Physical body
represents your physical self and holds onto physical trama.

Astral body
represents your eternal soul and holds onto past lives.

Causal body
represents your spirit or current life and holds onto emotional trauma.

Ancestral Magic works by the magic of a living witch connecting with the magic of the witches' dead ancestors and allowing it to flow through them via the witches' natural connection to the earth. Ancestral witches are committed to their families and their coven, and the bloodlines of the witch families in the community typically went back centuries.

Green magic is nature based magic using the energy of the Earth, usually with a positive attitude and positive goals. It bases its roots on natural resources such as herbs, crystals, nature cycles, the elements, etc.

Kitchen magic is the integration of Witchcraft into all or any aspects of homemaking and cooking. This practice focuses on the home and hearth and uses things commonly found in the kitchen as magical tools. It often involves the use of environmental energies, such as those from essential oils, herbs, foods, and everyday objects. These are then infused with the witch's own personal energy toward their intent.

Glamour magic is a subtle form of magic in which you can "shift" how others see you. It can't change your physical appearance or bend other people's will but it can give you the confidence to manifest your desires by highlighting inner and outer beauty. This practice Uses makeup, perfume, oils, crystals and even a small talismans to boost your spiritual energy.

Healing magic is incorporating the use of organic and inorganic materials imbued with spiritual power, with a focus on prayers and ritual. Traditional healers are, in a sense, translators of somatized distress. They can "read" the meaning of a person's illness in a way that goes beyond the physical. These individuals are often trained in the manipulation of the spiritual world coupled with knowledge of botanical materials. Amulets, potions, spells and magical talismans are some of the tools they use.

Healing magic references back to the meridian system and chakras. In which there is much belief that when one's energy points or chakras are blocked it can sometimes lead to or cause illness. Healers use their own energy to cleanse that of another through these practices.

Animal magic is incorporating animals into your craft. This could mean working with familiars, Spirit animals, totems, animal symbolism, animal language, reading bones or spells for your furry friends.

Believed to be supernatural entities that would assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic.

Spirit animals
Believed to be spirits, that of feral or domesticated animals- which help to guide, teach, protect or deliver a messages to a person.

Involves using a natural object, animal, or supernaturally significant being a symbolic channel through which to work magic.

Animal symbolism
The belief that animals each hold their own symbolism or meaning and that when appearing to you can have certain divine meanings.

Animal language
Animals are very sensitive to energy, using a combination of body language, sounds or movements we can project our energy into a form of communication that animals can understand.

divination using bone reading

"There are some properties in things only whilst they live, and some that remain after their death."

-Book of occult philosophy

Plant magic is incorporating plants into your craft. This could mean working with Herbs, growing plants, plant symbolism, plant language or spells for your garden and house plants.

Plant symbolism
The belief that plants each hold their own symbolism or meaning and that when randomly coming upon them have certain divine meanings.

Plant language
Plants are very sensitive to energy, using a combination of vibrations, sounds or movements we can project our energy into a form of communication that plants can understand.

"So great is the power of natural things that they not only work upon all things that are near them, by their virtue, but also besides this, they infuse into them like power."

-Book of occult philosophy


Simple ways to start

Some simple ways start processing in your craft is to start working with things like crystals, herbs, oils, incense and deities.

Crystals can have all types of properties, from healing and protecting to love and destruction. Crystals can help to boost a spell or add an element to it, they can be kept around for luck or carried in a pocket for protection on the go. Decorate your alter and plants with them or just keep them in a box, they can be handy tools in magic.

Use crystals in meditation to help charge and focus your energy. Use them when healing chakra points or for energy protection. Use them for better sleep, lower anxiety, rituals, communication, manifesting and Crystal grids.

Clear quartz, Amethyst, Rose quartz, Red Jasper, Green Jade

Clear quartz, Lepidolite, Amethyst, Howlite, Hematite

Moonstone, Rose quartz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Amazonite

Stress Relief
Amethyst, Clear quartz, Rose quartz, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline, Lepidolite, Sodalite, Smokey quartz, Amazonite

It can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing and remembering all those crystals, so here are a few crystals for beginners that are always good to have around: Amethyst, clear Quartz, Rose quartz, tiger's eyes, Black Tourmaline.

