The stars in her sky [Wolfsta...

By Jess_Dx

208 11 0

When an infant is left of Remus a Sirius's doorstep how will they react? How will her Hogwarts journey with h... More


Chapter 1

91 5 0
By Jess_Dx



The voice breaks me from my groove, and I become aware of the fading light.

I hang up the poster in my hands and grin at my handiwork before pushing off my bed.

"Coming!" I yell before running out the door and down the hall.

To make the journey quicker I run a few paces before sliding to the banister and taking the stairs far to quickly.

I jump the last two steps and take off past the front door and to the kitchen, where a delicious smell is filling the house.

"What's for dinner" I ask. Slightly out of breath.

Pad dad grins at me from his place sitting on the bench.

"D'you run it?"

I nod quickly with a grin before turning to dad at the stove.

"That smells really good."

He turns and smiles at me too.

"Pasta's almost ready. Set the table?"

I nod before crossing to the counter, and setting the big wooden table quickly before three bowls of pasta a set down and we all eat hungrily.

After almost silent eating Pad dad stops.

"You ready for tomorrow?" He asks with a glint in his eye.

I nod happily. And think back to the trunk packed at the end of my bed.

Hogwarts tomorrow.

"You all packed?" Dad asks, for the third time.

"Ok course reams, she's been packed all day" Pad dad cuts in for me.

"I'm so excited" I add. "You guys tells such cool stories about Hogwarts and what you did at school."

They smile at each other, lost in memories.

"But don't forget to avoid Snivellus" Pad dad mentions in a stage whisper.

"Sirius!" dad protests half-heartedly.

"You can't make her hate her professors before she even GETS there."

He grins back before we finish the meal, talking casually about our day.


After a loud game of exploding snap, I excuse myself up to my room and venture back up stairs, making sure to check for kreacher in the gap behind the fireplace

I step into my room and immediately feel a wash of warmth, noting that the fireplace is crackling away.

At least that elf is good for something other than skulking around.

Despite the nice warmth, I cross to the only non-square wall in my room, a small corner on a diagonal, and open the large window.

Checking my bedroom door is shut, I jump up onto the sill, twisting around so my back is to the considerable drop.

I pull my legs up and stand carefully, before stepping slightly to the left and grabbing the long drain pipe running beside my window.

The wind teases my dark hair as I climb and I make a note to tie it back when I get to the top.

Scaling the pipe is easy, a routine that I perfected weeks ago, and I pull myself up onto the slowly cooling tiles of the roof.

The cool night air envelops me as the warmth of my bedroom bleeds off me and the heavens open to reveal a clear night sky, scattered with stars.

Pulling a hair tie off my write I pull my hair back off my shoulders and into a low pony tail, before sitting down on the sloping ceramic tiles and lying back to watch the stars glimmer high above.

The peace of my stilled thoughts is broken half an hour later by a soft crack immediately to my right.

I don't need to look over to know dad's appeared on the roof.

He doesn't say anything straight away like I expected.

No 'why are you on the roof?' or 'this is dangerous you should be sleeping'.

He just lies down beside me and crosses his arms, watching the stars just like I am.

I glance sideways at him. His head parallel with my own and see the soft light reflecting in his eyes. No sign of anger or worry in them.

"Are you alright?" I hear him finally ask softly.

I go to answer with the automated 'I'm fine' but stop myself.

Am I ok?

I focus my mind on my body, my feelings.

All I felt was relaxed happiness with just a little bit excitement.

I exhale slowly, allowing my focus to wander back to the stars.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just stargazing."

I hear him laugh under his breath beside me. Prompting me to ask.

"How'd you know I was up here?"

I glance at him but his eyes never leave the sky, tracking over the stars like he's reading the pages of the universe.

"You're a lot like me you know."

He pauses but I don't interrupt, only wait for him to continue.

"Of course you have your father's humour and penchant for trouble, but you're a lot like me. I used to watch the stars all the time, sneaking up to the astronomy tower every night. Just laying down and watching the stars."

He looks over to me and meets my eyes.

"Your entrance into this world may be a mystery. But your dad and I are really proud of you."

I smile quietly and he drapes an arm over my shoulders before pulling me against him as we continue to watch the stars.

AWWWW that was cute. 

We love some father-daughter-watching-the-stars moments. They always end so well. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I felt a little stuck at the start but as I kept going things got smoother. 

See you next chapter lol (which will probably be next week).

Love ya!

- Jess x

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