I'm your kid too, father

By Gabreil_Mikaelson

407K 7.4K 743

Klaus had another child before Hope. The family took him in but dont see him as part of the family until they... More

New Orleans
It's over
The Witch
The baby
Pissed him off
wolfy grandfather
little sister
More weird relatives
What is happening
the plan
this family is mental
fucking prophecy's
meeting Aurora
Werewolf bite
first Christmas
Jackson's dead
Vampire Cami
almost dying again
Breaking the sireline
dirty country bar
What is Lucien up too
Saving the fam
Saved him
The Hollow?
I hate this thing
Tried to kill my dad
The party
the Harvest girls
My mom wants me
getting rid of thorns
I'm leaving
thousand years later

I've done been kidnapped

4.4K 92 5
By Gabreil_Mikaelson

I'm watching Freya sketch a rough draft of a spell then dad comes in the room and starts pacing

"Could you stop" I snap "You're being annoying"

"He's hovering" Freya sighs

dad doesn't look like he likes that word "I'm supervising. How else to speed up your endeavors? Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Vincent here? Force him to aid you by removing his legs?"

Auntie Freya rolls her eyes "Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien, either. Besides, if he leaves the St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next?"

Elijah enters the room

"The Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Davina, terrorizing our brother"

"What a surprise" dad pops "Another day, another witch-inspired vendetta"

"Well, Davina can take care of Kol for now. Let us focus our energies on Lucien. How do we demolish that rodent?"

"I'm working on it" Freya sighs

dad smiles "Yes! While we all have our roles to play, Finn can stay here and oversee whatever Freya is doing. Elijah and I are going to actually accomplish something"

Finn walks in the room "What have I been signed up for?"

"Staying with Aunt Freya" I smile

"And you" dad asks "After what happened yesterday you need to stay in and no magic for a couple days"


"You're punishing me for saving Finn???" I yell "Should I kill him again??"

Finn eyes widen

"The time for talking is done" dad snaps then leaves with Elijah


Finn is reading a book, I'm looking out the window, and Freya is still working on the sketch

Elijah walks in the room from god knows where "Freya, we are out of time"

Freya looks at him with this look "A sigil is a complicated magical symbol, weaponized and condensed to its most potent form. If I combine the right elements, we'll have a chance at stopping Lucien, and if I don't..."

there is panicked knocking from down stairs

we all rush down there but Hayley beats us

It's Cami

"What's wrong" Hayley asks

"It's Klaus....Lucien has him" Cami is loosing it

Hayley turns to us "Freya! Invite her in!"

"Yeah, come in, you're invited"

she walks in

"Tell us what happened" Finn says "Use calm words and breath"

"Lucien ambushed him. He knocked him around like it was nothing"

"Did he bite him" Hayley asks

it wouldn't work if it did because dad is a werewolf

Cami shakes her head furiously "No. I think he wanted him alive. I followed them. Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse"

I grab Freya "We need to keep working on that spell"

"Klaus said you can't do magic" Freya points out

my eyes roll "That went out the window when he was kidnapped....I have a plan"


as the sigil lights up when Lucien steps in it we walk in

"Oh. That looks like it hurts. That's what I was going for" Freya says

he groans "What...did you do to me?"

"The sigil binds you. Weakens you" I smirk "The boiling blood, was my decision. Maybe Freya and I can't kill you quite yet, but we can make you wish you were dead"

it's been awhile since he was in there

then he rises to his feet "Whew! Well, I admit, Freya, Samael, this is a truly valiant effort. Inspired, I assume, but your grief over Finn's demise?"

I chuckle "Finn's not dead; I saved him" then I slick my wrist sending him a aneurysm

he growls "Pop goes the weasel! Oh! A rather potent aneurysm spell. You never fail to impress, Samael"

Auntie clasps my shoulder "He's a fast learner. We even brought an audience to enjoy the show!"

some of the Strix vampires come in

Finn walks in behind them "The Strix are the show. The first part of it. I was thinking him being buried underneath a parking lot"

Lucien chuckles "I see you've finally grown use to your vampirism. I can kill anything even them. Even you. And, since the Ancestors have made me their champion... they will not allow me to be detained"

whispers are heard and then he steps out before I know what's happening everything is black again


I've been awake for a couple minutes as everyone but Kol recaps on what's happening

"Mission accomplished" dad snarks "And it only took you the better part of a day"

"Do you want the chains back on" Freya asks

Finn smiles "Do it not for him but for us all"

"You'd be doing us all a marvelous favor" Elijah states "Perhaps you could fasten something to his mouth?"

my hand goes up "I've got a spell for that"

Hayley walks in

"Aurora's still out cold. What are the chances of keeping her that way?"

"Oh, my spell will keep her down long enough to use the serum in her blood to figure out a way to kill both her and Lucien" Freya says

"I must say, I'm rather looking forward to it" dad says

"Welcome" I pop then leave the room


when I wake up I'm in Lucien's penthouse with Lucien and I'm tied up

"Hello, mate" he says "Can't have you saving Camille now can I. Don't worry we're about to go to Rousseau's"

"And if I don't want to go?"

he laughs "You don't have a choice"

with a pursed lips I nod

about an hour later we are there with lots of vampires and music

"Ah! Ladies and gentlemen make some noise!" Lucien shouts

the crowd cheers

"Come on, let the Mikaelson's hear you"

more cheers

"Even now, they hid in their dreadful, outdated fortress while we celebrate the liberation of New Orleans! Klaus' tenture is at an end. I expect he will arrive soon enough, seeking his retribution or his son. And when he does, the real party can begin"

the crown cheers some more

Davina enters spread some stuff on the ground and then the party vampires drop

"Well! What do we have here? Davina Claire" Lucien says jumping down circling her "Tossing about sleeping spells. Rather clever, if somewhat of a buzzkill. Oh, speaking of killing" then he goes after her

she holds her arms up knocking him on the floor and pulls out a doll


"Did you really bring your favorite doll to a bar fight?"

"The Figure Veritas will ensure the next words you speak will be the truth"

oh a truth doll

"I suppose I should just fess up. Tell you all my deepest, darkest secrets. I'm a Scorpio, I prefer wine to Whiskey, got a bit of a sweet tooth...oh, my greatest joy is listening to the screams of my victims just before I end them"

"Either give me Sam or tell me how to cure Cami"

Lucien smiles at me then swoops over to me hitting me

I'm going to have a concussion after today


when I wake up I'm back in my room at the compound and dad is sitting on the end

"I'm sorry" comes out of my mouth

he turns to me "What are you sorry for"

"I wasn't strong enough to escape Lucien and save Cami"

dad sighs "I've done it again....I've failed you. It's not your job to protect yourself, that's my job. It's not your job to save people either. I was so worried about Cami that I wasn't protecting you" he gets up "I'm the one that is sorry"

the he leaves

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