Programming Crystals
Chose an intention, pick a gem that fits it, make sure it's cleansed, hold it in your hand and manifest your intent into the gem; visualize it filling up with energy. Do this for about 30 seconds.


Cleansing Crystals
All stones hold their own energies and over time absorb surrounding energies. Crystals should be properly cleansed before spell use or enchanting.

There are lots of diffrent ways to clean your stones, use the method you like best!

smudge you stones with sage, Palo or santo to cleanse your stones

Other Crystals
Some stones like Citrine, Quartz and others dont need to be cleansed due to their natualral abilities and therfore can be used to cleanse other stones.

On a clear night, place your stones outside in the moon light for 8 hours or more.

Tibetan Singing Bowl
Place your crystals in the bowl and start to create musical vibrations to cleanse your stones.

Essential Oils
Add a few drops of essential oils of your choice to a piece of cloth and wrap your stones up in them, let them sit over night to be cleansed by morning.


Charging Crystals
Now that your jewels are all clean you can charge them up. They're empty and ready to hold new energy. there are lots of ways to fill them up, some cleansing methods can also charge them up too!

Bury in Dirt
You can bury them in your yard or in a potted plant in your home, the soil will help to renew your stones.

Soak in Sunlight
You can set your stones in a windowsill or outside on a bright sunny day to absorb the energy of the sun. Be warned; sunlight can fade some types of stones.

Soak in Moonlight
You be set your stones outside during a full moon to let them absorb and be charged by moonlight.

Soak in water
You can place your stones a ceramic or glass dish of water to let it cleanse the stones. Be warned; some stones should NOT be put in water.

Water is one of the easiest and fastest ways to cleans to stones, there are also many diffrent types of water one can collect and use for spell work, each with its own properties. You can collect; moon water, sun water, rain water, storm water, river water, sea water and more! You can place stones in these waters to be charged quickly with their properties, check out the glossery for the full list of stone and waters.

However, not all stones can be treated the same way, some will destroyed if placed in water or will have the opisite effect if placed in Sunlight, others dont need to be charged at all!

Crystal to keep out of water
Angelite, Calcite, Carnelian, Celesite, Galena, Halite, Hermatite, Labradorie, Lepidorite, Lodestones, Malachite, Mica, Moldavite, Muscovite, Obsidian, Opals, Pearls, Pirite (Produces sulfuric acid), Selenite, Turquoise, Ulex

Crystals to keep out of sunlight
Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Kunzite, Sapphire, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Smokey quartz

Crystals that don't need cleansed
Kyanite, Azulite, Diamond, Phenacite, Apophylite, Citrine


Crystal shapes
The shape of a crystal can direct energy in different ways. You may have never thought about it or never thought there was a difference, you just buy a tumbler stone because it's cheapest. Some shapes are best for certain stones, some amplify energy in different directions, raise vibrations and more.

Strong natural release of energy, raises vibrations.

Even release of energy, practical.

Best for grounding stones, meditation.

Even release of energy, best for scrying, connection.

Best for balancing stones, helps energies coexist.

Release energy to fill a room, best for cleansing stones, brings unity.

Best for grounding stones, amplifies energy gently.

Best for fertility or healing stones, strengthens Aruras and shields energy.

Concentrates and directs energy, raises vibrations.

Best for Manifestation stones, focuses energy.

Best for "worry stones" or grounding stones

Generator tower
Amplifier of stone energy, release energy upwards.

Best for harmony stones, amplifier and balancer of energy.


Crystal Grids

These are displays of crystals sat on a geometric pattern, which helps to amplify their properties. These are like interactive peices of decor, they are a way to direct energy towards specific intentions. They help to not only supper charge your space but are beautiful additions to any room. You can change things up at any time, most times 3-5 Crystals is enough. Pattern layouts are easy to find, visit a craft store or print one out that speaks to you.

What you will Need:
Crystals of choice
Geometric pattern layout of choice
Intent to charge them

1. Place pattern layout and set crystals on geometric points

2. Focus your intent on the stones to charge them up


Herbs, like crystals, can have all types of properties, from healing and protecting and much more. Herbs can help to boost a spell or add an element to it, they can be kept around for luck or carried in a pocket for protection on the go. Decorate your alter with them or just keep them in jars, herbs can be handy tools in magic.

Herbology uses the science of plants to help treat diseases and conditions. Herbs can each hold their own magical properties and be used in spell work. Herbs have many uses in the craft; cooking, cleaning, smudging, incense, healing, teas, medicines, poisons, spells, grind them down in a pestle and mortar for potions or tonics, place them around you altars and more.

Lilly, rose, willow, lemon balm, thyme, rosemary, basil, mint, dandelion, lavender.

Chamomile, poppy, rosemary, lavender, valerian, passion flower, jasmine, hops, mugwort.

Holly, aloe, carnation, heather, marigold, witch hazel, oregano, elderberry, star anise, ginger root.

Four leaf clover, aloe, mint, oak, Basil, clove, white clover, holly, mistletoe, orange peel, star anise.

Clover, honeysuckle, jasmine, basil, dill, cinnamon, ginger, spearmint, allspice.

Hibiscus, lilacs, poppy, rose, Willow, rosemary, lavender, red sandalwood, yarrow, basil.

It can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing and remembering all the herbs out there, so here are a few herbs that are always good to have around: sage, lavender, rosemary, mint, aloe, bay leaf, fennel, Jasmin or lemon balm.

More then just herbs; flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, fruits, mushrooms and more all have magical correspondences. Check out Chapter 5 on Herbology for more information on herbs!

Check out the Glossary for a list of herbs, flowers and more along with their properties. For spells, potions and more check out the third book, Book of Spells & Alchemy.

Take causion when working with certain herbs, some herbs are poisonous to the touch or if consumed. Herbs such as; Fox glove, deadly nightshade, poison hemlock, belladonna, datura, angel's trumpet, wolfsbane, mistletoe, henbane, mandrake.

Drying herbs is one way to save money and use herbs within your own environment. Air drying works best for low moisture herbs such as rosemary or dill.

1. Trim fresh herbs and flowers at an angle to keep your plant healthy.

2. Take branches or stems and tie into small bundles using string.

3. Hang from stems upsidedown in a cool dark place for at least a week to let herbs dry. Use a hanging rack or just pin them up.

4. Jar and use for spells, decorations or whatever you choose.


Oils, like crystals and herb, have all types of properties, from cleansing and protecting and much more. Oils can help to boost a spell or add an element to it, they can be used in defusers to cleanse a space or increase your mood. oils can be handy tools in magic.

Oils can each hold their own magical properties and be used in spell work. Oils have many uses in the craft; cooking, cleaning, banishing, purifying, teas, medicines, poisons, spells, for potions or tonics and more. Use essential oils or collect and make your own. They can be for love, attraction, protection, banishing and much more.

It can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing and remembering all the oils and their blends, so here are a few oils that are always good to have around: lemon, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, cypress or sweet orange.

Check out the Glossary for a list of oils, waters and more along with their properties. For spells, potions and more check out the third book, Book of Spells & Alchemy.


Incense, like the others, have all types of properties, from cleansing and protecting and much more. Incense can help to seal a spell or add an element to it, they burned with herbs to cleanse and purify a. Incense can be handy tools in magic.

Incense can hold their own magical properties and be used in spell work. Incense have many uses in the craft; cleaning, smudging, purifying, spells, burn around altars and more.

Amber, ginger, rose, vanilla, jasmine, lavender, strawberry, lemon.

Lotus, frankincense, sandalwood, eucalyptus, cedar, dragon's blood, rosemary.

Amber, rose, cinnamon, lemon.

It can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing incense, so here are a few incense that are always good to have around: sandalwood, frankincense, lavender, dragon's blood or sage.

Libanomancy is divination by observing and interpreting burning incense smoke as well as its ash. Incense plays the role of a conductor that connects our material world with the subtle world. The smoke that comes from the burning of incense is a symbolic conversation with the "subtle world".


Colors as well, have all types of properties. Color magic, or magick, involves working with the energy inspired by different colors. Color magic is a part of many magical traditions, colors can impact your thoughts and feelings or use colors to invoke certain energies.

Colors are a vibrational energy and this energy can make your spells stronger. By using the right color candle during spells, we can send out vibrations that can help the intentions of the spell caster. Colors are also seen in corespondents to the planets.

Red ❤️
Planet- Mars
Strength, courage, confidence, willpower, stamina

Orange 🧡
Planet- Mercury
Property, home, success, ambition, career, legal

Yellow 💛
Planet- Sun
Memory, intelligence, clarity, focus, learning

Green 💚
Planet- Venus
Growth, luck, abundance, wealth, prosperity

Blue 💙
Planet- Neptune
Creativity, inspection, healing, communication

Purple 💜
Planet- Jupiter
Physic and spiritual power, awareness, divination

Pink 💖
Planet- Saturn
Relationships, love, passion, fertility, self love

Black 🖤
Planet- Pluto
Banishing, warding, protection,

Planet- Moon
Dreams, astral power, intuition, manifestation

Brown 🤎
Planet- Earth
Animals, stability, security, grounding, uncrossing

White 🤍
Planet- Moon
Purity, peace, meditation, harmony, cleansing

Working with deities in your craft can help give your spells and energy a boost, making them more powerful.

There are many deities out there from many different cultures, each one unique in their own way. It's not hard to reach out to one or more deities and ask for their assistance in your craft.

Start by researching cultures that interest you such as; Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, Roman, etc. Next test out some different forms of divination to see if the deities are interested in connecting to you. Create a shine or place an image of that deity next to your alter and make an offering based on what the deity likes. Keep journals and continue to use divination tools as well as make offerings to keep you connect strong.

After giving an offering to a deity, make sure to return it to the earth.

"Magicians, as wise men, by the wonderful secrets of the world, knew the author's of the world."

-Book of occult philosophy


Crafting Spells

Spell accessories, are tools a witch makes to aid them in their spell work such as; moon water or sun water, black salt, spell bottles and more.

Some spell accessories can help aid you in your everyday witch craft. These are things you might use a lot when doing spell work, such as; waters, salts, bottles or even your own two hands! You might not need any spell accessories depending on the type of craft you practice or maybe there are other accessories you quick craft for your work that aren't listed below.

It's also a good idea to; save egg shells and grind them down into a powder, save ashes from spell work and incense, save orange peels and dry them out or save other types of water for your spells and craft.

Check out the Glossary for a list of waters and their properties or for potions and tonics check out book two; Book of Spells & alchemy

Sun Water
Water that has absorbed the energy of the sun, sun water can be made at any time of day but is most energized when its left out all day. Did you know that sunlight is good for strangthing your bones? Imagin bottling that energy up for your spells!
Sun Water can be used in spells, potions, bath tonics, teas, Crystal charging, watering plants, cleaning skin and much more.

What you will need:
Glass or ceramic bowel
Glass bottle (optional)
Clean water

1. Place the water in a sunny windowsill or out side, preferably on a bright and sunny day.

2. Let the water in the sun from 9am-3pm or from sunrise to sunset. You can also add sun stones beside or in your water to help give it a boost

3. Now you can use the water for whatever you need or store it for later in a glass bottle.


Black salt
A Hoodoo ingredient used for either protection or cursing, Black salt is excellent for repealing negative energy and protection spells.

What you will need:
Grinding bowel
Glass jar (optional)
Black pepper
Natural charcoal
Wood Ash

1. Grind all ingredients in a clockwise direction into a fine powder and then combine them. (Protection)

2. Grind all ingredients in an anti-clockwise direction into a fine powder and then combine them. (Curse)

3. Use the Black salt as needed or store for later in a glass jar.


Magic paint
A energetically packed paint for drawing symbols and charging sigils. It can be used for outside rituals, protective circles and more.

What you will need:
Ceramic or glass bowel
Natural charcoal
Ashes of herbs
Sea Salt
Moon water

1. Grind charcoal, Ash and sea salt in a clockwise direction into a fine powder.

2. Mix the powder with moon water (as needed) to create the paint like substance.

3. You can now use the magic paint as needed for your spell work or protection.


Spell Bottles
These are small glass bottles filled with a verity of herbs, crystals, oils, flowers or other ingredients. These bottles can be crafted for luck, love, health, protection and more. You can place them in your home, car or keep them with you.

What you will need:
Small glass jar
Flowers (optional)
Oils (optional)
Charm (optional)

1. Gather the herbs, crystals and other ingredients you've chosen.
Visit the glossary to mix up your own bag.

2. Layer your items in the bottle and seal it shut, focus your intent on what your looking to manifest. tie your string with its charm to the bottle.

3. Place the bottle within your home, car or place of choice.


Spell bags
Much like jars and Bottles but can be placed more places easily. Spell bags are ment to be hidden and out of sight, but are filled with similar items as the jars and Bottles.

Recommend tools:
small See through or cloth spell bags

1. Gather the herbs, crystals and other ingredients you've chosen.
Visit the glossary to mix up your own bag.

2. Layer your items in the bag and seal it shut, focus your intent on what your looking to manifest. tie your strings together with a charm.

3. Place the bag within your home, car or place of choice.


Spell Balls
These are small glass balls (sometimes light bulbs) filled with a verity of herbs, crystals, oils, flowers or other ingredients. These balls can be crafted for luck, love, health, protection and more. You can place them in your home, car or keep them with you.

What you will need:
Small glass ball

1. Gather the herbs, crystals and other ingredients you've chosen.
Visit the glossary to mix up your own bag.

2. Layer your items in the glass ball and seal it shut, focus your intent on what your looking to manifest. tie your string with its charm to the ball.

3. Place the ball within your home, car or place of choice.


Manifestation Boxes; also called the creation box, wish box, spell box or intent box is a powerful and handy tool. Place things in the box that you want to manifest into your life, it could be goal you want to meet or maybe something you desire.

Use any medium or small wooden box, you can buy one at your local witch store, hobby store or craft your own. Decorate your box with your own touch; add paint, stickers, symbols, sigils or make your own improvements.

The manifest box helps to contain and focus your powerful intent in order to create a place for your dreams or desires to grow. On paper, write down your goals or intent you wish to manifest, roll them up like scrolls and tie a ribbon around them. Place your desires into the box and let your box sit in the moon light.

You can also add herbs, crystals, flowers and other things to your box to increase your magic being focused. I recommend placing cat whiskers in your box for wishes and cat claws to grip onto your goals. Once your box is filled and charged with intent, burn incense near the box during a full or new moon and don't disturb the objects until you meet your goal or change your intentions.


Knot magic, also known as cord magic is magic done by the physical act of tying or untying knots in. Knots were thought to be powerful magical weapons since they could be ritually tied to impede a person or event, or undone to release power tied up in them.


Beauty products can be crafted using herbs, oils, moon water and more. These types of witchy crafts are part of glamour magic and are all about improving who one looks or feels.

Rose oil, lotions and creams, masks, body mists, bath salts, scrubs, shampoos and conditioners, body washes, make ups, perfumes, hair dyes and more can all be crafted.

Using stone face rollers / massagers, oil defusers, stones for feet, scalp exfoliater brush, dry brushes for skin or other exfoliating tools may be used by these practicers.


Medicines can be crafted using herbs, oils, moon water and more. These types of witchy crafts are part of healing magic and are about improving the wellbeing and physical state of one's self or another.

Medicines for pain relief, digestive support, heartburn, nausea, headaches, bug repellent, fatigue, infections, other illnesses and more can all be crafted.

Hang eucalyptus in the shower, rosemary by the bed to remember dreams, essential oil defusers to purify the air, plant to keep bugs away and many others my be used by these practicers.

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